Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 16, 2014, 09:51:07 PM

Title: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 16, 2014, 09:51:07 PM
Oh well deleting

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: oceans on July 16, 2014, 09:59:04 PM
Wow that was a TOTAL mess, I would have been ripping my hair out. I dont know If I could handle looking at
that rats nest of wires and just leave it like that lol. I too was in a similar situation with bitcoin. when I first
heard about people mining bitcoin I was curious and had looked into it. I mined for a day or 2 but it tied up
my only computer at the time, so I felt it wasnt worth it. I kind of forgot about it for a little while. After
seeing it get up to the 70 each mark was when I became really interested again, and wished I had continued
mining. *sigh Best of luck!  

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: TimS on July 16, 2014, 10:02:22 PM
during which we decided to move out of that building and yes, with it, my opportunity went out the door! Now i work for a very clean place where everything is actually labelled and i can't just drop a miner in a rack and label it "router" :*(  LOL  Not to mention that i had a full 4 post rack in my office with my "lab" gear in it. (routers, fw, load-balancers, switches which ran all day for years)

Now i only have 6.5 BTC instead of 2000 or so....
Using other people's electricity and space to mine (or anything, really) without permission is illegal. If and when it was discovered, you can bet they'd want repayment for all of the electricity and cooling you used, all of the bitcoins you mined (in fiat at the peak of their value), the cost of the space you took up, and lawyer's fees. Or just lock you up, because you can't pay $4 million. Besides, one miner probably wouldn't have netted you 2000 BTC due to increasing difficulty.

Feel free to mourn that you lost the opportunity to buy/mine BTC when you thought it was magic internet money, not that you failed to take advantage of your employer to do so. (I wish I had bought every penny of BTC I could when I first seriously considered it at $100/BTC...instead, I bought about $11, and spent a portion of that on a Humble Bundle)

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Bit_Happy on July 16, 2014, 10:02:29 PM
"Legacy systems" can be such a problem. Hey, at least you have a better job now.  :)

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: counter on July 16, 2014, 10:02:48 PM
You poor bastard.   ;D  That is terrible, my heart sank after this story but hey just know you are not along.  Many of us made mistakes along the way and they say misery loves company so I hope that bring you some comfort hehe.  Try and accumulate as much BTC as you can because you now see the value of it and the adoption rate is spreading.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Lauda on July 16, 2014, 10:19:17 PM
At least you have that 5 now, many have much less. Well yes indeed this is troubling and sad. Similar thing happened to me, due to certain events back then now I'm not a millionaire (yay).
This is just life.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: BitCoinDream on July 16, 2014, 10:19:49 PM
I was just looking and wondering at these pics...


How do they manage ? ???

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Lauda on July 16, 2014, 10:25:28 PM
On the pictures  :D

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Baitty on July 16, 2014, 10:28:05 PM
I hate reading stories like this when someone was so close but decided on a different route. anyway the still have a small amount of Bitcoin which is going to be worth something in the future and you could keep investing every month or so.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: DjPxH on July 16, 2014, 11:23:04 PM
Woah, those pictures are no fun at all. I mean, this looks like the back of my desk or my home server. In a corporate or productive environment this is un-administratable!

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: DjPxH on July 16, 2014, 11:36:30 PM
Woah, those pictures are no fun at all. I mean, this looks like the back of my desk or my home server. In a corporate or productive environment this is un-administratable!

This is called Organc growth! lol 15 years of it. I managed and tried to clean it as much as i can for 5 years before we GTFO out of there.

I'm just imagining you plugging some patch cables in and out and suddenly the whole network gets stuck. You then just hang your coat over your chair and start to go away at an increasing pace  :D

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: hellscabane on July 17, 2014, 02:27:50 AM
Interesting story. Should've just gone for it right? I mean there have been quite a few stories of people using equipment that weren't their own for mining.

But then again, most of those incidents happened in a school or something. A job is a completely different beast.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Minecache on July 17, 2014, 03:21:49 AM
Woah, those pictures are no fun at all. I mean, this looks like the back of my desk or my home server. In a corporate or productive environment this is un-administratable!

This is called Organc growth! lol 15 years of it. I managed and tried to clean it as much as i can for 5 years before we GTFO out of there.

Why did you stay there when most staff left after 6 months?

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: kwukduck on July 17, 2014, 06:38:26 AM
Whats the problem? You have 6.5 full BTC. That's gonna be a looot of money in a few years...

