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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Dot Dot on May 27, 2014, 11:07:12 AM

Title: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Dot Dot on May 27, 2014, 11:07:12 AM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: BitCoinDream on May 27, 2014, 11:17:38 AM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

You should definitely be worried. This kinda a character, male/female, who whine about their ex, are to be avoided like plague. I dont know if u have given her your best. But, if u have, and still she is missing the ex, the only option left to you is to dump her and move on. Girls are monogamous in nature and if she really loved u, she would not have cried for her ex. And believe me, u never know how strong u r, unless being strong is the only option left to u...

Moreover, there is nothing called first love on this earth. Love is a feeling that always look for a body to best fit upon. There are people who always like to cherish the past over present. For them, first love or the previous love is always better than the current one. They are inherently dissatisfied and nothing of the present can satisfy them.

p.s. The above opinion is given solely on my personal experience and ideology. Any unwanted hurt is extremely regretted.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Nik1ab on May 27, 2014, 11:20:23 AM
Don't get into stupid relationships and you won't have these stupid problems.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: sana8410 on May 27, 2014, 11:28:29 AM
To be honest, I would tell her that I don't want to continue the relationship. She shouldn't be having a relationship with you if she is pining for someone else.
Tell her that if ever she gets over him, to give you a call, and you will think about it - if you haven't moved on yourself, that is.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: ahmedjadoon on May 27, 2014, 12:06:50 PM
Definitely that doesn't seem like fine.It tells that she is not happy with you that much.Try to convince her or simply leave.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Rigon on May 27, 2014, 01:55:16 PM
Well, first you should give her some more time to get over it. Don't try and rush the healing. After,If she doesn't seem to be getting over her ex maybe it would be wise to go your separate ways.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: the joint on May 27, 2014, 02:04:47 PM
Tell her that you understand, but that if she persists upon him then she has to forget about you forever.  Is it possible that the reason she keeps persisting upon him even though she's with you is because she feels she has no chance of ever losing you?  Women want what they can't have, and they also are more drawn to selective males because selectiveness is an indicator of both confidence and dominance.  If she knows she can easily lose you, she may refocus her efforts on you.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Dot Dot on May 27, 2014, 02:08:00 PM
Tell her that you understand, but that if she persists upon him then she has to forget about you forever.  Is it possible that the reason she keeps persisting upon him even though she's with you is because she feels she has no chance of ever losing you?  Women want what they can't have, and they also are more drawn to selective males because selectiveness is an indicator of both confidence and dominance.  If she knows she can easily lose you, she may refocus her efforts on you.
Well i agree with you.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: zangokoon on May 27, 2014, 02:25:40 PM
Maybe she just need u, but not love u.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: sana8410 on May 27, 2014, 02:38:37 PM
Maybe she just need u, but not love u.
+ For sure she is with you just to forget him.This relation is not good,is not good to start something new when your mind and heart are still in the past.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: commandrix on May 27, 2014, 02:46:10 PM
1) Decide whether you want to remain with her.
2) If you do, step back and analyze your own behavior. If you want her to forget the ex and be with you, you need to be ready to prove you're a better "catch" than the ex ever was.
3) If you don't, let her down softly with a kind of "It's obvious that you just need some time to get over this" riff.
4) In a year or two, think back and decide whether you have any regrets about where the relationship ended up going.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: GoofyUK on May 27, 2014, 02:48:04 PM
go to the ex's facebook page and print out a big picture of him,

cut out the face and make a mask,

gf will fall in love with you

sexy time



Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: yayayo on May 27, 2014, 03:49:22 PM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

You should definitely be worried. This kinda a character, male/female, who whine about their ex, are to be avoided like plague. I dont know if u have given her your best. But, if u have, and still she is missing the ex, the only option left to you is to dump her and move on. Girls are monogamous in nature and if she really loved u, she would not have cried for her ex.

Yes, you should be worried! You should either end the relationship or start dating other girls in parallel. Otherwise she will hurt you badly.

