Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Wary on June 09, 2014, 10:20:34 PM

Title: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Wary on June 09, 2014, 10:20:34 PM
When (and if  ;D) THE RALLY will come and you'll try to catch the peak, how would you do it?

EDIT. I din't mean sell and forget! I mean sell to buy back later, to increase your BTC holding. It's speculator's sub-forum, right?

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: SirChiko on June 09, 2014, 10:23:46 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: gentlemand on June 09, 2014, 10:25:34 PM
Nope. It wouldn't be a life changing amount for me and I'm in it for the long haul.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: pinksheep on June 09, 2014, 10:25:58 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)

I agree, I'll sell at a predetermined price but unless this next rally is a rally way beyond anything we've seen before, it'll not be in this rally or maybe even in the one after.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Raystonn on June 09, 2014, 10:26:29 PM
I intend to keep my liquid assets at no more than 90% Bitcoin.  So I will sell at price points along the way up to ensure that ratio is maintained.  Thus if my Bitcoin assets increase in value and my liquid assets are now worth $10 million, I will have at least $1 million in USD.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Wary on June 09, 2014, 10:27:27 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: pinksheep on June 09, 2014, 10:28:22 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

But some of us are afraid of getting out & never getting the chance to get back in :(

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Carra23 on June 09, 2014, 10:30:39 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

But some of us are afraid of getting out & never getting the chance to get back in :(

Theres always the risk, so you have to be bold enough to eat your losses and buy back in. You will always get enough chances.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: okthen on June 09, 2014, 10:32:45 PM
I'll just sell what I first invested.
Didn't get it when we where at 1000 and that was a mistake.
Then I can rest in peace :)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Wary on June 09, 2014, 10:33:49 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

But some of us are afraid of getting out & never getting the chance to get back in :(
Agree. That's why there is the option 1 in the poll.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: maker88 on June 09, 2014, 10:34:25 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

But some of us are afraid of getting out & never getting the chance to get back in :(

i am both of these haha. I've said ill sell at 4000 but i think it was goat who said 'listen, making $500 on bitcoin isn't cool, making $5000 isn't cool.." ill be happier around the 20000 line, but i want to keep a few to 50000 :D well see how it goes haha

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Dalmar on June 09, 2014, 10:35:09 PM
Sell after it has become obvious the bubble is over and you have a much weaker retracement rally that comes fairly close to the high (170 and 995 last time), then start shorting for the post-bubble bear market.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Wary on June 09, 2014, 10:36:03 PM
11 votes, none for the "predetermined date". It seems that the calendar trading (c) isn't very popular here. Even OP, the inventor of the term (i.e. myself :)) haven't voted for it  ;D

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: beetcoin on June 09, 2014, 10:40:11 PM
Sell after it has become obvious the bubble is over and you have a much weaker retracement rally that comes fairly close to the high (170 and 995 last time), then start shorting for the post-bubble bear market.

yeah, it's hard to know where the top is, but if the price doubles the ATH, that could be a good indicator. you know it's going to eventually come down after all.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: okthen on June 09, 2014, 10:40:19 PM
11 votes, none for the "predetermined date". It seems that the calendar trading (c) isn't very popular here. Even OP, the inventor of the term (i.e. myself :)) haven't voted for it  ;D

No one wants to do it that blindly :)
On the other hand, if you decide that's your method, you can place your orders already! And forget about it for a while :)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: RoadStress on June 09, 2014, 11:34:12 PM
Will sell at 1k$. One BTC.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: zimmah on June 09, 2014, 11:57:34 PM
Sell when indicator and buy back when indicator.

Hopefully for a nice profit in BTC terms. I don't have nearly enough bitcoins yet.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: BittBurger on June 10, 2014, 12:00:11 AM
I cash out (or start spending in Bitcion) at $40,000.

Not a penny sooner.


Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Carra23 on June 10, 2014, 12:06:21 AM
Sell after it has become obvious the bubble is over and you have a much weaker retracement rally that comes fairly close to the high (170 and 995 last time), then start shorting for the post-bubble bear market.

yeah, it's hard to know where the top is, but if the price doubles the ATH, that could be a good indicator. you know it's going to eventually come down after all.

