Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 02:27:31 AM

Title: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 02:27:31 AM
I'm totally am an imbecile , I have accepted that fact.

I am trying to do something fairly simple an have had an excel headache all day.

I have a spread sheet like shown below

The problem is that the HTML code in column D is way too long and if I drag it the length (2500 rows) it causes the file to go up past 50mb and causes excel crashes and the max the file can be is 15mb.

So, I simply need a formula for column F to bring over the C column and have column D follow it

so F2 would show:     cool car <code></code> 

That is easy for cell F2 by using =(c2&d2)  but now I need to populate F all the way to 2500 rows but I cannot drag the D html 

So why can't I say (c2:c2500&d2)?

Or when I drag, it always changes the d2 so how do I keep it constant

I also tried filling in the first four formulas


and dragging but again, the next one in sequence becomes c6:d3

So Somebody know how?

0.008 btc to the person that gives me an answer in an hour...  7:22 PST    I need to be done by 8:22pm

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: jnwood on June 07, 2014, 02:40:17 AM
Put a $ in front of either the letter or number in a cell name to make it stay constant when replicating.  Perhaps look at this explanation:

So make your first 4 rows this instead:

and they should copy just fine after that making your 5th c6&d$2

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 02:45:01 AM
I'm going to go try it.  If it works, give me your address

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 02:48:36 AM
Put a $ in front of either the letter or number in a cell name to make it stay constant when replicating.  Perhaps look at this explanation:

So make your first 4 rows this instead:

and they should copy just fine after that making your 5th c6&d$2

jnwood wins  THANKS SO MUCH 


I do like that I can just send some btc and PayPal or any of those other scams don't get none.

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 02:49:51 AM
Just need your address and do you know if I can close a thread or just lock it?

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: jnwood on June 07, 2014, 03:06:19 AM
Cool, glad it worked.


I'm not familiar enough with Bitcointalk to know if you can close this thread or not or how to do it.

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: campycoin on June 07, 2014, 03:50:06 AM

Thanks again

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: Justin00 on June 07, 2014, 09:04:10 AM
good job guys.
I wish the forums had a bounty section. Yeah yeah I know their is services and project dev, but still.. bounty section would be nice.
perhaps i'll suggest it in the meta section..

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: SirChiko on June 07, 2014, 09:24:22 AM
Ah seems i'm late althought i'm glad you've solved it.

good job guys.
I wish the forums had a bounty section. Yeah yeah I know their is services and project dev, but still.. bounty section would be nice.
perhaps i'll suggest it in the meta section..
That would actually be good idea :)

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: Mikez on June 07, 2014, 09:26:01 AM
While I'm glad OP found a solution to his problem in excel, I cannot help but notice his ignorance when he chose to post in the Bitcoin Discussion forum. But I do understand his frustration, we've all had those 'I'm stupid' moments.

PS: Marketplace - Services, that would have been a better place to post.

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: Ejaculation on June 07, 2014, 04:03:29 PM
good job guys.
I wish the forums had a bounty section. Yeah yeah I know their is services and project dev, but still.. bounty section would be nice.
perhaps i'll suggest it in the meta section..

We should. Did you suggest already or should I myself?

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: Cryptopher on June 07, 2014, 04:07:55 PM
Wish I had seen this earlier. The solution provided is something called absolute cell referencing just so you are aware in future :)

I like threads like these. Not enough of them for my liking hehe.

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: jnwood on June 07, 2014, 04:35:15 PM

Thanks again

Received.  Thanks!

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: Cryptocure on June 07, 2014, 06:43:05 PM
...and do you know if I can close a thread or just lock it?

To answer this question, there should be a "lock topic" option in the bottom left-hand corner (if you scroll all the way down).

Title: Re: 0.008 btc To 1st Person To Help Me With Excel Solution Must Work
Post by: techgeek on June 07, 2014, 08:35:08 PM

I didnt see this sooner.. you got anything else you need help with? lol.