Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: jbgc on March 15, 2012, 04:58:36 PM

Title: worth the wait?
Post by: jbgc on March 15, 2012, 04:58:36 PM
Hello all,

I bought $5000 worth of bitcoin last year at about $15/coin.  Now, as you know, it has completely dropped below that value.

Just like everyone else, I sort of secretly hoped bitcoin would rise to $100000000+ per coin or whatever.  But now I see that will never happen.

Should I sell and take back what I can get or should I hold out of the long-term?  I don't need the money anytime soon or anything but I don't want to lose it all.

Any help is welcomed & appreciated.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: kronosvl on March 15, 2012, 05:03:54 PM
I would wait till December or January at least. halving the reward should increase the bitcoin's value if no other important events are happening

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Gabi on March 15, 2012, 05:04:07 PM
The good old buy high sell low  :D

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: FreeMoney on March 15, 2012, 05:05:24 PM
Why did you think it would go that high?

Because it was moving up? Now it'll never go up because it went down, right?

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on March 15, 2012, 05:05:36 PM
Buy 333 more coins @ $5 per coin and then you only need $10 avg to break even and $12 is a 20% profit. :)

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 15, 2012, 05:11:45 PM
There's no good answer you can get to this question.  It's like asking if you should sell your stocks now or later.  Anyone who answers has an agenda, and it's probably not to help you make you money.

The right place to ask would be over in the speculation forum, but I've given up trying to talk sense into that lot.  I've made some arguments about the current utility and future prospects of Bitcoin, but they're all too busy trying to talk each other into buying or selling at the same time.

If you want my 0.02BTC:  Right now the market utilization of Bitcoin doesn't justify the current price.  It should be cents, not dollars, based on present need, and tens of cents or maybe a buck net present value based on the potential (no, it's not INEVITABLE!!! no matter how many people try to convince you of that) that it could become a really big thing.

But my opinion is just as much speculation as any of theirs, so do your own research.  :)

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: hazek on March 15, 2012, 05:21:44 PM
 But now I see that will never happen.

May I borrow your crystal ball please?  ::)

I don't need the money anytime soon or anything but I don't want to lose it all.

You made a high risk high payoff bet now stick with it because it's not over yet and you just said you have ample time.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Serenata on March 15, 2012, 05:25:20 PM
If you sell now, it's 100% certain that you're gonna lose money. If you sell "tomorrow" chances are:
lose more than now
lose less than now

I'd say you wait.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: kangasbros on March 15, 2012, 05:28:55 PM
It is obvious that there is and will be lots of volatility in the bitcoin price. If you believe in the concept in long-term, and want to invest in it, the smartest way to do that in my opinion is automatic intesting.

There exists a great tool for that:

Nobody knows whether the price is going up or down. I am myself very risk-averse, so I invest only small amounts to bitcoin, beacuse there still exists multiple risks (IMHO). But I invest automatically: a small automatic monthly/weekly bank transfer to an exchange, and a simple bot which buys the bitcoins hourly/each 5 minutes/daily.

At this point investing just by buying a huge amount at once could be stupid. But it could be smart as well. Who knows. I certainly don't know, that is why I spread my investment over time.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: evoorhees on March 15, 2012, 05:44:28 PM

If you want my 0.02BTC:  Right now the market utilization of Bitcoin doesn't justify the current price.  It should be cents, not dollars, based on present need

 ::) If Bitcoins were worth 20 cents a piece, I could buy them all for a couple million dollars.

A nice house is a couple million dollars. Bitcoin - the technology alone - is worth far higher than that.

To answer the OP - sell if you think the prospects for Bitcoin are poor. Buy if you think the prospects for Bitcoin are good. Nobody should buy something to get rich within a year, but if you truly believe in this technology, then set the coins aside for 2-5 years and see what happens.

My personal opinion is that the current "use value" (?) justifies a price in the $1-$10/coin range, and the NPV value justifies something far higher. I'd buy coins at $1, at $5, at $10, at $100. It's all going to be seen as cheap in the future. This is the most revolutionary technology I've ever seen, and I'm happy to risk quite a bit of money on it.

Just whatever you do, ALWAYS realize this whole thing is highly speculative and volatile. Never put "important savings" into Bitcoin, that would be foolish.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: MaxSan on March 15, 2012, 05:48:35 PM
Maybe if you invested 2500USD in bitcoin and 2500USD supporting and starting projects to help the growth of bitcoin you wouldnt be asking this question.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: proudhon on March 15, 2012, 05:52:52 PM
I think if I had been in this position I'd have been buying more over the past couple months to lower my average price. 

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: SuperP on March 15, 2012, 05:54:18 PM
Buy 333 more coins @ $5 per coin and then you only need $10 avg to break even and $12 is a 20% profit. :)

Something like this is the best option.  Dollar cost average if you are speculating and aren't in it for the long haul.  I bought some at $30 and bought more at $3.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: N12 on March 15, 2012, 06:04:15 PM
I think if I had been in this position I'd have been buying more over the past couple months to lower my average price.  
I did this last March/April when it went down from a dollar.

If you are certain about Bitcoin’s future, I would recommend it. Or best yet, put aside a bit of money every month if you have an income and save it in Bitcoins.

It should be cents, not dollars, based on present need, and tens of cents or maybe a buck net present value based on the potential (no, it's not INEVITABLE!!! no matter how many people try to convince you of that) that it could become a really big thing.
Too bad the market is disagreeing with you for over a whole year now. ;D

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 15, 2012, 06:06:55 PM
A nice house is a couple million dollars. Bitcoin - the technology alone - is worth far higher than that.

