Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 02:01:58 AM

Title: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 02:01:58 AM

Consider this the Third Installment (but hardly the last) in what has already been an exhilarating detective series:

Part I: (More Proof That Is A Sham)
by Phinnaeus Gage

Part II: (All Things Considered, Brock Pierce et al)

Part II compiled these reports which were NOT penned by PG:
by /u/howmanyproxies
"Exposing the Buffalo Club: Shocking Evidence Links Brock Pierce, Other Bitcoin Investors to Marc Collins-Rector"
by /u/lolbuffaloJA

lolbuffaloJA has kindly provided us with an Imgur account containing all relevant screenshots of the Buffalo Club's disturbing activity on FB, thus allowing any curious soul to play a fun game of True Detective:


In the week or two since these original posts, PG and others have uncovered mountains of circumstantial evidence linking various actors within the nascent Bitcoin economy. As this information was spread across multiple threads, I wanted to take a moment to compile all of it before it got too confusing for the uninitiated.

The following summary will try to bring together evidence uncovered in these threads by PG and others:

"Finally! One of the top porn stars accepts and promotes Bitcoin." by PG, 5/17

NOTABLE INFO: The man pictured with BTC-loving porn star Kayden Kross is Ken Feldman, acolyte of Brock Pierce's Bitropolis in Santa Monica, and former Burning Man bestie of Autumn Radtke (RIP)
ALSO NOTABLE (just found this):
Verified here:

Looks like Kayden Kross (aka kimberly nicole rathkamp) had a brush with the law over some felony real estate scams in the late 2000s. I wonder who her accomplices were? (and who's her baby daddy? the handsome man in the picture?)

"Was Autumn Radtke murdered due to something she knew about Brock Pierce, et al.?" by PG, 5/22

NOTABLE INFO: just read it. Among other things, we learn that Autumn has been friends with Brock Pierce, Michael Terpin (founder of BitAngels and Michael Jackson enthusiast), and Ken Feldman since at least 2008, when they all went on a trip to Egypt together, proof of which is on Brock's public FB (and embedded in this thread).

By his own admission, Steve Beauregard (Co-founder/co-owner of GoCoin, alongside Brock Pierce) was the last person to see Autumn Radtke alive in Singapore. He had been renting a room in her home/office for several months while trying to establish GoCoin's new home base in Singapore.

Steve was also quick to tell every journalist who interviewed him that "it looks like she chose a short-term solution to a long-term problem", thus coyly verifying early news reports that she had committed suicide. Shortly thereafter, the police in Singapore clarified that they were not classifying her death a suicide, but rather an "unnatural death" with no foul play expected...because highly talented CEOs under 30 have a tendency to leap off of buildings they don't live in. But why split hairs! Two days after Autumn's death, Mt. Gox shocks the world by filing for bankruptcy.

Moving on...

"I just paid the $100K USD via BTC to become a Platinum Member of TBF." by PG, 5/23

NOTABLE INFO: This one is a gem. PG claims that he has purchased a Platinum Membership for TBF, the only entity besides KnCMiner (co-owned by Brock Pierce) to ever do so. After challenging users to look up his transaction on for a good 24 hours, it becomes clear that PG is strate trollen us.

Most importantly, this brilliant trollmove forced users to search TBF's official address for the other $100k membership payment. Surprise surprise, KnC's $100,000 payment for Platinum Membership (supposedly paid a day or two before the elections that Brock won) is nowhere to be found. This raises a simple yet fascinating question: did they ever pay it at all, and if so, why didn't they pay to the public donation address as required?

"Breaking News! Thief nabbed while breaking into SilkRoad's vault: Caught on film" by PG, 5/25

NOTABLE INFO: While this thread starts off with what seems like a bizarre joke about Batman, it's worth reading in its entirety. The Batman Make-A-Wish stunt was conducted in a San Francisco building which happens to house the offices of Silk Road Equity - one of the chief backers behind Sunlot Holdings Ltd. More on that later.

On 5/26, the Willy Report was published, outlining in detail the overwhelming evidence of automated price manipulation on Mt. Gox during the great Bitcoin Rally of late 2013.

"The Willy Report...What do you guys make of it?", 5/26
NOTABLE INFO: Nothing direct, but it's interesting context in light of these other revelations.

Finally, we have this: "Remember the subpoenas last year? Why one name was on the list." by PG, 5/27

Now, let's circle back to Sunlot for a moment. As mentioned in the "Breaking News" thread, a perusal of Sunlot's rehabilitation plan (leaked against their wishes) reveals some interesting names.

One name in particular piqued my interest: Louis J. Freeh, of Freeh Group International.

For those of you who need a refresher in American politics, that's this guy:

Louis J. Freeh, the 5th Director of the FBI. Appointed by Clinton in 1993, stepped down shortly after 9/11 and entered the world of private security contracting thereafter.

In the English version of Sunlot's MtGox proposal, located on page 22, Sunlot promises this:

"A complex forensic investigation of MTGOX company handled by the new, highly experience[sic] management and a consulting partner."

And who, pray tell, will be handling this complex forensic investigation?

Page 17: "Freeh Group: Cooperation with forensic (digital) investigations and
enforcement, and compliance"

So Sunlot's cast of characters includes a former FBI director who I'm SURE doesn't have loads of friends still serving in the Obama Justice Department (given that he was a Clinton appointee, after all). Cute.

But at least we can count on major media outlets reporting on Sunlot impartially, right? It's not like Sunlot has tons of high-value relationships with the people running most of the major news rooms in the U.S., right?

Page 18: "Sitrick and Company executives are broadly experienced professionals from the media and corporate worlds. Senior executives have served as officers and directors of private or publicly-traded companies, as former litigators and as reporters in the news media, editors and producers at such news organizations as the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, Detroit Free Press, Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Miami Herald, NBC Television, the China Morning News and various Central and South American media."

Well, shit.

Wonder who else is helping with Sunlot's PR? Try Endeavor Strategic Communications.

AKA the unofficial Agitprop unit of Andrew Breitbart and many other well-paid Tea Party mouthbreathers in the mainstream media. These guys have been a driving force behind the endless Benghazi news cycles. (SEE HOW IT ALL COMES BACK TO BENGHAZI??? lol)

How the hell did an ultraconservative (NOT libertarian), astroturfy Washington PR firm get convinced to jump onboard with Sunlot? Your guess is as good as mine.

I might as well mention a couple other names on the Sunlot list:

Perseus Telecom - "secure hosting"
[Suspicious link removed]

They're one of the biggest High Frequency Trading companies on Wall Street.

Kinda reminds me of this recent bestseller:
Note: Karen Bertoli, CMO. I bet if you search Steve Beauregard's FB hard enough, you might find a picture of them together around May 8-10 in London...

Amanda Coolong - specialist PR advisor (total Santa Monica bestie of Brock, Bitropolis, and BitAngels, founding partner at TechZulu)

She's quite a busy journalist these days:

But has time to plug for Brock AND Ken Rutkowski:

And let's not forget: Yantis Enterprises (yep, that Jonathan Yantis of the IGE glory days)

You still may be asking "what the fuck does all this mean?"

I will answer that shortly, but know this for now: May 8th and May 13th were potentially very important days in history of Bitcoin.

***TL;DR*** (by popular demand)

As evidenced in the earlier posts linked up top, Brock Pierce has a long and morbid history of associating with some very shady - some would say evil - people, most notably Marc Collins-Rector (more on him subsequently). In addition to the child-rape fiasco that was DEN Entertainment, Pierce was also sued for various frauds surrounding IGE, his digital commodities empire from the mid-2000s. Pierce settled with Debonneville (his former partner) out of court for an undisclosed amount of money, went low-profile for a few years, and then magically re-emerged in June 2013 as the Bitcoin Butterfly (or is it Bitcoin Buffalo? jaja), a savvy Millennial Messiah who was hellbent on taking Bitcoin to the Next Level.

So now Brock Pierce's newest investor group, Sunlot Holdings Ltd, wants to purchase legal ownership of the liabilities (and assets) of Mt. Gox, presumably to "make the customers whole".

It turns out that this generous yet shadowy group of One Percenters (Sunlot) includes a former FBI director, Louis J. Freeh, on its advisory team. Freeh's job will be to spearhead the "digital forensics" aspect of the Mt. Gox Rehabilitation Plan.

Digging deeper, the disclosed list of Sunlot investors reads like a who's who of big-time establishment players from Wall Street and the National Security industry.

It's worth noting that virtually none of this has been publicly disclosed by Sunlot in any way. The settlement proposals were anonymously leaked onto the internet ( This means that Sunlot did not necessarily want anyone in the wider bitcoin community to know who they really were.

So with all that said, how do you feel knowing that one of the new Board Members of TBF has teamed up with a former FBI director turned "private" (lol) security contractor in order to "help" Bitcoin users?

Might this have something to do with Marc Rector and "Brock Rector" being low-key FB friends with some fellas who have FBI and DIA pictures plastered all over their profiles?


To be continued.......(jajaja)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 02:13:23 AM
And lest any of you think this is "old news" or "not relevant"...

From yesterday, 5/27:

"A US bankruptcy court has rejected a filing from Seattle-based digital currency service CoinLab Inc. in the latest development in the case of failed Japan-based bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox.

CoinLab sought to stop investor group Sunlot Holdings from purchasing Mt. Gox in documents filed during a 27th May hearing in US Bankruptcy Court in Dallas, Texas."

CoinLab’s filing seemingly aimed to stop or at least delay an effort by SunLot Holdings, a group of investors that includes venture capitalists John Betts and William Quigley and the Bitcoin Foundation’s Industry Director-elect Brock Pierce, from purchasing Mt. Gox and its related liabilities.

In its filing, CoinLab said that Sunlot’s bid to purchase Mt. Gox was not qualified to handle the investigation required to seek the location of the failed exchange’s missing bitcoins, explaining:

“Sunlot has made no showing of its qualifications to manage and conduct such an investigation, let alone answered pressing questions about potential conflicts of interest it has suffered or may suffer.”

Additionally, the company objected to the investor group’s plan to retain a portion of any funds recovered from Mt. Gox and its related entities during any forthcoming discovery."

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 02:14:32 AM
Another reserve.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: darlidada on May 28, 2014, 02:24:32 AM
You guys should put a TLDR or a conclusion at the end of your posts. I dont think I am the first one to mention it but a lot of us have trouble understand the meaning of all this. What are you hinting at ?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: bg002h on May 28, 2014, 02:27:42 AM
You guys should put a TLDR or a conclusion at the end of your posts. I dont think I am the first one to mention it but a lot of us have trouble understand the meaning of all this. What are you hinting at ?

Any real info can be put succinctly. Tuning out for now.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Stevenrm87 on May 28, 2014, 02:29:11 AM
ELI5 please...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 02:51:20 AM
You guys should put a TLDR or a conclusion at the end of your posts. I dont think I am the first one to mention it but a lot of us have trouble understand the meaning of all this. What are you hinting at ?

A tl;dr has been added for clarity.

Keep in mind, however, that you really should read the original threads about Brock & The Gang if you want to understand how wide this scheme potentially goes.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 02:55:25 AM
You guys should put a TLDR or a conclusion at the end of your posts. I dont think I am the first one to mention it but a lot of us have trouble understand the meaning of all this. What are you hinting at ?

What, us hint? (remember this link, for I'm about to refer to it momentarily)

It’s no secret that that I see the opportunity for Bitcoin to disrupt multi-billion-dollar markets and dramatically cut transaction costs for people around the world.  We are in the early stages of innovation in this ecosystem, and Lightspeed wants to encourage that innovation

So today, I am thrilled to announce that Lightspeed Venture Partners will anchor the newly created Boost BitCoin Fund. This fund will provide all of the Bitcoin related startups in the next Boost VC incubator class with guaranteed capital.  Joining us an investors in the fund are Rothenberg Ventures, the Bitcoin Opportunity Fund and Ben Davenport.

Boost is a Bay Area accelerator founded by Adam Draper that is currently focused on Bitcoin. Adam is as passionate about Bitcoin as we are.  We are pleased to be working with him to provide some of the most promising early-stage startups in this market with the support and funding they need.

Lightspeed has made several investments in Bitcoin companies already and plan to continue funding companies in the Bitcoin ecosystem as an area of continued focus.

Follow us on Twitter @lightspeedvp @jeremysliew

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: acs267 on May 28, 2014, 02:55:46 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 02:57:02 AM
You guys should put a TLDR or a conclusion at the end of your posts. I dont think I am the first one to mention it but a lot of us have trouble understand the meaning of all this. What are you hinting at ?

A tl;dr has been added for clarity.

Keep in mind, however, that you really should read the original threads about Brock & The Gang if you want to understand how wide this scheme potentially goes.

I'm about to go back a few more years in a sec, after I get a fresh cup of coffee, then jack-off.  :o

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: keithers on May 28, 2014, 03:05:28 AM
It seems like at some point, a lot of this should be passed on to law enforcement?  The deeper people dig, the darker this entire thing gets...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: DobZombie on May 28, 2014, 03:06:43 AM
This all hurts my brain.

Can someone make an easy to watch YouTube vid for me to watch?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 03:07:07 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

To be fair to Our Nation's Finest, they're a little more discreet than Marc, Brock, Kevin (aka Chad Shackley), and Ken (aka Ken Rutkowski). The NATSEC guys are either using fake names or fake profile pictures.

At the very least, I think it's safe to say there's nobody named "Matthy Ronmney" alive today. Weirder is the fact that Matthy uses the image of a recently deceased Hollywood stuntman (Joshua Wright, d. October 2013) for all his profile pictures.

Same goes for David Weiss and Alan Nietszche (worth noting that the famous nihilist's name is spelled NIETZSCHE - this guy flipped the "s" and the "z").

Then again, we shouldn't judge...I'm pretty sure that Also Sprach Zarathustra isn't required reading at Quantico...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 03:13:55 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

To be fair to Our Nation's Finest, they're a little more discreet than Marc, Brock, Kevin (aka Chad Shackley), and Ken (aka Ken Rutkowski). The NATSEC guys are either using fake names or fake profile pictures.

At the very least, I think it's safe to say there's nobody named "Matthy Ronmney" alive today. Weirder is the fact that Matthy uses the image of a recently deceased Hollywood stuntman (Joshua Wright, d. October 2013) for all his profile pictures.

Same goes for David Weiss and Alan Nietszche (worth noting that the famous nihilist's name is spelled NIETZSCHE - this guy flipped the "s" and the "z").

Then again, we shouldn't judge...I'm pretty sure that Also Sprach Zarathustra isn't required reading at Quantico...

Hey, Buff. Can I call you Buff? Is there a Pulitzer Prize equivalent for people who post on forums? I'm wondering, for if there is, we can fire up a couple of our sockpuppets and nominate ourselves.  ;D

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 03:45:03 AM
A very interesting read, considering that Andrew "Flip" Filipowski is the chief architect of Sunlot (think Sun Times):

The encouraging news for entrepreneurs is that this might be changing. Now a Chicago technology tycoon, Andrew "Flip" Filipowski, says it's time for Silicon Valley to share the wealth. "As an Internet economy replaces the traditional economy, you'll have an economic cesspool in those cities" if they aren't included in tech-driven growth, says the former chairman and chief executive of Platinum Technology International, a suburban Chicago software concern he founded in 1987 that was recently acquired by Computer Associates for $3.5 billion. The stake of this butcher's son from Chicago's Near West Side was worth about $290 million.

Filipowski is part of an emerging new segment of venture capitalists and angel investors: entrepreneurs who made it big and now want to invest in early-stage companies. What makes Filipowski's approach somewhat unusual: he wants to take his investment vehicle public a la Internet Capital Group, he plans to take an incubator approach to growing his investments, and he intends to do this in the heart of Chicago's Goose Island industrial zone.

Coming from anyone else, Filipowski's strategy might not garner much respect from the technology establishment, but it's getting behind him. For example, Dell Computer is expected to become a significant investor in Filipowski's venture group, Divine InterVentures.

So far, Divine InterVentures has raised more than $400 million for its first fund, and another $100 million in seed money for very-early-stage investments.

In addition to Dell, Filipowski has been busy raising money from all corners of Chicago's clubby business community, including Motorola and Tellabs . And the master marketer has managed to get both Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and Illinois Governor George Ryan to throw their weight behind Filipowski's Internet incubator project. Not wanting to be known as the politicians that missed the Internet, they are backing Filipowski's vision to create an entrepreneurial culture in the center of the industrial heartland, which calls for a publicly held holding company that invests in a group of 30 or so Internet start-ups, of which many will locate under the same roof in Chicago.

While publicly held venture-capital firms aren't necessarily new (think CMGI or ICG) and Internet incubators aren't necessarily new (think idealab, which spawned eToys), the combination of the two is relatively new. The group could file for an IPO as early as December, said one source familiar with the company.

The advantage to an incubator approach, which is rapidly catching on as a way to grow 'Netcos, is that the start-ups share resources and expertise through their common shareholders. And in the case of Divine InterVentures, an incubator fosters the cultivation of Silicon Valley culture in a place where it's lacking, such as Chicago, Filipowski notes.

