Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: cryptodevil on May 26, 2014, 10:16:27 AM

Title: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: cryptodevil on May 26, 2014, 10:16:27 AM
There's a number of ways you could improve this forum, but one of the easiest places to start would be to reject any post that includes a full-post quote.

There's rarely any need to include the full content of an existing post one is replying to, and they leave discussion threads messy as hell. Particularly the sheer number of '+1' useless-one-liners that are often the entire content of the reply added to the bottom of the full-post-quote.

Mods, you have my sympathy. This place is must be a nightmare to keep in order.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: hilariousandco on May 26, 2014, 10:26:24 AM
There's rarely any need to include the full content of an existing post one is replying to, and they leave discussion threads messy as hell. Particularly the sheer number of '+1' useless-one-liners that are often the entire content of the reply added to the bottom of the full-post-quote.

Of course there is. Not much point in having to delete a bit of it just to reply either. I think people should cut some of the quotes out that aren't really needed though, and I usually do.

You can also report useless +1 posts.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: cryptodevil on May 26, 2014, 10:35:00 AM
There's rarely any need
Of course there is.

I think you are confusing the word 'need' with 'want'. There is rarely any need to full-quote a post, particularly those over one or two lines long.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: shorena on May 26, 2014, 10:54:58 AM
There's rarely any need
Of course there is.

I think you are confusing the word 'need' with 'want'. There is rarely any need to full-quote a post, particularly those over one or two lines long.

While there is no need and your opionion is:

they leave discussion threads messy as hell.

my personal opinion is that whole post quotes can clearify who you are talking to in a big discussion. Sometimes I prefer to split them up. I only see a problem with full post quotes that stack for the 4th or 5th time. Those should imho (!) be trimmed.
But this is all it is. Opinion or personal preference. It is your personal opinion that this would improve this forum. Mine is: it wouldnt. I think it would confuse people.
I dont think theymos will do any changes that are not absolutily crucial either. There is a new forum in the working ( you can suggest your idea there and see what others think.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: hilariousandco on May 26, 2014, 11:13:47 AM
There's rarely any need
Of course there is.

I think you are confusing the word 'need' with 'want'. There is rarely any need to full-quote a post, particularly those over one or two lines long.

I think you're the one confusing them. I don't think there's any need to disallow people from quoting the whole message but you seem to want it.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: cryptodevil on May 26, 2014, 11:24:34 AM
@shorena, see how I addressed you there without needing to even quote you? Neat, huh?

@hilariousandco - My suggestion is one that would allow for discussion threads to be made considerably tidier and easier to read through, fact not opinion, while, at the same time, reducing the Mods' workload by automatically preventing whole-post quoting because it is something rarely justified or needed. It would also save on having to both report and deal with whole-post-quoted-useless-one-liners, such as '+1'. You, on the other hand, don't want such a change to be made because, well you just don't.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: hilariousandco on May 26, 2014, 11:40:32 AM
I don't think you know the difference between fact and opinion. It's your opinion that it'll make it tidier and easy to read through. It's not a fact that it will. It'll make it worse in some cases when you're forced to unnecesarily delete content from a quote just to bypass it. What happens when you need to quote a short message? Delete half of it so it becomes nonsensical? I don't want it implemented because it's a silly idea tp force people to do this, and of course there are times when it's justifiable and needed to quote a whole message.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: shorena on May 26, 2014, 12:53:03 PM
@shorena, see how I addressed you there without needing to even quote you? Neat, huh?

Yeah, works fine. I like the quote style better though. And thats basically all this is - as I said before - personal preference. I dont know why you want to enforce a certain style of posting. There is no need for this. Readability and tidiness is personal preference.

What happens when you need to quote a short message? Delete half of it so it becomes nonsensical? I don't want it implemented because it's a silly idea tp force people to do this, and of course there are times when it's justifiable and needed to quote a whole message.

