Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: remotemass on July 09, 2014, 06:53:36 AM

Title: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: remotemass on July 09, 2014, 06:53:36 AM (

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: franky1 on July 09, 2014, 07:00:44 AM
bank: "how do we teach people to be sheeple before they realise bitcoins"
puppetmaster: "give younger people a debit card"
bank: "so we should do it now before kids start paying for school lunches with bitcoins"
puppetmaster "yes, you only got a couple months to get there first, so hurry"

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 09, 2014, 07:14:55 AM
If it were a bit coin backed card the media types would be frothing at the mouth over exposing children to the straw man of the week. Get them trained to live on plastic early I suppose.  ::)

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: franky1 on July 09, 2014, 07:24:42 AM
If it were a bit coin backed card the media types would be frothing at the mouth over exposing children to the straw man of the week. Get them trained to live on plastic early I suppose.  ::)

many banks in the UK are starting to offer person to person payments (like wire transfer) via phone apps.. this is banks trying to get into the whole paypal esq payment category also. where it uses your phone number as the recipient rather then bank account numbers (much like how paypal uses email addresses)

halifax: pay-a-contact
barclays: Pingit

the plastic card is old tech now

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Lethn on July 09, 2014, 07:26:12 AM
Oh that just pisses me off, really badly, I'd like to see people not linking daily mail though and other news articles instead because these guys are full of shit.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 09, 2014, 07:29:12 AM
If it were a bit coin backed card the media types would be frothing at the mouth over exposing children to the straw man of the week. Get them trained to live on plastic early I suppose.  ::)

many banks in the UK are starting to offer person to person payments (like wire transfer) via phone apps.. this is banks trying to get into the whole paypal esq payment category also. where it uses your phone number as the recipient rather then bank account numbers (much like how paypal uses email addresses)

halifax: pay-a-contact
barclays: Pingit

the plastic card is old tech now

I am kind of surprised the US hasn't seen more of that yet. I have apps for my bank accounts but they can only transfer funds between my own accounts or send them through billpay. 

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: franky1 on July 09, 2014, 07:54:08 AM

I am kind of surprised the US hasn't seen more of that yet. I have apps for my bank accounts but they can only transfer funds between my own accounts or send them through billpay.  

well the UK started with a kind of 'billpay' system then made it open up to consumers to be recipients, using the same system.. so expect 'billpay' to expand to the consumer side. as thats what happened in the UK.

going back to the topic, in conjunction with these app systems. is that banks are now outsourcing their fiat ledgers. for instance banks are moving childresn bank account ledgers over to visa/mastercard. UK banks are moving the ledger systems over to the companies that made and maintain the Apps..

soon with bitcoin too.. banks in the traditional sense WILL be a thing of the past. and i think that is the news story that people are not realising.. we bitcoiners knew it would happen. most thought it would take decades, but stuff like outsourcing fiat ledgers will make it happen sooner

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: zetaray on July 09, 2014, 09:11:43 AM
We should give an eight year old a debit card and expect them to develope a sense of value. They need to learn somethings can multiple times more expensive than others. Swiping the same card to pay for a console game and a box of cereal without counting actual fiat is a dangerous habit.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: eid on July 09, 2014, 10:48:39 AM
You critics have obviously not fully read the article, or you would realise your opinions are invalid:

  • New prepaid debit cards are endorsed by TV presenter Davina McCall
TV presenter Davina McCall is endorsing the new cards created by British company Osper

Kill me now....make it stop...

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 09, 2014, 11:14:54 AM
 8) they have fear ... it's good.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: jack107 on July 09, 2014, 12:10:21 PM
I find it ridiculous kids have phones at that age, now they have debit cards haha wow.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: #yolo on July 09, 2014, 01:50:22 PM
Considering you only spend what you have loaded there it's just like them having cash in there hands which is allowed as well (And of course this one require parent permit, right?)... Now MC and Visa can start there new race to provide comprehensive financial services and investment opportunities/advice's to toddlers!

