Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Services => Topic started by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 01:30:14 PM

Title: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 01:30:14 PM

My name is Roslin - I am a (also) game developer and I would like to offer my services.

I can create a game for you - for advertising purposes or just to create a good game which you like to have!

I am working with Unity3D engine and it is getting more powerful every month! So possibilities of "how to use Unity3D" are growing!

If you will hire me to develop a game for you - as a final product you will get:

-Standalone game for Windows/Linux/Mac/Web player or Android!
-It will be your game - you own this game! You will be able to share a game with anyone or sell it if you like - it is up to you!

If you are up to create a new coin or any new product - developing an advertising game might be a huge step forward for your project!

If you are interested please contact me via PM or post any question below!

Example screenshots from my previous projects:

Also a good example of my skills is - I am a founder.

Feel free to ask about anything!!!!

Kind regards!

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] Create your own 3D GAME!!!
Post by: gondel on July 17, 2014, 01:47:26 PM
I am looking for someone who can make facebook games. I need something simple as a balloon shooting game or something of that kind and the option to compete with others in a top list. Can you make something like this and also how much you would want for this?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] Create your own 3D GAME!!!
Post by: BBQcopter on July 17, 2014, 01:52:01 PM
you did some nice games I see rosin, where did you study at, looks good.

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] Create your own 3D GAME!!!
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 02:27:53 PM
I am looking for someone who can make facebook games. I need something simple as a balloon shooting game or something of that kind and the option to compete with others in a top list. Can you make something like this and also how much you would want for this?


Thanks for your response.

At the moment so far as I know FaceBook games are mostly developed in HTML5 + canvas or AdobeFlash.
Currently I am working with Unity3D engine which is not supported by FaceBook games.

If you want to create some 3D game [with Unity3D engine] I am open for propositions :) but at the moment I won't take any orders for games in HTML5 or AdobeFlash.

Kind regards!

you did some nice games I see rosin, where did you study at, looks good.

Thanks! I am very glad that you like it!
If you want to know where did I study at to learn how to make such games - answer is at home :)

If you want to learn how to use such 3D engines to build up your own games you should try to download and install free version of Unity3D or any other 3D engine (like UE)  and start to learn from their official manual :)

I've learned most of my skills in here :

and here :

This is like a Bible of Unity :) You can find a solution for everything you want (if it is possible to do! :) )

Kind regards!

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: Acidyo on July 17, 2014, 02:40:35 PM
Hey, I may be interested in this. Have quite a few ideas that could turn big given the right time/dev.

Any info on costs? Hourly or total depending on the project?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 03:05:08 PM
Hey, I may be interested in this. Have quite a few ideas that could turn big given the right time/dev.

Any info on costs? Hourly or total depending on the project?


That's great that you're interested!

Prices depends on a type of project, I can do an estimate for you if you will send me more details about what sort of a game you want to create.
I charge for a project not per hour.  So after we will discuss details of the game I will give you the final price for a product.

I can say that prices are very low :-)
Very simple game can be created for a price of ~0.5BTC - very simple game example: Basteroid v.1.0.1- my space shooter created for Bitcoin community and Bitcoin Online Embassy).

Kind regards.  

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: Baitty on July 17, 2014, 04:12:56 PM
What times would you be working on each project? the weekends or within the week? any estimate of  a simple to medium based game how long it would take?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 04:54:11 PM
What times would you be working on each project? the weekends or within the week? any estimate of  a simple to medium based game how long it would take?

I am currently on a bus so let me come back to my flat so I can write you an answer with details.


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 11:01:54 PM
What times would you be working on each project? the weekends or within the week? any estimate of  a simple to medium based game how long it would take?

Thanks for a good question!

I am self-employee / freelancer so I haven't got any full/time part job. I am working on the projects during day 'n' night.
If I have order to create a game I will put my huge effort to finish it as soon as possible with taking a care about final results.

I am developing games with a passion as I am a gamer born in 80's.. :) I love to play games (mostly PC games :) ).