No argument there - but the technology is also available to competing coins / blockchains.  Bitcoin is an amazing pioneer, but it has some significant drawbacks, and the community is very resistant to change.  That leaves a big opportunity for a competing coin to make some fundamental changes and attain truly mass appeal, obsoleting Bitcoin in the process.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 15, 2012, 06:11:41 PM
Too bad the market is disagreeing with you for over a whole year now. ;D

The market is not rational and will do whatever it damn well pleases, regardless of my opinions on fundamentals and the long-term picture.  :)

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: bracek on March 15, 2012, 06:38:43 PM
you should advertise btcoin with all your hart :)

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: FlipPro on March 15, 2012, 06:43:06 PM
Wait... The fools selling now will look like idiots in the future.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: evoorhees on March 15, 2012, 06:51:32 PM
 Bitcoin is an amazing pioneer, but it has some significant drawbacks

I hear this a lot. What if it's not the pioneer, and it's actually the most brilliant in a line of digital currencies?

What are these "significant drawbacks?" I can't think of any that are significant.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on March 15, 2012, 06:55:22 PM
There is always the "good enough" dynamic.

Early on ebay gained critical mass.  Competitors emerged and they all tried to out ebay, ebay.  Ebay had/has some issues but it was "good enough" and thus enjoyed the critical mass which caused competitors to die off. 

While something may replace Bitcoin it has an uphill battle.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 15, 2012, 07:46:21 PM
What are these "significant drawbacks?" I can't think of any that are significant.

Volatility.  Gaining and losing tens of percent in a day is great for speculators, but it's terrible for people who simply want to earn money and spend it on goods.  There are several possible ways to address this (eg, EnCoin, GEM, and my own proposals).  None are tested, but if they work out they could be very successful.  As a related benefit, they would eliminate the cries of "pyramid scheme" which have made Bitcoin a running joke among the people who should be it's strongest supporters.

Mining is very expensive, and all BTC holders pay for it - currently about $36,000 per day - as inflation / devaluation.  The effect is currently overwhelmed by speculation, but I don't think the speculators will pay for it forever.  Increasing exchange rates make this worse.  One possible alternative keeping with an overall Bitcoin-style network is proof of stake instead of proof of work.  Other more radical systems are possible as well.

Anonymity.  It's good enough to protect thieves who steal large amounts and are willing to spend time and money laundering their coins, but at the same time it's hard for the average user who simply wants privacy to get strong protection without effort and expense.  It's a poor balance; going in either direction would help.

Long-term viability.  It's not certain that transaction fees will be an adequate way to protect the network in the long-future.  Right now 51% attacks are very expensive relative to the size of the money supply.  When generation goes down significantly, we may have a problem.  It may be necessary to apply a new policy such as: high fees (limiting the utility as a currency); or reinstating generation / inflation (thus screwing all the people who are speculating that the limited supply will make them rich).  While double spend attacks can probably be defended at a reasonable price, it may be economically viable for a large entity with an interest in destroying Bitcoin (central banks, large commercial banks) to DOS the network by buying hash power.

Security.  Take a look at how hard it is to get something like P2SH accepted (which is looking increasingly likely but it's still not a done deal) - and despite people's hopes, it's not a silver bullet.  It will help people with very large accounts, but I expect it to be prohibitively difficult for the average user to use.

...  Just to name a few off the top of my head.  None of those are deal killers, but they're all significant drawbacks.  Making the fundamental changes to correct them may be too controversial to accomplish in Bitcoin, and an alternative coin may have to do it instead.

In Bitcoin's favor, it has jumped out well into the lead of cryptocurrencies.  I find the current market adoption disappointing (which is what I base my low valuations on), but there is significant infrastructure built up, good name recognition, and an enthusiastic core of community support.  That's a lot for a newcomer to overcome, but in a global market sense Bitcoin is still miniscule, so don't mistake it for an invincible force.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: kangasbros on March 15, 2012, 07:49:46 PM
I don't believe that alternative cryptocurrencies could offer anything better than bitcoin, but there is one _huge_ thing that alternate cryptocurrencies could offer: marketing.

Imagine a scenario where google would invent their own cryptocurrency, and throw something like 100 million USD to marketing & development of various applications.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Technomage on March 15, 2012, 07:55:28 PM
There is always the "good enough" dynamic.

Early on ebay gained critical mass.  Competitors emerged and they all tried to out ebay, ebay.  Ebay had/has some issues but it was "good enough" and thus enjoyed the critical mass which caused competitors to die off. 

While something may replace Bitcoin it has an uphill battle.

This is a very important point. I believe that competing cryptocurrencies require a critical advantage over Bitcoin to truly challenge it.

At this moment Bitcoin has no serious competition in the cryptocurrency market. That will probably change in the future but the others are definitely fighting an uphill battle.

I definitely don't mind the competition though, that is very healthy. The more currencies we have that are not directly dependent on banks and governments, the better.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: markm on March 15, 2012, 09:28:22 PM
If you bought it at $15 because you thought it is worth more than $15, then hold on to it. If you can afford to, buy more any time the price drops below $15. The further below $15 it goes, the more of a bargain you are getting.

I only part with it when I absolutely have to, because people are undervaluing it ridiculously. Somewhere up above $15 I might not feel like I am being forced to sell off some of my valuables second-hand to meet my bills if  I am forced to spend some bitcoins, but until then I look around to see if I have anything else I could sell off second hand first before dipping into my precious collection of bitcoins.

I have already been in the position of facing a price of $30 per coin for replacing spent bitcoins, I don't want to face that again until I have a whole lot more bitcoins than I have right now.

