Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: chooseusername10 on April 28, 2011, 01:55:21 PM

Title: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: chooseusername10 on April 28, 2011, 01:55:21 PM
Christianity is illegal in several parts of the world. Since we do not know where everyone is here, the only answer is to outlaw linking to all Christian related services. Christianity has resulted in massive amounts of war and death and suffering over the years and if bitcoin is allowed to be used so christians in the lands of the true religions can circumvent their laws, then I want nothing to do with it. I would be okay if we allow christian related services if the christians post their exact home address and country. This is so the religious police can kill them if they violate the law of the government. If you are not a christian, you have nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: caveden on April 28, 2011, 01:58:17 PM
hehehe, good one

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Prze_koles on April 28, 2011, 02:00:49 PM
And what if some countries ban bitcoins? Should we allow links to bitcoin services on bitcoin wiki then? lol

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: ribuck on April 28, 2011, 02:20:40 PM
How about only banning things that are illegal in every country of the world? Is there anything that is illegal everywhere?

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: kiba on April 28, 2011, 02:35:08 PM
And that shows the absurdity of banning stuff.   :-\

What people thinks is bad/evil sometime isn't. We bitcoiners for the most part don't think that voluntary trade is evil but we are so worried about perception making an impact on the success and failure of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: FreeMoney on April 28, 2011, 06:25:35 PM
Only if the Christians publish their location. That won't be a problem if they aren't trying to hide something :)

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Anonymous on April 28, 2011, 10:23:22 PM
They should have to tattoo a bitcoin address on their arm.....

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Mahkul on April 28, 2011, 10:36:48 PM
They should have to tattoo a bitcoin address on their arm.....

A tattoo studio accepting Bitcoin would be cool.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Zamicol on April 28, 2011, 11:07:24 PM
What??  Is this a joke?  I'm sorry, stupidity and sarcasm get dumped into the same place in my brain. 

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: loljoke on April 28, 2011, 11:53:42 PM
What??  Is this a joke?  I'm sorry, stupidity and sarcasm get dumped into the same place in my brain. 

Well we seem to have many people here who are not okay with allowing religious related services deemed inappropriate by governments, and I just want to add my two cents that I think we should not allow the illegal in parts of the world Christianity to be promoted here. Think of all the radical muslims we may scare off by allowing christians to use bitcoin for illegal in parts of the world christian related activity! If I can't have my illegal religious experience causing items linked to here, I sure as fuck do not want them to be able to link to their illegal religious experience causing items.



    * mental and physical stimulation
    * increase in associative & creative thinking
    * mood lift
    * increased awareness & appreciation of music
    * sensory enhancement (taste, smell, etc)
    * closed- and open-eye visuals
    * life-changing spiritual experiences
    * therapeutic psychological reflection
    * feeling of oceanic connectedness to the universe; blurring of boundaries between self and other


    * general change in consciousness
    * pupil dilation
    * difficulty focusing
    * increased salivation and mucus production (causes coughing in some people)
    * unusual body sensations (facial flushing, chills, goosebumps, body energy)
    * unusual thoughts and speech
    * change in perception of time
    * quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, gidiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)
    * slight increase in body temperature
    * slight increase in heart rate
    * increase in yawning (without being tired)


    * anxiety
    * tension, jaw tension
    * increased perspiration
    * difficulty regulating body temperature
    * nausea
    * dizziness, confusion
    * insomnia
    * megalomania
    * over-awareness & over-sensitization to music and noise
    * paranoia, fear, and panic
    * unwanted and overwhelming feelings
    * unwanted life-changing spiritual experiences
    * flashbacks

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on April 28, 2011, 11:56:01 PM
I am christian for stronger nuclear armament. I strongly believe there should be links to christian religious services such as churches accepting bitcoins and local plutonium and uranium dealers

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: AtlasONo on April 29, 2011, 03:54:34 PM
They should be banned if they overwhelmingly make the bitcoin community look bad. Like drugs, child porn or murder for hire. It's more a moral issue than a political and legal issue.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: mewantsbitcoins on April 29, 2011, 04:01:08 PM
They should be banned if they overwhelmingly make the bitcoin community look bad. Like drugs, child porn or murder for hire. It's more a moral issue than a political and legal issue.

