Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Fuzzy on March 03, 2012, 06:26:32 AM

Title: [EXPIRED] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Fuzzy on March 03, 2012, 06:26:32 AM
EDIT: Increasing reward to 2 BTC

This seems to be an issue of getting Reaper to start, rather than just a connection problem, as it will run without submitting shares at any worksize other than 256.

Thought I should mention that this is a nearly fresh install of Windows 7 x64, only Catalyst and MSI Afterburner installed. I'm guessing there's some sort of distributable .Net or C+ that Reaper needs...

Will post GPU Caps and ATI Control Center screens when I get back.

A whole 2.0 BTC you ask? That's right  :D

I've tried everything I can think of to get reaper to submit actual shares:  ???

-Default worksize 256: Crashes (see first screenshot)
-Changed worksize 128: Couldn't connect to server
-Solo mining (as per tacotime): Couldn't connect to server
-,,, Couldn't connect to server
-Disabled firewall (I know bad idea, re-enabled since this didn't help)
-connected machine straight to modem, no router/switches/hubs
-Plugged only one card straight into motherboard (as opposed to 5 cards on 1xPCIe extensions)

I was sure this file was a hoax, but I see it works for other people, so this is no longer about LTC as it is figuring out wtf I'm doing wrong.

I put this in the Alt section as its not BTC mining related

Also, if a combination of techniques is required, the reward will be split equally among whichever gurus submitted the solutions.

Here are some screens to give some idea of what I'm running:


Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 03, 2012, 07:27:33 AM
I also got the errors on screen same as urs.
Libcurl error & server down error....
But after that it mining correctly.
The files u have & the conf....are also same to me.
but why cant, is still a mysterious to me. 

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Rubberduckie on March 03, 2012, 07:39:23 AM
just a thought,have you tried with aggression set lower?

Reaper crashes for me over aggression 14

Also specifying which GPU to use in reaper conf, i.e. device 0?

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 03, 2012, 07:47:30 AM
i always use aggression 14, when  i had 16 i got errors.

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Fuzzy on March 03, 2012, 08:17:12 AM
I tried aggression 1 --> 20 at workload 256 and it always crashes

Then set workload to 128 and tried aggression 1, 4, 10, 14, 18 and they all gave the correction error.

I then tried CPU mining using those settings on that same machine, and it wouldn't connect.

Changed the port to 8337, now the CPU miner submits shares.

Changing the port to 8337 on the GPU miner no longer gives me a connection error, it just mines forever without submitting any shares or giving any error messages.

Funny thing is, changing the worksize to 255 or 257 makes it not crash anymore, but still no shares being submitted. I get the feeling worksize 256 is the only one that will actually mine properly.

Can anyone else try changing their worksize and see if they still submit shares?

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Rubberduckie on March 03, 2012, 08:22:37 AM
Are you trying to pool mine or solo?

my conf looks like this

host localhost
port 9332
user *********
pass *********

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 14
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 20

works fine solo mining on a 6970

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 03, 2012, 08:25:36 AM
I tried with worksize 128 & hash reduced to 45 from 226 & also not submitting shares.
changing worksize to 256 started mining.

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Fuzzy on March 03, 2012, 09:02:40 AM
I tried with worksize 128 & hash reduced to 45 from 226 & also not submitting shares.
changing worksize to 256 started mining.

Does your 5870 have 1 or 2 GB or memory?

I think it's safe to assume that only worksize 256 actually works.

So the problem is now getting the program to start with "worksize 256" without crashing...

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Graet on March 03, 2012, 10:35:34 AM
port 9332
user Graet.6
pass p

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 18
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 20

is my litecoin.conf file from reaper, i had real issues connecting with url with and without http:// but found this to work for on my Gigabyte 6950's. I have 1 x 3 card rig running and a single card machine, the only diff in the conf files is worker number

Hope thats a help :)

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: P4man on March 03, 2012, 11:10:06 AM
Your port is set to 9332. Should be on one of these  for pool-x: 80, 8000, 8080, or 8337

edit: nvm, you already saw that.

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: abbeytim on March 03, 2012, 01:49:57 PM
make sure you have latest amd drivers ,you may have to lower aggression some

port 9332
user abbeytim.1
pass 1

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 18
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 20

if this helps 1HJMCnLnNHRK2ZRnpp3UwHeLVqgprQCbVC

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: grimd34th on March 03, 2012, 03:35:49 PM
if you hop on freenode and join #litecoin and ask for me there so we can have live communication ill be more than happy to try

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 03, 2012, 03:42:22 PM
I tried with worksize 128 & hash reduced to 45 from 226 & also not submitting shares.
changing worksize to 256 started mining.

Does your 5870 have 1 or 2 GB or memory?

1024MB Asus 5870

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: LiteBit on March 04, 2012, 02:37:22 AM
I may be way off here, but I remember seeing somewhere of changing the name from Cayman to Bruno or something if you have 59xx boards. Aren't Caymans the 58xx and 68xx ? Can't remember the exact facts, but hadn't seen this suggested yet as you try to get reaper 13 going.

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 04, 2012, 04:45:33 AM
6. Run reaperDEMO.exe.  If it throws a kernel error, go into the directory.  There should be a litecoin-reaperv13.XXXXX.bin file where XXXXX is your architecture.  Rename litecoin-reaperv13.Cayman.bin to litecoin-reaperv13.XXXXX.bin.  Reaper should work fine now.