But there are downsides to incubators, says Gill Cogan, a general partner of Weiss Peck & Greer, one of the Bay Area's top-tier venture firms. These firms get coddled more than your average start-ups, and "sooner or later you have to push them out of the nest," he says. What's more, backers are more reluctant to pull the plug on lousy performers after they have been part of the start-up family, he adds.

"That's probably true," Filipowski admits. But that isn't going to stop this butcher's son from taking his Internet fund to public market any time soon.

Here's what's interesting about the above, in case you didn't figure it out. It was penned by a Mark Veverka on Nov. 8, 1999. BTW, Google Mark Veverka + Bitcoin, and see what you find.

Recall when I told you to remember the following link?:

Well, guess what happened to Weiss Peck & Greer:

Weiss, Peck & Greer


Venture capital firm, over $700M under management. Part of Robeco. Other parts of WPG are now Lightspeed Venture Partners.

Industry: Private Equity

Ticker: (subsidiary)

Again, Google Lightspeed Venture Partners + Bitcoin, and see if you find anything interesting.

Pretty impressive for starting out as a butcher's son and... GULP! On second thought, I will now be deleting all my posts. NOT!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 28, 2014, 03:58:47 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

How hard is it to make a few fake FB profiles, am I missing something or isn't that really extremely weak "evidence?"

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 04:01:43 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

How hard is it to make a few fake FB profiles, am I missing something or isn't that really extremely weak "evidence?"

The Facebook profiles in question were started in September, 2012, mostly. The question is why and by whom, for I've shown that when one post, others almost immediately reply. And, some have locked down their accounts since I first brought all this to light.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Plento on May 28, 2014, 04:09:50 AM
I've lurked here for a long time and have always assumed that PG's posts are just conglomerated spam.  
I apologize if I'm off-base here, just what I've observed.

His posts are akins to another user's posts around here who seems to have vanished, Mircea or something along those lines?

Who has time in a day to post novels on a daily basis?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 04:28:02 AM
I've lurked here for a long time and have always assumed that PG's posts are just conglomerated spam.  
I apologize if I'm off-base here, just what I've observed.

His posts are akins to another user's posts around here who seems to have vanished, Mircea or something along those lines?

Who has time in a day to post novels on a daily basis?

This is me, none other, albeit Mircea (who was banned) was the first person to give me my first positive trust. Broadcasting live, here in Sandwich, IL.

In case you need further proof that I am who I say I am, take a look at these videos:

BTW, I see you have lurking down to a science:

Total Time Spent Online:  26 minutes

Care to elaborate?

I even have an Honest Abe totem pole next to my home, to boot.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 04:54:10 AM
I'm curious as to how Marcos Rector was able to garner up Likes on his Facebook in about an hour via simply changing his cover image on a Friday afternoon:

To boot, here's the original, sans the 'MERICA and the stylized Diary of a Country Girl.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: beetcoin on May 28, 2014, 04:55:17 AM
It seems like at some point, a lot of this should be passed on to law enforcement?  The deeper people dig, the darker this entire thing gets...

i doubt law enforcement cares. these people are the wealthy elite; the only law breakers are the poor and commonfolk.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 05:11:49 AM
Looks like we have ourselves a tattoo to help figure out who Kevin Colins truly is:

Meet the man that was deported from Saudi Arabia... for being too handsome.
Omar Borkan Al Gala

As if anybody gives a hoot, the mystery is solved as to whose left hand is petting Justin Bieber's cat.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: gogxmagog on May 28, 2014, 05:40:37 AM
I didn't know what to make of all this at first glance, but it is starting to make scary sense.
What can one do about all this?
Very disturbing

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 05:46:41 AM
I didn't know what to make of all this at first glance, but it is starting to make scary sense.
What can one do about all this?
Very disturbing

Here's the plan: We group-buy a couple call-girls and set-up... Wait, I have a better idea. Let's get some chick - sans any college courses under her belt - and place her in position as CEO of our nemesis' competing business hoping, of course, she doesn't become suicidal after we, ourselves, invest in said competition. Ideally, we should have Chief Gordon cordon off any high-rise buildings in the vicinity to ward (not Burt) off any such attempts.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Plento on May 28, 2014, 05:54:24 AM
I've lurked here for a long time and have always assumed that PG's posts are just conglomerated spam.  
I apologize if I'm off-base here, just what I've observed.

His posts are akins to another user's posts around here who seems to have vanished, Mircea or something along those lines?

Who has time in a day to post novels on a daily basis?

This is me, none other, albeit Mircea (who was banned) was the first person to give me my first positive trust. Broadcasting live, here in Sandwich, IL.

In case you need further proof that I am who I say I am, take a look at these videos:

BTW, I see you have lurking down to a science:

Total Time Spent Online:  26 minutes

Care to elaborate?

I even have an Honest Abe totem pole next to my home, to boot.

Heh, fair enough.  Just speculation.  I only recently created an account here because... well, I never really felt the need to make an account here I suppose.  I only read the Securities forum though.  I got into bitcoin a while ago when Bitfunder was around and got hosed so I bowed out for a bit.  I remember Mircea always over there causing ruckus though.  lol

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 07:02:27 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

How hard is it to make a few fake FB profiles, am I missing something or isn't that really extremely weak "evidence?"

Please consult "Exposing The Buffalo Club"/"Brock Pierce All Things Considered" for the complete thesis as to why they're authentic. There are dozens of reasons - "a preponderance of evidence," as they say in the civil courts - that these profiles are authentic.

The quasi-tl;dr addendum is this. For starters...


As PG noted, these 12-14 profiles move like a pack. If someone uploads a photo, it gets likes and comments from most of the others, often within minutes of one another. It's usually some refrain of "lol/jajajaja" or comments featuring bizarre syntax, like they've been auto-fed through Facebook's Bing translator from Spanish. There are many references to "Buffalo JA" over the course of the past 3 years. There are pictures of monkey buttholes and monkey testicles. There are pictures of jails.

"What color hair has Buffalo JA? lol"


These accounts go back as far as 2010. The central ones - Marc Rector, Brock (Pierce) Rector, and Kevin Colins (Chad Shackley) - have all been quite active since 2012, and still are to this day (though their pages have mostly gone private ever since this lil' investigation broke). The DIA/FBI guys are newer additions to the club. Most of them joined in 2013. The FBI/DIA/INTERPOL logos started appearing on their profiles in the last week of February, this year. Same time Gox and Autumn met their fates.

Therefore, we might as well cross off "Bitcoin competitor" as a suspect. Brock Pierce was still wrapped up in his IGE-esque ventures at that time. Nobody knew he was going to be a big player in Bitcoin, and for that matter nobody had any actual clue that Bitcoin would surge to $1200 in three years' time.


The best way to disambiguate these profiles is to divine a possible motive. If these profiles are NOT Marc/Brock/Chad, who could possibly be responsible for them? As Brock Pierce himself said on Twitter, we can assume whoever made these profiles has a "not good" motive. They're out to smear him, link him to Marc Rector, etc. BUT WHY?

Brock Pierce has definitely made enemies. There are thousands of WoW players who blame him for ruining their beloved MMO experience. There are a bunch of former child actors who tried to sue him for sexual assault. He only paid off one of them.

Whoever this mysterious enemy of Brock is, he must have a deep well of hatred...he's been lurking for 2-3 YEARS on facebook, quietly fabricating a patchbook of incriminating correspondence with a fake Marc Collins-Rector and fake Chad...

...But he doesn't stop there. He tracks who Brock's been making friends with back in LA. He even creates fake profiles for Ken Rutkowski, Brock's new Santa Monica bestie. So fully dedicated to the Authenticity of his scheme, he somehow finds an incredibly obscure photo from the 2008 Tech Cowboys UnConference in Jackson Hole, uploaded nowhere else but Jeff Pulver's private Flickr account...and he adds that to Ken's facebook album.

But our cyberstalker isn't done! he decides to add another layer of intriguing fuckery in late 2013, tossing in some LA-based non-profit guy named Michael Kaliski, setting up his profile to make him look like a DIA agent...then he adds two more "INTERPOL agents"...their photos are so obscure that they don't even pop up on a Google Images search!

The artistry of this tr0ll! To be so methodical and precise, so coldly calculated.....that he doesn't even bother posting this shit when the Bryan Singer sex abuse hits the headlines back in March. For the first time in years, the terms "Brock Pierce" and "pedophile" are being splashed across all the Gawkers and Jezebels and Buzzfeeds...and Brock's arch enemy does nothing! He continues to post things, but keeps the FB profiles obscure. Nobody is tipped off to them, no anonymous person drops a link on Twitter, BTCtalk, Perez Hilton, WeHo Confidential...

Weeks later, Brock begins his big push to join the board of TBF, while simultaneously attempting to purchase Mt. Gox as quickly as humanly possible. Some Bitcoin people are starting to grumble on forums about all these fast business moves...people are starting to wonder, "Who is Sunlot? Who is Brock Pierce?"

But again, our Brock-hating villain stays his hand! Why didn't he strike when the getting was good? Why didn't he blast this across the web BEFORE Brock's already-controversial election? Why didn't he take his VENGEANCE and ruin Brock Pierce's legitimacy once and for all?

Because he doesn't fucking exist. That's why.

It's a matter of forum record that Phinnaeus Gage was the first person to share these Facebook accounts with people who actually might give a shit (us). Further investigative work has been done by myself and (as far as I know) two or three other anonymous individuals who, like myself, are simply fascinated by all this shit. Oh, how we wish we could just look away...

I, for one, can pledge to you that until early 2014, I only knew Brock Pierce as "young Gordon Bombay" and "the kid in that First Kid movie, wait wasn't Sinbad in that?"

And while I'm a n00b to this forum, veterans of BTCtalk can likely attest that PG, for all his tenacity, has not been quietly engineering a massive takedown of Brock Pierce since 2010. He's had plenty of other foes to deal with (davout, etc etc).

Convinced yet? Either way, there's more...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 07:28:32 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

How hard is it to make a few fake FB profiles, am I missing something or isn't that really extremely weak "evidence?"

Please consult "Exposing The Buffalo Club"/"Brock Pierce All Things Considered" for the complete thesis as to why they're authentic. There are dozens of reasons - "a preponderance of evidence," as they say in the civil courts - that these profiles are authentic. More revelations are still coming - big ones.

The quasi-tl;dr addendum is this. For starters...


As PG noted, these 12-14 profiles move like a pack. If someone uploads a photo, it gets likes and comments from most of the others, often within minutes of one another. It's usually some refrain of "lol/jajajaja" or comments featuring bizarre syntax, like they've been auto-fed through Facebook's Bing translator from Spanish. There are many references to "Buffalo JA" over the course of the past 3 years. There are pictures of monkey buttholes and monkey testicles. There are pictures of jails.

"What color hair has Buffalo JA? lol"


These accounts go back as far as 2010. The central ones - Marc Rector, Brock (Pierce) Rector, and Kevin Colins (Chad Shackley) - have all been active since then, and still are to this day (though their pages have mostly gone private ever since this lil' investigation broke). The DIA/FBI guys are newer additions to the club. Most of them joined in 2013. The FBI/DIA/INTERPOL logos started appearing on their profiles in the last week of February, this year. Same time Gox and Autumn met their fates.

Therefore, we might as well cross off "Bitcoin competitor" as a suspect. Brock Pierce was still wrapped up in his IGE-esque ventures at that time. Nobody knew he was going to be a big player in Bitcoin, and for that matter nobody had any actual clue that Bitcoin would surge to $1200 in three years' time.


The best way to disambiguate these profiles is to divine a possible motive. If these profiles are NOT Marc/Brock/Chad, who could possibly be responsible for them? As Brock Pierce himself said on Twitter, we can assume whoever made these profiles has a "not good" motive. They're out to smear him, link him to Marc Rector, etc. BUT WHY?

Brock Pierce has definitely made enemies. There are thousands of WoW players who blame him for ruining their beloved MMO experience. There are a bunch of former child actors who tried to sue him for sexual assault. He only paid off one of them.

Whoever this mysterious enemy of Brock is, he must have a deep well of hatred...he's been lurking for FOUR YEARS on facebook, quietly fabricating a patchbook of incriminating correspondence with a fake Marc Collins-Rector and fake Chad...

...But he doesn't stop there. He tracks who Brock's been making friends with back in LA. He even creates fake profiles for Ken Rutkowski, Brock's new Santa Monica bestie. So fully dedicated to the Authenticity of his scheme, he somehow finds an incredibly obscure photo from the 2008 Tech Cowboys UnConference in Jackson Hole, uploaded nowhere else but Jeff Pulver's private Flickr account...and he adds that to Ken's facebook album.

But our cyberstalker isn't done! he decides to add another layer of intriguing fuckery in late 2013, tossing in some LA-based non-profit guy named Michael Kaliski, setting up his profile to make him look like a DIA agent...then he adds two more "INTERPOL agents"...their photos are so obscure that they don't even pop up on a Google Images search!

The artistry of this tr0ll! To be so methodical and precise, so coldly calculated.....that he doesn't even bother posting this shit when the Bryan Singer sex abuse hits the headlines back in March. For the first time in years, the terms "Brock Pierce" and "pedophile" are being splashed across all the Gawkers and Jezebels and Buzzfeeds...and Brock's arch enemy does nothing! He continues to post things, but keeps the FB profiles obscure. Nobody is tipped off to them, no anonymous person drops a link on Twitter, BTCtalk, Perez Hilton, WeHo Confidential...

Weeks later, Brock begins his big push to join the board of TBF, while simultaneously attempting to purchase Mt. Gox as quickly as humanly possible. Some Bitcoin people are starting to grumble on forums about all these fast business moves...people are starting to wonder, "Who is Sunlot? Who is Brock Pierce?"

But again, our Brock-hating villain stays his hand! Why didn't he strike when the getting was good? Why didn't he blast this across the web BEFORE Brock's already-controversial election? Why didn't he take his VENGEANCE and ruin Brock Pierce's legitimacy once and for all?

Because he doesn't fucking exist. That's why.

It's a matter of forum record that Phinnaeus Gage was the first person to share these Facebook accounts with people who actually might give a shit (us). Further investigative work has been done by myself and (as far as I know) two or three other anonymous individuals who, like myself, are simply fascinated by all this shit. Oh, how we wish we could just look away...

I, for one, can pledge to you that until early 2014, I only knew Brock Pierce as "young Gordon Bombay" and "the kid in that First Kid movie, wait wasn't Sinbad in that?"

And while I'm a n00b to this forum, veterans of BTCtalk can likely attest that PG, for all his tenacity, has not been quietly engineering a massive takedown of Brock Pierce since 2010. He's had plenty of other foes to deal with (davout, etc etc).

Convinced yet? Either way, there's more...much more.

Recall, Brock Pierce had only minor roles in the first two Mighty Ducks movies, but he's repeatedly mentioned as the star of both movies, of which is one helluva stretch.

Looking at the dates of when Marco Rector uploaded most his pics, they seem to coincide with major events stemming outta Camp Mt Gox:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 08:28:26 AM
Looks like we have ourselves a tattoo to help figure out who Kevin Colins truly is:

As if anybody gives a hoot, the mystery is solved as to whose left hand is petting Justin Bieber's cat.

Wait a god damned minute........


Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 10:13:18 AM
It seems like at some point, a lot of this should be passed on to law enforcement?  The deeper people dig, the darker this entire thing gets...

I would, yet I worry... (not an endorsement of Brandon Darby, but nonetheless...)

Have we seen any public arrests, or even firings, from these recent scandals?

And let's not forget this poor soul who (like so many others in this thread) took their life in Q1 2014:

And while I hope most of you have long been aware of this, just in case:

But wait, you say! Wasn't there a recent Buzzfeed article that tore the whole Michael Egan lawsuit to shreds?

This one?

A new source emerges to defend Singer, Rector, Pierce, Shackley, et al...

Mel Berman: A cook and household staffer at the DEN executives’ mansion, where the assaults allegedly took place. He was deposed under oath as a part of Pierce’s attempt to reverse the default judgment against him.

"Mel Berman, the weekend chef at the DEN mansion in Encino, swore in a deposition taken in 2003 that Egan and Burton approached him to try to get him to testify against Collins-Rector, Shackley, and Pierce. They allegedly offered him half of the judgment they were expecting to get in exchange for his testimony.
According to the court documents, Egan invited Berman to a Denny’s shortly before the filing of the lawsuit. He promised to give him “half of what we are going to get.” Burton then spoke with Berman on the phone and tried to get him to join the scheme as well.
Berman refused to take the money and instead testified in favor of Pierce."

Well, that settles it. Thanks for clearing things up, Mel! It's hard to find an honest man in Encino.

Might as well take our tinfoil hats and go home...

O wait, check this out.



Speaking of Mel "Trustworthy Witness" Berman, anyone in the mood for a good 1970s NYC mobster case?

"In October, 1969, personnel in the Custody Department of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York discovered that some $13,194,000 worth of United States Treasury bills had disappeared, presumably subsequent to their purchase by the bank's Bond Department but prior to their deposit in the vault. On March 4, 1970, government agents arrested Anthony Tavoularis, Joseph DiRienzo and Stuart Norman as they left Frank's Luncheonette on East New York Avenue in Brooklyn; stuffed inside Norman's shirt were nine Treasury bills with an aggregate face value of $2,600,000, subsequently identified by their serial numbers as among the bills missing from the Morgan bank."


The evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to the government, established, as the government accurately portrays it, a "thieves' market" in stolen bills. In late 1969, Daniels, manager of the Williams Bar on Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn, asked Norman, who had a vending machine business, if he knew where to get rid of stolen securities. Norman said no, but not long thereafter Melvin Berman, who worked in another bar and was in debt to Norman, asked Norman if he knew of "a good shot at maybe making some money." Recalling Daniels' offer, Norman took Berman to Daniels' apartment. While Berman waited downstairs, Norman asked Daniels if the securities were still available. Daniels made a telephone call and reported that $3 million worth would be available, and that they were Treasury notes rather than securities.5 Norman reported this to Berman, who asked for a sample. Thus, at a later date the two returned to Daniels' apartment. Again Berman waited downstairs. This time, Poerio was with Daniels, and Norman told him that Berman was the one who would be getting rid of the bills. Poerio went downstairs and told Berman that only.$2.7 million would be available."

Oh, but the hustle never stops! Ten years later, Melly Mel gets caught up in ANOTHER felony case with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, something to do with insider commodities trading:

After that, it's presumed he moved out to Los Angeles where, 20 odd years later, he'd finally cross paths with a group of swinging young lads who REALLY had "a good shot at maybe making some money":

These are the types of people Brock Pierce does business with.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 10:53:56 AM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

Recall, Brock Pierce had only minor roles in the first two Mighty Ducks movies, but he's repeatedly mentioned as the star of both movies, of which is one helluva stretch.

Looking at the dates of when Marco Rector uploaded most his pics, they seem to coincide with major events stemming outta Camp Mt Gox:

You mean like this one on February 28th, the day the GOXic died?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JohnnyBTCSeed on May 28, 2014, 05:22:26 PM
Pedos and Power.

Wondering why the elite don't care about Brock? Cause he fits in with them nicely.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has attended the Bohemian Grove Events given that it is rumored they sacrifice children to Moluk during the cremation of care ritual.

The evil event is coming up soon. Held just west of Santa Rosa.

Nixon's comments

Alex Jones's video

Oh and BTW it really shouldn't shock you that a stripper car was an idea from a "burner". Hell that community invented the term "shirt cocking" after all.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: roslinpl on May 28, 2014, 10:03:22 PM
This all hurts my brain.

Can someone make an easy to watch YouTube vid for me to watch?

Yes that would be great! :) I am stuck at #1 post hehehe somewhere around the middle of it.

Too many clues, too many words :)

We have PRO investigators around! :)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: nkocevar on May 28, 2014, 10:10:31 PM
Who exactly is brock pierce? I keep hearing the name and I read the wiki page. But what is the whole controversy?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 10:46:05 PM
This all hurts my brain.

Can someone make an easy to watch YouTube vid for me to watch?

Yes that would be great! :) I am stuck at #1 post hehehe somewhere around the middle of it.

Too many clues, too many words :)

We have PRO investigators around! :)

Pros, my ass! I'm doing this in my underwear, not sure what Buffalo is donning, if anything... JAjaJaaaaaaaaaaa

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some planting to do.  ;)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 10:52:37 PM
Who exactly is brock pierce? I keep hearing the name and I read the wiki page. But what is the whole controversy?

Chiefly, he's, et al. connection to Sunlot that was trying to take over Mt Gox via purchasing it for...wait for it...1 BTC. Rumor has it that they conducted a group-buy to amass such a large sum. Since then, Brock Pierce has been erected to the TBF by one vote thanks to KnC, of which he is in partners with, paying the $100K USD via BTC Platinum membership fee for becoming an Industrial Member one day prior to the erection, in spite of the tx is nowhere to be found. If that doesn't get your dick hard, like mine, than a pic of Kayden Kross won't either.

Here's a video that'll get you up to speed, in spite of the efforts by Brock Pierce that there's NOT ONE bit of truth it's based on, ergo a lie:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: nkocevar on May 28, 2014, 10:59:43 PM
Who exactly is brock pierce? I keep hearing the name and I read the wiki page. But what is the whole controversy?

Chiefly, his, et al. connection to Sunlot that was trying to take over Mt Gox via purchasing it for...wait for it...1 BTC. Rumor has it that they conducted a group-buy to amass such a large sum. Since then, Brock Pierce has been erected to the TBF by one vote thanks to KnC, of which he is in partners with, paying the $100K USD via BTC Platinum membership fee for becoming an Industrial Member, in spite of the tx is nowhere to be found. If that doesn't get your dick hard, like mine, than a pic of Kayden Kross won't either.

Here's a video that'll get you up to speed, in spite of the efforts by Brock Pierce that there's NOT ONE bit of truth it's based on, ergo a lie:

nanananananana conspiracy! I love reading this shit. It gets me gears going.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 11:46:37 PM
Pedos and Power.

Wondering why the elite don't care about Brock? Cause he fits in with them nicely.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has attended the Bohemian Grove Events given that it is rumored they sacrifice children to Moluk during the cremation of care ritual.

The evil event is coming up soon. Held just west of Santa Rosa.

Nixon's comments

Alex Jones's video

Holy fuck - did anybody watch the video from this link?* (the one)

*[Yes, we're entering super-tinfoil territory now, but let's keep an open mind for a moment. It's more fun that way.]

I had thought up until now that Chad Shackley picked "Kevin Colins" as an alias because of his long-term romantic relationship with Marc Collins-Rector. (Chad gets Collins, Brock gets Rector, awwwww)

But I was wrong. Turns out Chad's alias is much more inspired than we thought...

In February 1984, Kevin Collins vanished without a trace in San Francisco, CA.

"Kevin was last seen at approximately 7:55 p.m. at the corner of Oak Street and Masonic Avenue, waiting for the No. 43 bus. Witnesses reported seeing him at the bus stop talking to a tall blond haired man. He was never seen or heard from again."

Kevin was also the first child to earn the unfortunate honor of having his face plastered across milk cartons. Yes, this is the kid who started the whole "HAVE YOU SEEN ME?" milk carton phenomenon.

For those who didn't watch the video, the crusty gentleman who snuck into the Bohemian Grove during the 1980s claims that he watched nine individuals - among them Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) and SF Mayor Willie Brown - ritually murder young Kevin Collins during their annual "Cremation of Care" ceremony.

Among other things, the Global Elite at Bohemian Grove worship a giant statue of Moloch, the ancient Mesopotamian owl god.

First mentioned by that it-boy scribe Leviticus circa 3000 BC:

Leviticus 18:21: "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch."

"Passing through the fire to Moloch" refers to the burning of human infant sacrifices, a practice which was trés chic in the Fertile Crescent during that era.

That owl tattoo on Bieber's arm is Moloch, btw.

Speaking of, why has nobody commented on the bizarre fact that Chad Shackley uploaded a picture of Justin Bieber petting Kim Kardashian's (now deceased) Persian kitten, Mercy?

I could be overreacting. I know, I know, there couldn't possibly be a pseudo-Satanic pedo cult infesting the upper ranks of the world's leadership, seducing even our tenderest young Pop Starz...

At the very least, however, this proves that Chad Shackley seems to find 1. famous abducted children, and 2. dead kittens very "JaJaJa", as do his buddies.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 01:38:48 AM
Pedos and Power.

Wondering why the elite don't care about Brock? Cause he fits in with them nicely.

I wouldn't be surprised if he has attended the Bohemian Grove Events given that it is rumored they sacrifice children to Moluk during the cremation of care ritual.

The evil event is coming up soon. Held just west of Santa Rosa.

Nixon's comments

Alex Jones's video

Holy fuck - did anybody watch the video from this link?* (the one)

*[Yes, we're entering super-tinfoil territory now, but let's keep an open mind for a moment. It's more fun that way.]

I had thought up until now that Chad Shackley picked "Kevin Colins" as an alias because of his long-term romantic relationship with Marc Collins-Rector. (Chad gets Collins, Brock gets Rector, awwwww)

But I was wrong. Turns out Chad's alias is much more inspired than we thought...

In February 1984, Kevin Collins vanished without a trace in San Francisco, CA.

"Kevin was last seen at approximately 7:55 p.m. at the corner of Oak Street and Masonic Avenue, waiting for the No. 43 bus. Witnesses reported seeing him at the bus stop talking to a tall blond haired man. He was never seen or heard from again."

Kevin was also the first child to earn the unfortunate honor of having his face plastered across milk cartons. Yes, this is the kid who started the whole "HAVE YOU SEEN ME?" milk carton phenomenon.

For those who didn't watch the video, the crusty gentleman who snuck into the Bohemian Grove during the 1980s claims that he watched nine individuals - among them Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) and SF Mayor Willie Brown - ritually murder young Kevin Collins during their annual "Cremation of Care" ceremony.

Among other things, the Global Elite at Bohemian Grove worship a giant statue of Moloch, the ancient Mesopotamian owl god.

First mentioned by that it-boy scribe Leviticus circa 3000 BC:

Leviticus 18:21: "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch."

"Passing through the fire to Moloch" refers to the burning of human infant sacrifices, a practice which was trés chic in the Fertile Crescent during that era.

That owl tattoo on Bieber's arm is Moloch, btw.

Speaking of, why has nobody commented on the bizarre fact that Chad Shackley uploaded a picture of Justin Bieber petting Kim Kardashian's (now deceased) Persian kitten, Mercy?

I could be overreacting. I know, I know, there couldn't possibly be a pseudo-Satanic pedo cult infesting the upper ranks of the world's leadership, seducing even our tenderest young Pop Starz...

At the very least, however, this proves that Chad Shackley seems to find 1. famous abducted children, and 2. dead kittens very "JaJaJa", as do his buddies.

Damn, if they hadn't murdered Tom Clancy, he'd be all over this by now, penning The Block Chain Secrets.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 05:58:20 AM
Apologies for the cache version, but can anybody clue me in on what this page is about:

I'm leaning toward it being some sort of way for people to communicate with one another via using the comments sections of 100s of mundane website. I've found one site that discusses the building of a school that has 10s of thousands of such comments.

Before I make the Bitcoin connection, I would rather have this explained to me, for I seriously don't have a clue as to what's going on there. (seriously, not trying to trick you, guys)

I found them all via this guy:

Grabbing one comment at random (seriously, was random due to its size, so no need to think I have an alternative motive for using it), you'll find this:

I even found one site that had no content but 12K+ comments, most linking to sex, dating, gambling, bitcoin, and guess where I'm going to be next week type postings.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 06:04:12 AM

Note the use of node in the URL. Now, check out the link provided by its one comment:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 07:10:42 AM
Apologies for the cache version, but can anybody clue me in on what this page is about:

I'm leaning toward it being some sort of way for people to communicate with one another via using the comments sections of 100s of mundane website. I've found one site that discusses the building of a school that has 10s of thousands of such comments.

Before I make the Bitcoin connection, I would rather have this explained to me, for I seriously don't have a clue as to what's going on there. (seriously, not trying to trick you, guys)

I found them all via this guy:

Grabbing one comment at random (seriously, was random due to its size, so no need to think I have an alternative motive for using it), you'll find this:

I even found one site that had no content but 12K+ comments, most linking to sex, dating, gambling, bitcoin, and guess where I'm going to be next week type postings.

Just connected the above to

This was the key:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 29, 2014, 10:01:57 AM
lol isn't that just a SEO spambot?


Wait...they're already publicly traded in China? JA!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 09:31:18 PM
lol isn't that just a SEO spambot?


Wait...they're already publicly traded in China? JA!

I think you and I deserve a well-earned (see my posts prior to this one to get up to speed).

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 10:49:52 PM

The above image gleaned from the home page of

I find it amazing that in spite of all the hoopla making the rounds via various Bitcoin-theme periodicals, the depicted bitcoin wallet address has yet to muster up a single satoshi in tips:

It's only a suggestion, but perhaps more will donate once they see some sort of seal-of-approval.

If you think I'm kidding...

Fuck, they can't even get everybody in Bitropolis' hot tub to like the app:

My guess is that the above was created for ONLY ONE porpoise: To show investors the amazing things stemming from Bitropolis... When they're not all in the hot tub, that is:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 29, 2014, 11:19:00 PM
Holy motherfuckin' wOw! When tweets, people flock:

BlockStreet ‏@blockstreetapp  May 28
Good stuff: The Definitive History of #Bitcoin … via @visualcap

I dare you to take a look at some of the well-thought-out comments from this Feb. 15, 2014, article. You'll simply be amazed! Also, note the names of those posting. That's really a shocker!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 30, 2014, 09:20:56 AM
Holy motherfuckin' wOw! When tweets, people flock:

BlockStreet ‏@blockstreetapp  May 28
Good stuff: The Definitive History of #Bitcoin … via @visualcap

I dare you to take a look at some of the well-thought-out comments from this Feb. 15, 2014, article. You'll simply be amazed! Also, note the names of those posting. That's really a shocker!

it says no comments. iz thiz joek? jaja

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 12:30:47 PM
Holy motherfuckin' wOw! When tweets, people flock:

BlockStreet ‏@blockstreetapp  May 28
Good stuff: The Definitive History of #Bitcoin … via @visualcap

I dare you to take a look at some of the well-thought-out comments from this Feb. 15, 2014, article. You'll simply be amazed! Also, note the names of those posting. That's really a shocker!

it says no comments. iz thiz joek? jaja

Exactly! In spite of all da hoopla, NADA! Pen in February. Sat idle. Tweeted about. Still nobody cares. Marketing at its finest.

Hell, if they weren't so busy jacking each other off in the hot tub, one of them crazy fucks would have suggested, "Hey, guys. When we're done here, let's comment on that... I love it when you touch me like that. Now, where was I, as if it mattered?"

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 30, 2014, 06:18:42 PM
If anyone knows how to stop Sunlot from getting Gox, please go for it.
I predict they will get it, based on the cast of "quality", well-connected individuals who make up their team.
The USA Gov will be one of the biggest holders of BTC, and in control (or strong influence) of a major exchange.
Time to look at some more alt coins..........??

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: juju on May 30, 2014, 06:31:00 PM
If anyone knows how to stop Sunlot from getting Gox, please go for it.
I predict they will get it, based on the cast of "quality", well-connected individuals who make up their team.
The USA Gov will be one of the biggest holders of BTC, and in control (or strong influence) of a major exchange.
Time to look at some more alt coins..........??

I agree, Honestly I would never use a revived form of Gox, I am certain many others will not consider them either. Even if Sunlot buys Gox, Restores all Missing BTC to users and straightens out the ledgers, I don't think people will care. Only people who will care are those who who get their lost coin/money back so they can take it away from the site immediately. New users might see the restoring of the lost funds to be a security feature that Gox provides: (even if the exchange is hacked their coins are still safe)...Which is not the case

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: CoolBliss on May 30, 2014, 06:32:47 PM
Phin is known to go off on wild goose chases.
One of his first gaffs was accusing Stefan Thomas of being the Tom Williams of MyBitcoin exchange that was the original exchange scam.
There's a screw missing there.;wap2

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 06:53:29 PM
Phin is known to go off on wild goose chases.
One of his first gaffs was accusing Stefan Thomas of being the Tom Williams of MyBitcoin exchange that was the original exchange scam.
There's a screw missing there.;wap2

Name:   CoolBliss
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Position:   Newbie
Date Registered:   May 24, 2014, 04:32:09 PM
Last Active:   Today at 01:47:01 PM

I think I just found the screw.

If you, or whoever is finding the information, you'll uncover a myriad of mistakes on my part. I apology for not being as perfect of you, then, again, at least I'm doing something to thwart the scammers, unlike you, asshole!

I have made a couple of small donations with Bitcoin, but nothing spectacular. (Shawn's outpost etc.) and handed out a couple of brochures to local restaurants from Bitcoin Bigfoot and requested some businesses I frequent to accept BTC. I don't need a pizza, but wanted to thank you for doing this anyway. The little stuff counts.

I spent 7 days at Satoshi Forest last Thanksgiving, and slept on the ground when the temp was in the low 20s - with the windchill - on the coldest day of the year there in Pensacola. I've donated ten's of thousands of dollars worth of bitcoins to various entities. For my efforts, davout, staff of this forum, ripped me off to the tune of 1,132 BTC via his InstaWallet "hack".

Again, I repeat, go fuck yourself!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: MarketNeutral on May 30, 2014, 07:18:52 PM
Cliffs / tl;dr summary?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 30, 2014, 07:38:31 PM
Cliffs / tl;dr summary?

Working on it, as well as a summary of new info.


Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 08:11:21 PM
Cooley LLP seems to love Bitcoin.

From September 17, 2012:
Note that Cooley's 101 California Street address is on the list. Looks to me like entities are incorporating bitcoins in trust funds, eh?

3455 Peachtree Road NE, 5th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
Phone   (678) 539-8100

Virtually, each address that Cooley LLP provides, I can easily link a Bitcoin entity to it. Question: How can us Bitcoin Minions get in on the action, considering it's us Minions doing a myriad legwork gratis and, let's not forget, being stolen from.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 08:18:41 PM
Cliffs / tl;dr summary?