Moral issue to whom? To the same depraved and rotting society that thinks funding murder and torture with their tax is ok or don't even have the capacity to understand that? I'm afraid, I disagree!

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Zamicol on April 30, 2011, 08:31:46 AM
I still can't tell if you are serious.  If you aren't, please disregard.  If you are:

This is so the religious police can kill them if they violate the law of the government.

Those are PEOPLE you are talking about!  What a heartless, senseless, unloving, ignorant, narrow minded, foolish, and down right evil.  This is hate speech, and if you were to stay consistent with your own arguments, your posts should be banned from this forum.

I am flabbergasted!  Absolutely astounded at your remarks!  :o  Are you sentient?  Are you sure bitcoins are for you?  Do you understand their value as it pertains to liberty?  Have you even scratched the surface of the depths of the wisdom of liberty? 

For some, their religious values are as precious as the very air you breath.  To sensor religion is to sensor politics, free speech, and thinking.  I will have no part of such censor, I fight an opposite cause. 

This goes for all:
If they are violent, utterly hateful (like yours), or purposely trying to hijack bitcoins, I have no contention on these forums.
If they are doing something that abuses other's liberties (Life and liberty), then I have no contention. 

But on the sole bases of holding views of any kind in illegal places???  Surely you are BETTER than that!  Maybe in my youth I am too naive to believe that people are still that immature!

I say, No!  We should be standing with them and standing for liberty!  For muslims, atheist, anyone.  Liberty is for all people, and bitcoin's message is liberating the currency that underlies a very central societal infrastructure from the despotism of Governments and banks. 

It's more a moral issue
Indeed!  Liberty is a moral issue, so make the moral choice and stand for Liberty. 

Bitcoin is about Liberty, and if we are going to censor certain views based on local regulation, we have been defeated already. 

Christianity has resulted in massive amounts of war and death
PEOPLE have resulted in massive amounts of war and death.  GOVERNMENTS, masquerading as religion, have resulted in massive amounts of war and death.  Saying that ideas kill people is like saying that pencils get bad test scores. 

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: lolnoob on April 30, 2011, 08:44:03 AM
They should be banned if they overwhelmingly make the bitcoin community look bad. Like drugs, child porn or murder for hire. It's more a moral issue than a political and legal issue.

Yes I agree. Christianity is a very immoral religion which brainwashes its followers. They also promote all kinds of evil in the name of their Lord. Christians are an immoral curse on the world and I don't think Bitcoin should promote their immoral ways.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: lolnoob on April 30, 2011, 08:54:50 AM
I still can't tell if you are serious.  If you aren't, please disregard.  If you are:

This is so the religious police can kill them if they violate the law of the government.

Those are PEOPLE you are talking about!  What a heartless, senseless, unloving, ignorant, narrow minded, foolish, and down right evil.  This is hate speech, and if you were to stay consistent with your own arguments, your posts should be banned from this forum.

They are hardly people, I disagree with their lifestyle and for this reason I think they should be put into prisons, have their religious items seized at every possible opportunity and burned, and their churches burned to the ground. We can not tolerate christians, think of the fucking children who are brainwashed from birth into a false religion and condemned to hell for all eternity because of it. Do you want bitcoins to be used so christians in the true holy land can pay for bibles to be smuggled in, bibles which they will then use to indoctrinate the innocent children of Allah and condemn them to an eternity in hell? I am just saying, I wont be a part of bitcoin if these immoral heathens are allowed to benefit from it in any way.

I am flabbergasted!  Absolutely astounded at your remarks!  :o  Are you sentient?  Are you sure bitcoins are for you?  Do you understand their value as it pertains to liberty?  Have you even scratched the surface of the depths of the wisdom of liberty? 