Few years ago I was trying to develop games with Java and Python - and results were good but ... there was something missing. There was no next-gen in it ...

This is why 3D engines are like  a fire from a Prometheus.

From few years companies lowered the prices of their Engines or even some companies gave their engines for free :).

There are many engines around but I choose to learn Unity3D because their license is very clear and nobody seems to be complaining about any problems with them :)

I was working without a Pro license for >year and learned a lot about designing in Unity3D.
I manage to pay for Unity Pro Lifetime License (Thanks to my 1st Embassy's Ambassador :) )
and in the same time Unity3D is sharing with their customers new awesome assets and features which really are changing games into next-gen.

So I think it was really good choice to learn Unity3D and JavaScript / C# because results are amazing! :)

About development:

Mostly I am working on my own. I haven't got any team and I really like to work on my own if possible.

3D Models:

With Unity3D's asset store I have possibility to dowload many great assets which are helping me a lot - so this is like my teammates :)

I am not not 3D model designer so I am not able to design any custom 3D model but I know few good designers who can do it for the project.

Also - There are tons of 3D models to download for free with a licenses with ability of commercial and non-commercial usage. - This is where most of my 3D models came from :)

Unity3D's Asset Store is a place where I can find huge amounts of 3D models too.  

If you want some custom 3D models I can manage to do it with a help of some 3D designer or you can choose some amazing 3D models from asset store and we will add it to the price.

There are tons of possibilities :) those days if you are a game developer you really cannot believe when you think about what you can do now and what you could do 5 years ago ...

I am a hidden musician so I know how to make some nice background music and also I am able to record many custom sounds for your game! If some sound is too difficult for me to create on my own - plenty of free to commercial use sounds for game developers around the web ...

I am using what will came to me with a 3D model - but most of the textures I am improving or even completely redesigning.
Most of free 3D models came without  bumpmap/normal map - I am creating them on my own.

Most of the scripting is done by myself. But as my mentor told me "Do not try to knockout open doors".

Again Unity3D asset store and standard packages for Pro License provide me an access to thousands lines of the codes.

For example ... If you will ask me to create a racing game I will use scripts provided by Unity3D. As they are GREAT! And I don't need to work many days on it because it is already done .. and Unity3D devs encourage to use it! :)

But still thousands of lines are written by me.

The difficulty of creating a scripts for a game is in how many different things will you want to code :)
That's why one game can be created in 5 days, another one in a year :D - this is as well where the price is changing :)

It is hard to say what is the minimum and the maximum price.

I will give some examples:

Example 1:
Customer:  "Create a game where I can roll a ball (using keyboard w,a,s,d keys) over the stage and there will be some obstacles on the way that you have to roll through like a wall or a bomb that will kill you. At the end there will be a hole where the ball need to be placed by the player. I want 10 small stages - I want to make it dynamic. Each stage more difficult.   And the floor of each stage will have my company logo shining on a floor. Also I don't want any very fancy expensive 3D models you will figure it out from free ones."

Roslinpl: "It will take about 3-4 days. The price will be ~0.5BTC (calculated at the moment with current USD/BTC)

Time needed: ~

Example 2:

Customer: "I want a game where you can shoot some things like in the AngryBirds and there will be some objects to destroy - like in AngryBirds :) - I want some fancy 3D custom models to make it really playable... "

Roslinpl: "It will take about 5-6 days.I will charge 0.4BTC for creating this game with 1 stage + ~0.1BTC (all prices are calculated at the moment with current USD/BTC) + you will have to tell me what kind of 3D models you want to put into the game and we will figure out the best prices from 3D designers or from Unity's Asset Store - we can also use some free 3D models :)"

Example 3:

Customer: "I want an FPS game (...)"

Roslinpl: I need many details. How do you think your game would looks like? If you think it will be like  ~Farcry3 - Sorry - I am using Unity3D not a CryEngine3 :)

But for example to create a FPS game (let it be a Zombie Shooter) I will charge ~1BTC for a game + 1 stage and ~0.4BTC for each new stage. It will take about ~10-14 days and 3-4 days for each new stage + prices for 3D models or free ones :) :)

Example 4:

Customer: "I want a RPG game (...)"

