Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: Justin00 on June 06, 2014, 01:02:31 PM

Title: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 06, 2014, 01:02:31 PM
I am offering advanced cisco / networking support.
Specialties are Cisco, Juniper (MPLS, VPLS, BGP, ETC ETC)

CCIE written test.

Security specialities as well - VPNS, ASA,

experience with small to massive enterprise / telco environment.

Currently working full time so I can only provide ad-noc support.

let me know if you need any assistance with anything and I wll see what I can do.

can offer free support if it is something very quick :)

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 06, 2014, 01:12:53 PM
also can provide Linux, *BSD, Unix admin help.. but yeah, specialty is networking.

can also do the basics such as wifi setups lol... WPA... 802.1x etc

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Danglebee on June 06, 2014, 01:43:53 PM
Hello !

can help setup cisco 877w router
I have adsl2 and wireless.

adsl2 drop out and not get wireless N mode working, only b/g.

price to help ?

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 06, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
Lol exactly the same router I use at home!!
I'm also doing wireless N and adsl2.

Do you know if you are using PPPOE or PPPOA ? PM me your email adresss. i can email you my configs for wireless N and PPPOE.
Happy to do it for free.. I mean I am just sending through my config. You will need a basic level of understanding to change my DDR access-lists to suit your own but I guess if you run into problems (and I am bored) I can help.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Danglebee on June 06, 2014, 02:25:21 PM
thnak much ! i send my email now !
I throw something your way to help get work for me :)

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 07, 2014, 08:44:14 AM
Send me your email address please. i got a bounce back message lol

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Danglebee on June 07, 2014, 09:39:45 PM
sorry i left out letter in email he he
send now to you.

I study CCNP so I have lot question if you time please.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Danglebee on June 08, 2014, 12:22:19 PM
Ok use your config I now have wireless N finally!

which line your config restrict mac filter. I think you say mac filter in place ? please identify ?

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 08, 2014, 01:06:54 PM
it is the access-list 700 mate


dot11 association mac-list 700

access-list 700 permit f4f9.5133.f3b5   0000.0000.0000
access-list 700 permit 100b.a91d.c720   0000.0000.0000
access-list 700 permit d022.be9e.4c6b   0000.0000.0000
access-list 700 permit 8438.3848.87ed   0000.0000.0000
access-list 700 deny   0000.0000.0000   ffff.ffff.ffff

all of the mac addresses are my devices, laptop, phone, ipad etc etc.. then the deny at the end :)
try it out and see.. also from memory it needs to be in the 7xx range for a mac addy.. so try with 700 as I have done.

Ok use your config I now have wireless N finally!

which line your config restrict mac filter. I think you say mac filter in place ? please identify ?

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 09, 2014, 03:53:07 AM
got your email. I can't reply for some reason.
but yeah man what you did is write.

just remember to "wr mem" this time :p

and show dsl int atm0 to see sync speed.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 09, 2014, 10:44:15 AM
Anyone else need anything... possibly where you want to pay me to help / do it for you heh ?

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Danglebee on June 09, 2014, 11:13:11 AM
sorry delay. we in Macau on business.
all work.

thanking you. PM bitcoin address we tip for you service!

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 09, 2014, 12:35:48 PM
PM sent , thanks and glad to help.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 09, 2014, 10:18:22 PM
btc received, wasn't expected, but much appreciated. thanks mate, again glad I could help.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 10, 2014, 02:25:28 PM
Hey HExxxxx (kept it anonymous) - I can't reply to your PM, Your inbox is full.
I can definitely help you troubleshoot a faulty Cisco 10K acting as LNS (or LAC)
It will cost you a little though.... delete some PM's from your inbox, PM me to let me know and I will send through some useful infi.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 10, 2014, 02:42:36 PM
LOL mate you PM'd me again and your inbox is still full..
so I will answer here.. it will cost 0.15 bitcoins per hour (min 1 hr) to troubleshoot. From the logs you provided we should have properly as an LNS in 15-20 mns. I do not need physical access, I just tell you commands and you show output. I can install teamviewer client if you prefer, probably make t eaiser to be honest... anyway DELETE YOUR PMS!!!!

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 15, 2014, 01:43:34 AM
so no one has a 7600 or CRS-3 at home they need assistance with :( ?
lol or evan a 8XX like that other dude.

Actually I do have a cool script I'll post up for anyone using a cisco with a DSL WIC. It checks if internet is up and if not does a shut on interface then no shut... my ISP seems to ometimes have issues but the ATM0 interface stays up but no traffic passes.. need to do a shut/no shut to  fix.
Not that anyone is even reading this lol but i'll post it up later.. maybe it will help someone..

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on June 24, 2014, 06:21:18 AM
So I am to assume you are all Cisco / Juniper peeps and don't want any Justin love ??
Outsource your day to job or hard networking tasks to me... impress your boss!!!

lol pretty funny actually, but still true :)

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Sydboy on July 25, 2014, 02:40:27 PM
ay J
is the script the one you showed me at your place a few weeks ago ?
i have my 887W can you give me the script please.
i'll buy it for 0.00 bitcoins mate ;)

so no one has a 7600 or CRS-3 at home they need assistance with :( ?
lol or evan a 8XX like that other dude.

