Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: Crypt_Current on March 07, 2012, 05:11:21 AM

Title: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Crypt_Current on March 07, 2012, 05:11:21 AM
I'm not sure if this is the proper thread to post this in, but I hang out here mostly so here ya go...

As a miner and wanna-be spendthrift, I've been trying my best to get the most bang for my buck, so of course I've amassed some NMC.  I won't lie, I sure would like to make some money with them.  Well, it looks like there's beginning to be demand forming at Gox for NMC exchange.

Go there, sign in, click on "me too", if ya wanna.  Thanks bunches if ya do!   :)

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: jojo69 on March 07, 2012, 05:18:28 AM
been wondering wtf to do with the damn things

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: mc_lovin on March 07, 2012, 05:46:29 PM
me too, definitely!  I think they should also trade LTC.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: N12 on March 07, 2012, 05:49:21 PM
Not interested in your imaginary money (and yes, I’ve checked out Namecoin and even traded them). I would rather stick with the one and only shot we’ve got: Bitcoin. And not dilute it with the few fiat we got.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: waveaddict on March 07, 2012, 05:50:35 PM

Not interested in your imaginary money (and yes, I’ve checked out Namecoin and even traded them). I would rather stick with the one and only shot we’ve got: Bitcoin. And not dilute it with the few fiat we got.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Tril on March 10, 2012, 12:55:12 AM
Just trade on doublec's site.  I think it is the highest volume NMC exchange:

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: HorseRider on March 10, 2012, 05:16:17 PM
Yeah, and solidcoin ;D

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Crypt_Current on March 11, 2012, 03:13:18 AM
been wondering wtf to do with the damn things

Register some domains, setup a webserver on one of your miners (or buy hosting) and setup a couple of websites for fun.

Use them for their intended purpose, not to sell them for profit.

Yeah, let me just magically create a bunch of free time with all my TimeCoins.  How about you just buy them from me and you do all of the above?

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: pent on March 11, 2012, 04:16:26 AM
If you dont mind guys, I remind you, that namecoin is in alpha version, which is publically written on their website:
Project Status
Status : usable, alpha stage

And NameCoin have a couple of general issues, which make the future of namecoin questionable. And developers are not able to fix them.

If namecoin is a fork of bitcoin, this is not mean that it is so good as bitcoin.

Watch what you are trading. I just aware.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Crypt_Current on March 11, 2012, 09:39:54 PM
Yeah, let me just magically create a bunch of free time with all my TimeCoins.  How about you just buy them from me and you do all of the above?

I've already bought/mined my own and plan to do this, but if I ever do want any more, I will get back to you.

NMC has basically been destroyed by people who mined them to resell. Its upsetting to see such a cool idea get ruined, now a domain squatter can exchange a couple of $ for NMC and buy 1,000's of .bit addresses for pennies a piece and basically cover the enter TLD in spammy "Congratulations! You’ve won a trip to sunny Guantanamo Bay" type websites. Its only a matter of time, there's already a squatter on the forums selling his 2 letter .bit domains.

Snooze ya lose I guess.  Kinda like the "unfair" situation of the first BTC mining adopters.   ::)

I've read elsewhere that speculation helps find a commodity's true value, and then if there is any real value there (obviously there is with NMC), speculation would then drive the price up.  Including exchange at a major, bona-fide place like MtGox would then be helpful for driving the price up, IMO.

Disclaimer, in case you didn't get it by now:  I want to sell my NMC for as much purchasing power as I can.  BTW suggestion noted:  I'm using some of my rare, precious spare time to research re-salable domain names.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Crypt_Current on March 11, 2012, 09:54:28 PM
There's nothing wrong with speculating, what I have a problem with is people who mined them only to sell. They are now selling NMC for less than it cost them to mine and much less than what its true value is.

You could always try trading them on, you'll see they're worthless thanks to all the merged miners.

Why would I sell them for less than it cost to mine them???  I'm not an idiot.  Which is why I have not sold any yet, and am encouraging expansion of their speculative trade.

Meh, all this argument against merged mining strikes me of a lack of forward-thinking:  It doesn't really matter how you obtained a (currently) worthless thing -- but if you feel that a thing you happen to have will be worth much more at a future time, you will work to spread that meme.

Title: Re: Please support NMC exchange
Post by: Crypt_Current on March 11, 2012, 10:01:44 PM
Why would I sell them for less than it cost to mine them???

Thats what the current market value is thanks to all of these miners. They see the value dropping and panic and sell in order to minimize their losses.

My point is, only a small set of all NMC holders probably use that particular exchange.  Maybe if NMC exchange was facilitated by a more well-known exchange, bigger players (who may not even know about NMC yet) would see them as at least as valuable as BTC, and pay more for them.  THOSE people are likely to not even know what merged mining is... THOSE extremely affluent "power investors" may not even "have the time" to listen to anyone explain to them what merged mining is.