Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: ussop on June 28, 2014, 06:38:36 AM

Title: Calculate Hashrate from Shares
Post by: ussop on June 28, 2014, 06:38:36 AM
In Hashrate calculation,I know the equation :
Hashrate = (Total Share Diff * Multiplier / (Time in Seconds ) )

while :
Total Share Diff = total difficulty of all shares in a period of time ( I use 5 minutes )
Multiplier : as I see in this page :

Scrypt : 2^16
SHA256 : 2^32
X11: 1   ????  is it correct.
X13 : 1 ???

So, can you please give me the correct Multiplier of some Algorithmns : X11, X13, X15, nist5, quark,skein,shavite3,hefty1,qubit,..
Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Calculate Hashrate from Shares
Post by: Bombadil on September 11, 2014, 05:00:03 PM
I believe the algorithm to calculate hashrate is as you mentioned, except that the multiplier is calculated such as:

SHA256: (2^32) / (2^32) = 1
Scrypt: (2^32) / (2^16) = 2^16
X11: (2^32) / (2^24) = 2^8
X13: (2^32) / (2^24) = 2^8
X15: (2^32) / (2^24) = 2^8

I'm not sure about the others, but it is the target bits which can be found in the source code. The key point is 2^32 is the base. It is just coincidence that Scrypt is 2^16 due to the math equaling 2^16 when divided. As for X11/X13/X15, you will notice they all have the same target bits, and thus hashrate will be the same, assuming the same total share difficulty. This is because they are the same thing, just with more algorithms in the rotation. The hashrate decreases as the algorithms increase because GPU's are not yet optimized fully, and even when they are there will always be some variance between them. The correct procedure in this instance would be to multiply this by a normalization factor relative to Scrypt, such as the way NiceHash does it (they mention the normalization factors on their web site). Hope this helps.

Any idea where to find that 2^32 in a given sourcecode? I have my own profit calc app (see sig), that takes that 2^32 and uses it to calculate Coins/day. But Quark uses 2^24, so I'm wondering if I could find that in a source rather than guess first and see if it corresponds ;)