Working on it, as well as a summary of new info.


When you're done, let's hope these naysayers start signin' the same tune:
Ja Ja Jaaaah
Ja Ja Jaaah
Jaaah Ja Jah

Oh Ja Jaaah
Ja Ja Jaaah
Jaaah Ja Jah"

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: nutildah on May 30, 2014, 09:06:12 PM
I can't believe you guys expect people to read all this.

Shouldn't you guys be working on developing bitcoin or something?

The pursuit of this matter seems like an awful waste of time while on planet earth.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 09:35:18 PM
I can't believe you guys expect people to read all this.

Shouldn't you guys be working on developing bitcoin or something?

The pursuit of this matter seems like an awful waste of time while on planet earth.

Name:   nutildah
Posts:   71
Activity:   56
Position:   Jr. Member
Date Registered:   April 19, 2014, 04:50:27 PM
Last Active:   Today at 04:30:26 PM

Excellent idea! You go first.

Meanwhile, I have a message for Brock Pierce.

I'm sure he'll understand the message sans pointing out which one of the above dudes has a purdy mouth.

If you're reading this, Brock, would you be so kind as to have davout to return to me my 1,132 BTC he stole via his InstaWallet "hack". It'll be much appreciated.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 09:46:30 PM

Copies to:

Jennifer DiNucci, Esq.    Francis R. Wheeler, Esq.
Cooley Godward Kronish LLP    Cooley Godward Kronish LLP
Five Palo Alto Square    380 Interlocken Crescent
3000 El Camino Real    Suite 900
Palo Alto, CA 94306-2155    Broomfield, CO 80021-8023
Tel: (650) 843-5000    Tel: (720) 566-4000
Fax: (650) 849-7400    Fax: (720) 566-4099

380 Interlocken Crescent
Suite 900
Broomfield, CO 80021-8023
+1 720 566 4000

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 30, 2014, 09:53:04 PM
When the person you just slept with deserves only the best, BloomNation is there -and they accept bitcoins, thanks to Muckers Capital of Edison Muckers.

Another Newbie asking me why I waste my time on this drivel in 5...4...3...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: RagnarDanneskjold on May 31, 2014, 12:38:12 AM
While I deeply appreciate the scandal and intrigue, I still feel the same about this guy & btc foundation as I did an hour ago - meh.

I can't believe I actually read this entire thread - PG, you are most fascinating person I've ever had the pleasure to meet.  I love you man.

I now feel about like this guy (

Thought I was getting it, but WHAT!!!?

Kabaragoya (

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 31, 2014, 01:02:55 AM
I now feel about like this guy (

You're not going to believe this, but I used to own that same shirt while living in Nashville. If I'm not mistaken, I may still of a pic of me wearing it when I visited India. Now, I have to hunt it down.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: RagnarDanneskjold on May 31, 2014, 01:48:57 AM
I now feel about like this guy (

You're not going to believe this, but I used to own that same shirt while living in Nashville. If I'm not mistaken, I may still of a pic of me wearing it when I visited India. Now, I have to hunt it down.

someday I want to read your autobiography [illustrated of course]

I will donate all my btc to get that shit published

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 31, 2014, 02:33:15 AM
I now feel about like this guy (

You're not going to believe this, but I used to own that same shirt while living in Nashville. If I'm not mistaken, I may still of a pic of me wearing it when I visited India. Now, I have to hunt it down.

someday I want to read your autobiography [illustrated of course]

I will donate all my btc to get that shit published

Again, you're not going to believe this, but why pay for it when it's all here:;u=24792

From, why I was in India, to once being accused of raping/impregnating a 14-year-old girl, with most events documented in between. Anything you want to know, simply ask. I'm an open-book.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 31, 2014, 05:39:13 AM

Now dead via suicide (hope the decease isn't catchy):

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on May 31, 2014, 09:24:27 AM

Now dead via suicide (hope the decease isn't catchy):

You mean like these poor bastards:


"Suicided" shortly after this article came out:

He's a little bit like this guy:

For those who still haven't watched, I highly recommend this British-made, US-banned Discovery Channel documentary on the Franklin coverup:

"Conspiracy of Silence" -

In the 1980s, a man named Larry King (not THAT Larry King), was a rising black star in the Republican Party. Larry ran the Franklin Federal Credit Union in Omaha and did a lot of GOP fundraising. So much so that he got to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the 1984 AND 1988 Republican National Conventions.

Oh, I almost forgot: he also ran a vast pedophile ring between Omaha and Washington D.C. He would take children from nearby Boys Town (a famous, respected boys' orphanage) and fly them out to D.C. for a wild weekend of hard drugs and savage sex with high-ranking political officials. He would secretly take pictures and video of the orgies, then use the evidence to blackmail the participants.

via the New York Times:

I could go on and on, but the end result is this: the chief prosecutor's plane exploded in mid-air (along with critical photographic evidence he'd just picked up, and his young son). One of the girls who spoke out about the abuse was slapped with a felony perjury charge and sentenced to up to 24 years in prison. It was unprecedented. About a dozen or so other people connected with the case died under mysterious circumstances. The case died a slow, quiet death. Larry King actually got popped for embezzling millions of dollars from his Credit Union, which promptly collapsed. He served about 7 years, was released in the early 2000s, and like Marc Collins-Rector, has utterly vanished from the public record.

But not to get too does this circle back to Brockstreet and the Buffalo?

One of the people repeatedly implicated in the adolescent rape parties was Congressman Barney Frank. Nobody was ever convicted for Franklin abuse-related allegations, but Barney came pretty damn close.,28804,1721111_1721210_1883878,00.html

"Widely regarded as one of the most intelligent and well spoken members of the House of Representatives, Barney Frank, a Democratic Congressman for nearly 30 years and the first openly gay member of the House, almost undid his career in 1989 after having an affair with Steve Gobie, a male prostitute. Although Frank was single at the time — thus not committing adultery — he did pay someone for sex (with personal funds), which is illegal in his state of Massachusetts. But the poor judgment didn't end there. Frank hired Gobie to run errands and allowed him to live at his home, where Frank obviously hoped he would be rehabilitated and renounce his life of sin. The only problem: Gobie kept on working as a prostitute — from Frank's home."

Which is pretty much exactly what the abused teenagers claimed in the first place - that they were often taken to Barney Frank's house for sex parties.

Now, let's guess which powerful people are good friends with Barney Frank?

Let's try "Ron Palmieri"...

Submitted by ONE Community on April 14, 2010 - 11:57am
Openly gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was in Los Angeles over the weekend for an appearance on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show and to speak at the Greenlining Institute’s Economic Summit. He also attended a Hollywood fundraiser thrown Saturday by attorney and former gubernatorial candidate, Ron Palmieri and his partner, Jeffrey Simpson. California Assembly Speaker John Perez also attended, lending his support to Frank and his Congressional and political leadership.

Former gubernatorial candidate? Damn, son!

I wonder who else power-attorney Ron Palmieri has represented in the past?

via Buzzfeed:

This article, published about two days ago, debuts a never before seen email between Mr. Ron J. Palmieri and Buffalo Pack member #3, Chad Shackley.

JaJaJa at how Chad asks Ron: "are there any steps, sleazy or otherwise, that we might take to find out where this information is coming from? Because now I'm more concerned than ever that it might be someone close to us. Not to mention that this is quickly becoming harassment and if someone with too much information is speaking to the press, who knows what they might try to dig up."

Sleazy steps, huh? PG better watch out.

But let's not forget this quote, the cherry on top: " should be able to get a hold of me through Mel."

Yes, "Mel" as in Mel Berman (see my previous post), the Buffalo Pack's "private chef", according to Buzzfeed, who testified in support of Brock Pierce during his 2003 sexual assault lawsuit. He said the kids were full of shit and they tried to bribe him to "lie" in court about Marc, Brock, and Chad's Hot Tub & rufinol escapades. This is the same Mel Berman who was installed as (fake muppet) president of a stereotypical shell company called WWTIV, along with directors Pierce, Shackley, Collins-Rector, and Bob Doede in 2001. All while being just a humble chef...who also seems to double as a personal assistant...on overseas trips to Monaco and Marbella... Quid does that go again?

and via Businessweek, just to belabor the point about Palmieri:

Collins-Rector's lawyer, Ronald J. Palmieri, says his client denies all the allegations in the complaint but confirms the case was settled and dismissed. The company says it was Collins-Rector's decision to move up the founders' previously planned departure from DEN. "His idea was to immediately protect the company," says Palmieri. "It would be a travesty for the millions of dollars invested [in DEN] to be affected by these unverified allegations."SIX-MINUTE SHOWS. Although they weren't named in the suit, DEN co-founders Chad M. Shackley, 24, and Brock Pierce, 18, also resigned. Company officials say they left with Collins-Rector because the trio is closely aligned and plans to start a new data-storage business. Meanwhile, Palmieri says Collins-Rector's 34% stake in DEN has been placed in a trust and can be voted only with the approval of two outside board directors.

I hope everyone is thoroughly impressed at how these three virtual nobodies (Collins-Rector, Shackley, Pierce) have continued to find themselves with so many well-connected friends.

I could keep going, but there's simply too much to Ja Ja JA about.

I will leave this as food for thought. Remember Louis J. Freeh? He's the ex-FBI Director who just so happens to be on the "recovery team" of Sunlot Holdings, Ltd., a Cyprus-registered corporation that wants to buy the legal rights to every single one of the 800,000+ "lost" bitcoins on MtGox.

Y'know, so they can launch New Gox under U.S. jurisdiction. Obviously regulatory approval shouldn't be a problem, seeing as they have a former FBI director on the team...

At first I asked myself, "why the hell would this savvy group of jet-setting Bitcoin investors choose - out of ALL the competent infosec firms available for hire - the private contracting firm of an extremely well-connected former FBI boss?"

They must've thought about that too, because you won't find more than one or two casual references to "Freeh Group International" in their English-language plan. The original Japanese one, however, sings about his connections and accomplishments (Ruby Ridge, Waco, that whole 9/11 thing on his watch not mentioned, obvs).

But funny enough, his name hasn't popped up in any news articles, press releases, or interviews. It's almost like Sunlot knows that the Bitcoin crowd would *hate* the FBI getting their sneaky fiat-grubbing palms all over the MtGox cryptochest...and they're like, trying to obscure that information from the greater public! LOL i know, i'm crazy.

You know what, though? It turns out I might be wrong. Upon further research of his resumé, it looks like Louis J. Freeh DOES have the appropriate work experience for dealing with Brock & Co:

That's right, folks: Louis J. Freeh was the "independent investigator" tasked with getting to the bottom of the Jerry Arthur Sandusky sex abuse case. (Should we just call him JA? lol)

I think Freeh did a great job: despite numerous allegations that Sandusky had been using his charity foundation, Second Mile, to "pimp" young boys out to wealthy donors, Freeh basically dumped all the blame on Joe Paterno and closed the books. Case closed!

"The Freeh report is full of errors, unsupported personal opinions, improper allegations
and biased assertions. Despite the Freeh report’s claim to the contrary, access to vital
documents and critical witnesses was severely limited. Those limitations, which were
understated or ignored in the report, call into question the report’s legitimacy. Despite
reportedly reviewing millions of documents and interviewing hundreds of witnesses, the
Freeh report relies primarily on a handful of emails, none of which Joe Paterno authored
or received, to make assertions about Joe Paterno, and shockingly does so even though
Mr. Freeh never interviewed the actual authors of the emails. This Critique of the Freeh
report addresses seven of the most egregious, unfounded, and unfair conclusions about
Joe Paterno; the three other expert reports attached to this Critique combine to expose and
address many more."

And of course there's no need to look into things like, say, who else might've been raping young boys with JA's assistance...

In the email to Poly Prep, Bucceroni said he was "a child prostitute" and was associated with a pedophile ring that included Sandusky, Foglietta, now-deceased Philadelphia businessman Ed Savitz and former Wharton School of Business professor Lawrence Scott Ward, who is serving a lengthy prison sentence for trafficking in child porn and smuggling photos and videos of himself having sex with a teenage Brazilian boy.

And circling back to Franklin...

After retirement, Sandusky hosted many summer football camps and was active in The Second Mile, a children's charity he founded in State College, Pennsylvania in 1977.
President George H. W. Bush praised the group as a "shining example" of charity work in a 1990 letter, one of that president's much-promoted "Thousand points of light" encouragements to volunteer community organizations.
Citing Sandusky's work with The Second Mile charity to provide care for foster children, then U.S. Senator Rick Santorum honored Sandusky with an Angels in Adoption award in 2002.

But according to SuperCop Louis J. Freeh, Sandusky was the Lone Diddler with a cowardly cover-up assist by JoePa, who promptly died after the scandal broke. Case closed!

Sounds like just the type of meticulous digital forensics experts we need to get to the bottom of MtGox, huh?

To be

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 09:03:20 AM
Sleazy steps, huh? PG better watch out.

I better watch out? I'll just lie and say it was all your idea, Buff.  ;D

Besides, I already have one death threat today:

Crazy as it may sound, at least one reported has already contacted me in regards to said threat.

If anything happens to me, bud, I will you my 10,000 GoCoins (injected this line to let a certain person know that I know what he thought nobody would know, you know?).

BTW, thanks for the summary... Summary my ass, for you're going deeper into some rabbit hole. Personally, I'm into goats. Now, back to reading your epic post, bud.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 09:21:18 AM

Company officials say they left with Collins-Rector because the trio is closely aligned and plans to start a new data-storage business.

Dudes, what's your favorite block to fine good boy-on-boy action?

Block X.

Fuck Block X. That's too old-school. Block Y is the new Block X.

What's the password?

What's the password?

What's the password?

What's the password?

I just posted it at Site Z.

Thanks, bud. I just tipped you some XXXCoins.

Is that a Senator?

No, that's a Representative.

I know that dude is, but I talkin' 'bout the other dude.

He's a Senator.

Do you think that boys' 13 or 14?

Dude, neither. Senator (redacted) doesn't do teens, thus the good looking lad's probably 11 or 12.

OMFG! I think I just saw Michelle's dick.




I just posted it on Site B in the comment section. Two hops. Keyword: Cinnamon.

Don't know why I just stood up and applauded upon reading the keyword, but I did, like the time I once attended a Jay Leno show.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 09:27:34 AM
Louis J. Freeh vows an independent probe into Sandusky case at Penn State University

You think?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 05:04:00 PM

"Pizza Connection" case

A notable case Freeh was associated with was the "Pizza Connection" investigation, in which he was lead prosecutor. The case, prosecuted in the mid-1980s, involved a drug trafficking operation in the United States by Sicilian organized crime members who used pizza parlors as fronts. After a 14-month trial, 16 of 17 co-defendants were convicted. The "Pizza Connection" case was, at the time, the most complex criminal investigation ever undertaken by the U.S. government.

I've always been suspicious of Bitcoin's pizza connection being it's on the list of munchies.  ;D (had to go to to get the correct spelling of suspicious, and was greeted with the WORD "braggart", of which at first glace it looked like "bogart")

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 05:26:46 PM
Hmm very interesting thread. Read it all. Thank's :D

You are so welcome, bud. We try our best, albeit sometime we err.

BTW, I couldn't help but notice that you're making the rounds bumping other threads in the Discussion section. That said, GO FUCK YOURSELF, you useless piece of shit.;u=137065

Further proof that this dude a scamming motherfucker!

I want to buy a nice forum account (

I have been around Bitcoin since late 2012, and scouring these forums since.

I've never been big into posting on forums so I never bothered to register until recently.

However now I do enjoy being part of the community and want a forum account to represent how long I've been around Bitcoin.

Would anyone be interested in selling their account for some Bitcoin? PM me please if your interested.

Thank you.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 09:22:02 PM

Give me a few minutes while I penned definitive proof that Satoshi Nakamoto is... Michael Terpin is directly related to the efforts underway in having the entire island nation of Bali accepting bitcoins.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 09:47:30 PM
While in the process of penning what I promised above, I ran across the following image. Being that I'm not versed at all as to how the backend of Bitcoin works, perhaps you guys in the know can enlighten me as to if the following is relevant: (in case the link breaks)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 01, 2014, 11:37:53 PM
With apologies, I guess I didn't find the Bali connection, for after I penned a lengthy post and was ready to add the finale, I see how I misread the linked text last night was tire after loading barn wood beams yesterday evening, to the point of falling asleep at the computer.

I'll try better, guys.

Buff, take a look at what I had, for the info could be used elsewhere. You know where to look, for I've linked you to it via a PM not too long ago.

It's below the ........................... though the above could be of value also.

Time for a nap.

Again, I apology.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 02, 2014, 01:17:56 AM
Brock Pierce is on record in stating that he only oversees KnC product line going to China because he was better suited for the task since KnC nor their partner would be able to circumnavigate the various issues in shipping products to China.

