Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: fancy_pants on June 28, 2014, 02:58:04 AM

Title: FOIA request for FBI SR coin distribution?
Post by: fancy_pants on June 28, 2014, 02:58:04 AM
With the number of large transactions up coming from the FBI, they will almost certainly have to file with the FINCEN.  Will that handful of filings be accessible via FOIA?  If the FBI does not file with FINCEN, does that mean bitcoin/commodities sales don't fall under FINCEN?

Title: Re: FOIA request for FBI SR coin distribution?
Post by: LostDutchman on June 28, 2014, 03:01:53 AM
With the number of large transactions up coming from the FBI, they will almost certainly have to file with the FINCEN.  Will that handful of filings be accessible via FOIA?  If the FBI does not file with FINCEN, does that mean bitcoin/commodities sales don't fall under FINCEN?

Likely, yes.

At least as far as this auction goes and only this auction.

No, the FBI does not have to register with anybody.

Actually, it is the US Mashall's service conducting the auction.

The court of competent jusridiction says "Sell the stuff!" and they comply.

It's what they do.

I'm not certain why you are concerned?