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: tacotime on March 04, 2012, 06:58:48 PM
Cayman: 69xx
Barts: 68xx
Cypress: 58xx
Juniper: 57xx
Tahiti: 79xx

Trying to use the kernel for Barts from Cayman doesn't seem to work... (connects to pool, but only gives stales)

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: oscer on March 05, 2012, 04:38:12 AM
Cayman: 69xx
Barts: 68xx
Cypress: 58xx
Juniper: 57xx
Tahiti: 79xx

Trying to use the kernel for Barts from Cayman doesn't seem to work... (connects to pool, but only gives stales)

I get the same problem when i edit the file to work with my Juniper Card ,,  Only stale shares

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Fuzzy on March 05, 2012, 09:33:18 PM
Cayman: 69xx
Barts: 68xx
Cypress: 58xx
Juniper: 57xx
Tahiti: 79xx

Trying to use the kernel for Barts from Cayman doesn't seem to work... (connects to pool, but only gives stales)

I'm pretty sure my 6950 is a Cayman. That's what GUIminer sees my cards as, and that's what Reaper seems to use/build if I remove the cayman.bin file

Keep in mind this is a nearly fresh install of Win7, only Catalyst, and MSI Afterburner installed. I'm guessing there's some sort of distributable .Net or C+ that Reaper needs...

Also increasing this to 2 BTC, I gotta figure this out...

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: tgmarks on March 06, 2012, 01:09:32 AM
Interested and want to figure this out myself as I can't seem to get it to run either.

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: tacotime on March 06, 2012, 01:44:44 AM
You said my solo mining instructions did not work; did you try running litecoin daemon as an administrator from the command prompt (type cmd into the start menu, right click, run as administrator)?  If it's running correctly it should at least give you some kind of error in reaper that it's downloading the block chain or something.  The command prompt will also tell you if the daemon gets some kind of error (it will kill itself and return an error if your configuration is messed up).

Title: Re: [1 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: grimd34th on March 06, 2012, 01:59:31 AM
if you hop on freenode and join #litecoin and ask for me there so we can have live communication ill be more than happy to try
im there as d34th ill be there tomorrow from 3-8 est feel free to ask me then

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 06, 2012, 06:50:40 AM

You still getting this get work error?
How are you advanced so far.
I mean from cmd prompt closing instantly to lib error ........

Check firewall & router, it may be blocking ports..

I also see a strange behavior with reaperv13
I put in startup a shortcut to mine from start up & it mines at 226 kH/s....
If i close it or exit it, then if run again, my speed drops to less than 10 kH/s, like mining at 4 kH/s, then it increases slowly to reach maximum speed of 226 kH/s, which takes more than 30 minutes.
This strange thing also happens if i remove from start up folder & running manually.

So for me it works FIRST TIME after system restart at full hash rate & if closed & open again then it goes to very low hash then increases slowly to reach max hash rate.
1-10 kH/s to 226 kH/s.

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: ShadowAlexey on March 06, 2012, 07:14:23 AM
I would suggest you to uninstall your Current OpenCL driver(it is in the directory for instance :11-8_vista64_win7_64_dd\Packages\Apps\OpenCL64)  and trying this one from 11.8, it worked on mine 6950
Work size didnt mater(almost all setting was set to default), thread cores set to 22 from 20,this is the number of cores OpenCL reports about.
Plus try to install

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: kliffen on March 06, 2012, 04:06:38 PM
Changing worksize to 128 didn't help me in a positive way, but my miner still worked (mining LTC on a 5970 btw)

The first time i tried, i used a 5770, which obviously didn't work. Trying again on my 5970 straight after did NOT work. I had to delete the folder and unpack the folder again before it would work.

Current configs are :

port 8337
user *username*
pass *password*

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 16
threads_per_gpu 2
sharethreads 20

So try deleting the reaperv13_demo folder and unpack it again, that's my only tips :)

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Zoiner on March 08, 2012, 12:31:03 PM
port 9332
user Graet.6
pass p

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 18
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 20

is my litecoin.conf file from reaper, i had real issues connecting with url with and without http:// but found this to work for on my Gigabyte 6950's. I have 1 x 3 card rig running and a single card machine, the only diff in the conf files is worker number

Hope thats a help :)

Getting reaperdemo solo mining on TwinFrozr 6950 fine but it is a real hog on video card, slowing down the rest of the machine. 

(QUad Core P4 with Win7 64bit).

Anyone know how to downrate the program?  I tried different number of threads and different aggression to no obvious effect?

Title: Re: [2 BTC reward] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: dishwara on March 08, 2012, 04:25:44 PM
port 9332
user Graet.6
pass p

protocol litecoin

worksize 256
aggression 18
threads_per_gpu 1
sharethreads 20

is my litecoin.conf file from reaper, i had real issues connecting with url with and without http:// but found this to work for on my Gigabyte 6950's. I have 1 x 3 card rig running and a single card machine, the only diff in the conf files is worker number

Hope thats a help :)

Getting reaperdemo solo mining on TwinFrozr 6950 fine but it is a real hog on video card, slowing down the rest of the machine.

(QUad Core P4 with Win7 64bit).

Anyone know how to downrate the program?  I tried different number of threads and different aggression to no obvious effect?

aggression 14 or less will make desktop usable.

Title: Re: [EXPIRED] Help me setup Reaper v13 to mine LTC with my 6950s
Post by: Fuzzy on March 09, 2012, 04:47:17 PM
Looking at how unstable LTC is lately, I'm throwing in the towel on this one. I'm gonna try a few thing listed above, and then I'm out.  ???