Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: digitalindustry on May 27, 2014, 01:26:20 PM

Title: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 27, 2014, 01:26:20 PM
first lets start with some history :


Stealth Phase -------------------------------------| Attention| ----------Main phase ----------------------| Blowoff -------       | >>>>>>> return to mean < as stated in the first video by myself -

sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 word is it not ?

Currently you can see from the graph above we are in "despair" mode right now - and on Reddit there is a move by the reddit goers to push for a hard fork to PoS.

I've been following Reddit for this reason and i've followed it from day one, now there are a lot of voices that were silent on lots of topics that seem to be pretty vocal on the idea of a move to PoS -

of course many mean well , but obviously we saw this played out with  "Project Salt" previously in which their panicked rush at that time was to "fork the currency" to "save Quark" and bring equity to the world : D

if you are a veteran of the crypto industry you know how flawed PoS is form a strictly economic basis, thats not to say it doesn't work in some cases, and i even support PoS designs because i like some of the the ideas.

but of course what makes Quark exceptional and unique are the things that a few people would like to see taken away form it -

so here are some points :

- PoS unless the stake rate is moved to 100 or 200% Pa will not (in my opinion) provide for any limited bump in the price.

- PoS combined with the full distribution such as Quarks would likely have the opposite effect. the price will go down as large holder could generate most of the stake.

- PoS could lead to the currency forking as if it is not carried out by professional developers would lead to all sorts of zany consequences .

- PoS complicates the original simplicity of Quark.

other points -

The fear is overblown because we are in despair phase (see chart) - i have solutions and I intent to work closely with core people and slowly grow that team bigger. ( those i have spoken to know what i mean)

The fear comes though the lack of education , do we want the least educated around Cryptocurrency deciding on a fork to PoS ?

i'm very much against this move but if the community here pushes for it  

(I'm sorry Reddit does not count in development matters because you have to come here and show your forum account and your history on this forum )

if this community peers where to push for PoS, then i will begrudgingly accept it  after all lets face it my % gain on Quark is something that is a part of history now probably only match by the Bitcoin and Litecoin devs.  (and a few others)

so long term i'm agnostic - there will always be another currency the Quark design is the superior fundamental design, a move away from that associated with the brand "Quark " would be humorous and silly, but if it is done i'd have to accept that. : )

now what can be done for our perceived problem?

many things and i will contact members of our community soon.  : D


Summary - Please give feedback on a move to PoS for Quark  the number to the right of your logo or non logo will matter and your history of comments on here will matter.  : D

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: reRaise on May 27, 2014, 01:42:29 PM
I would like to quote some from community members

Two side of any coin including cryptocoin.

Quark is the first rather successful effort to make a cryptocurrency according to macroeconomic theory and human experience in this field. In fact Satoshi made bitcoin as a program not a money. His ideas in computer science are brilliant but economic ones are rather amateur. To name a few economic flaws:

Large average transaction time. Considering the security there is no difference between 10 1-minute blocks and a 10-minute one. It’s equally difficult to find either of them and reverse a transaction. But for end user it’s better to have freedom of choice in security-time trade-off.

Lame hashing algorythm which produce ASIC mining industry with huge entering treshold and centralization.

Economically weak initial distribution model, resulting with degradation of miners from partners in decentralized consensuns as a mechanizm of network self-control to profit-seeking looters who give a crap on benefits of cryptocurrency, paradigm-shift and thw whole cryptocoin idea.

One could find others but these are the most conserning ones in our time, roughly 5 years since Bitcoin genesis block.

Quark tried to solve this issues and offered the following:

30 sec block time which results in average transaction confirmation time in range of 10-15 sec which is appropriate for an everyday trade.

6 “non-NSA” hashes which provide a better realization of “one CPU equals one vote” rule completely forgotten in SHA256 or Scrypt-secured coins (“one ASIC datacenter equals one vote”).

Fast inintial distribution model with 0.5% inflation rate in long run. It should secure investors and supportes funds from devaluation through new coin minting and coin mass growing.

Excluding fast block time which is proven working, other measures mostly do solve issues they intend to solve but produce other problems and challenges.

Right now [27 of May 2014] the main problem for Quark is completely hoppible situation in mining. Pool generate from 60% to 70% of blocks and we have roughly 500 i7-class CPUs hashing ATM. So, we could experience a 51% attack virtually at any moment. And even assuming pool operator completely honest it’s very easy for someone to DDOS the location of major hashrate and attack Quark with no more than half a thousand CPUs. It’s a small botnet or a not very large corporate network -- e.g. Microsoft has 1200 000 server nodes, Google -- 800 000. The reason for such a pathetic situation is generally the initial coin distribution model, which generate very few Quarks, not enough to feed profit-seeking commercial miners. Just an other side of one of the greatest advantage of Quark.

Considering this we can conclude that right now Quark is unsecure at all and it would be highly unreasonable to use it for large transactions.

To fight this we of course could use new pools, donation mining, but these are half-measures. We can’t gather more computing power than a large corporate network on a donation basis.

The problem is fundamental and will stay long-term, so the solution must be fundamental. I think the only viable option is Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the form of mining when a probability of block generation increases dramatically with increase of coins in the wallet of miner. TO day this technology has already proven itself with a several years of operating in probably a hundred of coins. I know no serious issues reported or acknowledged security concerns.

Moreover, PoS is viable economically, as it reward long-term coin supportes and provide income on capital. Also PoS stimulate people to maintain full nodes which favorably affects network integrity and security.

Still, PoS is not ideal because it give a significant share of block and coin generation to coin bags with large wallets. But it could be adjusted to reduce such factor. For example the network could provide even tiny amount of coins generated this way and the process will be still continuing since the costs is almost zero. Or amount of PoS generated coins and/or probability of block finding may be depend nonlinear from wallet. Anyway we could find some intelligent and economically justified solution.

