Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 01:59:54 PM

Title: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 01:59:54 PM
I have nothing to hide, so I will post this here, for all to see, as I can't be the only one that was left less than satisfied over the last day or so from the exchange prices.

Based on this thread:

Well, long story short - I couldn't make it 'out' in time with my funds (before the hickup/drop). Exchange rate cost me approx $150 USD from what I expected
by the time I had all funds from all 3 lenders, ready to liquidate.....

I am currently on 'the hook' for a 100 BTC loan, to be repaid in 4 instalments as 'mining dividends' from my mining rigs.

The agreed upon terms:
1st Payment: Feb 18, 2012
2nd Payment: Feb 25, 2012
3rd Payment: Mar 3, 2012
4th Payment: March 10, 2012 (+/-2 days).

What I am offering:
To conclude my Loan in a SINGLE PAYMENT on/or about March 10-12, 2012 & INCREASE Interest Payback from current agreed, by an additional 4% total.
(rather than 4 payments) so that I can use weekly funds to my advantage to compensate as best I can.

Please consider this offer.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on February 14, 2012, 02:09:56 PM
We are considering it.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on February 14, 2012, 05:35:38 PM
Is your new avatar directed at you friendly bankers?

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 05:37:36 PM
Is your new avatar directed at you friendly bankers?
I just suddenly noticed that a bunch of people had changed their avatars to Freddy Prinze Jr as well and it screwed me
I read the forum for about 10 minutes the other day thinking my account had been hi jacked until I saw the usernames above the avatars...

I'll change it to something nicer when I find something.... ;)


Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: PatrickHarnett on February 14, 2012, 06:39:30 PM
What happened to repaying based on mining proceeds?  According to that, you should have the coins available.

If you were gambling in the market and lost, having your lenders suffer is not a particularly good outcome (read = I'm not impressed).  We're not here to fix other people's mistakes.

Delaying payment one month so you can use weekly funds sounds like you are going to place even more at risk.  Better is if you continue with weekly payments until the debt is paid.  Basically, a declining principal at 2%/week.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 07:06:56 PM
If you were gambling in the market and lost, having your lenders suffer is not a particularly good outcome (read = I'm not impressed).  We're not here to fix other people's mistakes.

Re-Read the OP, then EDIT YOUR POST.

I didn't supply the amount of VERIFIED Personal Information to you, to have you further judge me or my intentions.


Your coins can be returned TODAY...IN FULL 100% WITH INTEREST. YOU MAKE THE CALL.

Login details can be sent to you in a moment's notice, so that YOU can verify that in one of the accounts, I can cover your portion of the BTC TIMES 15.

I simply only wanted to make a single withdrawal from one of my BTC investments/accounts, so that I could spend my weekly mining income to purchase more equipment, which is what the loan was for. Unfortunately I didn't take into account that the market would TANK and the time frame from 1st Lender's payment to 3rd would be a 2 DAY SPREAD to fund the loan.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: marked on February 14, 2012, 07:16:06 PM
Is your new avatar directed at you friendly bankers?

deepceleron is paying for people to change their profile pics for a week.


Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 07:23:48 PM
...and I almost forgot.

I was able to add a new gigabit switch and a pair of 5850's to my setup, which should be arriving shortly.

So thanks to my Lenders.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: PatrickHarnett on February 14, 2012, 07:27:45 PM
Re-Read the OP, then EDIT YOUR POST.

I didn't supply the amount of VERIFIED Personal Information to you, to have you further judge me or my intentions.


Your coins can be returned TODAY...IN FULL 100% WITH INTEREST. YOU MAKE THE CALL.

Login details can be sent to you in a moment's notice, so that YOU can verify that in one of the accounts, I can cover your portion of the BTC TIMES 15.

I simply only wanted to make a single withdrawal from one of my BTC investments/accounts, so that I could spend my weekly mining income to purchase more equipment, which is what the loan was for. Unfortunately I didn't take into account that the market would TANK and the time frame from 1st Lender's payment to 3rd would be a 2 DAY SPREAD to fund the loan.

I read your post, several times.  I am commenting on what I see there, not judging your intentions, and the fact is, it is true that I am not impressed at being asked to vary the terms of a loan only a few days after advancing 50 coins to you.

If you want to repay the 50 coins today, then I would accept that, even without the interest.


Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 07:44:54 PM
....and the fact is, it is true that I am not impressed at being asked to vary the terms of a loan only a few days after advancing 50 coins to you.


You were being asked to vary the terms of a loan that was beneficial to you as well as myself. SAME FINAL DUE DATE, increased interest and rate of return for you, to consider a single payment rather than 4.

I have never pretended to be nice, but I sure as shit never gave anyone the impression that I was going to run away with their money.

I'm not about to sweet talk you under an assumed alias (or 3) to blow smoke up your ass AND BE NICE, only to run away with your coins AND I REFUSE TO BE LUMPED INTO THAT BUNCH OF BORROWERS THAT YOU HAD IN THE PAST.