Even if I only earn them through mining, because the higher the price the more people also try to mine; when the price floors, the amount of competition in mining sometimes drops a little. If the price had stayed at $2 a whole lot longer that would've been more money for me once it goes back up.

Look how easily it hit $30 even when it was almost un-known and still imagined to be about to die at any moment. Surely by now it is clearer that it isn't that fragile? So it should be able to easily hit higher than $30 next time around...


Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: evoorhees on March 16, 2012, 12:19:51 AM
What are these "significant drawbacks?" I can't think of any that are significant.

Volatility.  Gaining and losing tens of percent in a day is great for speculators, but it's terrible for people who simply want to earn money and spend it on goods.  There are several possible ways to address this (eg, EnCoin, GEM, and my own proposals).  None are tested, but if they work out they could be very successful.  As a related benefit, they would eliminate the cries of "pyramid scheme" which have made Bitcoin a running joke among the people who should be it's strongest supporters.

The volatility is purely market based - and this means the volatility is valid price discovery. If you think the price at any given point is flawed, you can take an opposing position. Bitcoin's volatility is not a flaw of Bitcoin, by any measure. In fact, it's fluidity and ability to be traded by anyone, anywhere, quickly, is one of its shining attributes. Any "means" I can think of to "curb volatility" would be harmful, because they necessarily involve the prevention or reduction in the ability of someone to take large speculative positions. Speculation, contrary to popular belief, is very healthy and the fact that anyone can speculate in Bitcoin is not a bug, but a feature. And of course, volatility will recede with time necessarily, so even if it is a problem, it's one that fixes itself. At most, it is a temporary drawback, not a "significant drawback."

Mining is very expensive, and all BTC holders pay for it - currently about $36,000 per day - as inflation / devaluation.  The effect is currently overwhelmed by speculation, but I don't think the speculators will pay for it forever.  Increasing exchange rates make this worse.  One possible alternative keeping with an overall Bitcoin-style network is proof of stake instead of proof of work.  Other more radical systems are possible as well.

Not true. Your $36,000 figure assumes everyone is paying the average kwh $ for electricity. The Bitcoin system encourages mining by those with the lowest marginal cost of electricity, and thus the real "cost" of mining is far lower than your estimate. And the inflation issue is one which, again, fades with time. The inflation goes away. I see no significant drawback in the mining system or inflation schedule.

Anonymity.  It's good enough to protect thieves who steal large amounts and are willing to spend time and money laundering their coins, but at the same time it's hard for the average user who simply wants privacy to get strong protection without effort and expense.  It's a poor balance; going in either direction would help.
Bitcoin is the most anonymous way to buy something online. How is "anonymity" a "significant drawback" of Bitcoin, when it's the best available option? The average user doesn't need "strong" protection, he just doesn't want appearing on his credit card bill, and Bitcoin is perfect for that. Users who want serious anonymity can obtain it fairly easily - but let's remember anonymity is not a cheap commodity and there is a cost to acquire it. I think Bitcoin has brought that cost down substantially.

Long-term viability.  It's not certain that transaction fees will be an adequate way to protect the network in the long-future.  Right now 51% attacks are very expensive relative to the size of the money supply.  When generation goes down significantly, we may have a problem.  It may be necessary to apply a new policy such as: high fees (limiting the utility as a currency); or reinstating generation / inflation (thus screwing all the people who are speculating that the limited supply will make them rich).  While double spend attacks can probably be defended at a reasonable price, it may be economically viable for a large entity with an interest in destroying Bitcoin (central banks, large commercial banks) to DOS the network by buying hash power.

The fees, long term, will be priced by the market, meaning they'll be the minimum miners require to mine. It's "possible" that the long-term market price of mining is so low that a 51% attack becomes dangerous, but suggesting it now is just speculation, and cannot be said to be a "significant drawback" when there's no solid evidence that it will ever occur. It's a "possible drawback", true.

Security.  Take a look at how hard it is to get something like P2SH accepted (which is looking increasingly likely but it's still not a done deal) - and despite people's hopes, it's not a silver bullet.  It will help people with very large accounts, but I expect it to be prohibitively difficult for the average user to use.
The new Armory client already has multisig, offline wallets, easy paper backups, etc. The security of Bitcoin seems pretty darn good thus far. Thefts are news, meaning they're rare, and they always deal with some poor security that is not the fault of Bitcoin (bad VPS company, for example). Again, no "significant flaw" here.

...  Just to name a few off the top of my head.  None of those are deal killers, but they're all significant drawbacks.  Making the fundamental changes to correct them may be too controversial to accomplish in Bitcoin, and an alternative coin may have to do it instead.

In Bitcoin's favor, it has jumped out well into the lead of cryptocurrencies.  I find the current market adoption disappointing (which is what I base my low valuations on), but there is significant infrastructure built up, good name recognition, and an enthusiastic core of community support.  That's a lot for a newcomer to overcome, but in a global market sense Bitcoin is still miniscule, so don't mistake it for an invincible force.

Bitcoin is by no means invincible, and it's future is highly speculative, for sure. But I still see no significant drawback to it's structure. I see a handful of small problems, all of which have pretty good solutions. For a long time people said the "waiting for six confirmations" was a significant drawback, but most people understand that problem has been almost entirely eradicated. There's an important lesson there.

My view is simple: the likelihood of a wholly new coin being vastly better than Bitcoin is less than the likelihood of Bitcoin overcoming those few issues it struggles with. Thus, while Bitcoin may certainly be destroyed by a competitor some day, I see no evidence at all that such a competitor is anything more than theoretical. And I think the myriad problems Bitcoin has solved is too often taken for granted, and too often overlooked by those who focus instead on the limited number of problems not yet overcome.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Cosbycoin on March 16, 2012, 01:06:05 AM
Wait... The fools selling now will look like idiots in the future.

