Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 10:26:40 AM

Title: 25 - 7- 2014 (Or, as you should know it by now: 7-7-7)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 10:26:40 AM

Update of 25 July 2014:

Too tired of this thread already to update main post. Read threw the pages if you want to get a Clue what its about.  

Head of IMF(Lagarde) talking about currency reset, 7-7-7? :

The flight 370 was a Boeing 777.

Todays date is 7 - 7 - 7 (2014 = 2+1+4=7)

Passengers on Flight 370(Plane took of 3rd month 7th day, `flight 370) was 227

Passengers on all 9/11 flights put together were ALSO 227

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370)[a] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing that lost contact with air traffic control[2] on 8 March 2014 at 01:20 MYT (17:20 UTC, 7 March), less than an hour after takeoff. At 07:24, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the flight missing.[4] The aircraft, a Boeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 14 nations.

8 march, 2014
8 + 3, 2014
11, 2 14
2, 7  

227 passengers + 12 crew members

On 17 March 2014, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority took charge of co-ordinating the search when it shifted to the southern part of the Indian Ocean.

17 March,  2014
1+7+3, 2014
11, 2014

At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message—

The AIRCRAFT send a LOG ON REQUEST!? At what time??

And what is 22527?

22 5+2 7

And now, what is 2277??

Hold on, we'll get there..

Flight 370 was operated with a Boeing 777-2H6ER,[e] serial number 28420, registration 9M-MRO.

Serial number of the plane? Alright..
2+8+4+2 = 16
1+6 = 7

The first officer was 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid, an employee of Malaysia Airlines since 2007, with 2,763 flying hours.

27 year old? Employed since 2007? With 2700 flying hours? What are the odds Huh.. :)

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014

Let's take a look at the 7/7 attack of 2005, which is one of the biggest 7/7/7 stamps made by Al-qaida/CIA/whoever or whatever.

52 People dead
700 injured

So, 77 on the 7/7 of year 7. Wow, what a coincidence  Smiley

Let's also have a look at this:

Pan Am Flight 103 (involved in the Lockerbie bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York City that was destroyed by a terrorist bomb on Wednesday, 21 December 1988, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew on board.[1] Large sections of the aircraft crashed into Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 11 more people on the ground.

243 passengers and 16 crew dead
27                            7

11 on the ground dead? Wtf?

That's a total of 270 People dead!

And the date:

21 December 1988
2+1+1+2+1+9 =16

Why did I leave out the 88? Let's og on.

16 88
16 16
7   7


So genious. Yet, so easy to see if you're looking Smiley


Isla Vista Elliot Rodgers: 22 years old, killing 7

Sandy hook: 20 years old 27 dead

Virginia Tech shootings: 32 dead by a 23 year old

on the date of  April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007
4 +1+6, 2007
20, 2007

Anders Behring Breivik, Oslo, Norway: 22/7 he killed 77 People

Born nr: 32
Age of event: 32

Highest degree of freemasonry: 32


Just put this "accident" in here aswell. Is this a Message meaning that the next false flag has green lights? Or mission abort?


Murder of John F Kennedy:

Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK shooter

October 18, 1939 (Born)


November 24, 1963 (Dead)


Jack Ruby, murderer of Lee Harvey Oswald(JFK Shooter)

March 25, 1911


January 3, 1967)


Murderer of Franz Ferdinand, Gavrillo Principp, who was blamed for starting The Great War, which started 100 years ago to the day on 28/7 which is 17 days from now.("World War 1")

25 July 1894 (BORN)

7 / 7 / 22

28 April 1918 (DEAD)


Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 10:28:21 AM

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 11:02:00 AM
For the kids that find the above info too hard to understand/Accept:

2014 is a Magic year

I am looking for a Word describing why

2 + 1 + 4 = 7

The Word has 7 letters

2nd Letter of alphabet = B
14th = N

So, a Word With 7 letters, starting With B, ending With N... First kid to give a correct Guess wins an icecream!

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Ekaros on July 07, 2014, 11:36:34 AM
For the kids that find the above info too hard to understand/Accept:

2014 is a Magic year

I am looking for a Word describing why

2 + 1 + 4 = 7

The Word has 7 letters

2nd Letter of alphabet = B
14th = N

So, a Word With 7 letters, starting With B, ending With N... First kid to give a correct Guess wins an icecream!


I thought these jokes were done to death with HL3...

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 11:54:00 AM
For the kids that find the above info too hard to understand/Accept:

2014 is a Magic year

I am looking for a Word describing why

2 + 1 + 4 = 7

The Word has 7 letters

2nd Letter of alphabet = B
14th = N

So, a Word With 7 letters, starting With B, ending With N... First kid to give a correct Guess wins an icecream!


I thought these jokes were done to death with HL3...

Whatever. It's just to bump the thread/keep it active. The real subject is at the top..

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 12:55:14 PM

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: LostDutchman on July 07, 2014, 01:05:22 PM
Oh, Christ!

Another numerology thread.

Primitive superstition.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 01:40:49 PM
Oh, Christ!

Another numerology thread.

Primitive superstition.

Superstition?  :D

Sorry to insult Your intellect my good sir, but this has nothing to do With superstition. Numerology is just a way to convert numbers. Anyways, if you wish, please do stick Your head in the sand.. :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: LostDutchman on July 07, 2014, 02:03:28 PM
Oh, Christ!

Another numerology thread.

Primitive superstition.

Superstition?  :D

Sorry to insult Your intellect my good sir, but this has nothing to do With superstition. Numerology is just a way to convert numbers. Anyways, if you wish, please do stick Your head in the sand.. :)

"Good Sir", indeed!

"Numerology is any belief in divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics or pseudoscience by modern scientists.[1][2][3]

Today, numerology is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[4]

Despite the long history of numerological ideas, the word "numerology" is not recorded in English before c.1907.[5]"

"Numerology is a pseudoscience that claims to predict and define the personality of aperson based on numerical symbolism(“Numerology”, n.d.).