I find that hard to believe considering that KnC partner is ORSoC before Brock Pierce supposedly arrived on the scene to give them a helping hand.,2011,01,#n4

The above is clearly from 2011:,2011,01,

Kncminer and ORSoC are partnering up to bring the new miners to the world

We are happy to reveal our hardware partner as ORSoC
ORSoC is a Swedish owned and operated company which has a very long and extensive knowledge within the ASIC and FPGA design field. They also maintain the OpenCores community with over 180 000 members.
Besides their design expertise they bring existing supply chains and agreements that allow Kncminer to take advantage of first class manufacturing companies and locations who specialize in producing this exact type of device.
ORSoC are involved in an extensive range of projects including:
-          ASIC & FPGA Design
-          Embedded software development
-          Product development

Kncminer and ORSoC are currently in the progress of developing the new miners. Progress is going very well at a very accelerated pace and we will be presenting more details on the Kncminer website and our newsletter about the project in the near future.
                            For more info of ORSoC you can visit their website here:

Ergo, ORSoC had no problem shipping to China prior to ever hearing about Bitcoin, KnC or Brock Pierce, hence the latter wasn't needed to penetrate the Chinese market.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on June 02, 2014, 01:26:55 AM
Louis J. Freeh vows an independent probe into Sandusky case at Penn State University

You think?

Try this one on for soize, straight from  the conspiracy files of

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush appointed Freeh a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, a position he held until he was appointed FBI director by President Bill Clinton in 1993."

In June 2001, he resigned amid criticism that the FBI needed stronger leadership, particularly after allegations of spying by Robert Hanssen.

Almost there...

In October 2001, right after 9/11: "Freeh approached acting New Jersey Governor Donald DiFrancesco, and offered to serve, without salary, as the state's anti-terrorism "czar". Di Francesco approached both major-party candidates for governor to secure their approval; Bret Schundler, the Republican candidate, agreed "in principle". However, Democrat Jim McGreevey, who won the gubernatorial election, turned down Freeh in favor of Golan Cipel. It was later discovered that McGreevey and Cipel had been involved in a sexual relationship. McGreevey was heavily criticized for giving the post to Cipel rather than Freeh or another experienced individual.

Sourced here:

Golan was a former IDF soldier, Israeli Embassy employee in NYC, and part-time "poet" who somehow wormed his way up the ranks of the New Jersey political system, starting in 2000. His introduction to McGreevey (they met in Israel) came soon after McGreevey acquired a new benefactor: Charles Kushner, New Jersey real estate magnate/political kingmaker. McGreevey pushed hard to get Kushner elected as the head of NJ's Port Authority, which had jurisdiction over the newly-liberated real estate of downtown Manhattan, as well as control over hundreds of million$ in development funds. Sweet gig!

As it turns out, rejecting Freeh's noble offer was a bad idea. Shortly after McGreevey spurned Freeh's advances and appointed Golan to be New Jersey's NATSEC czar in early 2002, rumors started swirling about the governor's gay affairs. Everything finally blew up in a 2004 gay sex scandal that forced Jim McGreevey to come out of the closet and resign.

This is a very complicated and bizarre case - too much to fully outline here - but thankfully New York Magazine published two fascinating features about the scandal.

"Golan Cipel was only a plaything. It was developer Charles Kushner who speeded his passage through the swamps of New Jersey patronage politics—till Kushner was brought down in his own spectacular sex scandal."

Including one by McGreevey himself:

Some might look at all of this and say, " time Louis J. Freeh volunteers to help us with National Security, maybe we'd just better say yes..."

^--(I'm aware of how reductive a stretch this is, given the complex nature of the scandal, but considering all the other bizarre shit we've dug up on these people...)

The more I read about Freeh, the more I retract my earlier judgments. This guy is THE PERFECT CANDIDATE to help unwind MtGox and find those 800,000+ BTC.

In fact, Freeh seems to be the motherfucking Batman of getting customers' money back:

That's right, Louis J. Freeh was selected to probe the absurd meltdown of MF Global, a prestigious Wall Street trading firm run by top Obama rainmaker (think dollar bills in strip clubs), er, "campaign bundler", Jon Corzine.

No need to read the whole article, for this closing line captures it all:

No one has been charged in the MF Global case. Federal regulators, Congress and a federal grand jury in Chicago have investigated MF Global's failure and the disappearance of customers' money.

Go over to and search for "Jon Corzine" and you'll see what a lucky boy he's been. This former Goldman Sachs CEO / U.S. Senator literally bought his way onto the New Jersey governor's mansion after McGreevey's speedy departure in 2005. After losing re-election to Chris Christie in 2009, Corzine decided to continue his illustrious career of public service by slithering back through the Holland Tunnel into Wall Street, where he commenced to gamble wildly in the European bond markets.

Things got wild, you know how it goes...long story short, Corzine pulled a Karpeles and POOF! One day customer accounts were frozen. People were like WTF. Corzine was like, "ur moneys gone, l8r, JaJaJa". MF Global promptly filed for bankruptcy.

Thank the heavens that Louis J. Freeh was appointed to be MF Global's trustee by a bankruptcy judge. Freeh's the one who ultimately sued Corzine on behalf of the company's clients.

People were so excited. Corzine, the ultimate political insider, wasn't gonna get away with this, not when Detective Freehbird is on the case!

^-- we've heard that one before, haven't we?

Freeh was ready to kick some Wall Street ass. There was just one little thing before he got started...

Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Louis J. Freeh wants a $1 million fee for success securing creditor recoveries in the bankruptcy wind-down of MF Global Holdings Ltd., the failed commodities firm led by former New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine.

In a filing Monday with U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, lawyers for Mr. Freeh said he brought "instant credibility" when he was assigned to serve as the firm's Chapter 11 trustee in Nov. 2011, shortly after the firm collapsed under the weight of its large bets on European debt.

Mr. Freeh's lawyers asked for the $1 million in addition to the more than $20 million billed by Mr. Freeh and his legal teams for their hourly work on the case.
Mr. Freeh's hourly rate is $900.

$900/hour! Sunlot Holdings Ltd is doing this takeover PROPER, amirite? Just how much monopoly money (or BTC from Gox...) are these boys playing around with?

With a bill like that, Freeh must have dug up every last shred of fraud going on at MF Global, right?

"No criminal charges were ever filed against Corzine, nor against JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, who collectively managed some of MF's assets and were included in the civil suits."

Meanwhile, some unserious people would disagree with Freeh's "instant credibility"...

"You really have to admire the legal and law enforcement community in this country.  Take Louis Freeh.  Here is a guy that served in the Reagan Justice Department, was appointed to the Federal Bench by George H.W. Bush, and handpicked to head the FBI by President Bill Clinton.  I mean you are topping out on the charts of law enforcement in this country with that kind of pedigree.  And clearly there are expectations that come with that kind of background.

We could not have been happier when we found out that Louis Freeh was to be the Trustee of the MF Global bankruptcy.  That turned a potential hazard for the entire industry into a spectacular moneymaker…for us.

MF Global stole their clients’ funds and no one has been arrested yet.  The top law enforcement person in the country has been on the case for over 6 months and no one has been charged.  Try as he might, with paper trails everywhere and $1.6 billion dollars gone missing, he could not find out who did what.  But you know Louis Freeh was working really hard at it, along with the people he asked to stick around MF Global to help him sleuth this thing down.

That’s right– most of that team he assembled were the top guys from MF Global.  And if they couldn’t help Louis Free find the evidence of their own wrongdoing then who could?  I mean really?

And Louis wanted to reward them for their help in not solving the case—so he asked the bankruptcy judge to approve bonuses for these financial wizards.  And he wanted them paid right now—never mind that the MF Global clients hadn’t gotten their money back—nothing should keep one of us from our bonuses."

More from Nomi Prins:

I gotta say, Louis has a hell of a knack for narrowing the scope of high-profile crimes in just a way that they always appear isolated. It's always Lone Gunman and his Magic Bullet Band behind the curtain.

If one of the two cops on True Detective were Louis J. Freeh, the show would've lasted one episode.

Detective Louis Freeh: "Well you see, this one fat, evil hillbilly raped and murdered a young girl, and we caught him. Was anyone else involved? Are there other children still out there? Eh, who cares, lol. Case closed!"
All the pedos in America, in unison: "JajAjajaJaja"


Next time on Troo Detective: Freehbird Rising...

In 2007, Freeh formed Freeh Group International Solutions,[36] a consulting and investigative firm headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware with regional offices in Washington DC and New York. Affiliated firms include Freeh Group Europe and the law firm Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP. The latter firm includes Eugene R. Sullivan, a retired Federal Judge in Washington D.C. and Eugene R. Sullivan II amongst partners and Stanley Sporkin as senior counsel. Sporkin is a retired Federal judge who earlier served as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Enforcement and as general counsel to the Central Intelligence Agency.


"In 2009, Louis Freeh was hired by Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan as his legal representative on issues surrounding the Al-Yamamah arms deal, appearing April 7, 2009 on the PBS series Frontline's episode "Black Money"."

As the head of his own global consulting firm, Freeh Group International, Louis Freeh has been hired by Prince Bandar as his legal representative on issues surrounding the Al-Yamamah arms deal. Lowell Bergman interviewed Louis Freeh on March 19, 2009 about allegations -- that Freeh insists are untrue -- that his client received approximately $2 billion and a wide-body Airbus 340 from arms company BAE Systems as part of the massive arms contract.

Prince Bandar, who was until recently the Intelligence Chief of Saudi Arabia. His name recently popped up in connection with the Syrian civil war.

"A report by Yahya Ababneh, which was contributed to by Dale Gavlak, has collected the testimonies of witnesses who say that  “certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack.”

Until next time...JaJaJa

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: ABitNut on June 02, 2014, 01:49:19 AM
I'm surprised nobody tried to bribe PG to back off. I guess he's not close enough yet.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 02, 2014, 02:16:13 AM
I'm surprised nobody tried to bribe PG to back off. I guess he's not close enough yet.

What if there was proof that Brock Pierce and Autumn Radtke once attended a function in which the Clintons, and the then unknown Barack Obama, among other notables, were also invited guess. Would that pique your interest?

What about bitcoins working their way into 401Ks and private funds? Yes, there are people who have 401Ks that never heard of bitcoins, yet their hard-earned dollars have indirectly purchased them. What if when the exchange rate for BTC goes up, their BTC positions are lowered via profit taking, but if the rate declines, the owners' funds reflect the lost, with new money injected into the funds for the next uptick.

Boy, would I love to have only .001% of that action. How 'bout you?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: ABitNut on June 02, 2014, 02:56:30 AM
I'm surprised nobody tried to bribe PG to back off. I guess he's not close enough yet.

What if there was proof that Brock Pierce and Autumn Radtke once attended a function in which the Clintons, and the then unknown Barack Obama, among other notables, were also invited guess. Would that pique your interest?

What about bitcoins working their way into 401Ks and private funds? Yes, there are people who have 401Ks that never heard of bitcoins, yet their hard-earned dollars have indirectly purchased them. What if when the exchange rate for BTC goes up, their BTC positions are lowered via profit taking, but if the rate declines, the owners' funds reflect the lost, with new money injected into the funds for the next uptick.

Boy, would I love to have only .001% of that action. How 'bout you?

You've already piqued my interested many posts ago. Sadly my interest holds little value in the grand scheme of things, and will do you little good. I do encourage you to keep digging. There's probably still many layers of dirt waiting to be exposed.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on June 02, 2014, 04:00:13 AM
I'm surprised nobody tried to bribe PG to back off. I guess he's not close enough yet.

What if there was proof that Brock Pierce and Autumn Radtke once attended a function in which the Clintons, and the then unknown Barack Obama, among other notables, were also invited guess. Would that pique your interest?

What about bitcoins working their way into 401Ks and private funds? Yes, there are people who have 401Ks that never heard of bitcoins, yet their hard-earned dollars have indirectly purchased them. What if when the exchange rate for BTC goes up, their BTC positions are lowered via profit taking, but if the rate declines, the owners' funds reflect the lost, with new money injected into the funds for the next uptick.

Boy, would I love to have only .001% of that action. How 'bout you?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: TheMage on June 02, 2014, 04:39:49 AM
Please keep this coming!

Also 2 requests

1. Make a diagram linking all the parties together for whatever, much like a classic systems diagram.
2. Please consider forwarding this over to law enforcement agencies. I'm sure there are a few non corrupt ones that would love some of this info.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 02, 2014, 04:59:36 AM
Please keep this coming!

Also 2 requests

1. Make a diagram linking all the parties together for whatever, much like a classic systems diagram.
2. Please consider forwarding this over to law enforcement agencies. I'm sure there are a few non corrupt ones that would love some of this info.

Request: Link me such a diagram thingie that's easy to use yet able to create some sort of interactive connections.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: TheMage on June 02, 2014, 05:26:33 AM
Please keep this coming!

Also 2 requests

1. Make a diagram linking all the parties together for whatever, much like a classic systems diagram.
2. Please consider forwarding this over to law enforcement agencies. I'm sure there are a few non corrupt ones that would love some of this info.

Request: Link me such a diagram thingie that's easy to use yet able to create some sort of interactive connections.

Will make something drunk and tired atm for it. But I promise ill give you something!

Basically, open MS word, make a bunch of boxes representing nouns, and connecting arrows with verbs.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: jbreher on June 02, 2014, 05:52:18 PM
Request: Link me such a diagram thingie that's easy to use yet able to create some sort of interactive connections.

Several options exist. You may find something to your liking at: (

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 02, 2014, 08:25:54 PM
I haven't looked at the forum in a couple of days, so what is happening in the investigation currently? Has anyone resigned or been thrown out of TBF? Did Davout ever give Bruno back his money? I hear you get access to free teen gay porn when you join TBF now, is that true?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 01:12:32 AM
I haven't looked at the forum in a couple of days, so what is happening in the investigation currently? Has anyone resigned or been thrown out of TBF? Did Davout ever give Bruno back his money? I hear you get access to free teen gay porn when you join TBF now, is that true?

Joshua Zipkin of AMT threatened to kill me, if that counts. Quit taking days off, old man!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 05:14:09 AM
Clinton Snared In Pedophile Ring (

In talks with Fortune for a July 2013 feature profile, Freeh, who was the third-longest serving FBI director until Robert Mueller served for 12 years, told a story from when he first took the job in September 1993. “We had a policy when I came on board that if you had ever smoked a single joint of marijuana, you couldn’t be an FBI agent. I changed that,” he said. “It created a little bit of controversy at the time.” He continued:

I said to our guys, ‘Look, I’m 42, most of you guys are 50, have you ever smoked marijuana?’ They said no, and I believed them. But I said, ‘These young men and women coming in today, they’ve all smoked a couple times. They all know our policy and they know that if they say they’ve ever smoked a joint, they’re out of the process. So they all lie.’ And they said, ‘We never really thought about it that way.’ So I asked, ‘Do we want our new agents’ first interaction with the Bureau to be a lie?’ So I changed the policy.

A lot of guys said, ‘This is wrong, boss, you can’t do it.’ I said, ‘My purpose is not to encourage people to smoke marijuana, but I don’t want people lying to us on their first application when they come in.’ So, if Louis smoked five joints in the past, never sold to anyone, as long as he discloses it, it’s okay. And that’s still the case and I think it’s gotten even more liberal.

Freeh’s idea (alarming to many of his colleagues at the time) to refrain from even asking applicants whether they had smoked marijuana was too radical to be adopted; today, the question is still asked. The only change made back in Freeh’s day was that mere past and very minor usage would not be an automatic bar to employment. Today, the grace period is three years. But Freeh had the foresight to know that, realistically, the FBI could not expect its applicants to have completely refrained, in their entire lives, from recreational marijuana usage. And his point is still well-taken under today’s three-year policy: Assuming that incoming agents know the specific policy, they’re still, in a sense, encouraged to lie. A potential FBI techie who just smoked a joint the day before is incentivized to claim he hasn’t smoked in three years.

From the desk of What Are The Odds?:

Some day little Theresa Freeh will realize what a special little girl she was on that Wednesday when Pope Francis kissed her.

She was among 800,000 people crowding the Vatican in the center of Rome during the sainthood ceremonies recently where two former popes were canonized.

Theresa was born in Lander back in 2012 to Professor John Freeh and his wife Helen. Most recently the Freeh’s have been working in Santa Fe but he will be returning this fall to the faculty of Wyoming Catholic College.

Here is John’s version of what happened:

“Greetings from Assisi, and thanks so much for your help during our pilgrimage to Italy for Easter and the Canonization of Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II.

“We have yet to fully comprehend the blessings of this trip, the highlight of which was the papal audience in St. Peter's square. There were great crowds still in Rome that had come for Sunday's historic event that has been called the day of the four popes: Francis and Benedict honoring their holy predecessors, and all the Church.

“I arrived at the square shortly after 7 a.m., but found the lines for the 10:30 audience already long. After passing through security, the crowd rushed to fill the seats in the front section. Whether through divine inspiration or human laziness, I held back, and sat instead in the second–to-last row of the section, staking out three seats and hoping my wife Helen and daughter Theresa would be able to work their way there later. They did, thanks to a sympathetic Swiss guard who let them into the piazza about 9 a.m., after the entryways had been closed.