Agreed. Wait....weren't you pro Solidcoin at some point? ::)

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 16, 2012, 11:24:00 PM
volatility is valid price discovery ... volatility is not a flaw of Bitcoin ...  reduction in the ability of someone to take large speculative positions. Speculation ... is very healthy ...

I'm not arguing against speculation - I agree that it's crucial for a functioning market, and that attempting to control volatility directly would cause widespread damage.  I'm not one of the guys trying to control the market to peg it to the dollar.  I understand all the reasons that won't work.

The problem is Bitcoin has a fixed supply.  As everyone here knows, that makes for some impressive math: if it grows to the scale of a reserve currency each coin would be worth tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars.  With an upside like that and so many unknowns, net present value calculations can diverge by 4 or 5 orders of magnitude.

That lets speculation run unchecked.  Instead of volatility where the market reacts to present and future events then oscillates around a fair value, we have a market that is inherently unstable:  it's not going to discover a price; it's just fluctuating randomly between "buy as much as you can and hold on" and "waiting while all these people panic so I can buy a ton more", depending on how many giddy enthusiasts we have at the moment.

They're right here in this thread:  "hoped bitcoin would rise to $100000000+" ... "I think bitcoin goes to at least $10000/BTC (and I will wait 20 years)" ... "If Bitcoins were worth 20 cents a piece, I could buy them all for a couple million dollars" ... "The fools selling now will look like idiots in the future"  ... "I only part with it when I absolutely have to"  ... These are not the things people say about a healthy currency.  This is almost a caricature of speculative hype.

Fixed supply isn't the only way.  Instead of growing the value of each coin as the demand for stored value increases, you can gradually issue more to meet demand.  As fiat is issued by a central bank, I've been calling the concept of distributed monetary policy a "decentral bank".  The hardest part is coming up with a reliable method to quantify value.  I don't want to derail into the technical details, but in short: I propose a system based on currency exchange; GEM is based on energy cost; EnCoin is another take on energy cost.

All of them look like viable ways to eliminate the wild get-rich-quick bust/boom cycles.  There would still be volatility and room for speculation: if OPEC suggests that they're considering shifting to EnCoin for trade speculators would run it up; but it would be based on actual economic developments, and it would be over the course of weeks and years, not starry-eyed math of what would happen if Bitcoin became THE currency decades from now.

Think about how much easier it would be to sell people on the idea of Bitcoin if massive value growth was impossible:  no "early adopters", no dismissals as being a pyramid scheme or other scam; much lower volatility without the "rockets to the moon" speculation.  It would be a huge competitive advantage - and it's one that only a competing currency can adopt, because there is simply no way that the Bitcoin community would ever accept such changes.

Your $36,000 figure assumes everyone is paying the average kwh $ for electricity. The Bitcoin system encourages mining by those with the lowest marginal cost of electricity ...

I'm not talking about mining profit or expenses.  I'm saying that 7200 BTC are mined per day.  If they're all continuously sold at market value ($5), it will take (7200BTC/day) * ($5/BTC) = $36,000/day of NEW fiat investment (arbitrage fiat moving between exchanges doesn't count) to keep the price from falling.  That's an overly simplified example of course; in reality a fair bit of that is held instead of sold.  From a macroeconomic perspective, however, the cost still exists: instead of fiat influx, the costs are paid by Bitcoin holders in the form of inflation.  That's unsound economic policy when the underlying economy isn't growing to match; we have an inflation debt that we have to pay soon or it will eventually have to crash.

Bitcoin is the most anonymous way to buy something online.

Greenbacks in the mail, while presenting other problems, leave a lot less paper trail.  But go on...

How is "anonymity" a "significant drawback" of Bitcoin, when it's the best available option?

Anonymity isn't a drawback.  I actually think it's a huge benefit of Bitcoin.

I'm saying that there's a poor balance of anonymity - if we're going to take the PR hit for the big scams, we would be better off going all the way and getting stronger protections.

The fees, long term, will be priced by the market, meaning they'll be the minimum miners require to mine. It's "possible" that the long-term market price of mining is so low that a 51% attack becomes dangerous, but suggesting it now is just speculation, and cannot be said to be a "significant drawback" when there's no solid evidence that it will ever occur. It's a "possible drawback", true.

Right now it would cost about $10M to buy the hardware to make a successful 51% attack - about 20% of the market cap.  Five years from now when generation hits 12.5 it will be about 5%, regardless of where $/BTC is - $/MHps will fall, W/MHps will rise, BTC/MH will fall, multiply it out and the bottom line is that  the cost of a DOS measured in a % of market cap will roughly track the generation curve until transaction fees become significant, assuming we get that far.

How many entities would spend 5% of market cap to kill Bitcoin?  How about when it's 2.5%?  Figuring a 1-year hardware refresh, are we willing to stop generation drops and pay a fixed 5% inflation per year just for security?

We absolutely have to pay a mining tax.  The speculation is only how much.  The fact that Bitcoin has a significant and ongoing cost of security is a significant drawback and weighs heavily when you're considering its future speculative value, and it will put Bitcoin at an economic disadvantage compared to other cryptocurrencies.

The new Armory client already has multisig, offline wallets, easy paper backups, etc. The security of Bitcoin seems pretty darn good thus far.

The security is adequate, and getting better.  Unfortunately it also requires careful measures that cut into usability - keeping keys on paper, secure computers to perform transactions, and economic risks when you make reasonable compromises for convenience.

... I still see no significant drawback to it's structure.   ...  the likelihood of a wholly new coin being vastly better than Bitcoin is less than the likelihood of Bitcoin overcoming those few issues it struggles with.