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Lauda on July 09, 2014, 01:51:59 PM
Children aged 1 can use Bitcoin.  :D

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: commandrix on July 09, 2014, 02:04:53 PM
Children aged 1 can use Bitcoin.  :D

No kidding -- I'd introduce children to Bitcoin by helping them download a wallet and learn how it works, and then let them start clicking around on the faucets. Tell them it's a game -- If they can solve the captchas every hour or whatever the timer is, they get a little bit of Bitcoin as a prize. Give that a few weeks while you laugh up your sleeve at them (I know faucets are a time-waster, but this is about introducing kids to Bitcoin), and then introduce them to the idea that they can buy things with Bitcoin and earn Bitcoin by doing jobs.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 09, 2014, 03:15:10 PM
I find it ridiculous kids have phones at that age, now they have debit cards haha wow.

It always kind of bugs me to see young kids with cell phones. The libertarian side of me says so what, but the other side of me hates the way they are begin indoctrinate into the hyper consumption thing. When I was 8 my grandparents started my first savings account for me. That was a great lesson. 

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: DannyElfman on July 09, 2014, 03:24:52 PM
I find it ridiculous kids have phones at that age, now they have debit cards haha wow.
I think this will make it very difficult for children to be able to learn how to manage their money when they simply use a debit card as opposed to having actual cash that they can count and see how much they have after spending it.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: yatsey87 on July 09, 2014, 03:26:38 PM
I think it's a good idea actually. Kids are getting smarter these days and people need to move with the times. The headline makes out like it's giving them a creditcard as well, but it's just a debitcard. I had one when I was quite young too.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: cinder on July 09, 2014, 03:35:18 PM
I think it's a good idea actually. Kids are getting smarter these days and people need to move with the times. The headline makes out like it's giving them a creditcard as well, but it's just a debitcard. I had one when I was quite young too.

Being smart is one thing, understanding the value and how value is derived is another thing.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: JohnFromWIT on July 09, 2014, 03:41:36 PM
I find it ridiculous kids have phones at that age, now they have debit cards haha wow.
I think this will make it very difficult for children to be able to learn how to manage their money when they simply use a debit card as opposed to having actual cash that they can count and see how much they have after spending it.

That's just the way it's going. There's less and less need for cash.
Bitcoin lives off the same idea, that eventually there will be no need for physical cash.
Pre cryptocurrency, without a debitcard of their own, kids would have to nag or rob their parents if they wanted to get anything online.
Which is kinda odd with the amount of things they spend money on online.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 09, 2014, 04:02:05 PM (

There are a lot of other banks offering something that can be considered easier and better than using btc.

I had an offer in the mail that would give me 300 bucks to switch to it. I didn't do it though because i have a different bank, no need to have two.

Anyways, when I get credit card offers in the mail that give me 200 bucks back when I spend my first 500 I do it. Easy way to make an extra couple thousand a year, then never use the card again and cancel it.

Let me know when I can do that with bitcoin, for now I won't use bitcoins to buy anything, not worth it. HOLD.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: mr smith on July 09, 2014, 05:30:37 PM
You have to think why banks give students bank accounts with little money or means to pay !
It is to get then conditioned as early as possible into accepting credit / debt  is normal.

Title: Re: Children aged eight can have their own Mastercard: Debit cards
Post by: pirsquared on July 09, 2014, 05:59:22 PM
Giving people debit cards (smartphones, car keys, etc) that can't find their shoes and tie them on their own is a BAD idea. There is a bitchification of our youth that started when I was a child. It results in prolonged adolescence in the teen and young adult years. Eight year olds need to be eight year olds and be allowed go through a natural progression of maturation. Smartphones, televisions in every room, and now debit cards are turning our children into adult babies in need of constant attention intervention by way of device.

Please do not let your children become what the world wants. My three year old already thinks that there is infinite money on plastic cards. I explain that this is fake money for the most part. She's young, and only understands that the plastic = ice cream and shoes. We don't use plastic, but grandma does.