Be strong like a man. Your well-being is no less important than her.


Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: BCwinning on May 27, 2014, 03:52:02 PM
Just to repeat what has been posted already here;
start looking for a new girlfriend. She's going to break your heart if you don't do it now.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: mezmerizer9 on May 27, 2014, 03:58:23 PM
go to the ex's facebook page and print out a big picture of him,

cut out the face and make a mask,

gf will fall in love with you

sexy time



I can assure you that this will work perfectly or if you are willing to go big, kidnap her ex, skin him and attach his face to yours. Just be careful with the whole skinning thing, it can get very messy.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Dafar on May 27, 2014, 04:19:12 PM
Wow... 7 months and she still cries for her ex... that is not a good sign. You are probably not satisfying her enough bro. But acting worried and coming off as insecure will make her like you less

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on May 30, 2014, 11:31:33 AM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

Yes, you should.

Tell her to spend the weekend with the guy so that she can figure out what she wants.

You win either way.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: trattrat on May 30, 2014, 01:11:56 PM
just dump her its as simple as that.....

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: WEB slicer on May 30, 2014, 06:14:07 PM
just dump her its as simple as that.....
agreed, it's that simple.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: BowieMan on May 30, 2014, 06:44:16 PM
yeah she would drop you in a second bro. at least be aware.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Whitehouse on May 30, 2014, 06:46:43 PM
It's simple. Kill the ex. Just kidding. I dont see how you could be with someone if they had someone else on their mind.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: ArbatDeli on May 30, 2014, 07:56:31 PM
at least she's honest. but how serious could your relationship be if she in love with someone else? not a good situation to be in. i'd tell her i couldn't roll like that....

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: akali on May 30, 2014, 08:13:20 PM
go to the ex's facebook page and print out a big picture of him,

cut out the face and make a mask,

gf will fall in love with you

sexy time



Wow, I laughed so hard lol.

No seriously though... "profit" LOL.

The dude needs some good advice, not some bad response... outside from this response. I would try to break the situation down, if its 7 months that sounds about right since depending if its a first relationship or a good long one that just turned sour.

Just keep in mind, that and so something sensual that leads to having good sex, "without the whole printing mask" idiot response part.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: saif92 on May 30, 2014, 08:19:36 PM
I believe you need to talk her about this and leave her on good note because its hurting you also too much

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: acs267 on May 30, 2014, 08:22:50 PM
Talk to her, but you really can't choose who she's attracted to.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: ARGpentem on May 30, 2014, 09:22:10 PM
yeah just dont try to force this relationship if she still wanna be with someone else. just gonna get hurt bro.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Bagus23 on May 31, 2014, 04:10:07 AM
I believe you need to talk her about this and leave her on good note because its hurting you also too much

sounds fair to me.

i like this answer, and.. works well.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: deepestfear on May 31, 2014, 07:37:47 AM
Get out, and fast!

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: m2asia on May 31, 2014, 08:51:41 AM
I believe you need to talk her about this and leave her on good note because its hurting you also too much

sounds fair to me.

i like this answer, and.. works well.
Yea... It sounds the best possible action he can take. Well... If you REALLY into her, I think you'll do anything for her. BUT, if she still see her ex the way she did. Leave her. Unless you're masochist, don't continue that relationship.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: jillkelly on May 31, 2014, 09:10:11 AM
Unless you're masochist, don't continue that relationship.

that's the key right there.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: onlinepro on May 31, 2014, 07:39:23 PM
Get new one.
If she wants her ex back she isn't good for you.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: trashman43 on May 31, 2014, 11:51:02 PM
seems from reading this thread what the consensus is. good luck man, that's a tough spot to be in. :-\

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: dank on May 31, 2014, 11:52:49 PM
Freelove.  Have both.  Having an open relationship doesn't make yours with someone any less special.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: jbrnt on June 01, 2014, 12:02:59 AM
Take her to see her ex-bf going out with his hot new gf. Show her how her ex-bf has forgotten about her already. That should do it. She will move on.  :)

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: on June 01, 2014, 12:06:25 AM
lol. get a new one.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: smoothie on June 01, 2014, 12:07:30 AM
I would break it off and see if she comes back. Give the relationship a break for a few months and see if she hasn't run back to the other guy.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 01, 2014, 12:49:22 AM
OK, time to stop whining and dump the bitch.