I think your arguments are good against the usual claims that Bitcoin is not viable and cannot stand on its own.  If Bitcoin was the sole cryptocurrency I think it would be a rough ride, but it would make it.

Some of the problems might be solved technically in ways with few drawbacks: anonymity may be improved; and as you mentioned we have an elegant potential solution to the confirmation delays, though I haven't seen any moves to actually implement it yet.  Others will be controversial: changing signing techniques may reduce mining costs, but it would be a massive change in the balance of power, and shouldn't be done lightly (if at all) at this point.

But others, like volatility, simply cannot be fixed in Bitcoin; the changes go completely against the way the currency was founded.

And it's not the sole cryptocurrency.  None are deployed yet that make truly radical changes, but they are being developed.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm a bear, not a hater, and I don't think it's doomed.  I just see problems that can't be handwaved away, and I think they are significant enough that I consider it overpriced, even now.  My assessment will change significantly if we either discover some significant technical solutions, or if we start seeing significant commerce - actual purchases, not just hoarding - and widespread adoption outside the small niche catering to the community.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: istar on March 17, 2012, 12:13:26 PM
I suggest you do this.

1. Order one or more copies of the Bitcoin magazine with some of your bitcoins.
2. If you have an Android phone, get Bitcoinspinner.
3. Educate yourself. Take a look at all the cool stuff thats happening.

Think about this.

4. Eric Emerson Schmidt (born April 27, 1955) is an American software engineer, businessman and the current executive chairman of Google.[3] From 2001 to 2011, he served as the chief executive of Google.

Additionally, Schmidt was a former member on the board of directors for Apple Inc. and sat on the boards of trustees for both Carnegie Mellon University and Princeton University.[4][5][6]

Schmidt also revealed that Google wanted to create a rival to Internet peer to peer currency Bitcoin. The company planned to call it "Google Bucks." Though Schmidt said peer to peer currencies like Bitcoin are "a great idea"...

Though they were adviced not create their own currency because of legal issues.

More food for thought.

If only 100.000 each holds 210 Bitcoins and do not sell them for less than $20 than you can get your money back if thats what you want by that time. (Ofcourse there needs to be buyers.)
But right now there are only around 10 million coins. So each one of those only needs to hold 100 coins each.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Technomage on March 18, 2012, 08:27:20 PM

I have to disagree on the whole "how to sell a cryptocurrency" argument. I truly believe that Bitcoin has a superior incentive model to almost anything I can think of. Even if it's not for the right reasons, all of these "Bitcoin price going to the moon" ideas are actually good for Bitcoin. It means that somebody cares. Bitcoin has not only good but Nobel prize level brilliant incentive systems built-in. Satoshi wasn't just a programmer guru, he understood economics.

All those miners who have jumped on the bandwagon mainly because it's profitable has brought a lot of people to the community. They do not necessarily use Bitcoin much but that is not because they don't want to, there just isn't too many ways ways to use Bitcoin at this stage. But as Bitcoin grows to become more usable, it will have a very strong userbase lurking in the shadows, all of these gold diggers at least know about Bitcoin and if it provides a convenient, cheap way to transfer money (which it does) and becomes more accepted, it'll actually lead to very good things.

Bitcoin mining is just one thing, the incentives that the Bitcoin monetary model has created are absolutely massive. First of all everyone who believes that Bitcoin has potential like to invest in it, at least a small amount. They want a stake and they want to know more about what they're investing in. This is another group of people who are lurking in the shadows that would no doubt start using Bitcoin as a medium of exchange once it becomes more accepted and actually usable.

Then there is the fact that basically everyone who develop something that helps Bitcoin knows that if they succeed, Bitcoin price goes higher. If these people own a stake (bitcoins) then their own stake increases in value if they help Bitcoin become more usable. The incentives are simply massive and I think that this counters the negative effects of level 1 accusations (ponzi scheme, pyramid) very easily. In fact I've noticed that this particular accusation is not so common anymore, it used to be more common. Nowadays the arguments are either "nobody uses it so who cares" or "deflation will ruin everything so it's doomed".

I really don't believe that I would've ever gotten so deeply involved with Bitcoin (now running a Bitcoin startup company) if it weren't for the massive incentives that this whole system has built-in. First I was mainly interested as a miner, then I became an investor as well and now I've become a full blown enthusiast/enterpreneur. For me it wasn't just about the money though, probably less about the money than other things. I believe that Bitcoin is truly a revolutionary invention and a step forward for human monetary systems, even human society as a whole.

But the fact still is that I need money to take care of myself and my family so monetary incentives do matter. Bitcoin has super strong monetary incentives built in which can lead to overshoots due to greed but overall I believe that this model will lead to good things eventually and we'll be better off. This is a huge advantage for Bitcoin over any competitive cryptocurrency that changes these features.

It's important to remember that Bitcoin has grown very significantly in just 3 years and it has basically had no marketing to speak of. Very little money has been used in developing Bitcoin, it's just a software project that has started to blossom for many reasons. For one the revolutionary features of a decentralized digital currency are interesting but many of those who are deeply involved in the Bitcoin community, are there because Bitcoin also provides monetary incentives. Without those incentives it would be just another hobby. Now, for many of us, it's more than that.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: cbeast on March 18, 2012, 08:40:14 PM
I have missed out on some great opportunities. I have also been scammed out of $5000 many times over. I never would have thought in my lifetime I would see an opportunity like Bitcoin come along. While I too have "lost" money compared the current value, it has not deterred me one bit and while I do not recommend anyone heavily invest in Bitcoin, many people have asked for my assistance in acquiring some amounts based on my incessant passion about the possibilities.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: evoorhees on March 18, 2012, 10:14:00 PM
Revalin - nicely stated arguments. Though, I fundamentally disagree that the fixed supply is a problem. The fixed supply, and the profit speculation derived from it, has helped bootstrap Bitcoin tremendously. And remember, specualtion works in two ways. You say there is "nothing keeping speculation in check"... but speculation is its own check. One can make just as much by shorting and overbought asset as by buying and underbought asset.