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Light on July 17, 2014, 06:52:33 AM
Eh, don't worry about things you should've done - there's no way you would have seen I turn out as well as it did. You learn to get over your mistakes, the key thing is just to learn from it and not let it pull you down. I personally wish I bought more back when they were like 2c each, did not sell them off later on and did not be so careless with my hard drives. I've learnt my lesson so while I might have a tinge of regret I'm not necessarily overly upset anymore.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: bitboy11 on July 17, 2014, 07:20:47 AM
I discovered bitcoin when they were $5 each.
I was immediately interested and stayed up all that night trying to understand it.

I even checked around to see what people were buying and selling.
All I could find were some online shops with Doritos and Lays snacks.
I wasn't too impressed anymore, however I still downloaded the wallet.
When I tried to open it, it was using 100% of my CPU for over 20 minutes.
That's when I decided it wasn't worth killing my computer and I deleted everything.

I'm still a little pissed off but the truth is that back then I would have never wasted more than $20 on something so unproven anyway.
In the end, my first full bitcoin purchase costed me over $1,000.
I'm still HODLING but still buying more! ;D

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Trillium on July 17, 2014, 09:30:47 AM
Yep I've mined about 100 BTC at least from CPU/GPU days. Of course, I do not have them today, I had power bills to pay and at that time mining to me was just something to keep my computers busy while they were running other stuff, I dont think many early miners had the foresight or true-believer-yness that bitcoin would become "something big".

My systems used to run computation tasks (BOINC projects) specifically the GPU accelerated ones. At that time I had 4x 4870x2 cards donating to those projects, and a few other random cards, meanwhile other people were solo mining BTC (which I had not heard about yet). Makes me very sad to look back and see my wallets these days, and mining maybe 0.01 BTC/day at most... soon to be 0 BTC/day.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: culexevilman on July 17, 2014, 09:44:54 AM
I think we all have a moment in time where we wished we were back in 2009, but on the bright side, 5 years from now bitcoin will either be successful or broke, you can choose make a better choice today. Dont be shortsighted, history will repeats itself.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: ixne on July 17, 2014, 09:54:55 AM
Everything is easy in hindsight.  I remember buying bitcoins when they were $5 and feeling slightly embarrassed about wasting cash on magic internet money.  Back then things were much more underground and unsure. Most people, myself included, probably didn't really expect bitcoin to succeed, even if we thought the idea was brilliant.  There were a lot of questions about potential bugs, what ASICs would do if/when they were developed, hard forks, upscaling, and legal questions that just had not been encountered yet.  I just looked at my purchase like a donation to an interesting cryptographic protocol that I wanted to support.  After the first big crash in 2011 (after reaching the ridiculous peak of $32), the death of bitcoin was declared and many people sold their bitcoins in the following months at a loss somewhere around $2-5. Since I saw the whole thing as a donation, I never bothered to sell mine. :)

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Lauda on July 17, 2014, 10:01:53 AM
I think we all have a moment in time where we wished we were back in 2009, but on the bright side, 5 years from now bitcoin will either be successful or broke, you can choose make a better choice today. Dont be shortsighted, history will repeats itself.
This can't be applied on everyone. Some of us were back in '09 and '10 while the majority didn't, but one can't live like this.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Bizmark13 on July 17, 2014, 10:52:23 AM
After the first big crash in 2011 (after reaching the ridiculous peak of $32), the death of bitcoin was declared and many people sold their bitcoins in the following months at a loss somewhere around $2-5. Since I saw the whole thing as a donation, I never bothered to sell mine. :)

I was never really involved in the Bitcoin community back then but I knew about it from a forum I used to frequent and would read articles about it from time to time. I remember watching the price spike to $32 and then crash to $3 and I felt relieved because I had considered buying a couple coins (even going so far as to making an account at Mt. Gox) but I was too lazy to actually go through with it. I remember reading threads here where people were crying over their lost wealth. The atmosphere of the forums just after the 2011 crash was really bleak and hopeless and many people thought the project had failed. Once Wired published an article called "The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin", I thought the whole thing was dead so I lost interest. Never would I have imagined that I'd be back here in three years, buying up fractions of a bitcoin at $500 per coin.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: BitCoinDream on July 17, 2014, 10:55:52 AM
I was just looking and wondering at these pics...


How do they manage ? ???

added a couple more.

My goodness... if a problem takes place, it would be next to impossible to detect !!!

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: dimfot on July 17, 2014, 12:22:58 PM
oh man you are a hero that you worked there and saved all this money for the company.. i would suggest them to burn down the facility and take the insurance.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Beliathon on July 17, 2014, 12:51:33 PM
As a former IT guy, those pictures made me want to gouge out my eyes and eat them.

