Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Hardware => Topic started by: Dataman19 on June 28, 2014, 08:41:26 PM

Title: Solo Mining with a Raspberry Pi?
Post by: Dataman19 on June 28, 2014, 08:41:26 PM
I have a Raspberry Pi Model B...
I want to mine solo with this...
All of the posts I have seen indicate Mining in a Pool...
I also have four ASIC USB Miner Block Errupters capable of 330 MHSec each.
Is it possible to utilize this as a "Solo Miner"  (yes I do realize that each of the ASIC Block Errupters will probably have to be configured as "individual Miners"..
My over all question is two fold :::
A) Can I use this hardware to Mine Solo
B)  If so - what software would I use?  Or, would I just have to install and bring a new wallet up to date on the Raspberry Pi?
DISCLAIMER::::  I realize I am asking a software question in the Hardware Section - but it is a Hardware question that also leads into any software requirements...  If I cannot Solo Mine with a Raspberry Pi, then the software is a mute issue.
I did not want to make two posts for the same project.  I will if the Moderator requires it - I just thought it would be redundant.
Thank you in advance for your help and consideration...
Dave Mason

Title: Re: Solo Mining with a Raspberry Pi?
Post by: TheRealSteve on June 28, 2014, 08:50:51 PM
Can: Yes
Should: Up to you, but you're not going to get rich, to say the least.  Odds are it'll cost you more in electricity than you gain back.
If you do: Might as well join a solo mining pool - saves the hassle of setting up a pool on the RPi and basically lets you play the lottery.. odds are you'll get nothing, but if you get extremely lucky, you get BTC25.

Software: whatever software supports the Block Erupters and runs on your RPi - which should be all of the big ones.

As luck would have it - this is something that is covered on the internet:

Title: Re: Solo Mining with a Raspberry Pi?
Post by: Dataman19 on June 28, 2014, 10:32:08 PM
Thanks for the speedy reply - but...
Your post link has one phrase which seems to be the bain of my existence..
In the requirements list it clearly states:
"You need a valid Mining Pool Account and Password"
Does this not imply that this is the set-up from a Pool Mining Raspberry Pi?
I am looking to set up for a "solo Mining" arrangement.
Maybe I'm over looking something..
Maybe not..
But when I configure it it keeps asking for the "Mining Pool Account"..

Title: Re: Solo Mining with a Raspberry Pi?
Post by: taipo on June 28, 2014, 11:15:04 PM
Either download the bitcoin-qt wallet application, configure it as per the instructions on about a gazillion posts in these mining forums,

Or join a pool that pays out the full 25 to the block solver, basically solo mining without the need for the entire blockchain.

Oh, and good luck

Title: Re: Solo Mining with a Raspberry Pi?
Post by: elaramus on June 28, 2014, 11:22:13 PM
Can = Yes
Should = No. The raspberry isn't nearly fast enough to keep up with mainstream servers with respect to latency and retransmission of solved blocks.

When you solo mine, you are attempting to solve a block in it's entirety, then send that solution out to the network and have it accepted by your network peers BEFORE someone else comes up with an acceptable solution for the next block.

Latency - The time it takes to get your answer out to the network is key.

There is always more than one valid solution for the next block. Being the first to get it send and accepted by the network is what gets you paid.

Slow hardware results in many orphaned blocks. (and frustration)