Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: From Above on June 18, 2014, 08:26:53 PM

Title: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: From Above on June 18, 2014, 08:26:53 PM
what do u define as a Good Coin?

what does it have Bitcoin the all time favourite doesnt have?


Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: on June 18, 2014, 09:02:16 PM
- Anonymity
- Pays Interest
- won't destroy your CPU or GPU while mining (less power consumption let's say)

There are surely more, these are just a few in my opinion.

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: tromp on June 18, 2014, 09:23:44 PM
what do u define as a Good Coin?

what does it have Bitcoin the all time favourite doesnt have?

slowly rising reward, taking a few months to peak, preventing instamine

then slowly decaying, but to some constant greater than zero (i.e. no hardcap)
no need to rely on fees
will still have a soft-cap due to some percentage of coins inevitably getting lost every year.

airdrop a fraction of that soft-cap to bitcoin owners, according to a snapshot of the bitcoin blockchain at some fixed date (see
  expands user base
  preserves some of the digital scarcity

use a PoW that's memory-bound rather than compute-bound
  computation being dominated by random access to global memory makes it low-power
  require hundreds a MB to find proof (either on CPU or GPU)
  require no memory and negligable time to verify (same as bitcoin)

transactions require smaller sized PoW (e.g. provable in 10s)
   to prioritize inclusion (in absence of fees)
   avoid tx DOS attack

rely on high memory usage and low (initial) reward to make it unattractive for botnets

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: wakhidNkcom on June 19, 2014, 12:05:13 AM
- Anonymity
- Pays Interest
- won't destroy your CPU or GPU while mining (less power consumption let's say)

There are surely more, these are just a few in my opinion.

your 3th point is the best point but almost impossible to being real hahaha..

about good coin? the best point is No Whales whose control the price.

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: Willisius on June 19, 2014, 12:30:21 AM
A good coin isn't hyped, and has (very, very small) inflation. Without that, we just end up with the BTC situation. :\ Less a currency than a commodity.

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: From Above on June 19, 2014, 01:50:38 AM
Anyone got some arguments as to why any altcoin would be better than the current top?


Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: activecoin on June 19, 2014, 03:42:53 AM
A good coin isn't hyped, and has (very, very small) inflation. Without that, we just end up with the BTC situation. :\ Less a currency than a commodity.


Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: r0ach on June 19, 2014, 03:51:44 AM
1)  has dog on it
2)  can be used for alcohol, prostitutes, drugs, and gambling

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: stormwarrior on June 19, 2014, 06:42:58 AM

its my favorite。。 ;D

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: Amph on June 19, 2014, 07:15:42 AM
what do u define as a Good Coin?

what does it have Bitcoin the all time favourite doesnt have?


bitcoin has everything, because the other are just clone

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: From Above on June 21, 2014, 11:59:10 AM
Thank u for ur post guys, keep em coming

Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: foodies123 on June 21, 2014, 02:30:50 PM
- Anonymity - (If you're a drug dealer or hitman)
- Pays Interest - (Deposit your FIAT in a bank, why use cryptocurrency for interest)
- won't destroy your CPU or GPU while mining (less power consumption let's say) - (A coin that doesn't consume resources to be created can never have lasting intrinsic value)

There are surely more, these are just a few in my opinion.


Title: Re: What is a Good Coin?
Post by: bitwho on June 21, 2014, 02:54:17 PM
This topic is beat to death. So there gotta be an other agenda to this post.  Which coin one are you trying to pump ?   ;D ;D

fine i'll bite:

as they said in the MIT Bitcoin Talk about all the new coins trying to sell the innovation angle "who cares, yes something its exciting, but you got bitcoin. safe and already adapted"  or something like this. hehe

As you can see, tons of coins are coming out trying to push new boundaries , but in reality the just want to recognized for something unique so they can step out of the shadow of bitcoin.

At this moment its the race for Anon. Just so in the end the top coin can say , im the one!

For a coin to be successful it has a simple rule :

POW + Community + adaptation = successful coin

its all about Part D. Here is my speech to Karma :

"the community" makes the coin

Part A
At launch time, the dev team can make sure the coin launches and runs smoothly. Then push the coin and the technical part of it and adapt as new obstacles appear. The technicalities of running a good coin are limited to the block chain. This is the main importance of the devs.

Part B
To keep the block-chain running smoothly and effectively the coin and the dev needs its miners. The miner keep mining and solving the blocks and keeping the network secure.

Part C
To keep the miner happy , there needs to be a healthy community supporting them. There needs to be a dedicated community that ensures them that they will be compensate for their work by buying the coins from them at a good price. These dedicated members of the community are called investors. When investors buy these coin at a healthy price it keep the miner happy.

Part D
To keep keep the investors buying the coins at a healthy price the community needs to ......................??

A good coin has a community that has created multiple solutions to this part and are constantly creating more. A good coin has many follow up. A good coin with a good community continuous the chain as follows:

Part D   --------the road to success coin -------
To keep the investors buying the coins at a healthy price from the miner, the community provides the investors with reason that there will be continuous demand for these coins. The community shows the investors that people are building on top of this block-chain and soon people will use this coin as a mean to buy clothes, to buy electronics ,to buy services ,to buy food,to buy  games, donate to help, etc.

Part E    ---------- a successful coin ---------
The community has shown the investors that the usage of the coin will be unlimited and the community have provided more demand than the investors could provide. Thus Creating the virtual gold

Back to part D
This high demand of coins creates a reason for the investors to start offering more money to the miners to mine these coins

Back to part C
The high demand of coin causes a rise in prices. This higher rise in prices , not only keep the miners happy but creates a higher demand for mining work from other miners

Back to part B
This sudden rise of happy minners has created a more stronger and secure block-chain

Back to plan A
This stronger and bigger network create a bigger job for the dev to work on. To keep everything running smoothly the team of the dev needs to grow accordingly.

almost every coin dies in PART C because they are a pyramid schemes and no one bothered to put any work in part D. Building on Part D is a long and hard work. Hence all the good coins take time to adapt and they do no get the hype pump that you see now. But in the end hard work pays off