I am all for liberty, as long as it is the liberty that is ALLOWED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Sorry, but in many parts of the world CHRISTIANITY IS ILLEGAL (As it should be!). There is a little something called the LAW and I for one don't want Bitcoin to be used by LAW BREAKING CHRISTIANS TO PEDDLE THEIR FILTH TO MY CHILDREN. Or is Bitcoin only run by anarchists with no regard for the laws?!

For some, their religious values are as precious as the very air you breath.  To sensor religion is to sensor politics, free speech, and thinking.  I will have no part of such censor, I fight an opposite cause. 

Sorry, Christianity is a false religion. It isn't even a real religion, and to say otherwise is absurdity. There is a difference between allowing real religious freedom and allowing FALSE DEVIL WORSHIPPING HEATHENS TO PEDDLE THEIR FILTH TO OUR CHILDREN. IF you can't understand this then you are just a lost cause. So you fight against the law of the government then? Sorry, but the law is the law. If christianity wasn't illegal in parts of the world it would be a little bit different but thank Allah it is banned here.

This goes for all:
If they are violent, utterly hateful (like yours), or purposely trying to hijack bitcoins, I have no contention on these forums.
If they are doing something that abuses other's liberties (Life and liberty), then I have no contention. 

No I am the opposite of hateful. I believe in honoring all of Allahs children. However, christians shouldn't be free to use Bitcoins to PEDDLE THEIR POISON IDEOLOGY TO OUR CHILDREN. It is not that hard to get.

But on the sole bases of holding views of any kind in illegal places???  Surely you are BETTER than that!  Maybe in my youth I am too naive to believe that people are still that immature!

You are just a stupid child. Christianity is bad for people. It condemns them to hell. Stop condemning good children to hell with your bad words!

I say, No!  We should be standing with them and standing for liberty!  For muslims, atheist, anyone.  Liberty is for all people, and bitcoin's message is liberating the currency that underlies a very central societal infrastructure from the despotism of Governments and banks. 

No bitcoin must follow the law of the governments. It is a global project so it must follow the law of all governments. If you don't agree with the law then that proves nothing other than the fact that you are a heathen and an anarchist.

It's more a moral issue
Indeed!  Liberty is a moral issue, so make the moral choice and stand for Liberty. 

Indeed it is a moral issue. And I think nothing is more immoral than allowing Christians to spread their lies and condemn our children to an eternity of hell fire and gnashing teeth.

Christianity has resulted in massive amounts of war and death
PEOPLE have resulted in massive amounts of war and death.  GOVERNMENTS, masquerading as religion, have resulted in massive amounts of war and death.  Saying that ideas kill people is like saying that pencils get bad test scores. 

In all honesty I can say that Christianity is a curse on the world.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: lolnoob on April 30, 2011, 09:07:59 AM
They should be banned if they overwhelmingly make the bitcoin community look bad. Like drugs, child porn or murder for hire. It's more a moral issue than a political and legal issue.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe looking good to bunch of brainwashed zombie moralfag fascist fuckheads is not what you should spend your life trying to achieve, but rather protecting innocent people who want to live a lifestyle that the fascist religious police state (USA = religious police state, with christian religious police there to stomp down your drug use, your gambling, your swearing on television, your prostitution, your non-production CP related activities) condones? Sorry that the western religious police have indoctrinated you to the point that you think it is immoral for me to consume whatever the fuck I want. Maybe you should go back to church and praise Jesus some fucking more. I wish you all would spend all of your time praising Jesus so you didn't have any left to try to track me down and fuck me over for minding my own god damn business. You are no better than the brainwashed muslims stoning females for being raped, stoning people for having sex outside of marriage or stoning people for singing and dancing to non-traditional music. You are just so god damn indoctrinated by the unholy trinity of the religious-political-corporate fuckheads that you are in-fucking-capable of seeing just how demented and evil and immoral you really are.

PS: I wasn;t gonna use drugs at first, but then DEA said just think twice so I did ;-)

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Timo Y on April 30, 2011, 10:22:35 AM
The real question is, should the bitcoin wiki allow links to  Christian DMT Users (

Even when it's legal in Brazil  (well only if you are a Christian that is)?