Its quite obvious to find out that its going down. Last rally it was quite clear when it stayed below 1000 for the second time. Even I could figure that out without any charts.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: ajareselde on June 10, 2014, 12:27:38 AM
multiple sell orders, + 1 part price based trading
one part sell at : buy point + 33%
2nd part sell at : buy point + 66%
3nd part sell at : buy point + 100%
and there is that notorious 5% of all trade profits that i never sell, for small chance, big profits
im trading in months for large amounts, i dont mind the waiting...

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Benjig on June 10, 2014, 12:58:35 AM
not all the rallies work the same, if you try to catch the peak you also can miss the real price, better to hold until the water is calm

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: rocks on June 10, 2014, 01:10:01 AM
Will only sell once I don't have to.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: BitcoinHeroes on June 10, 2014, 08:57:30 AM
Going to sell at $1000 this time, the last time was greedy and wanted $2000..

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: piramida on June 10, 2014, 10:39:48 AM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)

I agree, I'll sell at a predetermined price but unless this next rally is a rally way beyond anything we've seen before, it'll not be in this rally or maybe even in the one after.

anything we've seen before? the biggest rally so far was a 31x increase in price, so if that would repeat, it would end at approximately 40k per coin.

truth is, you can cash out part of your stash after about 1-2 months of double exponential growth.

PS and selling at 1000 into this rally would be like selling at 100 during the last one. i.e. quite stupid :)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Ilsk on June 10, 2014, 11:01:36 AM
I would be ok with 5000, but only to try to buy cheaper later.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on June 10, 2014, 11:17:27 AM
At the All time High or 20 to 50% above that level would be my selling price
However it depends on sentiment and how long it would take to refill that position
So disbursements variate

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: DolanDuck on June 10, 2014, 12:27:36 PM
Going to sell at $1000 this time, the last time was greedy and wanted $2000..

The next peak won't be near $1000 but almost at 2000-3000$, the history of the btc charts have spoken, not me  :)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: transit on June 10, 2014, 06:30:54 PM
Everybody is going to sell @ 800-900-1000

I'll wait until we pass the last ATH.

Last time was the same @ 100-200ish, then it went to the moon. I expect 1-digit increment per year rally.

This time should be 10k USD per BTC.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: hellscabane on June 10, 2014, 07:22:16 PM
I intend to keep my liquid assets at no more than 90% Bitcoin.  So I will sell at price points along the way up to ensure that ratio is maintained.  Thus if my Bitcoin assets increase in value and my liquid assets are now worth $10 million, I will have at least $1 million in USD.

For some reason, this seems like the most lucid stream of thought.

As for me though, I'll be selling a portion of my holdings at around 900-1250 and an even greater portion if it gets to 1500-2000. If it dips after getting to those powers, great! If it keeps going up, I fine with that also. After all, if you want more money, you should make the money you currently have work for you.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: sgbett on June 10, 2014, 09:12:00 PM
I sell a small percentage 6 times per 10x increase... kinda like this


Then optimistically at...

Then theoretically at....

but morpheus meme probably precludes the last tranche.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: howardb on June 10, 2014, 09:18:37 PM
There cannot be many asset classes where 32% of holders would not sell under any circumstances!

That means that come the rally, 32% of bitcoin are effectively out of action. This will force the steepness of any rally higher and faster aswell as contributing to volatility.

I for one will be holding my bitcoin until it's officially recognised as the world reserve currency.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: piramida on June 10, 2014, 09:29:30 PM


* goes to set sell order at $647,226 * - haha beat you! :)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: btcbug on June 10, 2014, 10:16:31 PM
Sold a bunch around $1000 last time. This time my target is $5000 - $6000 for the peak based on many analysis threads and my own reasoning. I will sell a few around $5000 to live the next year and wait for the following peak to diversify out of BTC a bit.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: BTCtrader71 on June 11, 2014, 12:51:12 AM
I intend to keep my liquid assets at no more than 90% Bitcoin.  So I will sell at price points along the way up to ensure that ratio is maintained.  Thus if my Bitcoin assets increase in value and my liquid assets are now worth $10 million, I will have at least $1 million in USD.