Pythagoras, who invented the Pythagorean Theorem and fathered much of mathematics, once said that “the world is built uponthe power of numbers” numerology is a pseudoscience that claims to predict and define the personality of a person based on numerical symbolism.

Although he has no connection with numerology, this quote declares the basis of what numerologists believe."

Superstition, welcome to Bitcoin!

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 02:42:08 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: LostDutchman on July 07, 2014, 03:57:55 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.


It is superstition on wheels.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 05:28:41 PM
No sheeple, as said, ty :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 07, 2014, 05:34:52 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.

Numerology includes believing that those converted numbers somehow have magically gained special meaning, or that the fact that two different sets of input map to the same output implies some sort of connection between them. Nothing to so with science of any sort.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 07, 2014, 05:42:48 PM
You can rearrange numbers to say anything you want. People look for meaning in random coincidences that just isn't there.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 05:46:00 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.

Numerology includes believing that those converted numbers somehow have magically gained special meaning, or that the fact that two different sets of input map to the same output implies some sort of connection between them. Nothing to so with science of any sort.

Well that's not what I believe/want you to believe. Ok, look.. 227 passengers on both Flight 370(a flight taking off 3/7) and all 9/11 flights combined. Is that not a strange coincidence? Also:

At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message—

02: 25: 27
2    2 52  7
22  7  7

2277 = Russian Aggression Prevension Act
Also containing a meaning in terms of numerology where both 22 and 77 is multi-symbolic
Probably a planned date as the Lagarde video is talking about. "Don't know if its G7 or G20". G = 7th letter. "Dont know if its 7/7 or 7/20, so somewhere between that date perhaps?

Perhaps 22 July 2014
                   7      7

I'm not saying that god put his finger into this, or that it is a magically fulfilling prophecy.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: LostDutchman on July 07, 2014, 05:57:39 PM (

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 06:03:53 PM
You can rearrange numbers to say anything you want. People look for meaning in random coincidences that just isn't there.

Yet i'm not :)

The basics of numerology is very simple.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: LostDutchman on July 07, 2014, 06:48:54 PM
You can rearrange numbers to say anything you want. People look for meaning in random coincidences that just isn't there.

Yet i'm not :)

The basics of numerology is very simple.

Fully explained here:

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 07, 2014, 06:54:42 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.

Numerology includes believing that those converted numbers somehow have magically gained special meaning, or that the fact that two different sets of input map to the same output implies some sort of connection between them. Nothing to so with science of any sort.

Well that's not what I believe/want you to believe.

Yet it is exactly what you then try to argue:

Ok, look.. 227 passengers on both Flight 370(a flight taking off 3/7) and all 9/11 flights combined. Is that not a strange coincidence?

a) If it were true, it would indeed be a coincidence.
b) It doesn't appear to be true. Where are you getting the 227 figure for 9/11 flights from?
c) Flight 370 only took off on 3/7 if you are American. In most of the rest of the world it took off on 7/3. And in Malaysian time, it took off on 8/3.

At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message—

You use MYT here, but used UCT or EST above.
Why? Because it makes the numbers fit the pattern you are looking for.
02: 25: 27
2    2 52  7
22  7  7

2277 = Russian Aggression Prevension Act
Why not:
2 25 27
2 7 9
279 = H.R.279 - To amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian tribes, and for other purposes.

2 25 2 7
2727 = H.R.2727 - To amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 to provide that not less than 40 percent of amounts available from the fund under that Act shall be available for the Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program.

22 5 27
459 = S.459 - Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Boundary Modification Act
Or H.Res.459 - Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 3372) to provide a process for ensuring the United States does not default on its obligations.
Or S.Res.459 - A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to childhood stroke and recognizing May 2014 as "National Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month"

Or many other possible combinations? Because you are trying to find connections.
How many other messages did the system send?
How many possible permutations of numbers do they include?
Also containing a meaning in terms of numerology where both 22 and 77 is multi-symbolic
Exactly the sort of garbage you said you weren't interested in.
Probably a planned date as the Lagarde video is talking about. "Don't know if its G7 or G20". G = 7th letter. "Dont know if its 7/7 or 7/20, so somewhere between that date perhaps?

Perhaps 22 July 2014
                   7      7

And now you arrange dates as d/m, whereas above you used m/d. Because you are trying to create a connection.
We only have 10 digits, so with a little manipulation you can create all sorts of coincidences. So what?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on July 07, 2014, 07:39:09 PM
adding numbers is so old-school

eating them is where it's at

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 07, 2014, 09:05:28 PM
If a comet is falling on Your head but you see that the Word "Religion" is printed on it.. do you not believe the comet is real?  :D

Numerology is a way to convert/compress numbers, as said, giving a number or Word another meaning. Sort of an early cryptography.

Numerology includes believing that those converted numbers somehow have magically gained special meaning, or that the fact that two different sets of input map to the same output implies some sort of connection between them. Nothing to so with science of any sort.

Well that's not what I believe/want you to believe.

Yet it is exactly what you then try to argue:

Ok, look.. 227 passengers on both Flight 370(a flight taking off 3/7) and all 9/11 flights combined. Is that not a strange coincidence?

a) If it were true, it would indeed be a coincidence.
b) It doesn't appear to be true. Where are you getting the 227 figure for 9/11 flights from?
c) Flight 370 only took off on 3/7 if you are American. In most of the rest of the world it took off on 7/3. And in Malaysian time, it took off on 8/3.

At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message—

You use MYT here, but used UCT or EST above.
Why? Because it makes the numbers fit the pattern you are looking for.
02: 25: 27
2    2 52  7
22  7  7

2277 = Russian Aggression Prevension Act
Why not:
2 25 27
2 7 9
279 = H.R.279 - To amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian tribes, and for other purposes.