You should also know that you have NOT missed the bus, it has not even left the station yet, let alone reached the shuttle that will take you beyond the stratosphere and up into the cold black of space.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: giveBTCpls on July 17, 2014, 01:20:41 PM
Well, I heard it in 2010 and I didn't buy because it was always linked to criminal activities. Then I realized when it exploded that it had a legitimate use. My life has never been the same since. Depression hit hard. Never had 1 BTC yet  :'(

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: giveBTCpls on July 17, 2014, 01:22:51 PM
As a former IT guy, those pictures made me want to gouge out my eyes and eat them.

You should also know that you have NOT missed the bus, it has not even left the station yet, let alone reached the shuttle that will take you beyond the stratosphere and up into the cold black of space.

No, we've missed the bus. Not missing the bus = making 1 million cash at least. He'll never make a million of purchasing power with that few BTC (whatever the equivalent with fiat is in the future is irrelevant, im talking, the purchasing power of 1 million dollar now being the equivalent in the future of 6.5 BTC), let alone people like me, that don't even have 1.
The ridiculous % of price increase has already happened. For us to get legit gains BTC would need to go 100K at least.  :'(

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Beliathon on July 17, 2014, 01:23:07 PM
Well, I heard it in 2010 and I didn't buy because it was always linked to criminal activities. Then I realized when it exploded that it had a legitimate use. My life has never been the same since. Depression hit hard. Never had 1 BTC yet  :'(
Welcome to capitalism, enjoy your financial and spiritual poverty. No sane capitalist will give you free wealth in exchange for nothing, myself included. Sorry about that.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: chopstick on July 17, 2014, 03:15:59 PM
Doesn't matter. In the future All you will need is like 10 bitcoins to have a cool million bucks. Are you content with a million? Im hoping I can get at-least 20 BTC by the time mainstream adoption takes off.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Minecache on July 17, 2014, 03:55:04 PM
Doesn't matter. In the future All you will need is like 10 bitcoins to have a cool million bucks. Are you content with a million? Im hoping I can get at-least 20 BTC by the time mainstream adoption takes off.

My personal target is to try to get to holding 1 millionth of the total of all mined bitcoins. With 13 million already out there I'm very far short of holding 13 so far. :(

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: hellscabane on July 17, 2014, 04:49:02 PM
Doesn't matter. In the future All you will need is like 10 bitcoins to have a cool million bucks. Are you content with a million? Im hoping I can get at-least 20 BTC by the time mainstream adoption takes off.

My personal target is to try to get to holding 1 millionth of the total of all mined bitcoins. With 13 million already out there I'm very far short of holding 13 so far. :(
Heck, at least you have a goal in mind. That's better than a lot of others out there. Especially at the point when bitcoin becomes the de facto transactor. 1 millionth of any major currency is definitely a substantial amount of money.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: GogglesPisano on July 17, 2014, 04:53:43 PM
I think it is still to early to say that the proverbial bus has been missed as there are all sorts of new technologies coming out (eMunie, Etherium, Maidsafe, blockchain tech) that may take off even more than Bitcoin! The cryptocurrency revolution is only starting (many make an analogy to the 1996 Internet before things really went mainstream).

The best bet now is to keep up with the trends and try to look ahead to where things are going. My bet is on these next-gen cryptos that will lead to more and more decentralization (and more and more privacy).

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Joe_Bauers on July 17, 2014, 04:58:08 PM
The moral of your story is, don't go to work for AOL ;)

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 17, 2014, 04:58:48 PM
oh man you are a hero that you worked there and saved all this money for the company.. i would suggest them to burn down the facility and take the insurance.
we managed to get out of there! it was not fixable. You simply had to move out.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 17, 2014, 05:01:23 PM
The moral of your story is, don't go to work for AOL ;)

AHHAHA nope! It was not at AOL>

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Joe_Bauers on July 17, 2014, 05:05:32 PM

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Joe_Bauers on July 17, 2014, 05:13:58 PM
Good. No use in turning this into a course on social engineering ;)

I know what company it is now anyways... Though I am not telling.

Title: Re: Some nights I think about this, and I just wanna cry. (How i missed the bus)
Post by: Minecache on July 17, 2014, 06:11:14 PM
Good. No use in turning this into a course on social engineering ;)

I know what company it is now anyways... Though I am not telling.
It was obvious it was Yahoo! from the start.