I believe the community must reach a consensus on this matter. We can’t build a succesful coin without an appropriate security basis. And we need to prove the world that we are able to handle such security problems.

and also this

I agree PoS solves a lot of problems, namely the security of the network.
This is an opportunity to implement a fairer distribution of stake rewards based on wallet size.
We could have a max stake reward based on wallet sizes of say 200,000.
Such that if someone has 100,000 coins stakes at 0.4%: (400 coins), someone who has 200,000 coins would receive a max stake at 0.4% (800 coins.) someone who has 300,000 coins would receive a max stake at ~0.266% (800 coins)
Large wallet holder receives the full 0.4% stake on their first 200k coins only.
This gives incentive for smaller wallet holders to stake (and secure the network) increasing decentralization and doesn't reward super large wallet holders 'unfairly'.

and a little more controverse

Guys, I appreciate the discussion and voting on POS, but do realize that this is not the only way to do things, it does come with its own set of issues, and it is NOT a trivial undertaking. I have multiple times posted the list below with the intention of sparking discussion on alternative measures to implement to ensure blockchain security. Please join me in discussing these and other alternatives that you can think of as well.

*1. Jackpot related mining rewards - if we can get the Grotto Lotto jackpots raised then we can produce mining incentive by paying people indirectly through grotto lotto. This is a stop gap solution until our valuation is high enough.

Proposed Goal - 20K starting point for jackpots each month going forward. We need help funding this.

*2. Mining software that allows easy access to GPU mining on multipools that pay out in Quark and that also donate 10-20% of mining power to the Quark network. There is a practical means of implementation of this - I may have found someone to code this for us now.

We have a community member now actively looking at doing this for us

*3. ? Merge mined coin. Lots of issues including constant dumping, the fact that its value is tied to investment,which would be hard to obtain if all it is is a mining token for Quark.

I don't think this option is likely viable currently but would appreciate suggestions on implementation

Currently NO. Current situation is not the best, but POS is a tough question too with its own vices. Currently what comes in mind:
Forking issues, POS is really hard to maintain, it was proven buy quite a lot of coins. Getting in functioning correctly could be tough thing. This is very big concern, because at this stage if we would have forking issues this could effectively kill Quark and push it into oblivion. Currently QRK network is stable and never required dev to fix it. Its a big deal. Once we turn to POS problems can arise at any moment and without dedicated(not hired for one time) competent dev we could be unable to fix it at all.
Requires hardfork. This is also not a benefit. This requires all services to support our fork. And for example if refuses to update than our POS is screwed.

Different emission model. POS will increase inflation and actually will eliminate one of Quarks USP - constant mining rate (or EQ reward as some calls it). In this terms Quark will lose its identity to an extent (there are quite a bit coins with POS+POW design and fast mining schedule - CGB for example)

So my point is that we should try everything in our capabilities to solve network security issue prior to hard forking to POS. Hardforking is always last resort, when everything else does not work, its obviously not the case as we are only starting to work towards fixing this issue. I invite everyone to join a discussion started by Vic
Lets work together and look at the problem from different angles, only that way we can find optimal solution.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: dragonseer on May 27, 2014, 01:44:38 PM

- PoS complicates the original simplicity of Quark.

This is enough of a reason for me to say no to PoS. Very much against. If someone asks me what Quark is, I'd say it is like Bitcoin, but it's faster and more secure. Obviously there are concerns about incentives for miners ensuring network security but I mean it's intrinsically more secure due to the algorithm, it's part of the design. I still don't think people outside of the crypto community understand what Proof of Stake is, and yet it is people outside of the crypto community that we want to discover this coin.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 27, 2014, 02:11:47 PM
No problem - ReRaise - but i have a further question  :

if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only - do you think this was because of the experimental nature of PoS  ?

genuine question i appreciate your feedback -

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on May 27, 2014, 02:21:04 PM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: reRaise on May 27, 2014, 02:40:31 PM
No problem - ReRaise - but i have a further question  :

if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only - do you think this was because of the experimental nature of PoS  ?

genuine question i appreciate your feedback -

I got you, but PoW is great if the network can be secured, see Bitcoin. But what if the network isn't being secure enough by the miners? Quark is a great coin with some thoughtful features like random hashing giving only a 30 seconds window to an attacker with use of market and macroeconomic theory in this field of knowledge. But right now it's quite weak and could face an attack pretty easily. Let's admit it and work this out. Like it said in the quote you can’t build a succesful coin without an appropriate security basis. What do you suggest to fix this issue and what is your opinion on merge mining with Bitcoin?

Here are some non PoS supporting measures

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BugSpirit on May 27, 2014, 02:55:33 PM
PoS provides:
-- additional security (different source of blocks)
-- reward for long-term adopters and holders
-- economical stimulus to maintain a full node

PoS if implemented won't spoil Quark monetary model (0.4% or 0.5% inflation p.a. is a little price)
PoS don't even connected with price or a position on a graphics. It's pure techical issue, an additional layer of security, an important one on a low hashrate.

PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.
And this is serious. Need to do some research.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: greentea on May 27, 2014, 04:24:58 PM
I like POS coins, but I'd hate QRK to move in that direction just because of the recent POS craze.

Quark is Quark because of it's unique random/hashing algo, if that could somehow be preserved along with POS then maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 27, 2014, 05:10:44 PM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

thank you for this feedback -

I of course understand this, and for the PoS positive for Quark people i have to say the lower hash rate is in many ways a part of the game, i think what we have to do as a community is (as ReRaise has put forward there) work together.

in the long term, What i did was a sociological experiment we were all a part of it - we introduced a lot of people that new nothing about crypto to crypto, people claim Doge did that , i would argue Doge introduced a lot of facebook users and maybe some forum goers.

Quark achieved a pretty big goal, and now its time to "come back home" in a respect where we know what its all about, i see Quark as a reserve currency now, i will be using it as that also and people will see what we will achieve in the future.

in the end again when the price inevitably rises there will be those that never listened and we will move into a slight exuberance again.

honestly i see everything as it should be.

certainly some more pools with innovative incentives could help, but its  part of a decentralized community equilibrium, i just can't justify throwing that equilibrium out for a perceived threat based on a despair cycle.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: dE_logics on May 28, 2014, 10:47:59 AM
What about this (

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: reRaise on May 28, 2014, 11:08:14 AM
What about this (

If PoS can be killed with 1% of all coins then why doesn't someone do this? If succeeds all PoS coins would crash since it's a huge flaw and a broken model, i think it should be tested or put up a bounty for someone to try it. You should repost the link in this section to raise this issue to the public since it has more traffic so that people could try to come up with a fix and then maybe quark could consider PoS.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: pabloangello on May 28, 2014, 01:26:54 PM
So we are waiting till next bubble?