Roslinpl: We need to discuss details for few hours then I can say how much and how long:)

Example 5:

Customer: "We want to create something like WatchDogs!"

Roslinpl: "Hmm .. we will need more people. Let say 200 people and about 200BTC for a startup :) I cannot say how much more we will need we need a long discussion about details"

If you want to know the price for your game you need to tell me some details. There are tons of ideas for games and perhaps some of them need some complicated scripting so I need to know about it before I can tell the price.

Feel free to ask about anything!

Soon I will update this thread with some gameplay videos etc. :) Stay tuned!


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: SgtSpike on July 17, 2014, 11:30:33 PM
How much to make a "You are hitler and you need to kill yourself" game?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 17, 2014, 11:45:05 PM
How much to make a "You are hitler and you need to kill yourself" game?
Thanks for your response!

This sounds interesting :)
I imagine a 3rd person perspective game? Well...
Game like this one will need some nice 3d models for characters + nice 3d model of his apartment. We will need to ask some 3D designers about pricing. Sounds must be custom too - I will need to find some Germans in my city :) and pay them some cash to record voices :)

So we need to know:
-How many stages
-How realistic compex game you want to make
-How many ways to complete the game
-What the player need to do to success when everyone will be around looking at him
-And many more

If you are interested about more details please PM me or e-mail me @ with more details about how do you imagine the game will look like.

Kind regards!

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: nahtnam on July 18, 2014, 10:52:06 PM
Your work looks amazing! I actually do want a game created. Its nothing complicated as far as graphics goes but its needs to be multiplayer. Let me know how much on average you would cost, and if im interested I will PM you.

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: BitCoinDream on July 18, 2014, 11:11:59 PM
Hey Roslin... U have got a great skillset. :) I think the games u develop are like Max Payne or Harry Potter as I have played in my teen. But, can these 3D games be made browser based like flash games ? After developing, can I embed them in my website and interact with it from my website to store user scores etc. ?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 19, 2014, 11:30:21 AM
Your work looks amazing! I actually do want a game created. Its nothing complicated as far as graphics goes but its needs to be multiplayer. Let me know how much on average you would cost, and if im interested I will PM you.

Well there is a problem with Multiplayer games ... but we can talk about it.
I need to go out for couple of hours, when I will come back I will send you a PM with details about your request.

MMO is possible but need some extra $$. I will explain later.


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 19, 2014, 11:34:15 AM
Hey Roslin... U have got a great skillset. :) I think the games u develop are like Max Payne or Harry Potter as I have played in my teen. But, can these 3D games be made browser based like flash games ? After developing, can I embed them in my website and interact with it from my website to store user scores etc. ?

Yes this is possible to make it  embedded them in your website but at the moment  games developed with Unity3D need Unity Web Player (like Embassy or Basteroid Web Version: ).

Soon after Unity5 will be released (in a ~year) games in Unity3D are gonna be possible to convert into WebGL - so then NO Unity Web Player will be needed - just simple Web Browser!

ps. Storing the scores is possible :)


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 19, 2014, 07:44:32 PM
Hello again! :)

A new game created with my hands was released today!:) You can play it if you want to.

It was created for BanksyCoin developers - they ordered a game to advertise their coin better.
You can see results:

Hey guys,

Check out the new Banksycoin game  ;D




Let us know your thoughts? We will be uploading links to shortly :)

Or you can check on YouTube:

It is kinda short game but pretty cool!
It was developed by me with some help of Unity3D Asset Store (Unit-Chan Character and those amazing China's Streets and Shops 3D models!)
I did it in a week. :) Even a day less.

Good results isn't? :)

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: chaosPT on July 19, 2014, 09:16:03 PM
Will you be able to create a cheap RPG game like runescape ?

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 19, 2014, 09:41:53 PM
Will you be able to create a cheap RPG game like runescape ?