2 25 2 7
2727 = H.R.2727 - To amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 to provide that not less than 40 percent of amounts available from the fund under that Act shall be available for the Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program.

22 5 27
459 = S.459 - Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Boundary Modification Act
Or H.Res.459 - Providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 3372) to provide a process for ensuring the United States does not default on its obligations.
Or S.Res.459 - A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate with respect to childhood stroke and recognizing May 2014 as "National Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month"

Or many other possible combinations? Because you are trying to find connections.
How many other messages did the system send?
How many possible permutations of numbers do they include?
Also containing a meaning in terms of numerology where both 22 and 77 is multi-symbolic
Exactly the sort of garbage you said you weren't interested in.
Probably a planned date as the Lagarde video is talking about. "Don't know if its G7 or G20". G = 7th letter. "Dont know if its 7/7 or 7/20, so somewhere between that date perhaps?

Perhaps 22 July 2014
                   7      7

And now you arrange dates as d/m, whereas above you used m/d. Because you are trying to create a connection.
We only have 10 digits, so with a little manipulation you can create all sorts of coincidences. So what?

I'm taking my numbers straight from wikipedia, unchanged.

Regarding 9/11:
In total, almost 3,000 people died in the attacks, including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes

Regarding Flight 370:
3/7 2014 was the date it took off, according to wikipedia. Where in the world? I don't know, didn't bother to check.

At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message—

Why use MYT? Why does Wikipedia use MYT? I don't know. Didn't bother to ask them.

"Why not any other 2252blah"

Because it has nothing to do With reality, that's why. Number 2277 has a strong Connection to something that is happening right now, in reality. It's References and hints to stuff. Perhaps for someone in the know it is more of a science, I don't know.

Anyway, keep this thread free from mentally retarded Pictures like that of the old Mason guy With 1 eye.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Rannasha on July 07, 2014, 09:13:19 PM
Now do everything in base-4 and show me that it still works out.

Base-10 is so 1331314.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 07, 2014, 10:03:18 PM
I'm taking my numbers straight from wikipedia, unchanged.

Regarding 9/11:
In total, almost 3,000 people died in the attacks, including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes

In which case you are including flight crew for the 9/11 planes, but not for flight 370, so they don't match anyway, do they?
The equivalent number for flight 370 would be 239.

Regarding Flight 370:
3/7 2014 was the date it took off, according to wikipedia. Where in the world? I don't know, didn't bother to check.

It took off at 8/3/2014 00:41 in Malaysia.

Why use MYT? Why does Wikipedia use MYT? I don't know. Didn't bother to ask them.

From Wikipedia:
At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message
18:25:27 UTC – 1st handshake (initiated by MH370)

So you just picked the one that gave the answer you wanted, and ignored the other.

"Why not any other 2252blah"

Because it has nothing to do With reality, that's why. Number 2277 has a strong Connection to something that is happening right now, in reality. It's References and hints to stuff. Perhaps for someone in the know it is more of a science, I don't know.

So you knew you wanted to get 2277, and manipulated the numbers until you did.

It's References and hints to stuff

No it isn't, that is the mystically bullshity part.
You have deliberately sampled only the numbers that suited your argument, then manipulated them in a specific way, which has no justification other that to give the result you wanted, then claim it shows some deep meaning. It doesn't.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Spendulus on July 07, 2014, 10:09:34 PM
....ent, then manipulated them in a specific way, which has no justification other that to give the result you wanted, then claim it shows some deep meaning. It doesn't.


Is this a climate science dissertation?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Paya on July 07, 2014, 11:42:23 PM
Number 2277 has a strong Connection to something that is happening right now, in reality. It's References and hints to stuff.

Strong connection with what? What is so special about 2277 so you have an urge to play around with random numbers until you get this particular one?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 12:07:12 AM

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: galbros on July 08, 2014, 01:33:20 AM
This is at least fairly original for these boards compared to a lot of the conspiracy stuff that gets put out there.  However, have to say, totally bogus, sorry.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Paya on July 08, 2014, 08:02:40 AM

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014

What does it have to do with the crash of some passenger jet?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 10:51:13 AM

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014

What does it have to do with the crash of some passenger jet?

I don't know.

I'd say 9/11 is a well known lie. But instead for Putin and everyone that opposes USA to come out and say it and talk about stuff they can't proof(Which is non-acceptable or at least low standards on the international politics scene) they themself make it very clear and obvious by maing References With "real" data from Flight 370.

Or perhaps it is/was USA/IMF that was involved in this one aswell, who knows.

Either way, I think the numbers are telling more. Lagarde is certainly hinting about something to happen between G7 and G20(7/7 and 7/20). She say herself "I dont know if it will have to do With 7/7 or 7/20, but i hope IMF will have something to do With it".

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 11:03:29 AM
From Wikipedia:


At 02:25:27 MYT, the aircraft's satellite communication system sent a 'log-on request' message


18:25:27 UTC – 1st handshake (initiated by MH370)

So you just picked the one that gave the answer you wanted, and ignored the other.

That last: 18:25:27 is also 7, fyi :)

FUnny that the easiest mathematics pose such big problems for otherwise intelligent beings.

1+8+2+5+2+7 = 25
2+5 = 7

There's also more numbers in there, all related.

11:77, for example

Denying that "they" are using numerology is really stupid. I mean, come on.. 227 passengers on all 9/11 flights combined. 227 passengers on Flight 370.

Osama Bin Laden - Converted into numbers by numerology = 22
Born 1957 - 1+9+5+7 = 22
Meaning of the nr 22? The number is called MASTER BUILDER
Osama bin Laden was son of the "Royal Builder" of Saudi Arabia. First Family to achieve wealth coming form outside the Saudi Family. Family buiseness: Construction

Date of Death:
2 May 2011

Open Your eyes folks :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 08, 2014, 11:08:23 AM
Denying that "they" are using numerology is really stupid. I mean, come on.. 227 passengers on all 9/11 flights combined. 227 passengers on Flight 370.