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: quarkfx on May 28, 2014, 02:46:42 PM

Quark achieved a pretty big goal, and now its time to "come back home" in a respect where we know what its all about, i see Quark as a reserve currency now, i will be using it as that also and people will see what we will achieve in the future.

in the end again when the price inevitably rises there will be those that never listened and we will move into a slight exuberance again.

honestly i see everything as it should be.

certainly some more pools with innovative incentives could help, but its  part of a decentralized community equilibrium, i just can't justify throwing that equilibrium out for a perceived threat based on a despair cycle.

Kolin, I agree on the point, that one shouldn´t act based on a short term emotion, but I strongly disagree with your opinion that everything is as it should be:

1. Currently we have a low hashrate which makes the coin susceptical for 51% attacks. Changes of difficulty will affect the hashrate but since the price is low it won´t lead to real improvements.
2. In fact, we aren´t a decentralized community: More than 51% of the hashrate is centered in one pool. Technical issues or abuse would affect Quark directly
3. There is no public long-term plan for core development, while there are some innovative concepts out there with development backing

What the community lacks is perspective and we won´t build that by pretending that things are fine. Even if Quarks´ core is solid and advanced I don´t think that this will be enough in the competition we currently
have in crypto. As you know, even good ideas won´t survive just for the sake of it, people need to adopt them and what they need is a smart concept with a convincing vision for the future. I think we need to work on the latter and we need to work on additional features like sidechains, smart contracts, colored coins. They may be gadgets right now, but they will be part of cryptos future.

What we should do in my opinion

1. Discuss POS/POW hybrid solutions that will allow us to keep a constant inflation and don´t give huge advantages for large wallets (maximum reward was mentioned, there are other possible solutions)
2. Find competent and dedicated developers who are willing to work with us for at least 2 years. Quark has much to offer when it comes to promotion and networking, I think we are way beyond the vast mayority of all coins. Combined with good developers this will allow for a major rise in adoption so there is a mutual interest.
3. Find ways to give the community full control and transparency with regard to the process of development. This will boost trust in long term support.

I agree that the major problem is not the code but the trust in the currency. We need to back the trust with some real assets. I say, let´s do it.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: Netnox on May 28, 2014, 03:04:06 PM
^ Strongly agree

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 28, 2014, 03:04:45 PM

Quark achieved a pretty big goal, and now its time to "come back home" in a respect where we know what its all about, i see Quark as a reserve currency now, i will be using it as that also and people will see what we will achieve in the future.

in the end again when the price inevitably rises there will be those that never listened and we will move into a slight exuberance again.

honestly i see everything as it should be.

certainly some more pools with innovative incentives could help, but its  part of a decentralized community equilibrium, i just can't justify throwing that equilibrium out for a perceived threat based on a despair cycle.

Kolin, I agree on the point, that one shouldn´t act based on a short term emotion, but I strongly disagree with your opinion that everything is as it should be:

1. Currently we have a low hashrate which makes the coin susceptical for 51% attacks. Changes of difficulty will affect the hashrate but since the price is low it won´t lead to real improvements.
2. In fact, we aren´t a decentralized community: More than 51% of the hashrate is centered in one pool. Technical issues or abuse would affect Quark directly
3. There is no public long-term plan for core development, while there are some innovative concepts out there with development backing

What the community lacks is perspective and we won´t build that by pretending that things are fine. Even if Quarks´ core is solid and advanced I don´t think that this will be enough in the competition we currently
have in crypto. As you know, even good ideas won´t survive just for the sake of it, people need to adopt them and what they need is a smart concept with a convincing vision for the future. I think we need to work on the latter and we need to work on additional features like sidechains, smart contracts, colored coins. They may be gadgets right now, but they will be part of cryptos future.

What we should do in my opinion

1. Discuss POS/POW hybrid solutions that will allow us to keep a constant inflation and don´t give huge advantages for large wallets (maximum reward was mentioned, there are other possible solutions)
2. Find competent and dedicated developers who are willing to work with us for at least 2 years. Quark has much to offer when it comes to promotion and networking, I think we are way beyond the vast mayority of all coins. Combined with good developers this will allow for a major rise in adoption so there is a mutual interest.
3. Find ways to give the community full control and transparency with regard to the process of development. This will boost trust in long term support.

I agree that the major problem is not the code but the trust in the currency. We need to back the trust with some real assets. I say, let´s do it.

I generally agree with you QuarkFx and respect your opinion - i will talk to you via email on some of the solution i have in mind, not that they are secret but just in regard to development etc.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 28, 2014, 09:06:56 PM
PoS provides:
-- additional security (different source of blocks)
-- reward for long-term adopters and holders
-- economical stimulus to maintain a full node

PoS if implemented won't spoil Quark monetary model (0.4% or 0.5% inflation p.a. is a little price)
PoS don't even connected with price or a position on a graphics. It's pure techical issue, an additional layer of security, an important one on a low hashrate.

PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.
And this is serious. Need to do some research.

1 and 3 are wrong. Does not provide additional security for reasons DAT stated... Also there is no economical stimulus to maintain a full node people will use pools like Pools like PoW. the misinformation in this subforum is insane!

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: Y3llowb1ackbird on May 28, 2014, 11:35:45 PM
I worry that changing Quark to PoS would make it complicated to newcomers. To the average consumer, PoW is hard enough to understand, but I think it makes sense at least. I think that Quark has the bare bones of something great--fast transactions, secure network, best distribution model around. We don't need to reinvent the wheel; we just need to put some air back in the tires.

I think working on getting mining pools set up (great work by Cashmen) is where we should focus our efforts. Vic had some great ideas on reddit. Orm also had some excellent ideas, which I will quote here.

1.Foundation buy different GPU miners and the community can buy shares/contracts. The shares can also be sold at QEX (like cryptsy is doing with the mine1 and mine2). The foundation creates a special page with mining statistics. Mining can be combined with more profitable coins. The payout of the contracts can be daily and is dependent what is mined and always in Quark.

2. Create a mining pool with different levels of hashing rates. If I mine with a I5 I don't want to be mixed with "heavy GPU" miners then my mining share is not visible anymore. In this way you make it also more fun for people who contributes with low hashing power (which I think is just as important for the distrbution as the miners who contribute with high hashing power)

I know I don't have a lot of posts on this forum, but I'm pretty sure most people know who I am so whatever. It's hard enough keeping up with reddit, IRC, Trello, Email without having to follow forums as well.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 12:29:39 AM

if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only - do you think this was because of the experimental nature of PoS  ?

