Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining software (miners) => Topic started by: billington.mark on March 19, 2012, 01:00:28 PM

Title: Fan Speed Bug? (ATI - 5850)
Post by: billington.mark on March 19, 2012, 01:00:28 PM
Hi Guys,

Ive recently had to rebuild my mining PC:

Windows 7
1x XFX 5850
SDK 2.6
AMD 12.2 driver
cgminer 2.3.1

Im mining fine with cgminer but after around 15mins the fan speed will drop back to 56% for a couple of seconds before jumping back to the % I have it set at (90%), this then jumps back and forth every 5 minutes or so.
Ive uninstalled CCC leaving just the driver, ive flashed the cards bios to try and force the fan speed that way and ive also set the speed with MSI Afterburner, all with the same outcome.

Is this a known bug with the 12.2 driver?

Thanks for your time,

Title: Re: Fan Speed Bug? (ATI - 5850)
Post by: ssateneth on March 20, 2012, 04:18:35 AM
Uninstall driver, reboot, use driver cleaner (it'll revert to the previous driver version for some reason and be impossible to reinstalla  different version), reboot, install driver + the SDK you want without CCC, should be good to go. I always had problems with CCC installed. Also 2.6 SDK is terrible for the 5xxx series. Use 2.1 + underclocked memory frequency (~330-350 for 256 worksize and 160-205 for 128 worksize which is a tiny bit slower but a little less power used) for optimum 5xxx performance.

Title: Re: Fan Speed Bug? (ATI - 5850)
Post by: billington.mark on March 21, 2012, 04:04:53 PM
Turned out to be a temp issue in the end.
sorted out better airflow and problem solved. no relation to driver\sdk versions after all

Thanks for your help

Title: Re: Fan Speed Bug? (ATI - 5850)
Post by: ssateneth on March 22, 2012, 01:20:10 AM
oh, that bug. yeah if your gpu is overheating, it'll throttle gpu speed and it'll also go to a different fan curve, nothing you can do about it except cool to gpu better before it throttles.