I've already told you that isn't true, why are you repeating it?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 11:18:43 AM
Denying that "they" are using numerology is really stupid. I mean, come on.. 227 passengers on all 9/11 flights combined. 227 passengers on Flight 370.

I've already told you that isn't true, why are you repeating it?

That's what Wikipedia says, so that's what I will go With :)

If you live by another truth you are free to create Your own parallell universe and go dwell there.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 08, 2014, 11:49:23 AM
Denying that "they" are using numerology is really stupid. I mean, come on.. 227 passengers on all 9/11 flights combined. 227 passengers on Flight 370.
I've already told you that isn't true, why are you repeating it?
That's what Wikipedia says, so that's what I will go With :)

No it isn't.
Wikipedia says:
including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes

Who do you think was flying the planes? Not the passengers, but the crew, who are included in the 227 figure.
There were 239 civilians on flight 370.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 11:58:19 AM
Denying that "they" are using numerology is really stupid. I mean, come on.. 227 passengers on all 9/11 flights combined. 227 passengers on Flight 370.
I've already told you that isn't true, why are you repeating it?
That's what Wikipedia says, so that's what I will go With :)

No it isn't.
Wikipedia says:
including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes

Who do you think was flying the planes? Not the passengers, but the crew, who are included in the 227 figure.
There were 239 civilians on flight 370.

Wikipedia choses to name it as 227 civilians and 19 hijackers on 9/11. As well as 227 passengers and 12 crew on 370.

Not me.


You must be a real slow learner..

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 11:59:57 AM
Wait, I just realized something.. !! Wikipedia is wrong! I think 1-5 of the passengers/civilians on perhaps BOTH flights were air-marshals and/or military/police/state agents. So, it's not 227 at all  :o

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Kluge on July 08, 2014, 12:26:33 PM
How could you derive any useful information from a completely arbitrary, man-made calendar (with regard to year numbering)? Do you believe there's some entity or organization Up There debating when to change events' occurrences based on whichever calendar happens to be most popular by Earth's citizens at the time, or...?

YOLD 3180, here.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 12:44:31 PM
How could you derive any useful information from a completely arbitrary, man-made calendar (with regard to year numbering)? Do you believe there's some entity or organization Up There debating when to change events' occurrences based on whichever calendar happens to be most popular by Earth's citizens at the time, or...?

YOLD 3180, here.

Did the priests of ancient civilizations change events to be in line With astronomic occurences in advance to gain the blind trust of their People?


Have Things changed?

"Yes, now we have Democracy.. governments care about us!"

Please do allow me to laugh my ass off :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: KonstantinosM on July 08, 2014, 12:50:19 PM
And I quote "A doze of intelligence".

You're running on fumes.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 01:17:54 PM
Let's take a look at the 7/7 attack of 2005, which is one of the biggest 7/7/7 stamps made by Al-qaida/CIA/whoever or whatever.

52 People dead
700 injured

So, 77 on the 7/7 of year 7. Wow, what a coincidence :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 01:27:38 PM
Let's also have a look at this:

Pan Am Flight 103 (involved in the Lockerbie bombing) was a Pan Am transatlantic flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York City that was destroyed by a terrorist bomb on Wednesday, 21 December 1988, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew on board.[1] Large sections of the aircraft crashed into Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 11 more people on the ground.

243 passengers and 16 crew dead
27                            7

11 on the ground dead? Wtf?

That's a total of 270 People dead!

And the date:

21 December 1988
2+1+1+2+1+9 =16

Why did I leave out the 88? Let's og on.

16 88
16 16
7   7


So genious. Yet, so easy to see if you're looking :)

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Paya on July 08, 2014, 02:54:34 PM

What does it have to do with the crash of some passenger jet?

I don't know.

You don't know. Then what are you even trying to tell us? That by combining randomly picked numbers, in inconsistent way, one can get some 2s and 7s as preferred result just like he could get any other sequence? Okay...

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 02:56:48 PM

What does it have to do with the crash of some passenger jet?

I don't know.

You don't know. Then what are you even trying to tell us? That by combining randomly picked numbers, in inconsistent way, one can get some 2s and 7s as preferred result just like he could get any other sequence? Okay...

I just want to make it Clear that I'm not stating facts nor trying to present a certain truth. The truth is there for anyone willing to see, this will not however change a sheeple into a thinking person. But if you're a thinking person the numbers all speak for themselfs..

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 04:23:58 PM
And let's not forget the terrorist attacks of Anders Behring Breivik on the 22/7, when he killed 77 People..


Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 08, 2014, 04:57:01 PM
Breivik was, just as Hitler, a born 32er.

32 = Highest degree of free Masons

322 = Skull and Bones

George Bush and John Kerry are both members of Skull and Bones, nothing they deny.

Skull and Bones logo is a Skull and 2 bones in an X.

Just like the Nazi SS had.

NWO is upon us, sheeple.

Leave town for 22/7.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 09, 2014, 04:11:52 AM
Isla Vista Elliot Rodgers: 22 years old, killing 7

Sandy hook: 20 years old 27 dead

Virginia Tech shootings: 32 dead by a 23 year old

on the date of  April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007
4 +1+6, 2007
20, 2007

Anders Behring Breivik, Oslo, Norway: 22/7 he killed 77 People

Born nr: 32
Age of event: 32

Highest degree of free masonry: 32

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 04:21:01 AM (

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 09, 2014, 04:23:57 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 04:25:25 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.


Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 09, 2014, 04:34:13 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.


If you want a post that makes sense check #1. I don't have sense to Waste and ill keep it for my 2277 whistleblowing, ty  8)

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 04:39:10 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.