“I had with me an invitation for Pope Francis to visit the city of Santa Fe (whose full name is, in English, the City of the Holy Faith of St. Francis of Assisi).

“Just before the audience, the Popemobile with a smiling Francis turned into the passageway behind where we were sitting. I grabbed our daughter and the invitation as Helen readied the camera. I held our daughter high as the Pope passed. A plainclothes' Swiss guard swept Theresa from me, presenting her to the Holy Father to be kissed, while I handed the invite to one of those who rode behind the Pope.

“Our daughter was then returned to her stunned and wildly grateful parents. It gets no better in this vale terrestrial. God is good.”

If the name Freeh sounds familiar, it is because John is the younger brother of Louis Freeh, the former head of the FBI.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 05:26:18 AM
From the desk of I Used To Beat Them, Now I Joined Them So That We Can Beat Each Other In A Hot Tub:

The former FBI director has become corporate America’s top investigator — but not without some controversy.

If there is such a thing as the Platonic ideal of a G-man, it would have to resemble Louis Freeh. Even today, 12 years after retiring as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Freeh favors what look like government-issue gray suits with an American flag pin on the lapel. His factual, flat speaking style conjures an FBI agent on the witness stand. Five-foot-nine and trim at age 63, he still looks as if he could sprint down the street after a perp if he had to. Needless to say, it's been decades since Freeh chased those sorts of perps.

By Nathan Layne

(Reuters) - A group of investors have offered to take over the assets of Mt. Gox and revive the bankrupt bitcoin exchange with the help of experts including the investigative firm of a former FBI director, according to a court filing in Japan.

The offer, filed with the Tokyo District Court last month, marks the first time that anyone has submitted a proposal to sponsor the rehabilitation of Mt. Gox since it sought bankruptcy protection from creditors on Feb. 28.

The group, which includes former child actor-turned entrepreneur Brock Pierce and venture capitalist William Quigley, made the offer through a special purpose company established in the Cyprus Republic, the court filing shows.

None of the principals of the company, called Sunlot Holdings Ltd., could be reached for comment. Alpha Partners Law Offices, which is representing Sunlot in Tokyo, declined to comment.

The proposal did not include an offer price, although the group said in the filing that it believed Mt. Gox's present enterprise value was zero.

The Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the proposal, said the group was seeking to buy Mt. Gox for a token payment of one bitcoin, or about $400.

Mt. Gox shut down its exchange and filed for bankruptcy in February. At the time it said hackers had stolen 750,000 bitcoins belonging to its customers and 100,000 of its own bitcoins after exploiting a security flaw in its software. .

But then in March Mt. Gox announced that it had discovered 200,000 bitcoins in an old-format online wallet, which it had thought was empty, raising creditors' hopes of recovering some of their lost digital wealth.


The investment group proposed a new management team headed by John Betts, who founded a data management firm and has held positions in electronic trading at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in the past, according to his LinkedIn page.

The group said it would develop a new trading and security platform and review its relationship with banks as part of its effort to revive the exchange. It also proposed a forensic investigation.

In the filing, the group listed Freeh Group International Solutions, a firm established by former FBI director Louis Freeh that has carried out a series of investigations into high-profile scandals, among a team of advisers it planned to tap for Mt. Gox.

No one at the Freeh Group could immediately be reached for comment.

Under the group's proposal, creditors would have the option of receiving payment from the 200,000 recovered bitcoins or receiving the equivalent amount in equity in the new exchange, according to the filing.

The group said it would set aside 50 percent of its transaction fees to pay back burned customers and other creditors over time.

The group did not disclose what amount, if any, it was willing to put towards the operations of the revived firm. It would need about $8 million for the first 18 weeks of its revival plan, which would come out of Mt. Gox's cash until the online exchange system is back up and running, the filing shows.

The group will consider acquisitions and an initial public offering as part of a longer-term strategy for Mt. Gox, the filing said.

It is not clear whether the court will give Mt. Gox a chance to revive with the help of a sponsor such as Sunlot Holdings.

A court-appointed administrator has until May 9 to report on the results of an investigation into what led to Mt. Gox's collapse and whether it meets the criteria for rehabilitation under creditor protection or should be liquidated.

In the filing, the investor group said it had been in talks with Mt. Gox about its operations since January 2013 and was in negotiations about a stock transaction when the company filed for bankruptcy protection this year. (With Reporting by Supantha Mukherjee in Bangalore; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila and Jane Baird)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 05:33:01 AM
Clinton Snared In Pedophile Ring (

If you watch that YouTube video, then sweet Hillary might not be able to be our next great leader!
If you love Queen Hillary, please don't share that link with anyone, and (especially important) don't ever send it to Rand Paul or his staff.

We don't need to have this great lady crying again, so do not watch the amazing video:

Clinton Snared In Pedophile Ring
For the greater good, please do NOT watch the video, thank you.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 03, 2014, 05:39:31 AM
I haven't looked at the forum in a couple of days, so what is happening in the investigation currently? Has anyone resigned or been thrown out of TBF? Did Davout ever give Bruno back his money? I hear you get access to free teen gay porn when you join TBF now, is that true?

Joshua Zipkin of AMT threatened to kill me, if that counts. Quit taking days off, old man!

I wouldn't worry about the death threat. Gays are very emotional people. Was he in drag, flipping his hair back and putting his hand on his hip when he did it? That's a sure sign he was just being a drama queen. Fat gay Freemasons that wear glasses are always like that.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 06:49:51 AM
U.S. Sex Trafficking Banker Has High-Level Global Ties - Jeffrey Epstein, U.S. UK Islands (

Uploaded on Apr 9, 2011

March 2011. FBI to reopen investigation into disgraced banker Jeffrey Epstein following Mail on Sunday revelations about sexual exploitation of teenage girls + links with high-profile individuals, incl Prince Andrew.

The FBI wants to interview Esptein's former personal 'masseuse', Virginia Roberts; she was recruited as Epstein's sex slave when she was just 15.

In an exclusive interview with The Mail, Virginia confirmed she will fully co-operate w the new investigation which could have serious implications for Epstein + embarrass Prince Andrew who she met on 3 occasions. 'I will talk to the FBI,' Virginia said.'I am anxious. I am still frightened of him because he has so much power. I had to put this behind me. 'But in the end this is not for me. It's because I'm afraid there are a lot of girls still doing what I did for him, 8 years after I left. I want to be the one who breaks the chain.'

A source close to the inquiry said the FBI decided to reopen the case because of Virginia's revelations to The Mail last week. He said: 'Now that Virginia has come forward and identified herself as a victim who was flown around the world by Epstein for the purpose of committing a criminal act, this is being taken seriously.

Now a married Mother of 3 living in Australia, Virginia alleged that her services were offered to a number of politicians, businessmen and international statesmen.
She met Prince Andrew the first time was at the London house of Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the disgraced former media tycoon Robert Maxwell. The second time was at Epstein's grand New York townhouse and the third on Epstein's private Caribbean island.
The new FBI investigation will undoubtedly be of grave concern to Prince Andrew, whose continued friendship with the financier, a convicted child sex offender, was unwise. On Friday, he severed all ties with Epstein - although the new investigation could reveal further damaging details of their association.

It's believed the new investigation will center on Epstein's procuring of young girls + paying them to provide sexual favours for his business associates at his homes in New York, Florida, U.S. Virgin Islands + New Mexico.

Epstein's palatial houses were secretly covered by a network of hidden video cameras, raising concerns that compromising footage exists of a number of rich and powerful individuals useful to Epstein's work as a money manager. 'If Virginia's allegations are correct, Epstein may have committed offenses not covered by the non-prosecution agreement,' our source said.

The previous FBI investigation was shelved after Epstein's lawyers struck a plea bargain with prosecutors at the US Attorney's office in South Florida in which Epstein pleaded guilty to solicitation of prostitution + a single charge of procuring minors for prostitution. Epstein was sentenced to 18 months in 2008; he only served 13 months.

Virginia agreed the original questioning was insufficient but felt powerless to do anything. 'I felt no one was listening to me,' she said, 'including maybe my own lawyers. 'I told my lawyers I thought that some of the men I had to have sex with were powerful and rich, but they didn't even show me pictures that would have helped me identify them." and at

Jeffrey Epstein Kept Secret Journal described as "The Holy Grail" which listed his Under-Aged Victims + Celebrity Guests he Entertained. and

11-22-2012. COLBY, BARAK, ROTHSCHILD, EPSTEIN, MAXWELL... 'Fear and intimidation experienced by victims during pre-trial proceedings, combined with a ferocious, protracted campaign to undermine the prosecution, culminated in a set of charges that became a virtual slap on the wrist.' and

2006. Sex scandal in Palm Beach FL, which resulted in the indictment of mysterious "money manager" for billionaires - who declares the U.S. Virgin Islands as his legal residence for tax purposes - in prostitution case involving teenage girls washed up on the shores of his USVI home on the 100-acre private island of Little St. James

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 06:51:48 AM

I am a bit disappointed with FairPlay USA.

Apparently two people on their Board of Directors, Tom Ridge and Louis Freeh, were both invited to testify before the congressional subcommittee having a hearing on Internet gaming next Tuesday. Both men will be out of the country and will, thusly, not be at the hearing to testify.

This is ironic considering that the hearing is focusing on the SAFETY of Internet gaming.

FairPlay USA is supposed to be focusing on law enforcement and soccer moms. This hearing next week is MADE for FairPlay USA. And their board members won't even be there.

What has FPU done to advance the cause of online poker?

Please, Jehovah, don't let me discover later that Louis Freeh is Bulgarian, for I have some more typing to do.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 06:58:48 AM
Clinton links to Andrew's billionaire pervert friend: Flight logs show former President flew more than ten times on his private jet and visited his Caribbean island

*Newly disclosed flight logs show that between 2002 and 2005 the former President travelled around the world courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein
*Epstein is a former friend of Prince Andrew who went on to be accused of having sex with underage girls
*Among the stops were Epstein's Caribbean island, Little St James, where young girls were supposedly kept as sex slaves
*Clinton was deemed to be so close to Epstein he was nearly forced to give a statement during the investigation into the latter's paedophilia
*Epstein was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for underage prostitution

Not much surprises me any more, but this is wild.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 07:32:25 AM
Clinton links to Andrew's billionaire pervert friend: Flight logs show former President flew more than ten times on his private jet and visited his Caribbean island

*Newly disclosed flight logs show that between 2002 and 2005 the former President travelled around the world courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein
*Epstein is a former friend of Prince Andrew who went on to be accused of having sex with underage girls
*Among the stops were Epstein's Caribbean island, Little St James, where young girls were supposedly kept as sex slaves
*Clinton was deemed to be so close to Epstein he was nearly forced to give a statement during the investigation into the latter's paedophilia
*Epstein was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for underage prostitution

Not much surprises me any more, but this is wild.

I'm about to connect John Betts with Bryan Singer via Betts' San Fran office address. Stay tuned.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 07:41:12 AM
Clinton links to Andrew's billionaire pervert friend: Flight logs show former President flew more than ten times on his private jet and visited his Caribbean island

*Newly disclosed flight logs show that between 2002 and 2005 the former President travelled around the world courtesy of Jeffrey Epstein
*Epstein is a former friend of Prince Andrew who went on to be accused of having sex with underage girls
*Among the stops were Epstein's Caribbean island, Little St James, where young girls were supposedly kept as sex slaves
*Clinton was deemed to be so close to Epstein he was nearly forced to give a statement during the investigation into the latter's paedophilia
*Epstein was jailed in 2008 for soliciting girls for underage prostitution

Not much surprises me any more, but this is wild.

I'm about to connect John Betts with Bryan Singer via Betts' San Fran office address. Stay tuned.

John who? .... Oh no:
(From April)
Investor John Betts Says There is Support for MtGox Buyout

John Betts is one of the investors with Sunlot Holdings who has been looking to buy MtGox since January 2013. Sunlot Holdings is offering one Bitcoin (~$500) to buy MtGox, which was at one time the largest and most successful Bitcoin exchange.

According to John Betts, creditors who own over 70% of MtGox’s lost bitcoins have agreed to Sunlot Holdings’ proposition of buying and reviving the fallen Bitcoin exchange. They feel it is a better alternative than having a Japanese court liquidate MtGox...

If SunGox installs a large hot tub and buys a pile of coke, it will be just like the good old days in Cali. :o
Maybe they will hire Mark to bring expensive coffee.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on June 03, 2014, 07:46:53 AM
I'm surprised nobody tried to bribe PG to back off. I guess he's not close enough yet.

What if there was proof that Brock Pierce and Autumn Radtke once attended a function in which the Clintons, and the then unknown Barack Obama, among other notables, were also invited guess. Would that pique your interest?

What about bitcoins working their way into 401Ks and private funds? Yes, there are people who have 401Ks that never heard of bitcoins, yet their hard-earned dollars have indirectly purchased them. What if when the exchange rate for BTC goes up, their BTC positions are lowered via profit taking, but if the rate declines, the owners' funds reflect the lost, with new money injected into the funds for the next uptick.

Boy, would I love to have only .001% of that action. How 'bout you?

I can't wait for the above cryptohints to be explained, but here's a Snickers while we wait:


"On 25 February 2014, Mt.Gox reported on its website that a "decision was taken to close all transactions for the time being", citing "recent news reports and the potential repercussions on MtGox's operations". The chief executive, Mark Karpelès told Reuters that Mt. Gox was "at a turning point".

On 28 February 2014 Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy protection in Tokyo, reporting that it had liabilities of about 6.5 billion yen ($64 million at the time), and 3.84 billion yen in assets.[62][63] The company said they had lost almost 750,000 of its customers' bitcoins, and around 100,000 of its own bitcoins, totaling around 7% of all bitcoins, and worth around $473 million near the time of the filing."

Yeah yeah Buff, we all know that, you say. But did u noe this?

Talk about being on the ball! That's a good three days before MtGox publicly filed for bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, I wasn't paying much attention to Gox (cuz fuck trading on Gox) when it imploded. Does anyone remember where the public mood on Gox was at on Feb 25? In other words, how reasonable would it have been, on that specific day, to start putting together a high-stakes rescue team for the sole purpose of acquiring legal control over MtGox?

I know that Feb. 25 was the day that the site officially shut down trading, and panic was in the air...

But when did SaveGox actually publicly burst onto the scene? Most of the hits on Google show the SaveGox chatter starting in early April, with one or two mentions in late March.

Just lying in wait...

I think we should take a closer look at the caches for


oh wait. fuck.

Well, at the very least we could check the caches and see just how much (if anything) was posted to the site pre-February 28...

Robots.txt?! Rilly? On a fucking barebones Wordpress site?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 07:56:29 AM
Robots.txt?! Rilly? On a fucking barebones Wordpress site?

The date match is interesting, but Robots.txt can be as simple as a single line or two.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 09:28:36 AM
Maybe this is Mark Karpeles' Batman logo connection:

Bryan Singer, the director of the first two X-Men films, left the project in July 2004 in favor of developing Superman Returns.[29] Singer stated that he "didn’t fully have X-Men 3 in my mind" in contrast to a fully formed idea for a Superman film and interest in joining that franchise.[30] By the time of his departure, Singer had only produced a partial story treatment with X2 screenwriters Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, who accompanied him to Superman Returns. The treatment focused on Jean Grey's resurrection,[31] which would also introduce the villainness Emma Frost, a role intended for Sigourney Weaver.[32] Frost was an empath manipulating Jean's emotions in the treatment and, like the finished film, Magneto desires to control her. Overwhelmed by her powers, Jean kills herself, but Jean's spirit survives and becomes a god-like creature, which Dougherty compared to the star child in A Space Odyssey.

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Frank Simeone – Production Manager
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Mobile: 415.602.4472
Frank Simeone is a San Francisco based Producer and Production Manager of feature length
motion pictures, documentaries and commercials. He began his career as a production assistant
at Francis Coppola’s American Zoetrope where he worked through the productions of THE
BLACK STALLION, HAMMETT and RUMBLE FISH. He has worked as a production manager on two
projects for LucasFilms, EWOKS: THE BATTLE FOR ENDOR, a network television special, and
TIGER TALES. Frank's production experience in the studios of American Zoetrope and LucasFilms
has enabled him to produce or manage first features for many independent directors. Some of
these first features include Terry Zwigoff’s LOUIE BLUIE, NINA TAKES A LOVER and the film
festival hit, DREAM WITH THE FISHES. Frank’s more recent credits include work on LucasFilms’
is currently producing TOKYO NIGHTS with Cascade Films, Australia and Kurosawa Productions,
OLIVE, Line Producer, Dramatic Feature. Gena Rowlands, John Scurti, Olive Pictures, LLC.
HEMINGWAY & GELLHORN, Assistant Unit Production Manager. Dramatic feature.
Nicole Kidman, Clive Owen, Robert Duvall. HBO Feature.
THE GENESIS CODE, Unit Production Manager. Dramatic feature. American Saga Producitons.
THE PRANKSTER, Unit Production Manager. Romantic comedy feature. Kokopelli Productions.
RASPBERRY MAGIC, Unit Production Manager, Dramatic feature. Blue Velocity Productions.
X MEN III, THE LAST STAND, Location Manager, San Francisco Unit. Dramatic, action
adventure feature. Twentieth Century Fox.