And let's remember a very important point - unless the inflation rate perfectly matches the rate of adoption, then there will still be speculation on price. And it is impossible to know adoption, meaning that any specified inflation rate will be a guess, and it is not a far step from there to what the US has now, where smart, educated men sit around all day and try to gauge how much money to print.

One of the brilliant economic insights of Bitcoin is that money supply is irrelevant to its usefulness. We need not print 10% when 10% more people use it. Let the price rise when it's in demand, and let it fall when not so. A steady, arbitrary, asymptotic inflation rate that falls to zero is all you need for a currency. And if by setting it up that way it creates incentive to speculate and buy coins early on, that infuses the Bitcoin economy with capital to build itself up.

Bitcoin is not perfect, but I think it approaches perfection, and we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the nearly-perfect.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Omni on March 19, 2012, 08:41:24 PM
What are these "significant drawbacks?" I can't think of any that are significant.

Volatility.  Gaining and losing tens of percent in a day is great for speculators, but it's terrible for people who simply want to earn money and spend it on goods.  There are several possible ways to address this (eg, EnCoin, GEM, and my own proposals).  None are tested, but if they work out they could be very successful.  As a related benefit, they would eliminate the cries of "pyramid scheme" which have made Bitcoin a running joke among the people who should be it's strongest supporters.

Mining is very expensive, and all BTC holders pay for it - currently about $36,000 per day - as inflation / devaluation.  The effect is currently overwhelmed by speculation, but I don't think the speculators will pay for it forever.  Increasing exchange rates make this worse.  One possible alternative keeping with an overall Bitcoin-style network is proof of stake instead of proof of work.  Other more radical systems are possible as well.

Anonymity.  It's good enough to protect thieves who steal large amounts and are willing to spend time and money laundering their coins, but at the same time it's hard for the average user who simply wants privacy to get strong protection without effort and expense.  It's a poor balance; going in either direction would help.

Long-term viability.  It's not certain that transaction fees will be an adequate way to protect the network in the long-future.  Right now 51% attacks are very expensive relative to the size of the money supply.  When generation goes down significantly, we may have a problem.  It may be necessary to apply a new policy such as: high fees (limiting the utility as a currency); or reinstating generation / inflation (thus screwing all the people who are speculating that the limited supply will make them rich).  While double spend attacks can probably be defended at a reasonable price, it may be economically viable for a large entity with an interest in destroying Bitcoin (central banks, large commercial banks) to DOS the network by buying hash power.

Security.  Take a look at how hard it is to get something like P2SH accepted (which is looking increasingly likely but it's still not a done deal) - and despite people's hopes, it's not a silver bullet.  It will help people with very large accounts, but I expect it to be prohibitively difficult for the average user to use.

...  Just to name a few off the top of my head.  None of those are deal killers, but they're all significant drawbacks.  Making the fundamental changes to correct them may be too controversial to accomplish in Bitcoin, and an alternative coin may have to do it instead.

In Bitcoin's favor, it has jumped out well into the lead of cryptocurrencies.  I find the current market adoption disappointing (which is what I base my low valuations on), but there is significant infrastructure built up, good name recognition, and an enthusiastic core of community support.  That's a lot for a newcomer to overcome, but in a global market sense Bitcoin is still miniscule, so don't mistake it for an invincible force.

These are some superb points. Admin should install a +rep feature.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: dooglus on March 19, 2012, 09:11:18 PM
the smartest way to do that in my opinion is automatic intesting.

I don't have the guts for that.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Rassah on March 19, 2012, 09:21:43 PM
I think if I had been in this position I'd have been buying more over the past couple months to lower my average price.  


This is exactly what I did. I bought close to that USD amount between the rise from $6 and drop to $17. I've bought more since then, each time bringing my average price down. Soon enough I'll be even, and even a rise to $6 will be profitable. Dollar Cost Averaging works well, especially if you're in it for the long term, or just use it like a large savings account, like I do. I went to UK for two weeks using money I saved up in Bitcoin, Though it was $3k worth, since part of the Bitcoin used was bought as $7 and part at $2, selling at $4 or so meant I spent exactly the same as I would have had I saved it in a bank. Volatility just averages out over the long term.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: twoglovedanny on March 19, 2012, 09:31:06 PM
Great thread with interesting arguments!

Thank you.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: dooglus on March 20, 2012, 07:20:39 AM
For a long time people said the "waiting for six confirmations" was a significant drawback, but most people understand that problem has been almost entirely eradicated.

How was it eradicated?  I don't know what you're referring to there.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 20, 2012, 10:40:38 PM
no marketing to speak of ...

We have a great grass-roots marketing department!  Thousands of enthusiastic people who are telling everyone they know, and they have the best marketing hook ever - the only thing better than "it costs nothing to try" is "FREE* MONEY" (* with purchase of GPU), and they're sitting around here dreaming up ways to make Bitcoin more attractive to this group or that group, and setting up sites to cater to them whenever a viable one is found.


... "Bitcoin price going to the moon" ideas are actually good for Bitcoin. It means that somebody cares. ...  their own stake increases in value if they help Bitcoin become more usable. The incentives are simply massive ... This is a huge advantage for Bitcoin over any competitive cryptocurrency that changes these features.