If you want a post that makes sense check #1. I don't have sense to Waste and ill keep it for my 2277 whistleblowing, ty  8)

You have lousy punctuation, you don't make sense and who the Hell do you think you are, AdultKing?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 09, 2014, 04:41:51 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.


If you want a post that makes sense check #1. I don't have sense to Waste and ill keep it for my 2277 whistleblowing, ty  8)

You have lousy punctuation, you don't make sense and who the Hell do you think you are, AdultKing?

Smart People dont have to make sense. It's up to you to make sense of what im saying. But sure, until someone smarter than you comes along ill be the schmuck.. :/

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 04:43:28 AM
Turning into a troll are we?

I had no idea rats turned into trolls when daylight shine upon them, I only heard about trolls turning into stone from daylight.. now gtfo.


If you want a post that makes sense check #1. I don't have sense to Waste and ill keep it for my 2277 whistleblowing, ty  8)

You have lousy punctuation, you don't make sense and who the Hell do you think you are, AdultKing?

Smart People dont have to make sense. It's up to you to make sense of what im saying. But sure, until someone smarter than you comes along ill be the schmuck.. :/

I think you already are the schmuck.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 09, 2014, 10:29:06 AM
I think that's what I said aswell  ::)

edit: For the time being, as said. :)

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 09, 2014, 02:12:44 PM
Hum using AD hominem arguments is quite annoying.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 09, 2014, 03:40:31 PM
Lotsa' fools out there:

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 10, 2014, 12:22:26 AM

Is this what Your protecting by trolling?

Or is it theese guys?

"The great white Brotherhood"

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: MisterDD on July 10, 2014, 07:23:33 AM
I am not person which believes in numerology, or some kind of fate in future, because I think that every person can change future with every little decision.
But those numbers which you said are very interesting.
Could it be a coincidence?
Hm, I do not know.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 10, 2014, 10:54:08 AM
I am not person which believes in numerology, or some kind of fate in future, because I think that every person can change future with every little decision.
But those numbers which you said are very interesting.
Could it be a coincidence?
Hm, I do not know.

Neither am I.

I found a ton more. Check out birth and Death of Lee Harvey Oswald aswell as the guy that shot him. 32,27 and 22,27. Kinda slim odds. JFK dead on 22th day, 11th month, some year cant remember now,.. added together to a 7.

Also, most importantly: Gavrillo Principp

18 days from now, it was 100 years ago since The Great War started.

25 July 1894
7 / 7 / 22

28 April 1918 (aged 23)

There is way, way more to be found. I'm done posting anyways, keep this 1 alive until end of july!

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 10, 2014, 09:43:37 PM
Added some more undeniable and schocking numbers.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: BlackWidow on July 10, 2014, 10:34:32 PM

b = 2 letter of alphabet

The rest of the letters in the name BlackWidow = 9

9 - 2 = 7

Holy cow!!

7 = Im going to eat you without you even getting any of the fun first

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: Paya on July 10, 2014, 10:53:23 PM
^^ Nah man, you are weak. Let's take my name:

P - 16th letter
A - 1st
Y - 25th
A - 1st

1+6 = 7
2+5 = 7
1+1=2 (A+A)

Hold on, it gets better:

1+6 = 7

Omg omg omg look at all those magical 7s, this must mean something! ;D

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: MisterDD on July 16, 2014, 10:42:33 AM
I am not person which believes in numerology, or some kind of fate in future, because I think that every person can change future with every little decision.
But those numbers which you said are very interesting.
Could it be a coincidence?
Hm, I do not know.

Neither am I.

I found a ton more. Check out birth and Death of Lee Harvey Oswald aswell as the guy that shot him. 32,27 and 22,27. Kinda slim odds. JFK dead on 22th day, 11th month, some year cant remember now,.. added together to a 7.

Also, most importantly: Gavrillo Principp

18 days from now, it was 100 years ago since The Great War started.

25 July 1894
7 / 7 / 22

28 April 1918 (aged 23)

There is way, way more to be found. I'm done posting anyways, keep this 1 alive until end of july!

If you wish please explore also birth of Jesus Christ. I saw some documentary where they explain same things.
If I remember, every around 10 000 years is born some important person on same date.
I can now give you some solid names, cause I do not remember anymore, but it was related with Egipt also.
There is something in mathematics for sure.
Maybe whole universe is based on that.
But I believe that some things we still can change alone.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: giveBTCpls on July 16, 2014, 11:34:53 AM
If you read my Bitcoin address in the dark followed with a disinterested 1 BTC donation nostradamus will visit you on your sleep telling you the next all time Bitcoin high.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 16, 2014, 01:41:29 PM
The gates of Hades will open!!!!

Who wants to invade Hades with me?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 17, 2014, 12:48:50 AM
Dont know if I wrote it already, but:

100th anniversary of WW1 in 10 days.

And 220 years ago since French Revolution ended With the beheading of Robespierre(on 27th)

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 17, 2014, 03:59:59 PM

.. B772 .. this shit is starting to trip me out I won't lie.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 17, 2014, 04:11:22 PM
Noe the posting timestamp on that article:

5:36 PM - 17 Jul 2014

5+3+6 + 1+7,  July 2014
22, july 2014
22, 7 7

Have I made my point Clear enough?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 17, 2014, 04:13:02 PM
Also, 295 dead.

2+9+5 = 16

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 17, 2014, 05:02:32 PM
Noe the posting timestamp on that article:

5:36 PM - 17 Jul 2014

5+3+6 + 1+7,  July 2014
22, july 2014
22, 7 7

Have I made my point Clear enough?

Stop that , u make me la scared LMAO.

On a side note I have lifestraws and enough powered food for weeks + canned perhaps months..  More so for natural distasters but ya.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 17, 2014, 07:16:53 PM
Ok, check this out..

Prince Charles of Wales, the guy who had 2 babies With Lady Diana and then killed her, is born:

14 November, 1948
1+4+1+1, 1948

7, 22

His son Prince William was born on summer solstice 1982 and his now 32 years old. His wife is also 32 years old.