- See more at:

Mr. John Betts is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Strategy & Business Development of Strevus Inc. Mr. Betts was an Investor and Entrepreneur in financial technology start-ups, he has an extensive background in the financial services industry. He started his career in South Africa, where he was co-founder of Aztec Internet Services, which was acquired by UUNET Africa before he moved to Europe. In Europe, he worked as a management and technology consultant to several leading global companies, where he specialized in business and technology strategy. He has also held senior positions in electronic trading and market data for UBS, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Corporate Headquarters
20 California Street
San Francisco, California 94111

United States

Phone: 415-704-8182

But the guys behind a group called Sunlot have some heft. Two are execs at major venture capital firms that combined have invested more than $1.5 billion. Another helped build electronic trading platforms for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

We asked that investor, John Betts, whether there is some kind of underlying asset they are targeting that no one has realized yet.

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John Betts is no longer mentioned on, so one has to go here to see his position:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 09:44:57 AM

This was posted on but is important enough for the community to know about it so John gave me his permission to repost it here.

Hi everyone, my name is John Betts, and I am leading the proposed rehabilitation effort for Mt Gox, and Goat asked me to post here and communicate with you.

In short - we want to take over management of the company from Mark, so that we can handle the Civil Rehabilitation proceedings, distribute customers the assets currently under the control of the Supervisor, and rebuild the exchange.

We also have plans to lead asset recovery efforts, and to give customers participation in the new exchange through a combination of equity interest and revenue share.

I would like to begin a dialogue with you, to introduce myself, our syndicate, and what a rehabilitation plan might look like, and to seek your support to convince the Supervisor not go down the liquidation route that will further hurt customers, and to support our effort lead the civil rehabilitation proceeding, which we will pursue with your collaboration.

Right now, we are working with the Supervisor to convince them bankruptcy only protects Mark, and would be detrimental to creditors.

Hopefully you share our concern about liquidation vs. rehabilitation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

We are in the process of preparing more detail around our proposal, and I will share that with you as we release it.

Best regards,

They have a site set up at

I'm not sure this will work but I like the idea of it. Getting rid of Mark and having a professional audit by people who care about BTC seems like a better path than what is on offer. Anyway open to your ideas and feedback.


Looks to me like John Betts knew something.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 03, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
By Nathan Layne
In the filing, [ Sunlot ] listed Freeh Group International Solutions, a firm established by former FBI director Louis Freeh that has carried out a series of investigations into high-profile scandals, among a team of advisers it planned to tap for Mt. Gox.
Note: "it planned to tap".  Sunlot also mentioned PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) as a firm that might do the audit.  But their PR admits (and it is in their writings, apparently) that they have no agreement with PwC yet.  They plan to "tap" PwC after the takeover is approved, but if PwC does not accept their terms and price, then Sunlot is free to do whatever it pleases about the audit, and the clients who agreed to the takeover will be allowed to sit and wait.

Presumably their deal with FGIS for the criminal investigation is on the same level as their deal with PwC.

But I have a bad feeling about how this affair wil end.  Sunlot already made a deal with the major claimants who were suing MtGOX in the US (and who claimed to have evidence of wrongdoings) to retire their lawsuit.  Some big-time criminals will probably walk out of this, free and rich...

The crooks look so determined, and the bitcoiners so naive, greedy, and lame...  :P

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 06:46:43 PM
By Nathan Layne
In the filing, [ Sunlot ] listed Freeh Group International Solutions, a firm established by former FBI director Louis Freeh that has carried out a series of investigations into high-profile scandals, among a team of advisers it planned to tap for Mt. Gox.
Note: "it planned to tap".  Sunlot also mentioned PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) as a firm that might do the audit.  But their PR admits (and it is in their writings, apparently) that they have no agreement with PwC yet.  They plan to "tap" PwC after the takeover is approved, but if PwC does not accept their terms and price, then Sunlot is free to do whatever it pleases about the audit, and the clients who agreed to the takeover will be allowed to sit and wait.

Presumably their deal with FGIS for the criminal investigation is on the same level as their deal with PwC.

But I have a bad feeling about how this affair wil end.  Sunlot already made a deal with the major claimants who were suing MtGOX in the US (and who claimed to have evidence of wrongdoings) to retire their lawsuit.  Some big-time criminals will probably walk out of this, free and rich...

The crooks look so determined, and the bitcoiners so naive, greedy, and lame...  :P

You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Let's start with Robert Tercek:

Robert Tercek was the keynote speaker at G2E 2013:

G2E was sponsored by Goodwin Proctor:

Goodwin Proctor owns Goodwin Gaming, of which you can read their Bitcoin articles here:

Pepper Hamilton LLP teams up with Goodwin Procter LLP:

[link] Pepper Hamilton LLP is merging with the law firm run by former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who supervised the wind-down of bankrupt MF Global Holdings Ltd. (MFGLQ) and a probe of the Pennsylvania State University sex-abuse scandal. (

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 07:19:33 PM
...You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Louis Freeh (served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001) happens to be the man who did the famous "Freeh Report" on the Penn State child rape disaster. Coincidence or .........?

Does he have any clue about Brock's tainted past?
ps. You really couldn't have a writer make this stuff up, since it's too crazy and almost no one would believe it.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 07:52:07 PM
...You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Louis Freeh (served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001) happens to be the man who did the famous "Freeh Report" on the Penn State child rape disaster. Coincidence or .........?

Does he have any clue about Brock's tainted past?
ps. You really couldn't have a writer make this stuff up, since it's too crazy and almost no one would believe it.

Almost as crazy as having the first kid that went missing depicted on a gallon of milk committing suicide in front of a giant owl while some Pope was in attendance.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 03, 2014, 08:13:07 PM
...You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Louis Freeh (served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001) happens to be the man who did the famous "Freeh Report" on the Penn State child rape disaster. Coincidence or .........?

Does he have any clue about Brock's tainted past?
ps. You really couldn't have a writer make this stuff up, since it's too crazy and almost no one would believe it.

Almost as crazy as having the first kid that went missing depicted on a gallon of milk committing suicide in front of a giant owl while some Pope was in attendance.

Nixon and Ronald Reagan chillin' with the nice men at the grove (probably ~1967) 

Don't be afraid, it's just a country club for rich people.  ::)
What about the creepy 40 foot statue? ... Oh those things happen when you have too much money, why worry now?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: buffalodoge on June 03, 2014, 08:15:21 PM
...You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Louis Freeh (served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001) happens to be the man who did the famous "Freeh Report" on the Penn State child rape disaster. Coincidence or .........?

Does he have any clue about Brock's tainted past?
ps. You really couldn't have a writer make this stuff up, since it's too crazy and almost no one would believe it.

Almost as crazy as having the first kid that went missing depicted on a gallon of milk committing suicide in front of a giant owl while some Pope was in attendance.

Jaaajajaja, I see what you did there...

Bonus Round:

Anybody know who this fat fuck is?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 03, 2014, 08:24:30 PM
...You almost had me, till I figure out why such verbiage was used to inject Louis Freeh's namesake in Sunlot's quest.

Louis Freeh (served as the fifth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from September 1993 to June 2001) happens to be the man who did the famous "Freeh Report" on the Penn State child rape disaster. Coincidence or .........?

Does he have any clue about Brock's tainted past?
ps. You really couldn't have a writer make this stuff up, since it's too crazy and almost no one would believe it.

Almost as crazy as having the first kid that went missing depicted on a gallon of milk committing suicide in front of a giant owl while some Pope was in attendance.

Jaaajajaja, I see what you did there...

Bonus Round:

Anybody know who this fat fuck is?

No idea, but I'm willing to bet you do.

BTW, the "first kid" term must have slipped in subconsciously, for at its penning I wan't trying to make a connection, but nice catch nonetheless.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 03, 2014, 10:31:28 PM
Thanks to San Google and Santa Wikipedia for clarifying the "giant owl" reference for me:
Jones claimed that the Cremation of Care was an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony," and that the owl statue was Moloch. The Grove and Jones' investigation were covered by Jon Ronson in Channel 4's four-part documentary, Secret Rulers of the World. Ronson documented his view of the ritual in his book, Them: Adventures With Extremists, writing "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity: the Elvis impersonators, the pseudo-pagan spooky rituals, the heavy drinking. These people might have reached the apex of their professions but emotionally they seemed trapped in their college years."

Indeed, one cannot make these things up.  :o

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 04, 2014, 12:06:36 AM
Thanks to San Google and Santa Wikipedia for clarifying the "giant owl" reference for me:
Jones claimed that the Cremation of Care was an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony," and that the owl statue was Moloch. The Grove and Jones' investigation were covered by Jon Ronson in Channel 4's four-part documentary, Secret Rulers of the World. Ronson documented his view of the ritual in his book, Them: Adventures With Extremists, writing "My lasting impression was of an all-pervading sense of immaturity: the Elvis impersonators, the pseudo-pagan spooky rituals, the heavy drinking. These people might have reached the apex of their professions but emotionally they seemed trapped in their college years."

Indeed, one cannot make these things up.  :o

Interesting! A myriad of people, myself included, have a yearning for days gone by, i.e. wanting to relive their childhood, whether snatched from us or not, of which, fortunately, my desires are not due to any nefarious acts - that I recall... OTOH, goats keeps popping up in my psyche, more so since I joined this board.  ::)

Another case in point is that the sales of barn wood did not decline significantly during the last recession due, in part, to people with means wanting something - anything - to have in their homes (and businesses) to further continue eliciting their emotions of an earlier, less stressful time, e.g. no running water or electricity, albeit an oxymoron.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 05:41:57 AM
Louis J. Freeh vows an independent probe into Sandusky case at Penn State University

You think?

Try this one on for soize, straight from  the conspiracy files of

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush appointed Freeh a judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, a position he held until he was appointed FBI director by President Bill Clinton in 1993."

In June 2001, he resigned amid criticism that the FBI needed stronger leadership, particularly after allegations of spying by Robert Hanssen.

Almost there...

In October 2001, right after 9/11: "Freeh approached acting New Jersey Governor Donald DiFrancesco, and offered to serve, without salary, as the state's anti-terrorism "czar". Di Francesco approached both major-party candidates for governor to secure their approval; Bret Schundler, the Republican candidate, agreed "in principle". However, Democrat Jim McGreevey, who won the gubernatorial election, turned down Freeh in favor of Golan Cipel. It was later discovered that McGreevey and Cipel had been involved in a sexual relationship. McGreevey was heavily criticized for giving the post to Cipel rather than Freeh or another experienced individual.

Sourced here:

Golan was a former IDF soldier, Israeli Embassy employee in NYC, and part-time "poet" who somehow wormed his way up the ranks of the New Jersey political system, starting in 2000. His introduction to McGreevey (they met in Israel) came soon after McGreevey acquired a new benefactor: Charles Kushner, New Jersey real estate magnate/political kingmaker. McGreevey pushed hard to get Kushner elected as the head of NJ's Port Authority, which had jurisdiction over the newly-liberated real estate of downtown Manhattan, as well as control over hundreds of million$ in development funds. Sweet gig!

As it turns out, rejecting Freeh's noble offer was a bad idea. Shortly after McGreevey spurned Freeh's advances and appointed Golan to be New Jersey's NATSEC czar in early 2002, rumors started swirling about the governor's gay affairs. Everything finally blew up in a 2004 gay sex scandal that forced Jim McGreevey to come out of the closet and resign.

This is a very complicated and bizarre case - too much to fully outline here - but thankfully New York Magazine published two fascinating features about the scandal.

"Golan Cipel was only a plaything. It was developer Charles Kushner who speeded his passage through the swamps of New Jersey patronage politics—till Kushner was brought down in his own spectacular sex scandal."

Including one by McGreevey himself:

Some might look at all of this and say, " time Louis J. Freeh volunteers to help us with National Security, maybe we'd just better say yes..."

^--(I'm aware of how reductive a stretch this is, given the complex nature of the scandal, but considering all the other bizarre shit we've dug up on these people...)

The more I read about Freeh, the more I retract my earlier judgments. This guy is THE PERFECT CANDIDATE to help unwind MtGox and find those 800,000+ BTC.

In fact, Freeh seems to be the motherfucking Batman of getting customers' money back:

That's right, Louis J. Freeh was selected to probe the absurd meltdown of MF Global, a prestigious Wall Street trading firm run by top Obama rainmaker (think dollar bills in strip clubs), er, "campaign bundler", Jon Corzine.

No need to read the whole article, for this closing line captures it all:

No one has been charged in the MF Global case. Federal regulators, Congress and a federal grand jury in Chicago have investigated MF Global's failure and the disappearance of customers' money.

Go over to and search for "Jon Corzine" and you'll see what a lucky boy he's been. This former Goldman Sachs CEO / U.S. Senator literally bought his way onto the New Jersey governor's mansion after McGreevey's speedy departure in 2005. After losing re-election to Chris Christie in 2009, Corzine decided to continue his illustrious career of public service by slithering back through the Holland Tunnel into Wall Street, where he commenced to gamble wildly in the European bond markets.

Things got wild, you know how it goes...long story short, Corzine pulled a Karpeles and POOF! One day customer accounts were frozen. People were like WTF. Corzine was like, "ur moneys gone, l8r, JaJaJa". MF Global promptly filed for bankruptcy.

Thank the heavens that Louis J. Freeh was appointed to be MF Global's trustee by a bankruptcy judge. Freeh's the one who ultimately sued Corzine on behalf of the company's clients.

People were so excited. Corzine, the ultimate political insider, wasn't gonna get away with this, not when Detective Freehbird is on the case!

^-- we've heard that one before, haven't we?

Freeh was ready to kick some Wall Street ass. There was just one little thing before he got started...

Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Louis J. Freeh wants a $1 million fee for success securing creditor recoveries in the bankruptcy wind-down of MF Global Holdings Ltd., the failed commodities firm led by former New Jersey Gov. Jon S. Corzine.

In a filing Monday with U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan, lawyers for Mr. Freeh said he brought "instant credibility" when he was assigned to serve as the firm's Chapter 11 trustee in Nov. 2011, shortly after the firm collapsed under the weight of its large bets on European debt.

Mr. Freeh's lawyers asked for the $1 million in addition to the more than $20 million billed by Mr. Freeh and his legal teams for their hourly work on the case.
Mr. Freeh's hourly rate is $900.

$900/hour! Sunlot Holdings Ltd is doing this takeover PROPER, amirite? Just how much monopoly money (or BTC from Gox...) are these boys playing around with?

With a bill like that, Freeh must have dug up every last shred of fraud going on at MF Global, right?

"No criminal charges were ever filed against Corzine, nor against JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, who collectively managed some of MF's assets and were included in the civil suits."

Meanwhile, some unserious people would disagree with Freeh's "instant credibility"...

"You really have to admire the legal and law enforcement community in this country.  Take Louis Freeh.  Here is a guy that served in the Reagan Justice Department, was appointed to the Federal Bench by George H.W. Bush, and handpicked to head the FBI by President Bill Clinton.  I mean you are topping out on the charts of law enforcement in this country with that kind of pedigree.  And clearly there are expectations that come with that kind of background.

We could not have been happier when we found out that Louis Freeh was to be the Trustee of the MF Global bankruptcy.  That turned a potential hazard for the entire industry into a spectacular moneymaker…for us.

MF Global stole their clients’ funds and no one has been arrested yet.  The top law enforcement person in the country has been on the case for over 6 months and no one has been charged.  Try as he might, with paper trails everywhere and $1.6 billion dollars gone missing, he could not find out who did what.  But you know Louis Freeh was working really hard at it, along with the people he asked to stick around MF Global to help him sleuth this thing down.

That’s right– most of that team he assembled were the top guys from MF Global.  And if they couldn’t help Louis Free find the evidence of their own wrongdoing then who could?  I mean really?

And Louis wanted to reward them for their help in not solving the case—so he asked the bankruptcy judge to approve bonuses for these financial wizards.  And he wanted them paid right now—never mind that the MF Global clients hadn’t gotten their money back—nothing should keep one of us from our bonuses."

More from Nomi Prins:

I gotta say, Louis has a hell of a knack for narrowing the scope of high-profile crimes in just a way that they always appear isolated. It's always Lone Gunman and his Magic Bullet Band behind the curtain.

If one of the two cops on True Detective were Louis J. Freeh, the show would've lasted one episode.

Detective Louis Freeh: "Well you see, this one fat, evil hillbilly raped and murdered a young girl, and we caught him. Was anyone else involved? Are there other children still out there? Eh, who cares, lol. Case closed!"
All the pedos in America, in unison: "JajAjajaJaja"


Next time on Troo Detective: Freehbird Rising...

In 2007, Freeh formed Freeh Group International Solutions,[36] a consulting and investigative firm headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware with regional offices in Washington DC and New York. Affiliated firms include Freeh Group Europe and the law firm Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP. The latter firm includes Eugene R. Sullivan, a retired Federal Judge in Washington D.C. and Eugene R. Sullivan II amongst partners and Stanley Sporkin as senior counsel. Sporkin is a retired Federal judge who earlier served as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Division of Enforcement and as general counsel to the Central Intelligence Agency.