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: omgftw on April 30, 2011, 10:28:50 AM
The real question is, should the bitcoin wiki allow links to  Christian DMT Users (

Even when it's legal in Brazil (well only if you are a Christian that is)?

Actually, those Christians are granted an exception from the controlled substance act in the USA as well! However, if my heathen ass gets busted with DMT I will go to pound me in the ass prison to get raped by Bubba. Also, Catholics are granted an exception for alcohol laws, since they can drink Jesuses Magic Blood under the age of 21. Native Americans of certain tribes are given an exception from the controlled substance act to use Peyote, however if my ass gets caught with Peyote I will go to federal pound me in the ass prison to get raped by Bubba. However, nobody in USA can legally use LSD even though one of its primary effects at higher doses is religious experiences and a feeling of merging together with God. A clear constitutional violation, but since when does the shit hole police state of USA follow its constitution? Never.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: rebuilder on April 30, 2011, 10:50:37 AM
The only question, for me, is how little can we censor while keeping the servers running. Follow the laws of the jurisdiction(s) relevant to keeping the servers running. If they're too strict, move elsewhere. That's it.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: ryepdx on April 30, 2011, 10:58:45 AM
I still can't tell if you are serious.

Obvious parody is obvious.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: grondilu on April 30, 2011, 11:01:36 AM

The bitcoin wiki is not a public place.  It is not supposed to be the central website where to put all offers for goods and services accepting bitcoins.  It is just one of them.

There is no "Euro marketplace wiki" nor a "dollar central marketplace".

So your question has to be answered by whoever created this wiki and has admin priviledges on it.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: Zamicol on May 01, 2011, 01:46:21 AM
thank Allah it is banned her

You sound awfully western to live in a place where Christianity is outlawed. 

I am all for liberty, ... CHRISTIANITY IS ILLEGAL (As it should be!).

And you don't see the irony in that?  Or is it that you have no idea what liberty is?

christians shouldn't be free to use Bitcoins

Go ahead, try.  Please, this will be a great test of the resilience of the bitcoin network, because you would have to take down the whole thing to stop them. 

lolnoob, where are you from?  Have you ever been to America or a western nation?  You think they're all full of Christians?  Ha!  More like full of secular people with some who take up a meaningless ancestral label.  Show me an American that actually reads the Bible and I will show you a pig with wings.  Sometimes I wish they were Christian; then maybe they would appreciate life and liberty more, especially if they understood the writings of Paul of Tarsus. 

And this isn't about Christianity, so stop hating.  If you target ANY group/idea/philosophy like this, you show that you are blind to the wisdom of liberty.

lolnoob, unless you have something non-hateful to say, I am done talking with you.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: lolnotanoob on May 01, 2011, 09:18:25 AM
Point one: I am obviously being sarcastic and making fun of the people who are talking about drugs, by replacing drugs with christianity

Point Two: Yes, it is not about religion. I know many christians who are great people indeed, and honestly I don't mean any disrespect to them. But I can still say, that christian morality laws in the west have led to enormous amounts of needless pain and suffering. And most of the people bitching about the morality of drugs here, are wanting to censor drug users because of their religious based morality system.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: LMGTFY on May 02, 2011, 04:37:07 PM
I've started a "meta" discussion on banning X at Y (;topicseen#msg103334).

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: MacFall on May 10, 2011, 08:31:42 PM
Show me an American that actually reads the Bible and I will show you a pig with wings.

Well allow me to introduce you to my flying porcine mount. I call her Gertrude.

But seriously though, as a genuine Christian who is also a genuine lover of liberty, and long-practiced in internet debates, I strongly encourage you not to feed the troll. Because I'm just as likely to believe in a real pig with wings as I am that the OP and his subsequent sock-puppets are anything other than that.

Title: Re: Should bitcoin wiki allow links to christian religious services?
Post by: opticbit on May 10, 2011, 09:50:41 PM
I noticed sex and drugs dissapeared.

Found them in the wiki history though.