People are lazy and if they are forced to edit a quote they dont want to edit, they will either stop quoting or edit as little as possible. I can just remove the last dot or copy pasta the whole post and make quote-tags by hand.
Even if there would be need for this, I dont see how this can be implemented.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: Djao on May 26, 2014, 12:59:04 PM
There's a number of ways you could improve this forum, but one of the easiest places to start would be to reject any post that includes a full-post quote.

There's rarely any need to include the full content of an existing post one is replying to, and they leave discussion threads messy as hell. Particularly the sheer number of '+1' useless-one-liners that are often the entire content of the reply added to the bottom of the full-post-quote.

Mods, you have my sympathy. This place is must be a nightmare to keep in order.

full quotes can be important to proof certain things, like in this case, how bad your proposal is, Nudge Nudge ;)

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: jambola2 on May 26, 2014, 01:53:24 PM
If they had a new forum made , they could do something like limit quote size for long posts.

Maybe a quoted post could be truncated after a certain amount of characters , with the link :- "See full message"

Or , they could put the limit on data within quotes and also the total data quoted in a message. This could have some annoying effects though.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: Vod on May 26, 2014, 02:51:11 PM
There's a number of ways you could improve this forum, but one of the easiest places to start would be to reject any post that includes a full-post quote.

There's rarely any need to include the full content of an existing post one is replying to, and they leave discussion threads messy as hell. Particularly the sheer number of '+1' useless-one-liners that are often the entire content of the reply added to the bottom of the full-post-quote.

Mods, you have my sympathy. This place is must be a nightmare to keep in order.

People have the ability to edit/delete thier own posts.  If someone posts something significant that I feel they may change in the future, I quote it.  This happens more often than "rarely". 

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: cryptodevil on May 26, 2014, 04:12:21 PM
Ok then, how about a compromise, say instead of rejecting the post outright, it displays a warning similar to the one you get when someone has added to a thread while you are writing your reply?

Something along the lines of asking them if they are absolutely sure they want to full-quote a post and that, if they don't need to, it would be good forum etiquette for them to edit it down to just the parts they want to reference.

Whilst some will just ignore it, I'm sure that plenty of members who are inexperienced forum users would certainly reconsider this bad habit.

Staff workload reduced somewhat, thread readability improved, nobody kicked in the nuts and thrown to the kerb. Everybody happy!

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: Soappa on May 26, 2014, 04:36:49 PM
There's a number of ways you could improve this forum, but one of the easiest places to start would be to reject any post that includes a full-post quote.

Indeed, about a month ago, someone suggested only "full-post" quoting should be allowed to prevent people making up stuff in the quotes, such as: (just for illustration :P)
I love bitcoin

You can find the thread here.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: umair127 on May 26, 2014, 04:37:39 PM
wow sorry to say but you guys always complain on other people posting style, how do you know they are not just responding to the whole comment?,  And I try to cut out other quotes but im no expert in html so I leave it be.  

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: hilariousandco on May 26, 2014, 05:05:54 PM
Ok then, how about a compromise, say instead of rejecting the post outright, it displays a warning similar to the one you get when someone has added to a thread while you are writing your reply?

Something along the lines of asking them if they are absolutely sure they want to full-quote a post and that, if they don't need to, it would be good forum etiquette for them to edit it down to just the parts they want to reference.

That would be a better suggestion, but I still think the lazy people will just ignore it. There's a warning on necroing threads and people still do it.

Title: Re: Automatic rejection for whole-post-quoting, please.
Post by: Rigon on May 26, 2014, 05:22:48 PM
wow sorry to say but you guys always complain on other people posting style, how do you know they are not just responding to the whole comment?,  And I try to cut out other quotes but im no expert in html so I leave it be.  

Yeah I also have issues quoting parts of the thread,  I try to take pieces out but get the whole thing wrong and it shows up big mess,  sucks they dont have an easier way to do quotes, also this forum wasnt made from scratch was takes from software company who provides forums.