She is playing you.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: DAYAGO on June 01, 2014, 01:50:41 AM
Well, first of all talk to her about it, it's best for your relationship if you communicate with her. Then just wait i guess, if she loves you then she'll get over it, if not then it's better for both of you guys to end it. Wish you luck

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: dougg on June 01, 2014, 01:55:22 AM
Just fuck the shit out of her, at the same time scope for a new chick whos actually single.

Game over.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: arbitrage001 on June 01, 2014, 04:39:17 AM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

You should definitely be worried. This kinda a character, male/female, who whine about their ex, are to be avoided like plague. I dont know if u have given her your best. But, if u have, and still she is missing the ex, the only option left to you is to dump her and move on. Girls are monogamous in nature and if she really loved u, she would not have cried for her ex. And believe me, u never know how strong u r, unless being strong is the only option left to u...

Moreover, there is nothing called first love on this earth. Love is a feeling that always look for a body to best fit upon. There are people who always like to cherish the past over present. For them, first love or the previous love is always better than the current one. They are inherently dissatisfied and nothing of the present can satisfy them.

p.s. The above opinion is given solely on my personal experience and ideology. Any unwanted hurt is extremely regretted.

Very insightful on female nature. I will quote this and keep this forever in my personal log.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 01, 2014, 04:43:51 AM
Oh, just ditch the bitch and go out and get laid!

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Sydboy on June 01, 2014, 04:45:29 AM
you need to get out of there.
that is all.

My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: jzcjca00 on June 01, 2014, 01:22:49 PM
It sounds like you're not tripping her attraction triggers.  Fortunately, that is fixable.

I recommend that you evaluate the relationship objectively.  Ignore lust for now, as that always fades with time.  Is she the person you'll be happy with as a life partner for decades to come?  Is she honest, open, happy, caring, hardworking, engaged in life, active, interested in keeping up her health and fitness, genuinely interested in the same things you are?  Or is she a boring, slovenly alcoholic who sits in front of the TV whenever possible.

If she's not so great, then use any excuse you want, and leave her.

If she's a keeper,  then you need to fix this.  It sounds like you're probably a nice guy, and that's probably why she is still thinking about her ex.  Girls are not physically programmed to be attracted to nice guys.  The fastest way to get a girl to dump you is to frequently say, "whatever you want is fine with me."  Trust me, if she gets her way all the time because you won't express an opinion, she will never have the kinds of feelings for you that she seems to have for her ex.

Girls are attracted to leaders.  I'm not talking about jerks who try to boss them around.  I'm talking about men who are actively engaged in life, interested in the details of everyday life, planning ahead, making decisions, making suggestions, caring about the results.

While men are attracted to a woman's physical characteristics, women are mostly attracted to a man's behavior.  While she might enjoy getting her way for a while, if you let her be the leader in the relationship, she will eventually get bored, grow to hate you, and leave.

It's fine for her to still be hung up on her ex.  However, if you want to keep her, you need to be the kind of alpha male that she will be even more hung up on.  Again, don't make the mistake of thinking that an alpha male is a jerk who always tries to get his way.  The true alpha male is simply a leader.  You plan things ahead, considering everyone's best interests.  You make decisions about what the best course of action might be.  You propose those plans before she proposes her own plans.  You listen to her feedback on your suggestions.  You lead the negotiations to arrive at a solution acceptable to all parties.  You lead the family -- every little decision, all day, every day.  You have two jobs -- protect and lead the family unit.  You focus on doing those two jobs well, and before you know it, she will be putting her energy into loving you rather than crying over someone else.

