Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: quarkfx on July 06, 2014, 11:50:21 PM

Title: Paper Wallet Generator devices
Post by: quarkfx on July 06, 2014, 11:50:21 PM
Are there any pocket paper wallet generator. Some time ago I stumbled upon Zak Kembles DIY wristwatch project and wondered if it was possible to integrate a paper wallet generator into a wrist watch. Zaks watch has the advantage that it is in some way a smartwatch but it isnīt online like the common mobile wearables. I mailed him as a representant of the Quark community and never received an answer - he was probably not interested or didnīt understand what I was talking about - but I think this sort of devices could really push crypto usage and the use of paper wallets which would make the use of crypto way more secure (given that huge amounts of crypto are stored on exchanges).

What do you think? Do you find the idea of a pocket pwg senseful or would you find it superfluous (Zaks watch is interesting even without pwg, so check it out :)

Someone already mailed me this:

Not with display, but certainly a good approach.

Title: Re: Paper Wallet Generator devices
Post by: 7queue on July 08, 2014, 03:36:43 AM
I read that article also, USB device plugs directly into a supported printer, no PC involved, looks promising.

The watch project also:

I don't see why the watch couldn't be made to do this.

8 )

Title: Re: Paper Wallet Generator devices
Post by: cp1 on July 08, 2014, 03:52:35 AM
There's this guy:

Title: Re: Paper Wallet Generator devices
Post by: quarkfx on July 08, 2014, 10:03:59 AM
I read that article also, USB device plugs directly into a supported printer, no PC involved, looks promising.

The watch project also:

I don't see why the watch couldn't be made to do this.

8 )

What tech could be used to do that? Could the paperwallet generator on Github be used? Sorry for asking, itīs just that I am not a techie.