That isn't true. Feathercoin also has advanced check-pointing. Even quarkcoin has automatic checkpoint.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 12:37:03 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 12:43:02 AM

- PoS complicates the original simplicity of Quark.

This is enough of a reason for me to say no to PoS. Very much against. If someone asks me what Quark is, I'd say it is like Bitcoin, but it's faster and more secure. Obviously there are concerns about incentives for miners ensuring network security but I mean it's intrinsically more secure due to the algorithm, it's part of the design. I still don't think people outside of the crypto community understand what Proof of Stake is, and yet it is people outside of the crypto community that we want to discover this coin.

Can you claim that quark is more secure than bitcoin based on the current network hashrate?

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on May 29, 2014, 12:55:39 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 01:16:37 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 01:50:11 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

In PoS, you use your stake to determine the longest chain thus total cumulative stake on a chain is the one to make nodes follow that chain. Say currently 5% of the stake is used to secure the network. An early adopter/exchange/group of people/stake pool with more stake (more than 5%) at some point in the coins history (the people might have sold long time back) can create a parallel secret chain and reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake. How do you get the current chain with this decision mechanism? Cannot be decentralized... No matter what is the approach the attackers can repeat the steps of any PoS approach...  Does it make sense?

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 02:12:39 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

In PoS, you use your stake to determine the longest chain thus total cumulative stake on a chain is the one to make nodes follow that chain. Say currently 5% of the stake is used to secure the network. An early adopter/exchange/group of people/stake pool with more stake (more than 5%) at some point in the coins history (the people might have sold long time back) can create a parallel secret chain and reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake. How do you get the current chain with this decision mechanism? Cannot be decentralized... No matter what is the approach the attackers can repeat the steps of the PoS approach...  Does it make sense?

It doesn't make sense at all. To do this kind of attack, you need generate a parallel secret chain using your 5% coin first. To sell your 5% coin on exchange you need to synchronize to the publick blockchain. Then your blockchain is not secret at all and you can't go back after you sell your coin.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 02:18:49 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

In PoS, you use your stake to determine the longest chain thus total cumulative stake on a chain is the one to make nodes follow that chain. Say currently 5% of the stake is used to secure the network. An early adopter/exchange/group of people/stake pool with more stake (more than 5%) at some point in the coins history (the people might have sold long time back) can create a parallel secret chain and reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake. How do you get the current chain with this decision mechanism? Cannot be decentralized... No matter what is the approach the attackers can repeat the steps of the PoS approach...  Does it make sense?

It doesn't make sense at all. To do this kind of attack, you need generate a parallel secret chain using your 5% coin first. To sell your 5% coin on exchange you need to synchronize to the publick blockchain. Then your blockchain is not secret at all and you can't go back after you sell your coin.

The clients accept the longest chain. Once you sell you withdraw say bitcoins you dont need to go back to the current chain at all to make a profit....

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 02:36:15 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

In PoS, you use your stake to determine the longest chain thus total cumulative stake on a chain is the one to make nodes follow that chain. Say currently 5% of the stake is used to secure the network. An early adopter/exchange/group of people/stake pool with more stake (more than 5%) at some point in the coins history (the people might have sold long time back) can create a parallel secret chain and reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake. How do you get the current chain with this decision mechanism? Cannot be decentralized... No matter what is the approach the attackers can repeat the steps of the PoS approach...  Does it make sense?

It doesn't make sense at all. To do this kind of attack, you need generate a parallel secret chain using your 5% coin first. To sell your 5% coin on exchange you need to synchronize to the publick blockchain. Then your blockchain is not secret at all and you can't go back after you sell your coin.

The clients accept the longest chain. Once you sell you withdraw say bitcoins you dont need to go back to the current chain at all to make a profit....

To make a profit you need to reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake after you sell your PoS coin to bitcoin. Then you can get bitcoin and PoS coin at same time. However, to move 5% PoS coin to exchange, you have to publish your secret longer blockchain to public. Then your secret longer blockchain becomes to public chain and you lose the ability to reverse the public blockchain.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 02:41:40 AM
if PoS provides for more security how come advanced check-pointing was conceived with PoS only?

Because it isn't. PoS suffers from a "nothing at risk" problem.  An attacker can use coins they no longer have but did have at one point in the past to attack the network.  Actually there is no reason to not do this.  If the attacker is unsucessful well they lose nothing in the attempt and if they are successful they get all their coins "back" (that they may have lost, had stolen, or sold).  Checkpoints limit how far back the chain can be reorged but they don't solve the nothing at stake problem, only limit the extent of the damage.

Please tell us which PoS coin has been attacked by so called "nothing at risk" problem.

None definitively although more than one POS coin has been 51% attacked.  Many of them have stake requirements which are negligible so often cheap attack is easier than a more sophisticated nothing at stake attack.  No POS coin has extensive history in the field other than PPC and it avoids an attack by using 100% centralized checkpoints.   Still you don't really believe that "hasn't happened" = "can't happen"?  Bitcoin has never been 51% attacked therefore you believe an attack is impossible?

Could you provide any other theoretical evidence to support your claim if it had never happened in practice?

In PoS, you use your stake to determine the longest chain thus total cumulative stake on a chain is the one to make nodes follow that chain. Say currently 5% of the stake is used to secure the network. An early adopter/exchange/group of people/stake pool with more stake (more than 5%) at some point in the coins history (the people might have sold long time back) can create a parallel secret chain and reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake. How do you get the current chain with this decision mechanism? Cannot be decentralized... No matter what is the approach the attackers can repeat the steps of the PoS approach...  Does it make sense?

It doesn't make sense at all. To do this kind of attack, you need generate a parallel secret chain using your 5% coin first. To sell your 5% coin on exchange you need to synchronize to the publick blockchain. Then your blockchain is not secret at all and you can't go back after you sell your coin.

The clients accept the longest chain. Once you sell you withdraw say bitcoins you dont need to go back to the current chain at all to make a profit....

To make a profit you need to reverse the current chain by showing more cumulative stake after you sell your PoS coin to bitcoin. Then you can get bitcoin and PoS coin at same time. However, to move 5% PoS coin to exchange, you have to publish your secret longer blockchain to public. Then your secret longer blockchain becomes to public chain and you lose the ability to reverse the public blockchain.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 03:02:25 AM

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 03:17:06 AM
Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

The point is that you dont need to reverse it twice but only once.

