Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: nikauforest on June 20, 2014, 04:34:14 AM

Title: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: nikauforest on June 20, 2014, 04:34:14 AM
I do not agree with Martin Armstrong that Bitcoin ( or other known or unknown cryptocrurrencies) do not have a chance against Google Wallet. However I find this an interesting article and perspective.
This is the third article down (at this time) . Note: Articles will continually be added on top so you will have to scroll down to see them over time.

The real birth in electronic money is not Bitcoin, but Google Wallet. Standing in line at Starbucks you will see the under 25 crowd pay with their cell phones. Sorry, but Google is already there. Bitcoin cannot compete nor will traditional banks. Just as Amazon reduced book publishers to a subservient role at their direction, and book stores went out of business, while the internet is rendering newspapers obsolete, the trend to pay attention to is Google Wallet, which is targeting the traditional banks.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: faalhaas on June 20, 2014, 04:40:43 AM
sounds great , is google wallet decentralized ?
Where can I buy those hype coins ?

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: nikauforest on June 20, 2014, 04:51:40 AM
Yea exactly. I do not think Martin Armstrong understands the decentralized nature of Bitcoin etc..

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: PirateHatForTea on June 20, 2014, 05:03:38 AM
From reading that blog I do not think Martin Armstrong understands much of anything at all. He writes like he is functionally illiterate.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: jbrnt on June 20, 2014, 05:50:10 AM
I do not think he is completely wrong. On a consumer level, like buying coffee or newspaper, bitcoin at the moment is no match for google wallet. Think about those people at the queue, is there a bitcoin alternative? Well, no. Bitcoin is not designed to be used as an over-the-counter currency.

However, it doesn't mean Bitcoin cannot evolve into that in the future. It would take time for an instant off-chain Bitcoin payment system to be developed and accepted. I would say we need at least another year before we see glimps of that, but google wallet is here, now!

What Martin Armstrong failed to see is the potential of Bitcoin as a decentralised currency. No government or corporation can control or seize your coins. That is the essence of Bitcoin, and google wallet is no match in that respect.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: Mervyn_Pumpkinhead on June 20, 2014, 06:02:09 AM
I agree that bitcoin and google wallet operate on different fields.

As I understand, then google won't try to create an currency, but will create a value transfer service.
Bitcoin has never been a serious tool for value transfer. Most of it's utility has been in illegal fields, where bitcoin's anonymity had importance. The unstable nature of the unit price, makes even value transfer risky, because you could lose(or win) a big part of the value that you wanted to transfer. Bitcoin unit value can radically change in a matter of minutes, so it's not a serious transfer tool, but more of an innovative gambling platform.

What is interesting though, is that google is big enough to create it's own currency. It can quickly give value to the currency, by accepting it as payment for services. They could also keep a predictable and stable unit price by giving their currency a dynamic inflow mechanism. This is something that bitcoin lacks and that is needed for a stable unit price.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: lyth0s on June 20, 2014, 06:38:00 AM
Honestly with Bitcoin apps on your phone using NFC (same technology as google wallet and visa's version) it will be just easy to pay with bitcoins as it will/would be with other payment services.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: blatchcorn on June 20, 2014, 07:24:05 AM
Honestly with Bitcoin apps on your phone using NFC (same technology as google wallet and visa's version) it will be just easy to pay with bitcoins as it will/would be with other payment services.
Yup people forget bitcoin is not a finished product.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: zetaray on June 20, 2014, 08:17:11 AM
If google wallet is as successful as google+, we have nothing to worry about. Credit card companies have similar contactless systems too, and I do not need an android phone to use it.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: Ibian on June 20, 2014, 08:19:50 AM
I do not think he is completely wrong. On a consumer level, like buying coffee or newspaper, bitcoin at the moment is no match for google wallet. Think about those people at the queue, is there a bitcoin alternative? Well, no. Bitcoin is not designed to be used as an over-the-counter currency.

However, it doesn't mean Bitcoin cannot evolve into that in the future. It would take time for an instant off-chain Bitcoin payment system to be developed and accepted. I would say we need at least another year before we see glimps of that, but google wallet is here, now!

What Martin Armstrong failed to see is the potential of Bitcoin as a decentralised currency. No government or corporation can control or seize your coins. That is the essence of Bitcoin, and google wallet is no match in that respect.

Have you been living under a rock? Bitcoin is already being used for small purchases, and it's easy to set up. I very much doubt googles money will be as secure as bitcoin.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: jbrnt on June 20, 2014, 03:56:52 PM
Have you been living under a rock? Bitcoin is already being used for small purchases, and it's easy to set up. I very much doubt googles money will be as secure as bitcoin.

Have you been drinking too much coffee? Do you think large corporations and chain stores would let you walk away without at least 1 confirmation? Can you wait for your coffee until the next block is mined? You think it's a small purchase, so it's ok to accept 0 confirmation? It is not about whether it is easy to setup, or practical to make small transactions, it is about INSTANT guaranteed exchange of bitcoin.