Last year they had a son.

On the 22 / 7.

22 / 7 was according to this video the 13th Star of David Alignment the last 13 years and the next will not occur for 100 years.

Questions looking for an answer:

What is/was the Star of David Alignment?

EDIT: Note that this son is named George Alexander Louis. Louis(THe French king) was beheaded by Robespierre 1 year before Robespierre himself was killed 220 years ago(on the 27th). Or.. ?

Overwhelmingly many strange coincidences, I must say

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on July 17, 2014, 07:31:53 PM
As of today this thread freaks me the fuck out

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 17, 2014, 08:09:54 PM
As of today this thread freaks me the fuck out

Same.. just chilling and I hear a 777 boeing(I'll give it most of them have a 7) flight 17(well.. ) near 277(this just had me like oh dear lord am I now crazy?!) has gone down.....

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: theonewhowaskazu on July 17, 2014, 08:11:07 PM
As of today this thread freaks me the fuck out

Same.. just chilling and I hear a 777 boeing(I'll give it most of them have a 7) flight 17(well.. ) near 277(this just had me like oh dear lord am I now crazy?!) has gone down.....

Don't forget its 7/17

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 17, 2014, 11:47:27 PM
Ya, on the 17th it was Flight 17. On 3/7 it was flight 37. Strange  ::)

What you make of the fact that the Prince of Evil.. oh, England I mean, sry, was born on the 22nd of July last year?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 18, 2014, 10:10:09 PM

A picture taken on July 17, 2014 shows the wreckages of the malaysian airliner carrying 295 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur after it crashed, near the town of Shaktarsk. (AFP Photo / Dominique Faget)

July, 17, 2014


Its gonna go kabooom on the 22nd and FSB knows it..

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 20, 2014, 01:28:40 AM
I just realized, those 3 green de-railed Boeings WAS the actual sign. That happened on the 3rd July 2014.

3, 7, 2014

Flight 17

Shot Down on the 17

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: 300 on July 20, 2014, 02:29:23 AM
Don't forget 9/11. It happened in 9/11 and 911 is also the national emergency number. 9/11 is also Emergency Number Day and the 11 look like the twin towers. One of the planes was American Airlines Flight 11.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: EFS on July 20, 2014, 09:21:06 AM
Yeah, we also waited 2Pac to come back after 7 years but nothing happened.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 20, 2014, 11:11:54 AM
Yeah, we also waited 2Pac to come back after 7 years but nothing happened.

Ahaha, no, we didn't!

So, if I today say there will be another false flag today(277) or more likely the 22nd(2277): And then an obvious false flag happens(Like Flight 17 in Ukraine) you won't even take another look at the numbers in this thread?  :D

Denial in the face of uncomfortable truths is so amuzing to witness among sheep  :)

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: doo on July 22, 2014, 02:04:33 PM
The number 7 curiously relates to  H. P. Blavatsky ( and the Theosophical Society. “Lucifer” ( was first published in 1887, and 1887 is the sum of 17 hundreds, 17 tens, and 17 units; H. P. B. lived at 17 Lansdowne Road, and 17 Avenue Road; “Lucifer” was published at 7 Duke Street; 7 volumes were completed at her death; Colonel Olcott first met her at 7 Beckman Street, and later at 71 Broadway, New York. Anna Kingsford was elected president first of the London T. S. Lodge on 7th January 1883; “Isis Unveiled” was published in 1877, and the Third volume of the “Secret Doctrine” was published in 1897, after her death.”

The numerology on this is beyond bizarre, especially after Christine Lagarde's recent statements on the magical power of number 7. A 777, flight 17, goes down on 7/17, of 2 (x7) 14, which is 17 years exactly after its first flight on 7.17.97. It is 133 (adds to 7) days since the other 777, 370, went down on 3/7 / 2x(7)14

7 is the calling code of Russia
7 deadly sins: (
7 wonders of the world (
7 seas (
7 ancient planets (
7 colors in a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) (
7 note diatonic musical scale ( do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti/si)
7 the number of SI base units ( (metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela)
7 the prefect number according to the Pythagoras (
7 day week: (
7 is the most common double dice roll, proven by statistics as you get 1+6, 2+5, 3+4 Seven is the sum of any two opposite sides on a standard six-sided dice
7 virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility) (
7 days in the Bible Joshua marched his army around the city walls for and he was accompanied by 7 priests carrying 7 trumpets (
7 suicides mentioned in the Bible
7 seals (
7 archangels (
7 heavens (
7 lucky gods (
7 last words from the cross (
7 number of nations God told the Israelites they would displace when they entered the land of Israel (Deut. 7:1):
(Hittite, Girgashite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, Jebusite)
7 layers of the Earth according to Islamic religion,  also 7 skies, 7 heavens, 7 hells, 7 doors to hell, 7 ayats, 7 big sins
7 the number of steps Buddha walked on his birth
7 divine women were left behind on earth and became the ancestresses of all humankind In Khasi and  Hindu mythology
7 the number of main islands of mythological Atlantis
Bitcoin has 7 letters  :D

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: LostDutchman on July 22, 2014, 02:37:43 PM

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 22, 2014, 02:59:17 PM
Why do you come to these threads?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 22, 2014, 03:00:02 PM
The number 7 curiously relates to  H. P. Blavatsky ( and the Theosophical Society. “Lucifer” ( was first published in 1887, and 1887 is the sum of 17 hundreds, 17 tens, and 17 units; H. P. B. lived at 17 Lansdowne Road, and 17 Avenue Road; “Lucifer” was published at 7 Duke Street; 7 volumes were completed at her death; Colonel Olcott first met her at 7 Beckman Street, and later at 71 Broadway, New York. Anna Kingsford was elected president first of the London T. S. Lodge on 7th January 1883; “Isis Unveiled” was published in 1877, and the Third volume of the “Secret Doctrine” was published in 1897, after her death.”