Considering you have all of my personal info, have connected to my personal network and can see that I am invested in the community, CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY THAT I AM A HIGH RISK ? Even for what I am offering ?

You got to say what YOU SEE......NOW HERE IS WHAT I SEE:

1) I have provided you with more information than any 2 other borrowers combined before me, that you had lent to (Burt by proxy...)
2) You got ripped off a NUMBER OF TIMES and I AM TAKING SHIT FOR IT.
3) You have single handedly put the question of my Credibility at risk in a single post FOR NO GOOD REASON WITH YOUR COMMENTS, when a simple YES/NO ANSWER WOULD HAVE SUFFICED.

Taking a measly 50 BTC loan from you was NOT worth this.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: PatrickHarnett on February 14, 2012, 10:03:42 PM
To clarify,

 - I don't think you are a high risk.
 - I have no idea if you are a nice person or not, and that doesn't particularly matter - same goes for me.
 - Yes, it is a 50 BTC loan, and it is most likely a small part of the funds you have tie up in bitcoins, similar for myself.
 - I don't want or need the sweet talk, nor do I think it is beneficial to thrash this out here, but that was your choice.
 - You don't know who I've lent to, so you would have a hard time demonstrating how much information they've provided me, and
 - You're not talking any shit for the other people that have not repaid to me.  If you feel like you're getting any, it's because you want to change the deal a few days in to a month loan.

You said you could pay back the coins now and I accept that offer, and waive the interest, otherwise the original weekly payments could continue.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 10:35:00 PM
You said you could pay back the coins now and I accept that offer......

Really ? No long whinded self-gratifying story to get into ? JUST A SIMPLE ACCEPT OR DECLINE ?


Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: imsaguy on February 14, 2012, 10:40:54 PM
You said you could pay back the coins now and I accept that offer......

Really ? No long whinded self-gratifying story to get into ? JUST A SIMPLE ACCEPT OR DECLINE ?


Wow, the attitude.  Do you talk to your mortgage lender the same way?

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 10:46:37 PM
Wow, the attitude.  Do you talk to your mortgage lender the same way?
No, of course not.

Patrick made assumptions about me GAMBLING in the market (WTF?) and went on to empty his lungs with a 'Holier than thou' Soap-box speech about how HE wasn't here to fix other's problems and how 'he wasn't impressed', WHEN ALL HE HAD TO DO WAS SAY ACCEPTED OR DECLINED.

His personal comments to me have struck a nerve and frankly I am not going to take it.

He can save his crap for Rexcoin and the others that have squeezed about 200 BTC out of him with kind words and NO CHANCE OF REPAYMENT.

(..although I'm not actually Mexican...) He just fucked with the wrong Mexican.

He should have kept his reply ON POINT and skipped the lecture.




Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: PatrickHarnett on February 14, 2012, 10:57:21 PM
Just as an update, I only have one bad loan currently and that was from Kujoking et al.  Rexcoin actually paid back, and your estimate of my losses is rather inaccurate.

As for all the other stuff, you said you had problems "getting out" and complaining about the exchange rate and wanting to use funds over the next month "for your advantage".  I expressed an opinion, and you have reacted quite spectacularly.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 11:05:30 PM
Just as an update, I only have one bad loan currently and that was from Kujoking et al.  Rexcoin actually paid back, and your estimate of my losses is rather inaccurate.

As for all the other stuff, you said you had problems "getting out" and complaining about the exchange rate and wanting to use funds over the next month "for your advantage".  I expressed an opinion, and you have reacted quite spectacularly.

ARE YOU RETARDED ? or just slow....?

I applied for a 100 BTC Loan TO PURCHASE HARDWARE FOR MY MINING OPERATION (remember ?), close to $6 USD exchange rate.
By the time it was funded in full, from the 1st party to the 3rd, then onto the exchange, the drop in rates invalidated the expected amount in USD to purchase said hardware, or complete said plans.




As I posted NUMEROUS TIMES, Your reply should have been either YES or NO.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: copumpkin on February 14, 2012, 11:08:22 PM
I expressed an opinion, and you have reacted quite spectacularly.

I agree. This was pretty spectacular...


Even if he pisses you off, I'd try to keep shit like that to a private message. Responding the way you did really doesn't give a good impression, regardless of how trustworthy you are or how insulting Patrick was.

Just one point of view to keep in mind: on the lending board, if you seek a loan, you are effectively trying to "sell" yourself (your worth, trustworthiness, integrity, etc.) to one or more lenders who will take a risk and send you money. Even if Patrick had insulted your mother (which he clearly did nothing close to), you'd want to be the better man and avoid giving off a bad impression, assuming you want to impress potential lenders. A curt and level-headed response would have been more effective to forward your goals.

Anyway, just my 2 bitcents. I don't think you're dishonest or a gambler or anything like that, and wish you luck. :)

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: slider1978 on February 14, 2012, 11:10:32 PM
Wow sucks to be you, I asked for a 100 BTC loan days after you, got it, and was able to exchange for USD all within a .20 variance in the exchange.  Did you take the long way to school too?

