Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:11:36 AM

Title: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:11:36 AM
For those who aren't interested, please ignore this thread and excuse me for wasting your interwebs.

Forum threads are intended to incite discussions, but some of the most interesting threads are the summary threads about discussions. Not everyone has time to delve into pages and pages of ridiculous trolling and self-promotional posts by wannabe libertards and 12 year old captains of industry, so I thought we needed a place to sum up what's going on on these forums daily.

Feel free to discuss lightly but understand that this is more of a redirect thread to other threads than anything else. Think of it as a headline thread.

I'll start the ball rolling.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:13:43 AM
Pay Bitcoins for advice from medical students

This concept is not a new one, but it begs to ask the question: How can they not be sued and/or kicked out of medical school for this?

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:17:18 AM
Another newb thinks he has the secret recipe for Paypal to Bitcoin. Now taking bets on how many days till he is bankrupt.

The last time someone came to the forums cocky about how they had it all figured out, I told them exactly why it wouldn't work and exactly how they'd lose their money. Not only was I absolutely correct about it, they never even came back and apologized for being such douchebags. Now we get to see history repeat itself, but this time instead of Mr Coins, it's dareq.

Hello guys!

I'm new member on this forum but you can be sure i'll make big contribution to your (well,soon I can call it our's) community because I'll be offering BTC exchange for PayPal ! Yes, you read right, i'll be accepting PayPal for BTC payments. It may seem weird but that's true, I have my own method of securing money on PayPal even if I get "scammed" and chargebacked by someone,I have my own way of dealing with it :)

Let's hope his way of dealing with it isn't suicide.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Jon on February 20, 2012, 05:24:59 AM
Is Dareq worth the energy, Matthew?

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:30:17 AM
Is Dareq worth the energy, Matthew?

Aren't you still banned by Theymos?

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: FreeMoney on February 20, 2012, 05:44:56 AM
In this ( thread Mathew and Atlas bicker.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:49:15 AM
In this ( thread Mathew and Atlas bicker.

Click here ( to read this.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 05:56:49 AM
More arguments about something that can't be proven or disproven in this lifetime

Is global warming real? Yea. So is global cooling. It was called the ice ages dipshits, and it wasn't because of a lack of pollution.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 06:01:52 AM
Future millionaire and current jobless teenager swears billions in self-potential with only requirements for startup being a limo, a webhost, and a million dollar mansion. Sounds legit! Shut up and take my money!

This forum is full of both activism and atlavism. The former relies on people who don't get laid enough barking down your throats about things that may or may not even affect you personally, and the latter stimulates a make believe economy with make-believe efforts into make believe products. I wish we could get more realists on this forum and people who know how to get shit done. Less talk, more action! SIEG HEIL!

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: etotheipi on February 20, 2012, 06:14:45 AM
I just posted a call for help crowdfunding ( for Armory Bitcoin client.

I am the developer of Armory, which has recently been released as alpha.  It has all sorts of great stuff like deterministic wallets, multiple wallets, watching-only wallets, permanent paper backups, key importing/sweeping, usermodes, and a complete offline-wallet interface for keeping private keys offline while still managing funds online.  It took me 8 months to get this far, but I need some funds to keep going.  I have plans to implement a full multi-signature tx interface, buyer-seller escrow interface, and two-factor authentication via smartphone without a third-party. 

Please check out the thread above, or go straight to the crowdfunding campaign website ( and donate! 

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 20, 2012, 06:18:47 AM
I just posted a call for help crowdfunding ( for Armory Bitcoin client.

I am the developer of Armory, which has recently been released as alpha.  It has all sorts of great stuff like deterministic wallets, multiple wallets, watching-only wallets, permanent paper backups, key importing/sweeping, usermodes, and a complete offline-wallet interface for keeping private keys offline while still managing funds online.  It took me 8 months to get this far, but I need some funds to keep going.  I have plans to implement a full multi-signature tx interface, buyer-seller escrow interface, and two-factor authentication via smartphone without a third-party.  

Please check out the thread above, or go straight to the crowdfunding campaign website ( and donate!  