Actually I do have a cool script I'll post up for anyone using a cisco with a DSL WIC. It checks if internet is up and if not does a shut on interface then no shut... my ISP seems to ometimes have issues but the ATM0 interface stays up but no traffic passes.. need to do a shut/no shut to  fix.
Not that anyone is even reading this lol but i'll post it up later.. maybe it will help someone..

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on July 25, 2014, 02:54:04 PM
Good timing, I just came back from seeing "Sex Tape" at the cinemas. It was Okish.

Anyways yeah that is the script.
You need a TCL file and the event manager.. Here is the file, call it what ever you like.. I called mine "resetdsl.tcl"
Modify the 2 IP lines for 2 IPs local to your ISP ( all though is the Optus Name server so you can probably use that )


set ip
set anotherip
set syslog [open "syslog: " w+]
if {
   [regexp "(!!!)" [exec "ping $ip timeout 1" ]] } {
   puts $syslog "\%NET-MONITOR_1: - Ping to $ip Ok - Internet UP"
   close $syslog
} else {
   puts $syslog "\%NET-MONITOR_1: - Ping to $ip failed - Check 1 of 2"
   flush $syslog
   if {
                  [regexp "(!!!)" [exec "ping $anotherip timeout 1" ]] } {
                  puts $syslog "\%NET-MONITOR_2: - Ping to $anotherip Ok - Internet UP"
                 close $syslog
          } else {
      puts $syslog "\%NET-MONITOR_2: - Ping to $anotherip failed - Internet DOWN - Restarting ATM0/Dialer1"
      close $syslog
      ios_config "interface Dialer1" "shut"
      ios_config "interface Atm0" "shut"
      ios_config "interface Dialer1" "no shut"
      ios_config "interface Atm0" "no shut"      


Copy that to your flash: or storage on the router, but it will be flash: on a cisco 8xx.

Once its on.. add these lines to the config

event manager applet resetdsl
 event timer cron name resetdsl cron-entry "*/10 * * * *"
 action 1.0 cli command "enable"
 action 2.0 cli command "tclsh flash:resetdsl.tcl"

It will make script run every 10 minutes. If pings to the first IP fails, it will try the second, if that fails it will shut/no shut the ATM0 interface, which at times resolves issues for me when the DSL is synced up but their is no data.

Also don't laugh at my TCL skills hehe, I'm not a coder... but that gets the job done for me.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Sydboy on July 25, 2014, 02:57:43 PM
good timing indeed lol! i was gonna sms you when i saw you were online.
thanks mate =) I will change the first IP you had and try the script with the timer.

0.00 bitcoins sent!!! :p

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Sydboy on July 25, 2014, 02:59:32 PM
what other tricks can i do? i think i saw something about running multiple ssids in cisco configuation example page?
setting up a honeypot for the neighbors might be fun lol

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on July 25, 2014, 03:02:50 PM
Hmmmm I'm not 100% sure you can run multiples on your specific router. I'm going to bed now..... but give me a call after Lunch tomorrow if your bored and we can see.  Speak soon. 

what other tricks can i do? i think i saw something about running multiple ssids in cisco configuation example page?
setting up a honeypot for the neighbors might be fun lol

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Sydboy on July 25, 2014, 03:04:40 PM
laters J

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: impresionesmline on July 26, 2014, 01:20:12 AM
okay, here is a question for you  :)

I want to establish a connection to a 3g network without using the common comercial 3g devices that come for the end user such as 3g usb modem and alike, I want to know which devices I could use to get a long range connection, for instance which sort of antenna and which other hardware would I need?

Thanks for your answer.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on August 31, 2014, 01:55:47 AM
Lol didn't see this for like a month.

Anyways to be honest I have no idea which hardware you would use..I'm sure a quick look on google would result in heaps of items.
Not a 3g expert but pretty sure the antenna would depend on the frequency you using (depending on which country you are in)

Oh yeah if you look here you can see how to make your own yagi antenna and yeah each frequency looks like it has its own design

But yeah.. I'm not really a parts catalogue heh.. I'm more...  Coming up with solutions (and then using google to find the hardware)
All though if its a Cisco item, I know alot of them pretty well and which one to use etc etc; However they do come out with new crap very often, so it is hard to keep up with which devices are EOL etc etc... but there site is very good for researching that stuff.

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on August 31, 2014, 02:11:45 AM
One bit of advice which is kinda obvious (but perhaps not to some) If you get a directional type antenna it would work best if you knew where abouts your closest 3g tower is.. If you have a Samsung Galaxy s1-s5 for e.g you can see this info if you access the secret/hidden menu's by typing this code into the dialer   *#0011#

Title: Re: Advanced Cisco / Juniper / networking services available
Post by: Justin00 on September 13, 2014, 04:11:10 PM
Someone sureeely needs help with something ?
BGP gone wrong ??
OSPF roooted ??
MPLS... not MPLS'ing the way you intended.