"In 2009, Louis Freeh was hired by Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan as his legal representative on issues surrounding the Al-Yamamah arms deal, appearing April 7, 2009 on the PBS series Frontline's episode "Black Money"."

As the head of his own global consulting firm, Freeh Group International, Louis Freeh has been hired by Prince Bandar as his legal representative on issues surrounding the Al-Yamamah arms deal. Lowell Bergman interviewed Louis Freeh on March 19, 2009 about allegations -- that Freeh insists are untrue -- that his client received approximately $2 billion and a wide-body Airbus 340 from arms company BAE Systems as part of the massive arms contract.

Prince Bandar, who was until recently the Intelligence Chief of Saudi Arabia. His name recently popped up in connection with the Syrian civil war.

"A report by Yahya Ababneh, which was contributed to by Dale Gavlak, has collected the testimonies of witnesses who say that  “certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the gas attack.”

Until next time...JaJaJa

Hey, Buff. Looks like some other nut-job is trying to wangle (or is it wrangle?) his way into our territory. Pay no mind to the Published on Feb 7, 2014, date, for we all know that timestamps are not always accurate.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on June 05, 2014, 06:22:13 AM
Mr. Freeh's lawyers asked for the $1 million in addition to the more than $20 million billed by Mr. Freeh and his legal teams for their hourly work on the case. Mr. Freeh's hourly rate is $900.

$900/hour! Sunlot Holdings Ltd is doing this takeover PROPER, amirite? Just how much monopoly money (or BTC from Gox...) are these boys playing around with?

Did you expect him to work for freeh?  :D
Paying back the victims will be a high priority.........LOL?

As I learn more about Sunlot Holdings, the certainty grows that they will get Gox. Coinlab put in a motion/objection against SunGox, but I'm not sure who else did.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Este Nuno on June 05, 2014, 07:14:27 AM

As I learn more about Sunlot Holdings, the certainty grows that they will get Gox. Coinlab put in a motion/objection against SunGox, but I'm not sure who else did.

Why do you think it's so certain that they will get Gox? Anything specific?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on June 05, 2014, 10:32:12 AM
Mr. Freeh's lawyers asked for the $1 million in addition to the more than $20 million billed by Mr. Freeh and his legal teams for their hourly work on the case. Mr. Freeh's hourly rate is $900.

$900/hour! Sunlot Holdings Ltd is doing this takeover PROPER, amirite? Just how much monopoly money (or BTC from Gox...) are these boys playing around with?

Did you expect him to work for freeh?  :D
Paying back the victims will be a high priority.........LOL?

As I learn more about Sunlot Holdings, the certainty grows that they will get Gox. Coinlab put in a motion/objection against SunGox, but I'm not sure who else did.

Starting a FreehCoin comes to mine (no pun intended).

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Newmine on June 18, 2014, 08:54:03 PM
That was not a summary. Just write a 4 sentence paragraph for fucks sake. Your message is so fucking convoluted that you sound like John Nash, Ted Kazcynski, Alex Jones, Geraldo and Six Lemure all smashed into the head of a teenage girl with a knack for posting memes.

TL:DR this shit.

TBF is shit and I want to know what the gist of your rumblings are without having to take notes and draw a fucking map of how snap crackle and pop are in cahoots with Hilary Clinton to take over bitcoin.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: QuestionAuthority on June 19, 2014, 05:20:22 AM
That was not a summary. Just write a 4 sentence paragraph for fucks sake. Your message is so fucking convoluted that you sound like John Nash, Ted Kazcynski, Alex Jones, Geraldo and Six Lemure all smashed into the head of a teenage girl with a knack for posting memes.

TL:DR this shit.

TBF is shit and I want to know what the gist of your rumblings are without having to take notes and draw a fucking map of how snap crackle and pop are in cahoots with Hilary Clinton to take over bitcoin.


Bruno thinks Brock Pierce is a gay perv that bought his way into TBF but no one can find the payment.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: mamarried on June 23, 2014, 01:54:39 PM
To summarize:
Brock Pierce and a group of pedophiles were busted in 2002 and cut a deal with FBI to be informants; on whatever projects the FBI required them for.

They have now been called into action by the FBI as the face of the Mt Gox takeover.  Which is actually the FBI attempting to gain access to past and future Gox records under the guise of a private section acquisition.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: vokain on June 23, 2014, 02:20:26 PM
^for other investigations, would that not be illegally gained evidence though?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JorgeStolfi on June 23, 2014, 02:37:16 PM
^for other investigations, would that not be illegally gained evidence though?
Why?  If they bought MtGOX with the blessing of the courts...  And the evidence to be used in court presumably would be the bank withdrawal records, which they would obtain legally once they know whom they want to charge with what.  The database itself could have been doctored, so it might be used in the investigation but would not stand in court anyway.

That said, I do not believe that the FBI would use this convoluted trick just to get access to the database.  They could get if they wanted through the Japanese police and courts (and they may already have done that), or by putting pressure on some staff, or hacking into their computers (as they did with Silk Road, if I am not mistaken).  To me the Sunlot proposal is just a plan to pocket the best part of those remaining 220'000 coins.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: FlowerMatt on June 23, 2014, 02:48:26 PM
To summarize:
Brock Pierce and a group of pedophiles were busted in 2002 and cut a deal with FBI to be informants; on whatever projects the FBI required them for.

They have now been called into action by the FBI as the face of the Mt Gox takeover.  Which is actually the FBI attempting to gain access to past and future Gox records under the guise of a private section acquisition.

Government already has full access to MtGox data. Why would they need a private sector entity to access something they already have.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JorgeStolfi on July 09, 2014, 03:48:02 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: 2dogs on July 09, 2014, 04:01:37 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

Founded by Brock Pierce - Holy smokes! 

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 09, 2014, 04:39:31 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

Doesn't being pegged to the dollar mean this new currency will be controlled indirectly by the fed? Good luck with that.  ::)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 09, 2014, 04:43:00 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

Founded by Brock Pierce - Holy smokes! 

Realcoin might also attract scorn from bitcoin’s libertarian supporters, who see the independent digital currency as a successor to, not a facilitator of, government-controlled currencies.

Asked about such a reaction, Realcoin founder Mr. Pierce said, “I’m not selling any of my bitcoins. I’m trying to build a host of businesses that are taking advantage of this new emerging payments protocol as well as the currency.”

He does like to start companies.  :)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: QuestionAuthority on July 09, 2014, 04:45:28 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

RealSolid rises from the dead once more. I'm so glad the Bitcoin Foundation has Brock Pierce! He's proof that they are nothing but a bunch of profiteering pudwackers. I hope he goes bankrupt. ROFL

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: ABitNut on July 09, 2014, 05:05:21 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

RealSolid rises from the dead once more. I'm so glad the Bitcoin Foundation has Brock Pierce! He's proof that they are nothing but a bunch of profiteering pudwackers. I hope he goes bankrupt. ROFL

  • Capital? Check!
  • Media exposure? Check!
  • Experienced dev (Mastercoin)? Check!
  • Marketing specialist? Check!

This coin will be a great success. For Brock Pierce. Investors will be knocking down his door.

For the rest of us... Who cares!?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: QuestionAuthority on July 09, 2014, 05:23:04 AM
Did people see this coming?
Dollar-Backed Digital Currency Aims to Fix Bitcoin’s Volatility Dilemma

RealSolid rises from the dead once more. I'm so glad the Bitcoin Foundation has Brock Pierce! He's proof that they are nothing but a bunch of profiteering pudwackers. I hope he goes bankrupt. ROFL

  • Capital? Check!
  • Media exposure? Check!
  • Experienced dev (Mastercoin)? Check!
  • Marketing specialist? Check!

This coin will be a great success. For Brock Pierce. Investors will be knocking down his door.

For the rest of us... Who cares!?

I doubt it. More like serious investors will look at his pitch and say Master what? Bit what? Hey aren't you that pervert ex Disney child star pedo rapist that had to leave the country quickly? Lemme ask you a question, did you get assfucked at Disney studios as a kid and learned to like kid sex when your mother made you work there? I've always wondered about that Disney studios. Oh, my money, fuck no you can't have any. lol

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Este Nuno on July 09, 2014, 12:57:30 PM
What do they plan to do? Charge enough transaction fees to support themselves? I've thought about this before(a crypto backed by dollars) and in any other context than a US government backed currency it doesn't really make too much sense. Then you're just making PayPal or anything that could be done by any database. It's just a centralised currency.

Or are they going to try to inflate the value but guarantee a minimum of 1 dollar per coin? Then that doesn't solve volatility at all.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: jbreher on July 09, 2014, 07:19:52 PM
I found the following quote interesting:

To ensure realcoins retain their value at one dollar, the firm will maintain a real-time record of its dollar-based reserves, all held in conservative investments, and will subject that record to the blockchain’s authenticating system, Mr. Collins said. Realcoins will be introduced or removed from circulation depending on whether dollars are being added or redeemed.

Once the coins are in the hands of others, how will they be able to withdraw them from circulation?

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: jbreher on July 09, 2014, 07:28:00 PM
Also, on the surface, this looks a lot like Gideon Samid's BitMint: (

Too bad Gideon never seemed to reach critical mass behind his scheme. Or conversely, too bad that this new effort from Pierce, et al, is attracting any attention whatsoever.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 09, 2014, 07:30:02 PM
nobody wants this shitcoin. so it will die.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: JorgeStolfi on July 09, 2014, 07:45:02 PM
nobody wants this shitcoin. so it will die.
Brock Pierce is not the ordinary bitcoin scammer entreprneur.  He is one of the few people in the "bitcoin community" (if not the only one) who built and managed a billion-dollar virtual currency corporation (IGE).  A company that cornered the game currency market -- which I would have thought impossible to profit from, much less to corner.  And he is somehow connected to KnC, and has longtime connections in China.  And  he is now the director of The Shrem Karpeles & Friends Foundation.

Of course he can make blunders too.  But methinks that bitcoiners should feel a bit worried about Realcoin...

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Melbustus on July 09, 2014, 08:24:56 PM
I've thought about this before(a crypto backed by dollars) and in any other context than a US government backed currency it doesn't really make too much sense. Then you're just making PayPal or anything that could be done by any database. It's just a centralised currency.

Agreed, it's a totally misguided idea. If someone is "backing" a crypto-currency with something else, then that someone is the centralized entity in control of the currency's value.

Why on earth would you want to take something that's designed to be centralized (as all "backing" arrangements must be by definition) and make it far more difficult to use in practice by layering a decentralized blockchain-transaction ledger into it? That makes no sense.

We *tolerate* blockchains, with their mining algs, confirmation times, PoW/PoS issues, forking and convergence, etc, because we *think* that full decentralization is a net societal benefit *despite* the rather significant underlying transaction complexity that blockchains entail.

If you're doing something that's centralized by design, just use a centralized database!!! It's MUCH simpler.

Alas, I think the people behind Realcoin must necessarily succumb to one or both of the following:
1) They're just trying to exploit the current misguided euphoria over "separating the currency from the network" and "blockchain technology" in general.
2) They genuinely do not understand the purpose of a blockchain.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 09, 2014, 08:44:24 PM
nobody wants this shitcoin. so it will die.
Brock Pierce is not the ordinary bitcoin scammer entreprneur.  He is one of the few people in the "bitcoin community" (if not the only one) who built and managed a billion-dollar virtual currency corporation (IGE).  A company that cornered the game currency market -- which I would have thought impossible to profit from, much less to corner.  And he is somehow connected to KnC, and has longtime connections in China.  And  he is now the director of The Shrem Karpeles & Friends Foundation.

Of course he can make blunders too.  But methinks that bitcoiners should feel a bit worried about Realcoin...

that doesnt mean, that every stupid idea he ever had was successfull. do you really think that people will hold their whole money in this scamcoin which could be worthless over night because of 1-2 guys run away?! or better: that firms would do that? they would do their own "backed by shit" coin instead.

actually this is great, now not only the fed can steal you and the dollar collapse but you can also be stolen by the centralized system of reserves or they can go bust at any given time, wonderful ;-)

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: justusranvier on July 09, 2014, 10:37:59 PM
1) They're just trying to exploit the current misguided euphoria over "separating the currency from the network" and "blockchain technology" in general.
Everything else you said was right except for this.

It's not innocent misguided euphoria - it's a highly targeted and highly aggressive attack on Bitcoin.

Bitcoin as a unit of account is a clear and present danger to people massively invested in the fiat system, so naturally they are responding. They will attempt to use the propaganda resources at their disposal to infiltrate this movement which threatens their investments and divert it in a new direction that does not.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: justusranvier on July 09, 2014, 10:58:33 PM
It's worth reviewing this story and its associated references:

The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

Keep this in mind every time you hear somebody spread the "bitcoin is bad for the environment" or "the blockchain tech is separate from the currency" meme:

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 10, 2014, 01:43:51 AM
It's worth reviewing this story and its associated references:

The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

That's on heck of an article, wow...thanks for the link.
Big Brother has gotten even Bigger!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: vokain on July 10, 2014, 01:54:17 AM
It's worth reviewing this story and its associated references:

The document – reproduced here in an easily searchable format – shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

That's on heck of an article, wow...thanks for the link.
Big Brother has gotten even Bigger!

Indeed. things have... gotten more elaborate since the 70s

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: nutildah on July 10, 2014, 02:11:10 AM
Keep this in mind every time you hear somebody spread the "bitcoin is bad for the environment" or "the blockchain tech is separate from the currency" meme:

Bitcoin is bad for the environment. All that wasted electricity is just stupid. Just like all the electricity that goes to run the millions of empty hotel rooms in the world.

Just because this is the way things are done doesn't mean its the best way to do things.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: vokain on July 10, 2014, 02:29:11 AM
Keep this in mind every time you hear somebody spread the "bitcoin is bad for the environment" or "the blockchain tech is separate from the currency" meme:

Bitcoin is bad for the environment. All that wasted electricity is just stupid. Just like all the electricity that goes to run the millions of empty hotel rooms in the world.

Just because this is the way things are done doesn't mean its the best way to do things.


"Unlike Bitcoin which is mined, Nxt is forged. Bitcoin mining basically means that computers have to run continually while exerting as much power as they can in order to try to be the first computer to guess a random number approximately every 10 minutes. By exerting this power, they prove that they are real machines and that a lot of money has been spent on these machines in order to secure the network. Nxt has a different approach which is that every minute someone new is chosen to protect the network. The more Nxt you own, the more often you are chosen to protect the network. There are more complexities than this to help protect the network but this is the basic idea. What this means is that only one or possibly a few computers at a time are processing transactions and not wasting energy just for the sake of proving they exist."

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bitcoinpro on December 22, 2015, 02:21:00 PM
How dare you guys use the Spanish 'haha' on such a serious thread?

I find it funny how FBI agents would post pictures of themselves on Facebook.  ;D

How hard is it to make a few fake FB profiles, am I missing something or isn't that really extremely weak "evidence?"

they do make stuff ups like this, they us FB to impersonate someone

then down the track they think u have forgotton, and then trying

to impress a woman or watever they actually change the fake

page back to the real one xD Hahahahahahahahahahaha

not realising ur bogus link of the previous one Brings it up,

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!!!

Suddendly Bogus Billy's Budget Coins FB page becomes

FBI Head Investigator Digital Crime Task Force

LMFGDAO !!!!!!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: Bitcoinpro on December 22, 2015, 02:28:56 PM

You wont read stuff like this in the MSM,  forums are a far more powerful source of information

thats why people hate FB, you can literally only trust people you already know really well

the rest is just a massive hive of gangstalkers !!!!!!!

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: rdnkjdi on March 12, 2018, 04:27:27 PM
I know this is old news.  It was very informative at the time.

There's a guy on 4chan claiming that EOS (being headed partially by Brock Pierce) is being funded by sex trafficking operation.  I can see how it would make sense to launder funds thru an ICO.  But I was just wondering what the current status on Brock Pierce was?  I know he's living in Puerto Rico now.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: YuTü on October 03, 2018, 02:21:30 AM
I know this is old news.  It was very informative at the time.

There's a guy on 4chan claiming that EOS (being headed partially by Brock Pierce) is being funded by sex trafficking operation.  I can see how it would make sense to launder funds thru an ICO.  But I was just wondering what the current status on Brock Pierce was?  I know he's living in Puerto Rico now.

Wow. Found your reply while visiting this thread for an unrelated reason.

Title: Re: A Summary of Phinnaeus Gage's Investigation into Brock Pierce Thus Far
Post by: georgepark on October 06, 2018, 02:45:42 AM
You simply create PayPal or anything that can be done by any database. Or do you try to increase the value but ensure a minimum of 1 dollar per penny. I find the following interesting: "Realcoins will be introduced or removed from circulation depending on whether the dollar is being added or redeemed." no one wants this shitcoin. You will not read things like this in MSM, forums are a much stronger source of information. The rest is just a big hive of thugs! It was very informative at the time. I can see how it would make sense to launder money through an ICO. I know he lives in Puerto Rico.