For large retail stores to accept bitcoin as payment, wishing double spending is not easy to accomplish is not enough. They need near instant payment or guaranteed credit. Therefore, there is a need for an offchain payment system for over-the-counter retailers. That kind of system is not here yet.

Climb out of your rock and think before you make a fool of yourself.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: okthen on June 20, 2014, 03:58:27 PM
It's just not the same thing. Google's concept is much more similar to PayPal than to Bitcoin.
Eventually, Google wallet will accept Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: Ibian on June 20, 2014, 04:40:18 PM
Have you been living under a rock? Bitcoin is already being used for small purchases, and it's easy to set up. I very much doubt googles money will be as secure as bitcoin.

Have you been drinking too much coffee? Do you think large corporations and chain stores would let you walk away without at least 1 confirmation? Can you wait for your coffee until the next block is mined? You think it's a small purchase, so it's ok to accept 0 confirmation? It is not about whether it is easy to setup, or practical to make small transactions, it is about INSTANT guaranteed exchange of bitcoin.

For large retail stores to accept bitcoin as payment, wishing double spending is not easy to accomplish is not enough. They need near instant payment or guaranteed credit. Therefore, there is a need for an offchain payment system for over-the-counter retailers. That kind of system is not here yet.

Climb out of your rock and think before you make a fool of yourself.
Enjoy your rock, I guess. Must be a nice rock. Yes transactions do happen with 0 confirmations. And what's more, it works. Simple ignorance is easy enough to excuse, but don't pretend you know things you don't.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: sinner on June 20, 2014, 05:31:36 PM
G+FB will be offering a wallet/payment system (their own version of paypal).  bitcoin wont be directly competing with that.  G+FB wallet may allow bitcoin transfer. i could definitely see them ripping off ripple's idea.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: CEG5952 on June 20, 2014, 06:13:34 PM
It seems he sees bitcoin only as the payment system. Fair enough, but he's obviously missing the point. I'm fairly sure BTC will be integrated in such wallet apps in the future, as well.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: RodeoX on June 20, 2014, 06:27:20 PM
There is a huge difference! I would not pay more than 50% face value for a google coin. They are nothing more than a coupon or a frequent flier mile. Utterly under the control of an entity that can change the value or the circulation as it desires more of your money.
I think google is about to go through the same process as the Canadian government. Remember mint chip? No? don't worry, few do.

Mintchip was the Canadian mint's shot at an electronic currency. They even held a contest to popularize it. They asked "What can you do with a mintchip?" The #1 answer was "You can buy bitcoins." So they changed the rules of the contest and picked their own winner. 

The most important thing about bitcoin is that it is out of control. No company can match that. They do not have a space to compete in.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: bitcoinsrus on June 20, 2014, 06:40:07 PM
There is a huge difference! I would not pay more than 50% face value for a google coin. They are nothing more than a coupon or a frequent flier mile. Utterly under the control of an entity that can change the value or the circulation as it desires more of your money.
I think google is about to go through the same process as the Canadian government. Remember mint chip? No? don't worry, few do.

Mintchip was the Canadian mint's shot at an electronic currency. They even held a contest to popularize it. They asked "What can you do with a mintchip?" The #1 answer was "You can buy bitcoins." So they changed the rules of the contest and picked their own winner. 

The most important thing about bitcoin is that it is out of control. No company can match that. They do not have a space to compete in.

I noticed that a lot of canadians know about bitcoin. Is there a reason why (and this goes back to like 2011-2012 as well). I know this from reading many forum posts in the past.

Are the canadian more into encryption etc or what?

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: nwfella on June 20, 2014, 06:44:49 PM
Sounds like the Canadians just know a good thing when they see it! 

Pretty smart fellers those Canadian's eh ;)

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: RodeoX on June 20, 2014, 06:46:10 PM
Are the canadian more into encryption etc or what?
I guess they are? They have been well represented since I got here in early 2011. And Vancouver seems to really be into it.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: joehal on June 20, 2014, 07:15:34 PM
It's colder in Canada, so it's easier to open mining facilities. Lots of cold air for free.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: knightcoin on June 20, 2014, 08:00:49 PM
Google is a search engine, that's what they do better than anyone else  ... they could be better amazon/ebay and find/match a potencial buyer to a potencial seller ... if they going to spend their resources trying to be bank, soon another search engine will take over their position ...

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: hyphymikey on June 21, 2014, 01:38:47 AM
Isn't Google Wallet backed by your credit card? Credit card chargebacks are far easier than a double spend, so why would a company need guaranteed credit at point of sale? There is no such thing as guaranteed credit besides cash in hand. Therefore google wallet doesn't seem to be any better to me than bitcoin.

Anyways, by the time google wallet really catches on (its been out for a good while now) the bitcoin community will have solved the micropayment and quick confirmation problems.

Title: Re: Google Wallet + Facebook apply for banking license
Post by: bigasic on June 21, 2014, 01:45:10 AM
Hmm, so it looks like Facebook and google will become good ole banks? I know that google has a jump start, In my state they have a money transmitter license. But, since both google and facebook reach so many people across the globe, it does make sense.. Add bitcoin and maybe a couple of good Alt coins to that.. Bingo.. they are in business..