Be the man.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: dumbdragon on June 01, 2014, 01:58:28 PM
Its okay friend!

If you are afraid of losing her, just get a app called "tinder". And see how many matches you get, then verify yourself if you want to stick around with this chick.

Heres a link I think that will help a bit?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: TrailingComet on June 01, 2014, 06:24:37 PM
Screw her one last time and then walk away
This can only end in tears for you

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: iluvpie60 on June 01, 2014, 07:29:11 PM
My gf yesterday told me that she still mises her ex, they broke up 7 months ago but she still cries for him every night and sometimes i also feel like she's getting away from me but she tells me that she loves me. should i be worried?

We need more background information.

Are you good looking/handsome/attractive? Scale of 1 through 10 what would most girls say you are? How old are you? Are you immature? Is she immature and wants to party? Is she actually smart or is she annoying and all about herself? What build are you? How tall are you? Are you really funny? Are you shy and that is turning her off? Was her ex an asshole type of guy that rough housed around a lot and she wants you to do that?

There are so many things that play into this. my current girlfriend of 6 years (6 years tomorrow) loves everything about me. I am funny most of the time, serious when I need to be, I goof around and forget things like a regular guy would, I'm not over protective of her in any capacity. We live together for past 2 years, I am 6 foot tall, good looking(generally most of my friends who are girls agree), funny, supportive, agressive, blah blah blah. I am basically everything and I have no qualms about being a little bit of every personality. I can be argumentative or I can be agreeable, it depends on what is called for. I can be stubborn or I can change my mind.

A lot of different situations come up in a relationship that sometimes are hard to know what to do in the moment. Luckily I have dated a few other girls before Rachel, I had a serious relationship before her too that almost got to two years. I am now 25 and Rachel will be 25 soon.

If you seriously gave me a list of a bunch of things I could give you a really solid answer. I am litterally the guy everyone comes to with their problems whether I want them to tell me or not. Every single person I ever talked with feels like they can open up to me. That is because I don't outwardly judge anyone most of the time(unless its close friends and we can handle eachothers BS hehe).

But for real you need to supply more info that she misses her ex. You might need to learn how to get her to move on, and if you can't then there is nothing you can do.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: mission on June 01, 2014, 09:38:54 PM
Are you good looking/handsome/attractive? (...)
Don't listen to this guy...

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: DolanDuck on June 01, 2014, 09:48:12 PM
Just look forward and search another girlfriend, you are about to be friendzoned.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: beetcoin on June 01, 2014, 10:02:52 PM
kinda sucks to be the second fiddle type guy.. i would ask her if she's just with me because she's feeling lonely. i don't think i would take it.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: aboo on June 01, 2014, 10:22:48 PM
Just look forward and search another girlfriend, you are about to be friendzoned.

Yeah I been in the friend zoned many of times.

Its the worst feeling, esp the girl being super cute..  :'(

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Zoey Kush on June 02, 2014, 12:44:35 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 01:06:13 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 01:30:06 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 01:50:06 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 01:58:11 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

i don't know, i consider someone who thinks they can solve all their issues with their cock an alpha male.. or someone who's trying to be funny.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 02:03:44 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

i don't know, i consider someone who thinks they can solve all their issues with their cock an alpha male.. or someone who's trying to be funny.

That is because you do not understand the term.

Are you by chance a Democrat?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 02:07:54 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

i don't know, i consider someone who thinks they can solve all their issues with their cock an alpha male.. or someone who's trying to be funny.

That is because you do not understand the term.

Are you by chance a Democrat?

no. and i understand the term in a colloquial context. maybe it's supposed to mean this or that, but the general population interprets as the way i described.

are you by chance a conservative/libertarian?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 03:02:14 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

i don't know, i consider someone who thinks they can solve all their issues with their cock an alpha male.. or someone who's trying to be funny.

That is because you do not understand the term.

Are you by chance a Democrat?

no. and i understand the term in a colloquial context. maybe it's supposed to mean this or that, but the general population interprets as the way i described.

are you by chance a conservative/libertarian?