Apart from that you misunderstand what a decentralized autonomous corporation like bitcoin means. There are certain rules and all clients follow those rules. The rule is to work on the longest chain aka most cumulative stake for PoS and most work for PoW.

 If you have the stake in your history you can reverse it 2,3,5 and as many times as you like if you want. Noone stops you from that only human intervention aka centralized checkpoints.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

You only need to own the keys at some point in the past. For example, a person who deposits/withdraws multiple times from exchanges (think of exchanges using multiple addresses) can get the keys for a lot of stake ownership in the blockchain history and use it to create an alternate chain. Exchanges own a lot of stake in their history... Pools do the same.... and many other services...

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 03:55:12 AM
Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

The point is that you dont need to reverse it twice but only once.

Apart from that you misunderstand what a decentralized autonomous corporation like bitcoin means. There are certain rules and all clients follow those rules. The rule is to work on the longest chain aka most cumulative stake for PoS and most work for PoW.

 If you have the stake in your history you can reverse it 2,3,5 and as many times as you like if you want. Noone stops you from that only human intervention aka centralized checkpoints.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

You only need to own the keys at some point in the past. For example, a person who deposits/withdraws multiple times from exchanges (think of exchanges using multiple addresses) can get the keys for a lot of stake ownership in the blockchain history and use it to create an alternate chain. Exchanges own a lot of stake in their history... Pools do the same.... and many other services...

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Ironically, Feathercoin, AuroraCoin and Quarkcoin, all of those PoW coin, have centralized checkpoints.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 03:58:43 AM
Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

The point is that you dont need to reverse it twice but only once.

Apart from that you misunderstand what a decentralized autonomous corporation like bitcoin means. There are certain rules and all clients follow those rules. The rule is to work on the longest chain aka most cumulative stake for PoS and most work for PoW.

 If you have the stake in your history you can reverse it 2,3,5 and as many times as you like if you want. Noone stops you from that only human intervention aka centralized checkpoints.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

You only need to own the keys at some point in the past. For example, a person who deposits/withdraws multiple times from exchanges (think of exchanges using multiple addresses) can get the keys for a lot of stake ownership in the blockchain history and use it to create an alternate chain. Exchanges own a lot of stake in their history... Pools do the same.... and many other services...

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Ironically, Feathercoin, AudroraCoin and Quarkcoin, all of those PoW coin, have centralized checkpoints.

Thats true... It is like a chicken and egg problem... The value needs to rise so that more hashing power flows in and secure the network.... So I guess these coins are waiting if more adoption happens so that the price rises and become secure... On the other hand PoS cannot be decentralized at any value...

I am sure if these coins become more valuable they can remove the checkpoints....

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BitRock on May 29, 2014, 04:21:08 AM
Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

The point is that you dont need to reverse it twice but only once.

Apart from that you misunderstand what a decentralized autonomous corporation like bitcoin means. There are certain rules and all clients follow those rules. The rule is to work on the longest chain aka most cumulative stake for PoS and most work for PoW.

 If you have the stake in your history you can reverse it 2,3,5 and as many times as you like if you want. Noone stops you from that only human intervention aka centralized checkpoints.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

You only need to own the keys at some point in the past. For example, a person who deposits/withdraws multiple times from exchanges (think of exchanges using multiple addresses) can get the keys for a lot of stake ownership in the blockchain history and use it to create an alternate chain. Exchanges own a lot of stake in their history... Pools do the same.... and many other services...

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Ironically, Feathercoin, AudroraCoin and Quarkcoin, all of those PoW coin, have centralized checkpoints.

Thats true... It is like a chicken and egg problem... The value needs to rise so that more hashing power flows in and secure the network.... So I guess these coins are waiting if more adoption happens so that the price rises and become secure... On the other hand PoS cannot be decentralized at any value...

I am sure if these coins become more valuable they can remove the checkpoints....

When the mining reward of PoW coin is decreased dramatically, it will require centralized checkpoints like PoS coin.
That is what happened on quark.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: ThePurplePlanet on May 29, 2014, 04:34:06 AM
Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules...

Because you cannot reverse public blockchain using your one secret longer blockchain twice.

The point is that you dont need to reverse it twice but only once.

Apart from that you misunderstand what a decentralized autonomous corporation like bitcoin means. There are certain rules and all clients follow those rules. The rule is to work on the longest chain aka most cumulative stake for PoS and most work for PoW.

 If you have the stake in your history you can reverse it 2,3,5 and as many times as you like if you want. Noone stops you from that only human intervention aka centralized checkpoints.

Why would the network without human intervention not accept my second chain? It perfectly follows the rules... The other attack you are describing is the nothing at stake problem where you can keep trying double send without any cost. I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

It do cost to attack Pos coin. You have to buy 5% coin from market.

You only need to own the keys at some point in the past. For example, a person who deposits/withdraws multiple times from exchanges (think of exchanges using multiple addresses) can get the keys for a lot of stake ownership in the blockchain history and use it to create an alternate chain. Exchanges own a lot of stake in their history... Pools do the same.... and many other services...

I am talking about a more severe attack that will force the network to become centralized or investors/exchanges/reputation take massive losses....

Please describe the more severe attack in detail.

Ironically, Feathercoin, AudroraCoin and Quarkcoin, all of those PoW coin, have centralized checkpoints.

Thats true... It is like a chicken and egg problem... The value needs to rise so that more hashing power flows in and secure the network.... So I guess these coins are waiting if more adoption happens so that the price rises and become secure... On the other hand PoS cannot be decentralized at any value...

I am sure if these coins become more valuable they can remove the checkpoints....

When the mining reward of PoW coin is decreased dramatically, it will require centralized checkpoints like PoS coin.
That is what happened on quark.

Thats true unless you have a lot of transactions and economic activity to rely on that. Thats why it is bad for coins long-term to instamine. Definity instamine can give price boost early but hinders adoption and thus usage..

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BugSpirit on May 29, 2014, 04:50:21 AM
Nothing at stake or other similar technique are based on quite a poor Longest Chain Determination algorytm. And the algorytm is also responsible for diminishing PoS contribution to security.