The numerology on this is beyond bizarre, especially after Christine Lagarde's recent statements on the magical power of number 7. A 777, flight 17, goes down on 7/17, of 2 (x7) 14, which is 17 years exactly after its first flight on 7.17.97. It is 133 (adds to 7) days since the other 777, 370, went down on 3/7 / 2x(7)14

7 is the calling code of Russia
7 deadly sins: (
7 wonders of the world (
7 seas (
7 ancient planets (
7 colors in a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) (
7 note diatonic musical scale ( do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and ti/si)
7 the number of SI base units ( (metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela)
7 the prefect number according to the Pythagoras (
7 day week: (
7 is the most common double dice roll, proven by statistics as you get 1+6, 2+5, 3+4 Seven is the sum of any two opposite sides on a standard six-sided dice
7 virtues (chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, kindness, patience, and humility)
7 days in the Bible Joshua marched his army around the city walls for and he was accompanied by 7 priests carrying 7 trumpets (
7 suicides mentioned in the Bible
7 seals (
7 archangels (
7 heavens (
7 last words from the cross ( (
7 number of nations God told the Israelites they would displace when they entered the land of Israel (Deut. 7:1):
(Hittite, Girgashite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, Jebusite)
7 layers of the Earth according to Islamic religion,  also 7 skies, 7 heavens, 7 hells, 7 doors to hell, 7 ayats, 7 big sins
7 the number of steps Buddha walked on his birth
7 lucky gods (
7 divine women were left behind on earth and became the ancestresses of all humankind In Khasi and  Hindu mythology
7 the number of main islands of mythological Atlantis
Bitcoin has 7 letters  :D


Prince of England being born on summer solstice
Same Prince fathers a child being born on 22/7 2013 (Star of David planetary alignment, last of 13 in a row)
Father is 31 years and 31 days old at the birth of his son, George Louis Alexander.
Child is, as the prophecy say, a boy (50% randomness chance added right there ;))

Occurs same time as age of Aquarius shift
Occurs same time as Ragnarøk of Northern Mythology, the end of times
Occurs same time as the Jews are supposed to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem
Occurs same time as Blood moons (Which is the prophecy about the jews rebuilding their temple)
Occurs same time as Mayan calendar stops(the 2012 end of world prophecy. It basically meant the New zodiad age of Aquarius)

And, also, the hierarchy of the worlds leaders are aligned aswell:
Rockefeller, 99 yo
Queen Elisabeth, 88 yo
Pope Francis, 77 yo

A few days till the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Great war.. is it destined to escalate into the greatEST war?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 22, 2014, 03:03:16 PM
Why do you come to these threads?

He comes to ridicule the truth. Aka a paid troll or perhaps a useful idiot. If he's just a useful idiot i truly feel sorry for him  :D

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: stevegreer on July 22, 2014, 07:15:31 PM
Wait! I have one!!

Today is 7/22/2014:
22 = 2 and 2
7 = 7
Drop the 20 from 2014 (so it fits how I want it to) and you get 14.
14 divided by 2 = 7
2 - 2 - 7 - 7!!

Wow!! There you have it! Then numbers don't lie! Something bad will happen today! Probably something like Obama going on a golf trip/fund raiser while the world burns.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: spazzdla on July 24, 2014, 01:21:30 PM

... 17.. yet again...

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 24, 2014, 01:53:20 PM
I think that's just a buildup though.. tomorrow, 25th, will be d-day.

25, July, 2014
7, 7, 7


Have I just foreseen my own Death? Or will I live through this and be called Nostradamus?

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: Wesley on July 24, 2014, 02:06:06 PM
OP should watch the movie called "Knowing" starring Nicolas Cage where he finds a list of numbers which predict major disasters. I think one of them was even a plane crash. It's not exactly the same thing you're trying to do here but it's close. You will probably enjoy that movie.

Title: Re: 2 - 2 - 7 - 7
Post by: E-valuta on July 24, 2014, 02:20:28 PM
OP should watch the movie called "Knowing" starring Nicolas Cage where he finds a list of numbers which predict major disasters. I think one of them was even a plane crash. It's not exactly the same thing you're trying to do here but it's close. You will probably enjoy that movie.

I'll look into it! It's not like im going outside anyways.. :D

Now US, France, Sweden etc all warn their Citizens living in Norway/Oslo of the threat. I'd be more worried if I lived in London or NY though :/

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Possum577 on July 25, 2014, 06:40:05 AM
I just want to make it Clear that I'm not stating facts nor trying to present a certain truth. The truth is there for anyone willing to see, this will not however change a sheeple into a thinking person. But if you're a thinking person the numbers all speak for themselfs..

I think we're all in agreement that you're not stating facts...

Btw, you are yourself a sheep by reading this theory, proposed by someone else, and believing it blindly without any suspicion and ignoring when the numbers don't agree with the theory.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: E-valuta on July 25, 2014, 06:46:23 AM
I just want to make it Clear that I'm not stating facts nor trying to present a certain truth. The truth is there for anyone willing to see, this will not however change a sheeple into a thinking person. But if you're a thinking person the numbers all speak for themselfs..

I think we're all in agreement that you're not stating facts...

Btw, you are yourself a sheep by reading this theory, proposed by someone else, and believing it blindly without any suspicion and ignoring when the numbers don't agree with the theory.

Believing it blindly? :D

I'm just chatting on a forum, dickface. If you don't find this thread interesting you can go have Your breakfast coffee somewhere else.

Only a real fool would doubt this threads legitimacy by now anways(and by legitimacy I still do not mean that this thread is stating a ton of facts, just that it has its well deserved Place). Do you understand that there's 1 city in the world right now that's on red fkn alert for a terrorist act? That's Oslo. The helicopters are right above my head, no joke. On top of that, there's been 3 major airplance crashes and a ton of trainwrecks the last week.. but sure, that was all due to bad weather I Guess.

