Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: varChar on June 25, 2014, 06:46:04 AM

Title: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: varChar on June 25, 2014, 06:46:04 AM

Is there any options to not downloading the blockchain. Or not build up the database?
Have 180 gig (160), and with some other programs installed Im running out of space.
So is there any options for this?
Got an offline computer with 500 gig, so perhaps I need to change my plan and make that one online. And use armory without a offline computer.

Or recommend any other program? Got multiebit as well but I want it more secure. As armory gets :)

Edit: Had to stop the process when building up the DB. Was running out of space.
And I've done everything I can to remove what I can.
Good guide to get more space:

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: halfawake on June 25, 2014, 07:49:53 AM
This thread should really be in the Armory forum under Alternative Clients.

But anyway, on to your comment.  Yes, the developers of Armory made a tradeoff with the recent versions of Armory where now it requires twice as much space for the blockchain so it's unfortunately easy to run out of space if you don't have a 1 or 2 TB hard drive. 

If you have a lot of RAM and want to run Armory without this problem, I could upload the installer for the old RAM intensive version of Armory somewhere.  I think it was 0.8.6 or earlier.  You'd need a minimum of 6 GB of RAM to run it, 8 GB+ ideally.  But if you have any less than 6 GB, it'll pretty much not run at all - I have 5 GB on my computer, and it's way too slow, so by now I'd think you'd need at least 8 GB RAM.  It's a tradeoff either way, but I suppose hard drives are cheaper than RAM, you can always buy another hard drive (if you're running a desktop computer, anyway, bit harder with a laptop, though not impossible).

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: varChar on June 25, 2014, 08:06:25 AM

You know if it's ok to delete this folder after I uninstalled armory?

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: doug_armory on June 25, 2014, 02:15:44 PM

You know if it's ok to delete this folder after I uninstalled armory?

Yes, you can delete it once Armory is uninstalled. Just keep in mind that, if you change your mind and reinstall Armory later, the DB will have to be rebuilt from scratch. It's not a fast process.

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: doug_armory on June 26, 2014, 04:11:26 PM
Also, I forgot to mention that you can store the Armory database files elsewhere, say, on an external hard drive. Just use the --dbdir option at the command line (e.g., python --dbdir="path/to/db/files"). This should help you if your primary drive is running out of space.

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: opentoe on June 27, 2014, 03:18:06 PM
Also, I forgot to mention that you can store the Armory database files elsewhere, say, on an external hard drive. Just use the --dbdir option at the command line (e.g., python --dbdir="path/to/db/files"). This should help you if your primary drive is running out of space.

And remember if you do this the time is almost triple when scanning/initializing the database. I was connected via USB 3.0 external drive, so it wasn't a slow connection.

Title: Re: bitcoin armory gets to big for my computer
Post by: varChar on June 29, 2014, 11:13:52 AM
Ok thanx! Could you estimate how mutch space all the other stuff takes, without the blockchain?
The thing I did was to go online with my other computer that was meant to be offline. Went online with armory.

If I'll do what you said about have the blockchain on another HD. Then I need to reinstall windows to be sure that my computer is offline again? And the wallet I have, is that insecure even if I reinstall windows and stays offline with it? I was thinking to use the same wallet I made offline, before I went online.

  • You think it's secure enough to use my computer that been online. But not use it for anything other then receive or send btc? I will not search the web with it :)
  • Is it possible to have my regular computer that ran out of space. Use bitcoin armory on that one without the blockchain. Use a watch only wallet. And receive btc from that wallet?