We could demand both larger stake and larger pow difficulty to resolve the conflict iff favor of one of the chains. With this method the attacker will need both 51% of hashrate and 51% of working stake to fork blockchain as he likes. It's not ideal but with such a logic stakeholders will be able to prevent 51% PoW attack and pools will be able to reverse the chain in case of nothing-at-stake.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 29, 2014, 05:30:49 AM
The only point i disagree with is the fast distribution -

- all this done was speed up the natural cycle that all crypto will go though anyhow.

 - so in speeding it up we actually gained adoption - see the Quark community is among one of the largest in Crypto no one doubts that.

- all the time new people are coming on board.

so how did it work ?

we removed the monopoly aspect  the key part of the manipulation that lets a currency be kept high, I just commented also that MRO Monero has this in a limited way - so i predict  (unless i can find proof of Scam) a fall in its price as the emission goes out.

you see we can all learn from Quark , as it leads the way.

why hasn't that moved to price appreciation ?

because simply when it was at 0 there were still large holders as the cycle goes though our community picks up a little bit more, and a little bit more etc.

this means that its inevitable that Quark distributes further in the future, all others still subject to monopoly can't start to do this yet.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 29, 2014, 05:32:56 AM
Hash will solve itself - but the large community we have will (including myself) chip in and give incentives to new miners .

this is the (i mine with my block eruptor to help the network) scenario that Bitcoin had .

except with Quark we see real benefits so people with a stake in Quark will do this . 

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 29, 2014, 05:40:11 AM

i'm just trying to  "plain language" DE_logics attack theory on PoS


Interesting just because i think no one outside of hard core Crypto is going to understand any of that, - can i just state it in plain language and you tell me if a am  far or close to the mark?

PoS  means Proof of ownership like owning a Bond. + interest.

When you hold units of crpyto they age like bonds and mature giving back an "interest" stake - 

DE_logics is basically saying  or theorizing that under certain conditions  if you had:

10 Bonds (ten pieces of interest bearing paper) each worth 1 unit + 1 unit of interest.

you would earn more net interest verses:

One single 10 unit Bond + its interest.

* even if the interest is meant to be equal - i.e the 10 bonds should equal the exact same net return as the single Bond because they are the same units net worth and the interest rate is "fixed" by whole the system.

and in this way, this could be a flaw in PoS  because someone could split up their bonds (something you can do with crypto)  and generate enough interest to control the whole game.

how did i do ?

if its on or close to the mark i will post it back on the other thread as it is relevant - #

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 30, 2014, 03:40:50 AM
I worry that changing Quark to PoS would make it complicated to newcomers. To the average consumer, PoW is hard enough to understand, but I think it makes sense at least. I think that Quark has the bare bones of something great--fast transactions, secure network, best distribution model around. We don't need to reinvent the wheel; we just need to put some air back in the tires.

I think working on getting mining pools set up (great work by Cashmen) is where we should focus our efforts. Vic had some great ideas on reddit. Orm also had some excellent ideas, which I will quote here.

1.Foundation buy different GPU miners and the community can buy shares/contracts. The shares can also be sold at QEX (like cryptsy is doing with the mine1 and mine2). The foundation creates a special page with mining statistics. Mining can be combined with more profitable coins. The payout of the contracts can be daily and is dependent what is mined and always in Quark.

2. Create a mining pool with different levels of hashing rates. If I mine with a I5 I don't want to be mixed with "heavy GPU" miners then my mining share is not visible anymore. In this way you make it also more fun for people who contributes with low hashing power (which I think is just as important for the distrbution as the miners who contribute with high hashing power)

I know I don't have a lot of posts on this forum, but I'm pretty sure most people know who I am so whatever. It's hard enough keeping up with reddit, IRC, Trello, Email without having to follow forums as well.

Welcome : )

Thanks for taking the time to sign up

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: voluntarist500 on May 30, 2014, 06:35:35 AM
quark is just fine. Stop making all coins the same. Quark has been copied many times - because it is good. Please no pos. Pos is more inflation and reduces the value in the long run. don't kill quark with pos. Thanks.
Have some patients with it and improove otherwise. do not dilute scarce coin.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: victzhang on May 30, 2014, 10:45:34 PM
quark is just fine. Stop making all coins the same. Quark has been copied many times - because it is good. Please no pos. Pos is more inflation and reduces the value in the long run. don't kill quark with pos. Thanks.
Have some patients with it and improove otherwise. do not dilute scarce coin.

PoS will not make Quark more inflationary. Currently Quark has a 0.5% inflation every year. We can split it as 0.25% PoW inflation and 0.25% PoS inflation. PoS will NOT kill Quark; instead, it will save it from attacks.

Network security is a very important issue, and PoS is an efficient way to solve this issue. With pure PoW, people has to set up miners to protect the network; given the very low block reward, a smart person doesn't want to mine Quark because the mining income can't even pay electricity. With PoW/PoS mixed, people can simply leave their wallets open to protect the network at a very low cost.

PoW coins with low/no block reward have been shown to not work. A recent failure is Coin2, which was under massive attack and had to implement PoS after that. The attacker even posted in the ANN thread and claimed that he earned 20+BTC by 51% attacks. Considering Coin2 only has a very small market cap, 20BTC is a huge number. Quark could be the next Coin2 if we blindly believe Quark is unique and shouldn't be changed in anyways, and don't take any measure to increase network security.

Low hashrate keeps investors away. Currently the hashrate is only about 400M. At this hashrate an investor is getting worried because one could lose his/her investment after a attack. This is definitely not good.

PoS is stronger than you think. I know recently there are some discussions on whether PoS is safe enough. Someone doubts if PoS provides enough protection. Yes, PoS could be attacked even only with 1% of the total coins, but it will happen ONLY IF very few people are connecting their wallets to the network and the active stake on the network is less than 1%. PoS can be 51% attacked if the attacker own more than 51% coin-age than the "active" coin-age on the network. We can simply encourage people to leave their wallets open when idle to increase the active stakes on the network to gain enough protection, much easier than encouraging people to fire up their equipment and burn electricity to mine. (Added on 05/31)However, implementing PoS and not asking people to open their wallets do not work. Coin2 is still a bad example here since it was said to be 51% attacked even after PoS implementation.

