Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: mbenga on June 14, 2014, 11:10:35 PM

Title: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: mbenga on June 14, 2014, 11:10:35 PM
Hello there,

As you are requesting your refund after a 3 month period, as per our cancellation policy highlighted in our terms and conditions you will receive 50% - £70 of your deposit as a refund. For order 6XXX you will receive £132.50 as a refund.

This refund will be issued via Bank Transfer, please provide your bank details so we can process this refund for you.

Best Regards,

Alpha Technology Team

Im thinking about take a plane and do a claim just there.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: atlosas on June 17, 2014, 01:48:38 PM
You should have read the TOS before buying, nothing to do now.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: nwfella on June 19, 2014, 05:13:14 AM
You should have read the TOS before buying, nothing to do now.
I took a moment to quickly scan over Alpha-T based ToS before placing an e-mail asking for further instructions on requesting a refund for my order.  It does state that only 25% of deposit (minus refund fee's) will be refunded.  Highway satoshi-robbery if you ask me.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: atlosas on June 19, 2014, 09:08:41 AM
I think it is, if you request in first month 100%, 1-3 months 75% and after that 50%.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: nwfella on June 20, 2014, 01:00:18 AM
I guess 50% of sumpthin is better than 100% of nothing :(

just wish I wouldn't have paid the balance too :/

live and learn i guess

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: atlosas on June 20, 2014, 09:35:47 AM
Yeah, i managed to get 75% back and reinvest elsewhere.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: ninjaboon on June 21, 2014, 03:32:47 PM
I managed to sell off my 250Mhs preorder for 2 btc two weeks ago.

Title: Re: Alpha return policy SCAMMERS!!
Post by: nwfella on June 21, 2014, 07:19:51 PM
I hate you both!  (not really)

Still no official response back from alpha-t other than the newsletter like not so information packed e-mail they sent out to everybody that essentially says very little and gives no specific dates.  Will keep hoping against hope that they manage to pull something out of their you know whats but confidence not very high atm.