Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Dealazer on June 04, 2014, 04:36:21 PM

Title: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: Dealazer on June 04, 2014, 04:36:21 PM
Tho many don't understand what coins are fraud in this history: (
At that forumpost there is clearly described the fraud that has taken place on most coins ever produced by an evil group too mass dump coins at an good price on market and then use clearly advertisement on the way to award people with coins, mostly all coins were mined by just one group.

What will happen too Bitcoin? the price on bitcoin will probably fall too even under 100$ and introduction too an new 512SHA coin will probably be the best option for miners and other entusiasts to participate in without exagerating fraud system as proposed by EMC2, UNO, DIEM, REDD, BC, DRK and other X-11 coins.

What happens too most exchanges? As ( stays at markets winner cause they weren't bribed enough to introduce stupid coins.

What is the truth that lies behind history's most intensive fraud? Well I want people to participate in warning the most people on reddit and other exchanges about the most intriguing fraud in the world.


Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: protokol on June 04, 2014, 04:47:02 PM
What will happen too Bitcoin? the price on bitcoin will probably fall too even under 100$ and introduction too an new 512SHA coin will probably be the best option for miners and other entusiasts to participate in without exagerating fraud system as proposed by EMC2, UNO, DIEM, REDD, BC, DRK and other X-11 coins.

I doubt Bitcoin will fall to under $100, it has got a userbase orders of magnitude larger than some of the shitty pre-mined altcoins. And SHA256 is safe for now, if it becomes weak in the future then it can be changed.

Of course most of the altcoins are scams/premines/pump+dumps. I guess you could call them a "fraud", but the crypto space is currently unregulated, so I'd be surprised if these types of altcoins DIDN'T exist. Welcome to crypto, if you don't like it then you're free to stick with dirty fiat  ;D

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: DeeBo on June 04, 2014, 04:50:42 PM
Why do you think that shitty alt-coins will affect Bitcoin?  If anything they'll bring more users towards Bitcoin and away from the alt-coins that scammed them.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: BitCoinDream on June 04, 2014, 04:53:12 PM
Tho many don't understand what coins are fraud in this history: (
At that forumpost there is clearly described the fraud that has taken place on most coins ever produced by an evil group too mass dump coins at an good price on market and then use clearly advertisement on the way to award people with coins, mostly all coins were mined by just one group.

What will happen too Bitcoin? the price on bitcoin will probably fall too even under 100$ and introduction too an new 512SHA coin will probably be the best option for miners and other entusiasts to participate in without exagerating fraud system as proposed by EMC2, UNO, DIEM, REDD, BC, DRK and other X-11 coins.

What happens too most exchanges? As ( stays at markets winner cause they weren't bribed enough to introduce stupid coins.

What is the truth that lies behind history's most intensive fraud? Well I want people to participate in warning the most people on reddit and other exchanges about the most intriguing fraud in the world.


U have failed to understand how BIG bitcoin has become. That is why u r still comparing Bitcoin with other Shitcoins. No certain group can control Bitcoin anymore neither The Bitcoin Foundation nor Satoshi. Winklevoss brothers to Google ventures are now investing in Bitcoin businesses, NOT bitcoin ...mind it. When big brothers invest in a service on top of a protocol, u can safely assume they wont let it die by 'some group'. So your argument may affect LiteCoin at most, but NOT Bitcoin ....AMEN.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: RodeoX on June 04, 2014, 04:57:07 PM
So shitty alt-coins are a tool to separate fools from their money? Yes, we know that.  Nothing to do with bitcoin then. 

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: runam0k on June 04, 2014, 04:57:28 PM
I'm amazed you could all make sense of the OP.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: jc01480 on June 04, 2014, 04:57:41 PM
I think Bitcoin is big because of the base purposes.  As far as ever day use, we have a long way to go.  At present, Bitcoin protocol is being exploited for other purposes to facilitate commerce such as a master ledger system, etc.  For the common person, Bitcoin has yet to provide many meaningful benefits to the average Joe.  But I see all kinds of great folks working to make this happen.  And it makes me happy-coin!

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: sgbett on June 04, 2014, 05:03:41 PM
spamcoins cause spam. who knew.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: Beliathon on June 04, 2014, 05:06:11 PM
So shitty alt-coins are a tool to separate fools from their money? Yes, we know that.  Nothing to do with bitcoin then.  
This /thread + /ignore

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: BittBurger on June 04, 2014, 06:10:47 PM
I'm amazed you could all make sense of the OP.


Totally unable to read or comprehend what was written.

But based on the responses - people have talked themselves up into such a hype that "such and such" alt coin is "going to the moon" that they actually believe what they say.  They have to.  They missed the bitcoin train, so they must sell this dream so they can get rich also.  In the end, there are a whole bunch of people obsessing on Alts as worthy of their time and effort.  Comparable and possibly better than Bitcoin.   These folks don't understand network effect, first mover advantage, and have zero comprehension that it is infrastructure and adoption and commerce that make a coin succeed.  Without that, you've got nothing but a pump and dump.   Wolong is the *only* reason Dogecoin became famous after the first spike.  It would have died right then and there if he and his team hadn't come along to conduct numerous pumps and dumps.   And a lot of people made money off them.  Meanwhile the enthusiasts were screaming "to the moon!" thinking it was organic value increase.  


Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: franky1 on June 04, 2014, 06:29:59 PM
simple translation:
1. many altcoins are pump and dumps
2. many altcoins are premined
3. many altcoins are made not by many people, but by a single person
4. many altcoins us the same code, with miner tweaks
5. many altcoins have no utility, but as soon as the coindev sells his premine, he no longer cares
6. most importantly. although altcoin devs grab other peoples bitcoin and hand out worthless alts. it does not damage bitcoin.. sooner or later the coindevs will sell their bitcoin. (keeping it in circulation)

altcoins are equivalent to 'penny stocks' they have no usefulness, but are a quick boom and bust 99% risk to trade with

DO NOT use altcoins as a store of wealth/value

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: XbladeX on June 04, 2014, 08:01:51 PM
Simple exaple of BC when he is trying get fud... on BC....
FU fuder siple evidence of BS.

"Something is scetchy when you blockexplore XC, BC, DRK and other coins at Block: 5035 while block 5034 is clearly fine as somebody did earn few coins on that block"
That proves that orginal poster is bad at tech thinngs.. see my  image...
Orginal post

Mysterious 5035 block was POS block without 10000 BC reward...
If you want speard fud try better prepare to do it so...
If you don't get how pos pow works stop BS.... POW minig had 10000 BC reward not POS minig.
To be clear in BC after 5000 block POS and POW were mined once POS block was chosen once POW block.
POW had 10000BC reward while POS have 0 reward only stake reward or eventually transaction fee.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: mymenace on June 04, 2014, 08:11:15 PM

here is your real fraud

especially listen to the interviewees (e.g. ron paul) at the end of the video they agree to how the whole system works (

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 08:49:56 PM
Wow cue eerie music heaps of posts have been deleted from this topic , and heaps of people have changed their posts.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:05:50 PM
Lets summarize what's been deleted and changed:


Pesky web cache?

Why does the topic poster not answer? if you guys are water boarding him can you take a break and let him reply?

Poster expressed fear of death for the topic .


Poster was clearly suggesting a possible fraud related to the blockchain and block 5032 on many Crypto. Bitcoin included.


I asked him if he was suggesting that in a "transaction malleability" sort of way the reward can be manipulated and appear different.


Changed, the theme of the topic to premining etc.

Cue list of BTC talk "veterans"

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:11:17 PM
The topic has been "cleansed" of all mention of block 5032 in a very matrix meets 1984 type way.

Which is , well you know modern reality.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: Litesire on June 05, 2014, 09:13:00 PM
Whatever you do, just don't buy coins that win mintpal votes. Trade them but don't hold

The biggest scam of all.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:13:52 PM
Is he being drone attacked as we speak guys ?  : |

Hope he's not in Russia they don't seem to work as well there : |

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:19:00 PM
None if this is a "confidence booster" .  : |

Free speech only threatened the most draconian police state societies.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:23:41 PM
This is so backwards retarded , and so right out a 1984 play book its funny.

You do know guys , that book was satire right ?

I mean when the most important guy in the room said

"Why don't we just do it like in that book 1984"

And the tech guy goes :

"We can even improve on that !"

Did you ever stop to think how retarded and backwards that was ?

I mean , you don't believe in human evolution?

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 05, 2014, 09:28:26 PM
Certainly the Nazi Gestapo might have acted like this given the technology , but then i think you got them.

If i just look into history and do a forward projection i think you just got them.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: kitaco on June 05, 2014, 10:07:40 PM
^ digitalindustry is a well known halfwit everywhere he goes. It wouldn't surprise me if he actually created this post, as I can't understand anything the OP says, and I also can't understand anything digitalindustry says.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: RJX on June 05, 2014, 10:32:50 PM
simple translation:
1. many altcoins are pump and dumps
2. many altcoins are premined
3. many altcoins are made not by many people, but by a single person
4. many altcoins us the same code, with miner tweaks
5. many altcoins have no utility, but as soon as the coindev sells his premine, he no longer cares
6. most importantly. although altcoin devs grab other peoples bitcoin and hand out worthless alts. it does not damage bitcoin.. sooner or later the coindevs will sell their bitcoin. (keeping it in circulation)

altcoins are equivalent to 'penny stocks' they have no usefulness, but are a quick boom and bust 99% risk to trade with

DO NOT use altcoins as a store of wealth/value

Best translation ever.

And one hell of a disclaimer too.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 06, 2014, 12:16:23 AM
congratulation "Dealazer" if you are still alive you are personally invited to the r/quarkcoin Reddit

to explain just what the fuck you are talking about, you will find our community open to debate and both curious to quiz you on any allegations.

i will post this in the duplicate of this topic - so even if you are "banned" you can see the link and come to our Reddit and have a chat.

Title: Re: Biggest fraud in history (this will nearly destroy Bitcoin)(DRK & BC affected)
Post by: digitalindustry on June 06, 2014, 12:19:36 AM
^ digitalindustry is a well known halfwit everywhere he goes. It wouldn't surprise me if he actually created this post, as I can't understand anything the OP says, and I also can't understand anything digitalindustry says.

kitaco is our cat loving institutional troll that tried to "weed its way in" to our many Quark groups - it went by the name "canon" then - the general consensus is its not a "hired for paid thing" just a plain old mental illness - we hope you get help sweetie  : x