The problem is that the "somebody who cares" - any stakeholder - has a massive financial incentive to push Bitcoin, and to omit or downplay any problems when making their pitch.  Those incentives are transparent to everyone, and it's very hard to be credible when we have such an obvious conflict of interest.

... these gold diggers at least know about Bitcoin ...

... and are glad that they didn't hold amidst volatility, or are disillusioned when their free money rig rapidly became unprofitable due to difficulty and exchange rates.  "No press is bad press", and yes, at least we have a large base of people who have gotten past the initial hurdles of getting an address and transferring some coins.  But we have to get them to come back after they've already lost interest.  Did we do ourselves harm by scooping up everyone in one frantic push last year, rather than having a system that could grow more slowly and sustainably?

and I think that this counters the negative effects of level 1 accusations (ponzi scheme, pyramid) very easily. In fact I've noticed that this particular accusation is not so common anymore, it used to be more common. Nowadays the arguments are either "nobody uses it so who cares" or "deflation will ruin everything so it's doomed".

My arguments are based on my personal experience.  I've mentioned that I'm involved in Bitcoin to basically everyone I know and without exception the response from anyone who'd heard of it has been a wide eyed "oh my god it's a scam get out".  It's only after reassuring them that I'm not selling off my investments and putting it all in BTC that they will settle down and talk about the non-speculative-investment aspects of Bitcoin.  This is among software developers, cryptographers and dot com veterans - the ones who should be naturally interested in it during the incubator stage we're in.

Outside that group and into non-tech people who have never heard of it, they usually want to know: what's it good for (easy pitch), then what can I use it for today, which is where it goes wrong - outside of vice, HYIP, and small international transfers, there aren't many things Bitcoin's doing well enough (yet) to keep their interest.

But there's one huge exception:

I believe that Bitcoin is truly a revolutionary invention and a step forward for human monetary systems, even human society as a whole.

I wholeheartedly agree.  It's why I'm here, and I expect an ongoing continuous draw among others who can see this.  Unfortunately it's a niche, which is why I believe there's a significant opportunity for another currency to overtake Bitcoin with broader appeal.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 20, 2012, 10:58:15 PM
Though, I fundamentally disagree that the fixed supply is a problem. The fixed supply, and the profit speculation derived from it, has helped bootstrap Bitcoin tremendously.

It's been great for the initial bootstrap phase - no argument there; and I agree that it won't be a problem if/when Bitcoin becomes "huge".  The trouble is the uncomfortable early-middle phase where we are now entering.

And let's remember a very important point - unless the inflation rate perfectly matches the rate of adoption, then there will still be speculation on price. And it is impossible to know adoption, meaning that any specified inflation rate will be a guess...

Absolutely.  I'm not saying my proposal is a perfect solution - it's just a different set of tradeoffs.  The fixed supply model (and all the other design decisions in Bitcoin), may win out in the end.  For now, I consider them to be realistic concerns, and I sharply limit my calculated valuations to account for them.

I'd like to emphasize that I'm not even saying you're wrong - we might breeze through it and in retrospect my concerns will be clearly overblown.  I just prefer to consider all the potential ways things may unfold.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: phelix on March 29, 2012, 12:26:00 PM
For a long time people said the "waiting for six confirmations" was a significant drawback, but most people understand that problem has been almost entirely eradicated.

How was it eradicated?  I don't know what you're referring to there.
? +1

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: MemoryDealers on March 29, 2012, 12:38:39 PM
For a long time people said the "waiting for six confirmations" was a significant drawback, but most people understand that problem has been almost entirely eradicated.

How was it eradicated?  I don't know what you're referring to there.
? +1

I believe they are talking about "green addresses"

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Revalin on March 29, 2012, 12:49:14 PM
It may also refer to this:;all

tl;dr: You broadcast a transaction; miners who consider it valid for inclusion (no double spends, adequate fees paid, etc) sign the transaction and broadcast that signature to the network; the recipient sees these signed Promises to Include.  If the miners who solved >60% of the last 1000 blocks (pick an appropriate threshold and window) approve the transaction it will almost certainly be included; thus you do not have to wait for 6 confirms.

This proposal could eradicate the delay, but I'm not aware of any current work to actually implement it.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: triplehelix on March 29, 2012, 01:37:53 PM
since mtgox controls almost the entire btc/usd market, as soon as they implement short sales, it will help mitigate volatility greatly.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Maged on March 29, 2012, 04:44:51 PM
jbgc, here's how I'd think of it, if I were you. In order to remove your emotional attachment, consider the $3400 as a loss and let it go. Pretend that you just bought into bitcoin with $1600, instead. Do you feel that $4.79 is too high? Or do you feel that it's too low? Remember to forget what the price was in the past, and only remember what it is now.

Given that you're investing long-term, you don't need to worry so much about the technicals, are are instead able to focus more on the fundamentals. Do you see a need that still hasn't been filled by Bitcoin? Do you see improvements that can still be made? If your answer to these is "yes", and you're able to commit this money for at least 10 years, I'd say stick with it. If you don't see much growth for bitcoin from how it is now, or if you suspect that you'll need the money in the next year (at least), get out now or at least start treating this as a short-term investment (which means following the technicals, etc.). If you don't have investment experience and you feel like you will need to shift this to a short-term investment, speak to a financial advisor.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: cbeast on March 29, 2012, 09:04:47 PM
It may also refer to this:;all

tl;dr: You broadcast a transaction; miners who consider it valid for inclusion (no double spends, adequate fees paid, etc) sign the transaction and broadcast that signature to the network; the recipient sees these signed Promises to Include.  If the miners who solved >60% of the last 1000 blocks (pick an appropriate threshold and window) approve the transaction it will almost certainly be included; thus you do not have to wait for 6 confirms.