Please provide us with links substantiating your claim regarding the perception of the general poulation of the term to which you refer.

"no. and i understand the term in a colloquial context. maybe it's supposed to mean this or that, but the general population interprets as the way i described."

In other words, you really don't know what you are talking about.

"This or that."?

WTF is "This or that."?

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: beetcoin on June 02, 2014, 04:57:52 AM
You just need to give her a seriously deep dicking and she'll forget all about him.


He needs to dump her fast.

he's either an alpha male or thinks he's being funny.. but yeah, hanging on to someone who doesn't want to be with you is pretty fucked up. and staying with her for the sex, knowing that she doesn't really want to be with you, just doesn't sit right. it's a no win situation.


He is being a pussy.

A true Alpha Male would have resolved the issue and would never have posted.

i don't know, i consider someone who thinks they can solve all their issues with their cock an alpha male.. or someone who's trying to be funny.

That is because you do not understand the term.

Are you by chance a Democrat?

no. and i understand the term in a colloquial context. maybe it's supposed to mean this or that, but the general population interprets as the way i described.

are you by chance a conservative/libertarian?

Please provide us with links substantiating your claim regarding the perception of the general poulation of the term to which you refer.

"no. and i understand the term in a colloquial context. maybe it's supposed to mean this or that, but the general population interprets as the way i described."

In other words, you really don't know what you are talking about.

"This or that."?

WTF is "This or that."?

a little pedantic, aren't you? this or that is a vague term, as it's meant to be. that doesn't matter... obviously i meant "whatever it's supposed to mean."

also, you can just google "what is an alpha male" to find it yourself.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: negafen on June 02, 2014, 07:39:32 AM
Prudent action is to walk away.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: keithers on June 02, 2014, 07:51:52 AM
You need to bounce her immediately. The fact that she does that means that she view you as just a shoulder to cry on... Super disrespect in my opinion

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: marilynmanson21 on June 02, 2014, 08:00:47 AM
yes, you should worry. That's not good sign

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 08:22:48 AM
Between the OP and dank....................................

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: iglasses on June 02, 2014, 09:13:16 PM
Man that's rough...I mean I don't know how you could ever have sex with her again knowing that every second she is thinking about the x piping her instead of you.  Every time you are together all she really wants is for you to be him.  She probably stays up every night trying to convince herself to just dump you and get it over with.  You are not him, you will never be him.  I give you credit for even having the stomach to look at her knowing you mean nothing to her.  You could do anything and she would just toss you out like a half eaten bagel if it meant she could have just five more minutes with 'HIM'.  I'll bet she cums harder just masturbating thinking of him than she ever could with you.
Good luck though man, hope it works out for you.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 02, 2014, 09:22:18 PM

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: Ron~Popeil on June 02, 2014, 10:59:05 PM
Where I come from we call that baggage. First get some self respect then get out and find someone that worth devoting yourself to.

Title: Re: My girlfriend still mises her ex, what do i do?
Post by: m2asia on June 03, 2014, 03:15:37 AM
Man that's rough...I mean I don't know how you could ever have sex with her again knowing that every second she is thinking about the x piping her instead of you.  Every time you are together all she really wants is for you to be him.  She probably stays up every night trying to convince herself to just dump you and get it over with.  You are not him, you will never be him.  I give you credit for even having the stomach to look at her knowing you mean nothing to her.  You could do anything and she would just toss you out like a half eaten bagel if it meant she could have just five more minutes with 'HIM'.  I'll bet she cums harder just masturbating thinking of him than she ever could with you.
Good luck though man, hope it works out for you.
Man.. Thats harsh, n true. Yeah, as I said before, so long u are not into masochism, dont go with this road. You can get another girl, who will love u n not her ex.

If you think she's the only one, so be it.

Go n be masochist.

Or worse, go n be a gay...
Not that I recommend it tho.

It sounds hurt and...