I actually read your crowdfunding thread and found it to be disappointing. I am a huge fan of Armory, but I am totally against crowdfunding as a businessman. Might I recommend you work with people who know how to monetize the product + your skills instead of e-begging? Ever thought about ad supported? Subsidizing efforts? Providing plugins for fees? Selling licenses for tech support? There are tons of ways to make money other than just asking for free money and I wouldn't even mind helping you get there through the DCAO.

Bottom line, without providing a detailed list of what is going to be done, people don't like giving money away, especially for something that's already done more or less. If you must do crowdfunding, trying a more focused approach like $100 interval goals to unlock certain features in the least.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: etotheipi on February 20, 2012, 06:28:17 AM
I actually read your crowdfunding thread and found it to be disappointing. I am a huge fan of Armory, but I am totally against crowdfunding as a businessman. Might I recommend you work with people who know how to monetize the product + your skills instead of e-begging? Ever thought about ad supported? Subsidizing efforts? Providing plugins for fees? Selling licenses for tech support? There are tons of ways to make money other than just asking for free money and I wouldn't even mind helping you get there through the DCAO.

Geez Matt.  The goal was to give the community a chance to pay for it and help me avoid poisoning it with ads, or "selling-out" to someone just because they have a lot of money (and thus I acquire an obligation to satisfy some suits instead of myself).   I don't want to monetize it and corrupt it, I want to provide it for free, which will have the most impact on the greater Bitcoin community.  I'm not in this to get rich, I'm in it to make an impact, and I can make maximum impact by keeping it open and pure.   This is exactly what crowdfunding is for.  Sorry I'm not a businessman like you.

Bottom line, without providing a detailed list of what is going to be done, people don't like giving money away, especially for something that's already done more or less. If you must do crowdfunding, trying a more focused approach like $100 interval goals to unlock certain features in the least.

Did you read the page?  I laid out exactly what everyone is getting for their money.  To a tee.  Exactly what features are expected, the length of time I expect to leverage the money, and conditions for underfunding and overfunding.  I don't think I could get any more clear.  And FYI, Armory is not even close to "done."  This is just the beginning!  All the multi-sig tx support, two-factor authentication, and a buyer-seller escrow interface need to be implemented, among other things.   If you don't like it or don't agree, then don't donate.  

P.S. - Let's not pollute this thread with this discussion.  Please pick it up in the crowdfunding thread if you would like to discuss further.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 20, 2012, 06:45:46 AM
First you take my Twunker idea, re-brand it, then call it your own. Now you're taking thoughts out of my head and using them. What gives?

Seriously, I thought of something like this a couple days ago, and glad to see it come to fruition. You're the best guy to maintain this. God speed, Matthew.



Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: FlipPro on February 20, 2012, 07:39:09 AM


Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: FlipPro on February 20, 2012, 07:40:18 AM
More arguments about something that can't be proven or disproven in this lifetime

Is global warming real? Yea. So is global cooling. It was called the ice ages dipshits, and it wasn't because of a lack of pollution.
You say some stupid shit sometimes. Seriously.

These "Ice Ages" didn't happen over just ONE century, like we are seeing now with global warming...

Anyways lets not bring that debate here...

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: LightRider on February 20, 2012, 09:29:34 AM
Ongoing discussion about a Resource Based Economy.

People eventually realizing that money and the economic theories that support it are based on imagination and fantasy, and are irrelevant to the future of humanity.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: CaptainDDL on February 21, 2012, 01:49:12 AM
Interesting concept - this would make it a lot easier to stay up to date on Bitcoin news. I'll keep checking back for more, thanks. :)

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Portnoy on February 21, 2012, 09:24:19 PM
Geez Matt.  The goal was to give the community a chance to pay for it and help me avoid poisoning it with ads, or "selling-out" to someone just because they have a lot of money (and thus I acquire an obligation to satisfy some suits instead of myself).   I don't want to monetize it and corrupt it, I want to provide it for free, which will have the most impact on the greater Bitcoin community.  I'm not in this to get rich, I'm in it to make an impact, and I can make maximum impact by keeping it open and pure.   This is exactly what crowdfunding is for.  Sorry I'm not a businessman like you.

