Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Computer hardware => Topic started by: shackleford on March 04, 2012, 09:29:33 PM

Title: [WTS]Asus Vento 3600 case
Post by: shackleford on March 04, 2012, 09:29:33 PM
Asus Vento case here.  
Older (2006/7 I think) I got it because I could not find an Ailienware case like I wanted and this one was pretty cool. I have since switched to an awesome desk that has a 10U rack built in so I no longer use this case.  It has a few scratches on it (shown in the picture with the side vent) and the drive bay lid latch was designed pretty poorly so I took it off and then lost it along with the cable management thing that went in the back that was always in the way. Whenever I went to a lan party it was always a topic of conversation not that it was the reason I bought it. Would prefer to hand off but I would ship it with the buyer paying shipping (US only). I had setup a search on eBay to try to find my missing parts but they are coming up very rarely now. Was thinking 50USD +shiping in BTC Or local chicagoland exchange if possible.

Oh, it is black. Will post pics after I setup my phone. ( ( (

Title: Re: [WTS]Asus Vento 3600 case
Post by: shackleford on March 05, 2012, 05:12:37 PM
Pics added