For some reason, this seems like the most lucid stream of thought.

I too agree with Raystonn. Targeting a percentage of net liquid wealth is a very very good strategy. It is better than pure HODL I think; you will effectively be selling high and buying low. If every HODLer implemented this strategy, they would increase their bitcoin holdings (as compared to pure HODL) AND help smooth out the market fluctuations AND wouldn't have to waste time trying to read any tea leaves about where the price is going.

I've been toying with the idea of varying the percentage as a function of how much above or below the most up to date log-trendline we are. For example: if present value drops to one-third the trendline, buy until you keep 95% in bitcoin. If present value increases to three times the trendline, decrease that to 70%. I'm still mulling that over.

It would be fun to run the numbers and compare these various strategies using past data (pure HODL versus target fixed percentage versus target variable percentage)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: cooldgamer on June 11, 2014, 01:04:14 AM
HODL and keep buying as we go up if possible.  I might sell some after something massive (like tripling price), but for the most part I don't want to get off right before we go to the moon

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: gentlemand on June 11, 2014, 01:16:42 AM
The more I look into this type of thing the more my interest in accumulating conventional currency fades. Zero plans to sell at all for me.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: shmadz on June 11, 2014, 01:40:14 AM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)
Right. But many of us want to increase their BTC stash by selling high and buying low.

But some of us are afraid of getting out & never getting the chance to get back in :(

just like when you're first getting into bitcoin, never risk more fiat than you are willing to lose:

so too with selling, never risk more bitcoin than you are willing to lose. ;)

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Vrontis on June 11, 2014, 01:50:33 AM
IMO the trading should be based on a strategy and strategy has a lot of techniques to identify every decisions you make.In this example, the selling price must be determined as well by a technique i.e. on an uptrend you hold, you don't want to sell but you must sell if price drop to the previous resistance.You might think "hey...this is support, I will hold"...but what if isn't ?
So to conclude, always follow a rule, at 20% profit, at determinent resistances, at everything your strategy says.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: TheJuice on June 11, 2014, 02:35:22 AM
I'm a long term holder, that said around 5k id liquidate a solid position. After that hold until 15k. Then 100k.

People said I was crazy when at 2 my sell points we 10, 100 and 1000.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Bitcopia on June 11, 2014, 03:55:34 AM
multiple sell orders, + 1 part price based trading
one part sell at : buy point + 33%
2nd part sell at : buy point + 66%
3nd part sell at : buy point + 100%
and there is that notorious 5% of all trade profits that i never sell, for small chance, big profits
im trading in months for large amounts, i dont mind the waiting...

Why so bearish?   :D

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: ejinte on June 11, 2014, 08:31:02 AM
Of course I'm following (SSS) - A Sane and Simple bitcoin Savings plan by rpietila

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: okthen on June 11, 2014, 12:45:22 PM
If you want to make real money you gotta hold alot more than till nearest rally incoming ;)

I agree, I'll sell at a predetermined price but unless this next rally is a rally way beyond anything we've seen before, it'll not be in this rally or maybe even in the one after.

anything we've seen before? the biggest rally so far was a 31x increase in price, so if that would repeat, it would end at approximately 40k per coin.

truth is, you can cash out part of your stash after about 1-2 months of double exponential growth.

PS and selling at 1000 into this rally would be like selling at 100 during the last one. i.e. quite stupid :)

It is tempting though to sell something at 1000.
Just because I spent so much time thinking I should have sold at the last peak.
But seeing your veteran perspective, I think I'll sell much higher.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on June 12, 2014, 06:20:00 AM
Of course I'm following (SSS) - A Sane and Simple bitcoin Savings plan by rpietila

I was curious where this would lead me and it is a good chunk of text
Always nice to see this in perspective thanks for sharing this gem.

Title: Re: At THE RALLY when will you sell?
Post by: TERA on June 12, 2014, 08:06:39 AM
I don't pre-empt the end of rallies. I sell when it's obvious that it has ended due to the 1D MACD going down or something like that. Before that, I use the volatility of the initial crash to do margin trading.