Price increase will not solve the security issue. If we do some good promotions and more people are buying (increase the price), the hashrate will go up as a result. Promotion is important; however, when the price goes up, attackers also have more incentive and are willing to pay more to do the attack since he can earn more after the attack. If price and hashrate increase at the same time with a similar scale, network security is not improved.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on May 31, 2014, 12:27:48 AM
PoW coins with low/no block reward have been shown to not work. A recent failure is Coin2, which was under massive attack and had to implement PoS after that. The attacker even posted in the ANN thread and claimed that he earned 20+BTC by 51% attacks. Considering Coin2 only has a very small market cap, 20BTC is a huge number. Quark could be the next Coin2 if we blindly believe Quark is unique and shouldn't be changed in anyways, and don't take any measure to increase network security.

Not the best example.  Coin2 PoS was 51% attacked.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 31, 2014, 09:28:46 AM
PoW coins with low/no block reward have been shown to not work. A recent failure is Coin2, which was under massive attack and had to implement PoS after that. The attacker even posted in the ANN thread and claimed that he earned 20+BTC by 51% attacks. Considering Coin2 only has a very small market cap, 20BTC is a huge number. Quark could be the next Coin2 if we blindly believe Quark is unique and shouldn't be changed in anyways, and don't take any measure to increase network security.

Not the best example.  Coin2 PoS was 51% attacked.

ha ha..

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 31, 2014, 09:31:25 AM
I understand people have concerns - but we have to do full due diligence and look at all the data -

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: IPCoinz on May 31, 2014, 11:12:20 AM

The problem is fundamental and will stay long-term, so the solution must be fundamental. I think the only viable option is Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the form of mining when a probability of block generation increases dramatically with increase of coins in the wallet of miner. TO day this technology has already proven itself with a several years of operating in probably a hundred of coins. I know no serious issues reported or acknowledged security concerns.

Moreover, PoS is viable economically, as it reward long-term coin supportes and provide income on capital. Also PoS stimulate people to maintain full nodes which favorably affects network integrity and security.

Still, PoS is not ideal because it give a significant share of block and coin generation to coin bags with large wallets. But it could be adjusted to reduce such factor. For example the network could provide even tiny amount of coins generated this way and the process will be still continuing since the costs is almost zero. Or amount of PoS generated coins and/or probability of block finding may be depend nonlinear from wallet. Anyway we could find some intelligent and economically justified solution.

What is needed is an algo which will assess a penalty (a drain) against any wallets holding excessively large stakes in the coin. This algo would constantly evaluate and be aware of wealth distribution on the whole network based upon activity recorded in the block chain (pseudo-anonymously).  When the size or advantage of a wallet, or a quorum of wallets, or a "neighborhood" of wallets, reaches a certain threshold or relational structure, then the algo will trigger the "fission" of the coin balance (a small fraction of it) to occur in the designated penalty wallet(s), while the network makes corresponding microdeposits in another designated set of wallets, the beneficiary wallets.

A Fission event may (A) create new coin and/or (B) deduct existing coin.  A Fission event occurs, for example, when one or more stakes becomes "too big," or an oligarchy of stakes becomes too entrenched.  Fission causes the dispersal of coin from the big stake(s) into and among wallets deemed worthy of being beneficiaries.  That opens a wide door, doesn't it?

Fission may accomplish wealth redistribution, or not.  Its up to the devs and the market to decide which fission regimes are the best.  

My preference is to have fission deduct from top stakes and drizzle the harvest into every other wallet on the network in statistically-defined patterns and portions.  

This "fallout" or dust caused by fission can be distributed randomly in all wallets or apportioned methodically into the appropriate beneficiary wallets.  Different coin developers can compete with different coins defining different ways to determine which "standards" and wallets are "appropriate."  It would open up a whole new generation of PoS coins.  

To sum up: In the proposed "fission" mechanism, whenever the algo determines that a critical mass exists in one or more wallets, or that the time has come to forceably reshape the wealth distribution profile of the network, the stakes in the one or more wallets undergo "coin fission," and each stake blasts a calculated sum of coin out into the community to be received however the devs have arranged it. The dynamics of any coin's fission rules can be customized and finely tuned.

And importantly, stakeholders can reasonably predict the consequences of holding a fissile coin, because the terms and criteria are published; however, stakeholders can never predict the precise timing and exact cost of any one fission event (so they cant avoid it). Thus they must acquiesce to the "stake tax" when investing in the coin or they must go find another coin to parasitize.  Still, in a fissile coin, the largest stakeholders do gain enough steady growth overall to compensate and reward them for remaining dominantly invested in the coin.  

My vision of Fission is that it tickles the big wallets more than it mauls them.

Thus, the above concept is a suggestion for implementing a "coin fiission" algo that might save us from the current doldrums of the "gotto go PoS" days of altcoins, where the imperfect infrastructure of the digital economy is selecting strongly for PoS algos even though we may be better off without much PoS.  

The proposed Fission algo will operate upon wallet balances that reach a "critical mass," or throughout a network when it starts dying for lack of liquidity due to excessively large stakeholdings (e.g., high coin age).  Fission imposes a size-dependent cost upon the largest and laziest stakeholders and it makes offsetting deposits in other wallets according to variable rules and goals.  This will promote liquidity in PoS and will smooth out the rough edges of wealth-concentration patterns that would otherwise characterize a mature PoS network.  

Got it?  Great.  Have a beta version in my inbox by tomorrow...

Your comments and criticisms are most welcome...

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: IPCoinz on May 31, 2014, 11:35:14 AM
And actually, one could include considerations of coin age in the Fission protocol too.  Coin age is a parameter that will pinpoint oligarchs so they can be nuked.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: KoinMaster on May 31, 2014, 02:05:03 PM
I understand people have concerns - but we have to do full due diligence and look at all the data -

Kolin, you keep boasting about how great Quark's distribution is. In fact it's really bad. 30-40% of all Quark coins are owned by 3-4 people...

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on May 31, 2014, 02:43:47 PM
I understand people have concerns - but we have to do full due diligence and look at all the data -

Kolin, you keep boasting about how great Quark's distribution is. In fact it's really bad. 30-40% of all Quark coins are owned by 3-4 people...

yeah i do boast about it - because unfortunately you seem like you are new here so you need education likely, so let me help you out:

( i will keep repeating my self i guess)  (i will copy paste this in a notepad so i don't have to keep writing it)

- Quark is fully distributed
 - it has no mining monopoly.
- it can't be price controlled by a monopoly of mining hardware.
 - It can only get more distributed not less  as time moves forward.
- all other currencies can only get more monopolized until full distribution.
- you can't know how to measure how distributed a crypto is because an one person can make 100's of addresses this is basics you need education.