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: pirateat40 on February 14, 2012, 11:13:15 PM
This thread qualifies for this

Note: If you have any outstanding issues/debts with either the forum or IRC don't even think about contacting me to invest.

Pay on-time or lose your spot with FPS&T.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 11:19:26 PM
This thread qualifies for this

Note: If you have any outstanding issues/debts with either the forum or IRC don't even think about contacting me to invest.

Pay on-time or lose your spot with FPS&T.

The deal is only a couple days

All I want to do is pay more and one of my mining investors saw this as a positive.
I just didn't appreciate the personal comments, especially in regards to the gambling on the market.

The last thing I wanted to do was create waves on another 'investment' (wink wink) front by asking for a withdrawal, being that accounts at said establishment are difficult to come by, so I thought this would be the lesser of 2 evils.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: pirateat40 on February 14, 2012, 11:22:21 PM
I'm not here to keep the peace just simply informing you of my rules. ;)

Hope it works out.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 14, 2012, 11:24:41 PM
I'm not here to keep the peace just simply informing you of my rules. ;)

Hope it works out.

Hopefully I don't have to 'Walk The Plank' on March 12th..... ;)

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: PatrickHarnett on February 14, 2012, 11:25:32 PM
What happened to repaying based on mining proceeds?  According to that, you should have the coins available.

If you were gambling in the market and lost, having your lenders suffer is not a particularly good outcome (read = I'm not impressed).  We're not here to fix other people's mistakes.

Delaying payment one month so you can use weekly funds sounds like you are going to place even more at risk.  Better is if you continue with weekly payments until the debt is paid.  Basically, a declining principal at 2%/week.

Bitlane, you might have missed what I said:

If blah blah blah then stuff.  

You have said you were not and I accept that.  You've taken this personally when you didn't need to.  I have no particular concerns with your ability or intent to honour the loan to Burt, DollarTrader or myself.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on February 14, 2012, 11:42:20 PM
senbonzakura,  don't scare me to death here!   Go check out, now that deserves the senbonzakura hmmm :)

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: DannyM on February 15, 2012, 12:18:53 AM
I got really confused with everybody changing their avatar to a picture of bitlane, but I think I understand now.

Yeah, so if you hold bitcoins, take a loan in bitcoins, or get paid in bitcoins, sometimes the market moves, and not always in the driection you want it to.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: imsaguy on February 15, 2012, 12:20:27 AM
I got really confused with everybody changing their avatar to a picture of bitlane, but I think I understand now.

It *isn't* a picture of bitlane.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: DannyM on February 15, 2012, 12:22:46 AM
I got really confused with everybody changing their avatar to a picture of bitlane, but I think I understand now.

It *isn't* a picture of bitlane.

I know, I had to read the thread twice. I see now that bitlane was using a picture of imsaguy all along.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on February 15, 2012, 12:29:28 AM
FYI:  the whole Freddie Prinze Jr. avatar thing is here, get paid to change your avatar!

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 15, 2012, 12:13:35 PM

just wanted to subscribe to this thread :)

Subscribe to this thread all you want. Make a personal, uninformed 'comment'....and make MY LIST.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on February 15, 2012, 01:22:25 PM
Clarification desired.

senbonzakura subscribes to this thread.

I make a small joke.

You attack senbonzakura?  Or was this meant to be funny:

Subscribe to this thread all you want. Make a personal, uninformed 'comment'....and make MY LIST.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 15, 2012, 02:30:21 PM
Clarification desired.

senbonzakura subscribes to this thread.

I make a small joke.

You attack senbonzakura?  Or was this meant to be funny:

Subscribe to this thread all you want. Make a personal, uninformed 'comment'....and make MY LIST.


That was supposed to be my 'Jay & Silent Bob' moment ;)

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: dollartrader on February 16, 2012, 04:51:36 AM
Just to add the new terms are acceptable with me.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: bitlane on February 16, 2012, 04:48:31 PM
Just to add the new terms are acceptable with me.

I almost missed this.....CHEERS.

Dollartrader - single payment +4%, 100% due on original final loan payout date, March 10.
BurtWagner -  - single payment +4%, 100% due on original final loan payout date, March 10.
Pattrick - Original 4 weekly (Saturday) payments, first Feb 18, Last March 10.

Thanks guys.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: dollartrader on March 08, 2012, 06:01:39 AM

Update: My loan paid in full today. Early repayment.


Just to add the new terms are acceptable with me.

I almost missed this.....CHEERS.

Dollartrader - single payment +4%, 100% due on original final loan payout date, March 10.

BurtWagner -  - single payment +4%, 100% due on original final loan payout date, March 10.
Pattrick - Original 4 weekly (Saturday) payments, first Feb 18, Last March 10.

Thanks guys.

Title: Re: A Public Plea to my current 3 Lenders - Burt/Partick/Dollartrader
Post by: BurtW on March 08, 2012, 06:41:05 AM
Paid in full.