Right on!  This is what got me interested in bitcoin more than anything...  an alternative to the current greedhead way which is destroying the world.

[ insert Bill Hicks rant against marketing and weasel advertisers etc.  ]  

moar coinage for the armory project!  

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 21, 2012, 09:26:58 PM
Geez Matt.  The goal was to give the community a chance to pay for it and help me avoid poisoning it with ads, or "selling-out" to someone just because they have a lot of money (and thus I acquire an obligation to satisfy some suits instead of myself).   I don't want to monetize it and corrupt it, I want to provide it for free, which will have the most impact on the greater Bitcoin community.  I'm not in this to get rich, I'm in it to make an impact, and I can make maximum impact by keeping it open and pure.   This is exactly what crowdfunding is for.  Sorry I'm not a businessman like you.

Right on!  This is what got me interested in bitcoin more than anything...  an alternative to the current greedhead ways which is destroying the world.

[ insert Bill Hicks rant against marketing and weasel advertisers etc.  ] 

moar coinage for the armory project!   

Well that definitely is a different way to think of it. I don't mind that things can (and actually do) work with e-begging, I just think that there are structures that work better. Since I didn't get a clear response from the guy about what he has or has not planned other than crowdfunding, I couldn't comment on anything at this point. Just glad to see him working so hard and looking forward to Armory's future!

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Portnoy on February 21, 2012, 09:41:14 PM
It is not begging the way I see it but rather an invitation to participate in a worthwhile cause/project.  

Its not like he is going to just take that money and go buy himself a bottle of cheap wine or lysol, and only share it with his back-alley buddies...

I expect we will all benefit from the project, which I can share in a little bit by contributing a small amount of coin.  

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: RoloTonyBrownTown on February 21, 2012, 10:11:27 PM
Yep, good idea Matthew.

I also have bookmarked which is a really good way to see the "top" current topics.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 21, 2012, 10:15:07 PM
Yep, good idea Matthew.

I also have bookmarked which is a really good way to see the "top" current topics.


It is not begging the way I see it but rather an invitation to participate in a worthwhile cause/project.   

Its not like he is going to just take that money and go buy himself a bottle of cheap wine or lysol, and only share it with his back-alley buddies...

I expect we will all benefit from the project, which I can share in a little bit by contributing a small amount of coin.   

The donations will help me cover living expenses and pay more attention to my girlfriend whom has been heavily neglected the last 8 months.

^^^ This line threw me off on his request for donations is all.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 21, 2012, 10:15:59 PM
Obvious set-up for a debate of government control and laws

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on February 21, 2012, 10:18:25 PM
Same problems, new faces.

We all know that these steps are necessary to play ball with the big boys, but the problem lies in an exit strategy. When your money isn't claimable because you don't have ID, why isn't reversing it back to who originally sent it also allowed? It's this one fine point that makes MtGox no better than Paypal. Congratulations assholes, we've come full circle.

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on February 21, 2012, 10:20:51 PM
Max Keiser Rocks!

Max's developers have successfully integrated Bit-Pay as a payment option in parallel to PayPal, to accept bitcoins for any project listed on

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on March 02, 2012, 06:06:22 PM
Uninteresting scammer douchebag lies more because his reputation hasn't been ruined enough yet

This fuckstart who already publicly stated that bitcoin is fake monopoly money, bought a bitcoin service just to make himself look better and sold it once he found out it wasn't working, used the account "Maria" to try to scam people out of money, and then started a chess game on his exchange (wtf?) is now telling everyone that his exchange (which has no customers) just got deposited 30,000BTC in the wake of the hack today from Linode for 50,000BTC. If he's not lying, it means the dumbass hacker didn't realize what a douche nozzle he is and he's facilitating the hacker. If he is lying, then he's typical CoinExchanger!

Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: N12 on March 02, 2012, 06:08:49 PM
got deposited $30k


Title: Re: Summary Thread
Post by: Matthew N. Wright on March 02, 2012, 06:12:43 PM