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: Possum577 on July 25, 2014, 06:55:09 AM
I just want to make it Clear that I'm not stating facts nor trying to present a certain truth. The truth is there for anyone willing to see, this will not however change a sheeple into a thinking person. But if you're a thinking person the numbers all speak for themselfs..

I think we're all in agreement that you're not stating facts...

Btw, you are yourself a sheep by reading this theory, proposed by someone else, and believing it blindly without any suspicion and ignoring when the numbers don't agree with the theory.

Believing it blindly? :D

I'm just chatting on a forum, dickface. If you don't find this thread interesting you can go have Your breakfast coffee somewhere else.

Only a real fool would doubt this threads legitimacy by now anways(and by legitimacy I still do not mean that this thread is stating a ton of facts, just that it has its well deserved Place). Do you understand that there's 1 city in the world right now that's on red fkn alert for a terrorist act? That's Oslo. The helicopters are right above my head, no joke. On top of that, there's been 3 major airplance crashes and a ton of trainwrecks the last week.. but sure, that was all due to bad weather I Guess.

If you had fact on your side you would be able to respond to my accusation with a logical argument supported by that fact. Instead, you respond with an insult.

If there's a terror alert in Oslo and the helicopters are above your head perhaps they've found their terrorist.

If you still have time, check out my username and tell me how meaningful it is to you.

Title: Re: 25 - 7- 2014 (Or, as you should know it by now: 7-7-7)
Post by: E-valuta on July 25, 2014, 07:00:55 AM
And what was the accusation again? That I am too a sheep? I thought I did answer that one. Pretty Clear aswell.. but ok, ill do it again, for you, my friend  :o

I'm just chatting on a forum. When/where did I state I "believe" all this 100%? You can't make up Your own mind or whats the problem? You need to rely on other People to tell you whats true or not? Besides, right now the evidence of this shit having something to it is rather convincing, at least for me(With the helicopter, constant police rushes(sirens) etc).

Have another coffe mate, and ponder on the thought.. WHAT IF, something happened today. Here or anywhere. Then what would that mean?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: murraypaul on July 25, 2014, 12:24:27 PM
Do you understand that there's 1 city in the world right now that's on red fkn alert for a terrorist act?

Are you serious?
How many times do you think there isn't at least one city on alert for a terrorist attack these days?

Title: Re: 25 - 7- 2014 (Or, as you should know it by now: 7-7-7)
Post by: murraypaul on July 25, 2014, 12:25:17 PM
Have another coffe mate, and ponder on the thought.. WHAT IF, something happened today. Here or anywhere. Then what would that mean?

Absolutely nothing.
If nothing significant happens, what do you think that would mean?

Title: Re: 7 - 7 - 7 (Not for sheeple. Takes a doze of intelligence and concentration)
Post by: stevegreer on July 25, 2014, 03:34:56 PM

you can go have Your breakfast coffee somewhere else.

That is funny! I have never heard that saying before. Can I use it?

Title: Re: 25 - 7- 2014 (Or, as you should know it by now: 7-7-7)
Post by: Possum577 on July 25, 2014, 04:51:16 PM
And what was the accusation again? That I am too a sheep? I thought I did answer that one. Pretty Clear aswell.. but ok, ill do it again, for you, my friend  :o

I'm just chatting on a forum. When/where did I state I "believe" all this 100%? You can't make up Your own mind or whats the problem? You need to rely on other People to tell you whats true or not? Besides, right now the evidence of this shit having something to it is rather convincing, at least for me(With the helicopter, constant police rushes(sirens) etc).

Have another coffee mate, and ponder on the thought.. WHAT IF, something happened today. Here or anywhere. Then what would that mean?

You contradict yourself.

If you don't believe in this conspiracy theory why do you spend so much time defending it here? Put another way, people who are non-believers in a religion don't go around preaching about a religion, it's usually the believers that are doing most of the talking. I believe you have the most posts on this thread, so essentially you've been doing the most talking about this (all in defense of it too.)

I CAN make up my own mind. I read your comments, thought about them, and don't think there's any fact base to support them. I think your 2277 claims are just creative conclusions to arrive at something that supports the theory. The only downside of numbers is that when used as they are here (without a formula or consistency) they can be manipulated to support a conclusion one wants to arrive at. Your use of number isn't math, it's random association.

There is no evidence. Just coincidence and speculation.

Btw, by your rationale you could see the 577 suffix of my username and say "Whoa, this guy doesn't believe in 2277 and his username has a 577 in it. 5 is like an upside two and we all know that when something is upside (like a flag) it's symbolic of not supporting it!" It's all nonsense, but people can rationalize all sorts of things. And merely putting the links together in your head isn't enough to make the leap to evidence, proof, or facts.

It's fun to talk about conspiracy theories but you're not "just chatting" you're debating and defending it. When people push back on you, you reply with a "your wrong" attitude. You're passionately defending it - which is fine - so don't deny it, own it.

Have a safe Friday, and as you near the end of yours it appears nothing major has occurred in Oslo. It's great, however, that the authorities in your city are staying alert to combat any terror that is now a part of our world's reality.

Title: Re: 25 - 7- 2014 (Or, as you should know it by now: 7-7-7)
Post by: doo on August 09, 2014, 10:47:00 PM
Flight 370 was operated with a Boeing 777-2H6ER,[e] serial number 28420, registration 9M-MRO.
Serial number of the plane? Alright..
2+8+4+2 = 16
1+6 = 7

You forgot Flight 17 (
Flight 17 was operated with a Boeing 777-2H6ER,b serial number 28411, registration 9M-MRD
Serial number of the plane? Alright..
2+8+4+1+1 = 16
1+6 = 7

I have added some of your stuff in this tread: (