This proposal could eradicate the delay, but I'm not aware of any current work to actually implement it.
I'll have to read that thread, but this sounds like it could be proof-of-merit.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: fivemileshigh on April 01, 2012, 07:07:47 PM
Great thread indeed.

There is one aspect of the bitcoin-with-shortcomings vs future-potentially-superior cryptocurrencies debate that I haven't heard mentioned. This is a question i'm wondering about but have no way to guess at a decent answer.

There is significant investment in bitcoin totaling many man hours on behalf of a lot of very talented programmers, both past and on-going. To what extent would programmers be willing to jump ship to an alt-bitcoin? To what extent are other experienced such programmers available to develop and support an alt-bitcoin?

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: finway on April 05, 2012, 02:15:10 AM
Of course, just forget it.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: amincd on April 05, 2012, 09:57:29 PM
Now that you've had a glimpse of what is possible with bitcoin, it will be hard to go back to being content with the current mode of banking and finance.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Miner612 on April 06, 2012, 02:31:26 AM
Hello all,

I bought $5000 worth of bitcoin last year at about $15/coin.  Now, as you know, it has completely dropped below that value.

Just like everyone else, I sort of secretly hoped bitcoin would rise to $100000000+ per coin or whatever.  But now I see that will never happen.

Should I sell and take back what I can get or should I hold out of the long-term?  I don't need the money anytime soon or anything but I don't want to lose it all.

Any help is welcomed & appreciated.

Hold on to it man.  Wait till it drops to 25 per block and see what happens.  You might have better luck then.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: ice_chill on April 07, 2012, 05:37:20 PM
This is very interesting to read to see that people are investing into the value of BitCoin, as personally I got into it for the mining.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: mokimarket on April 09, 2012, 02:00:26 PM
With that many bitcoins, I would perhaps open up my own options market to get rid off some.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: MPOE-PR on April 10, 2012, 01:15:19 PM
I like deathandtaxes' answer.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: Spekulatius on April 12, 2012, 06:03:20 PM
SELL SELL SELL!!!! :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: twoglovedanny on October 09, 2012, 02:14:01 AM
keep it!

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: kwoody on October 09, 2012, 09:28:24 AM
A lot of interesting things are happening in the world of Bitcoin. The next 6 months will have a massive impact on the Bitcoin market, with the release of ASIC technology in congruence with the block reward halving. I've always been more of a realist than an optimist, and most people who feel optimistic about Bitcoin feel as though the value will go up as the network hashrate going up, and the reward going down... However, the cold truth is, scarcity only drives supply and demand to the extent that the market has an incentive to buy up supply. If Bitcoin is to have a bright future, confidence in it must be strong, and with recent events, confidence isn't where it needs to be for the value to adjust proportionally to the network hashrate and reward drop. There is no direct answer to your question, as I don't have the proper insight/inside intel necessary(very very few people do) to make an informed prediction. Every market has an invisible hand, and those with deep pockets who feel threatened by Bitcoin as a system will see that their agenda is served. If you want Bitcoin's value to rise and see a more successful future(be more aligned with upcoming events which affect scarcity), do not sell your coins. Instead, consider spending the coins on something you can resell for more fiat, buy back your coins, and pocket the extra fiat, or buy more coins than what you started with. If adoption is to occur, people need to feel confident that the system will work, and selling off is the opposite of this. I would only advise selling if those with more monetary clout than yourself decide they want to harm the system: clearcut evidence comes forward that ASIC devices are a scam, The Bitcoin Foundation gets lured/forced into some kind of subservient collusion with the corruption of government, Silk Road gets busted/shut down, etc. Any number of events could greatly disrupt the system. My best advise would be to keep yourself informed with information that can be trusted, and keep a close eye on the market. Check prices multiple times a day, if you see a fluctuation, find out why, and make choices based on your findings. Play the game like a stock broker.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: firefop on October 09, 2012, 01:37:31 PM
Maybe if you invested 2500USD in bitcoin and 2500USD supporting and starting projects to help the growth of bitcoin you wouldnt be asking this question.

In this vein - Maybe you should consider investing some btc into some business venture. As you've already taken a 15% loss on your initial buy...

I'm actually interested in helping you exchange your risk. If you'd be willing to divert some of your speculative bitcoin shortly after we see ASICs in the wild - I'd would be willing take a loan out from you and pay you some decent interest rate. I'm invested in BFL atm - but would like to diversify into other mining hardware, just a bit cash short to do that. My existing investment is free and clear however, so I'd personally guarantee the loan according to whatever terms we worked out.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: nobbynobbynoob on October 09, 2012, 06:53:30 PM
There is always the "good enough" dynamic.

Early on ebay gained critical mass.  Competitors emerged and they all tried to out ebay, ebay.  Ebay had/has some issues but it was "good enough" and thus enjoyed the critical mass which caused competitors to die off. 

While something may replace Bitcoin it has an uphill battle.

Critical mass and path dependency are oh so crucial. I actually remember using Yahoo! Auctions (remember them?) before discovering eBay, and YA offered something seriously competitive: no commission! In spite of that it still couldn't beat off the more powerful, successful and established eBay.

I can see other cryptocoins (LTC anyone?) finding their own place but not as a replacement for BTC.

Title: Re: worth the wait?
Post by: MysteryMiner on October 09, 2012, 07:18:01 PM
Bitcoins will sure be worth more than 15$ in near future. Don't panic. Or panic and I will buy them for a even lower price!