Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: BrannigansLaw on February 27, 2012, 09:19:26 AM

Title: Securing wallet help (Mac)
Post by: BrannigansLaw on February 27, 2012, 09:19:26 AM
Hi Im trying to secure my wallet.dat using the wiki guide.


    Open Disk Utility
    Click New Image and choose a big enough size, 128-bit or 256-bit (faster or more secure) encryption and single partition.
    Save it somewhere you won't lose it (like your Wuala, Dropbox, Strongspace or whatever)
    Choose a safe and strong password
    Move your wallet.dat file to the image
    Symlink it back so the app would be able to use it

            ln -s /Volumes/Bitcoin/wallet.dat ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/wallet.dat

should be       ln -s /Volumes/Bitcoin/wallet.dat ~/Library/Application\ Support/Bitcoin/wallet.dat

Mount Wallet and launch Bitcoin
Don't forget to mount your image before using Bitcoin and unmount after quitting it.

Im just a bit confused with a few things.
1. Do I have to have the image open the entire time. e.g. have it open until a transaction is confirmed?
2. I moved my wallet.dat to the disk image but there is still a wallet.dat file in the bitcoin directory. How can I test it is using the wallet in my image?
3. What exactly are confirmation? 0 of 6.

thank you