- The best way to measure distribution is to try to do that though a "network effect"
- Quark has a very healthy network effect, a large community and lots of activity  -
- probably about 70 people own most of the BTC that exists in % terms.

and lets not forget.

- people are stupid.

- so the people that accumulated the large wallets and put them in a single address we can reasonable assume they did that for a motive to try to show that Quark is centralized, as all the other Crypto that are monopoly owned by a hand-full of people they (quite naturally) split the units they own up into multiple addresses to fake a healthy distribution.

- but you have only to look and see that there is no activity going on much past this forum on nearly all of these currencies, Bitcoin is the exception because people know that the fiat system looks very shaky  so want a "golden" fall back.

- Quark is the other exception because it has a better economic design than Bitcoin one that encourages activity and distribution, where as Bitcoin has Mining Monopoly inaccessibility and increasingly centralized strict fixed reward - (which i've even seen tards try to deny ??)

even the "cool kids" of crypto "elite" (read semi autistic) agree with the Quark design of the EQ reward.

oh the last one:

^ most people know everything i wrote is common knowledge - if you don't understand this you are probably the person losing money here.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: victzhang on May 31, 2014, 03:47:03 PM
PoW coins with low/no block reward have been shown to not work. A recent failure is Coin2, which was under massive attack and had to implement PoS after that. The attacker even posted in the ANN thread and claimed that he earned 20+BTC by 51% attacks. Considering Coin2 only has a very small market cap, 20BTC is a huge number. Quark could be the next Coin2 if we blindly believe Quark is unique and shouldn't be changed in anyways, and don't take any measure to increase network security.

Not the best example.  Coin2 PoS was 51% attacked.

ha ha..

That simply shows the fact that implementing PoS and not asking people to open their wallets do not work.
However, it is WAY easier to encourage people to open their wallet than to mine. For Quark I don't think it's a problem because there is a strong community behind it.

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: victzhang on May 31, 2014, 04:21:48 PM

The problem is fundamental and will stay long-term, so the solution must be fundamental. I think the only viable option is Proof-of-Stake (PoS), the form of mining when a probability of block generation increases dramatically with increase of coins in the wallet of miner. TO day this technology has already proven itself with a several years of operating in probably a hundred of coins. I know no serious issues reported or acknowledged security concerns.

Moreover, PoS is viable economically, as it reward long-term coin supportes and provide income on capital. Also PoS stimulate people to maintain full nodes which favorably affects network integrity and security.

Still, PoS is not ideal because it give a significant share of block and coin generation to coin bags with large wallets. But it could be adjusted to reduce such factor. For example the network could provide even tiny amount of coins generated this way and the process will be still continuing since the costs is almost zero. Or amount of PoS generated coins and/or probability of block finding may be depend nonlinear from wallet. Anyway we could find some intelligent and economically justified solution.

What is needed is an algo which will assess a penalty (a drain) against any wallets holding excessively large stakes in the coin. This algo would constantly evaluate and be aware of wealth distribution on the whole network based upon activity recorded in the block chain (pseudo-anonymously).  When the size or advantage of a wallet, or a quorum of wallets, or a "neighborhood" of wallets, reaches a certain threshold or relational structure, then the algo will trigger the "fission" of the coin balance (a small fraction of it) to occur in the designated penalty wallet(s), while the network makes corresponding microdeposits in another designated set of wallets, the beneficiary wallets.

A Fission event may (A) create new coin and/or (B) deduct existing coin.  A Fission event occurs, for example, when one or more stakes becomes "too big," or an oligarchy of stakes becomes too entrenched.  Fission causes the dispersal of coin from the big stake(s) into and among wallets deemed worthy of being beneficiaries.  That opens a wide door, doesn't it?

Fission may accomplish wealth redistribution, or not.  Its up to the devs and the market to decide which fission regimes are the best.  

My preference is to have fission deduct from top stakes and drizzle the harvest into every other wallet on the network in statistically-defined patterns and portions.  

This "fallout" or dust caused by fission can be distributed randomly in all wallets or apportioned methodically into the appropriate beneficiary wallets.  Different coin developers can compete with different coins defining different ways to determine which "standards" and wallets are "appropriate."  It would open up a whole new generation of PoS coins.  

To sum up: In the proposed "fission" mechanism, whenever the algo determines that a critical mass exists in one or more wallets, or that the time has come to forceably reshape the wealth distribution profile of the network, the stakes in the one or more wallets undergo "coin fission," and each stake blasts a calculated sum of coin out into the community to be received however the devs have arranged it. The dynamics of any coin's fission rules can be customized and finely tuned.

And importantly, stakeholders can reasonably predict the consequences of holding a fissile coin, because the terms and criteria are published; however, stakeholders can never predict the precise timing and exact cost of any one fission event (so they cant avoid it). Thus they must acquiesce to the "stake tax" when investing in the coin or they must go find another coin to parasitize.  Still, in a fissile coin, the largest stakeholders do gain enough steady growth overall to compensate and reward them for remaining dominantly invested in the coin.  

My vision of Fission is that it tickles the big wallets more than it mauls them.

Thus, the above concept is a suggestion for implementing a "coin fiission" algo that might save us from the current doldrums of the "gotto go PoS" days of altcoins, where the imperfect infrastructure of the digital economy is selecting strongly for PoS algos even though we may be better off without much PoS.  

The proposed Fission algo will operate upon wallet balances that reach a "critical mass," or throughout a network when it starts dying for lack of liquidity due to excessively large stakeholdings (e.g., high coin age).  Fission imposes a size-dependent cost upon the largest and laziest stakeholders and it makes offsetting deposits in other wallets according to variable rules and goals.  This will promote liquidity in PoS and will smooth out the rough edges of wealth-concentration patterns that would otherwise characterize a mature PoS network.  

Got it?  Great.  Have a beta version in my inbox by tomorrow...

Your comments and criticisms are most welcome...

However most top big wallets belong to exchanges... See some good discussions blow:

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: BainbridgeJ on July 11, 2014, 10:53:00 PM
Interesting dilemma!

Title: Re: Quark investors - Quark information on cycles and the push to move towards PoS.
Post by: digitalindustry on July 12, 2014, 06:01:15 AM
Interesting dilemma!

Ive enjoyed the discussion so far.