Yes but this game need a lot of work even if it doesn't looks like it
Maybe graphics are terrible in the game but still you have to code it :)

I am able to do RPG games but I know that if you want to make it MMO you will need to pay for Photon 4 Unity3D or put a dedicated server on your own.

Well this is not so small project :) Coding an RPG game is extremely hard if you want to make a good RPG game not just another crappy game. :D

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: Justin00 on July 20, 2014, 01:21:49 PM
Wow some cool information Roslin. thanks for that :) I started having a look at some youtube tutorials for Unity3d.
Looks like you can do some very cool things, providing you no how.

How long have you been using Unity for ? Did you start using it at University ?
I saw in a youtube tutorial you can use Unity for making 2d projects as well... Do you have much experience with 2d ?

I have an idea for a game.. I think I want to iron out some of the details before I speak to you. But I think I would very much be interested in having you develop it... your price is very good to. Love the fact you can easily provide Linux, Mac or Windows binaries as well.. Kinda excited with all this now heh.. I might PM  you soon actually to have a chat.. hopefully I do not waste to much of your time.

Please keep your updates coming like you have been!! I found it very interesting reading what you were saying about creating games and what not so far.

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on July 20, 2014, 10:08:38 PM
Wow some cool information Roslin. thanks for that :) I started having a look at some youtube tutorials for Unity3d.
Looks like you can do some very cool things, providing you no how.

How long have you been using Unity for ? Did you start using it at University ?
I saw in a youtube tutorial you can use Unity for making 2d projects as well... Do you have much experience with 2d ?

I have an idea for a game.. I think I want to iron out some of the details before I speak to you. But I think I would very much be interested in having you develop it... your price is very good to. Love the fact you can easily provide Linux, Mac or Windows binaries as well.. Kinda excited with all this now heh.. I might PM  you soon actually to have a chat.. hopefully I do not waste to much of your time.

Please keep your updates coming like you have been!! I found it very interesting reading what you were saying about creating games and what not so far.

Thanks for response!
Well I am working with Unity3D from about 15 months - not a long time but I must say I see huge progress each month :)

I knew something about C# and JS before I've started learning Unity3D so I haven't got bigger problems with scripting - just need an idea, Unity's docs, and every function is nicely explained there so I just search for what I need and code it for my needs.

I know that you can build 2D games with Unity3D :) and it is awesome feature too! :) I was testing this feature but I didn't finished any 2D projects as well .. I am trying mastering 3D :)

But we can talk about some 2D projects too. You will explain to me what you want, I will make a simple demo, you will review and tell me what do you think about it :)

With Unity3D you can build really almost everything - what you need is : time, skills (time), good 3D models, and good idea.

I am sure that what is most important in developing a game is really how much time you have :) - huge amount of time is needed for bigger projects.

This is why projects like Far Cry, Elder's Scroll, Battlefield, Grid   and other world's best games are developed in a time of few years instead like a week for simple game.

And well ... if you want to build up a huge great game you need to work with a team :) At least few people including a good flexible 3D designer.

Ubisoft, CD Project, EA Games, Blizzard etc. will spend millions while creating new game. When they will release it they will earn 100x times what they put into :)

My service as a game dev @Bitcointalk is kinda mentioned to build up smaller games :) I though that people who have some business might find interesting to have a chance to create their own game with their logo inside etc. :)

But if there will be some serious offer I am flexible and we can build something bigger too just we will need to discuss details so at the end we will be both happy :)

Anyway. I am still waiting for some orders and I hope someone will find this service interesting and useful. :)

I am waiting for Unity5 and webGL included ... so then I will start to build awesome web sites :P :)  I can imagine like a Flash on steroids :D
This will be AMAZING.

Soon I will also release a Bitcoin Racing game :D Just for fun... also few small projects will be released soon too :) all of them as free 2 play projects :)

Ah! Just want to let everybody know that when you order a game I will 1st create a simple demo for you to show you how it will looks like (+-). And when you say you like it! We will discuss the rest of our deal :)


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on August 11, 2014, 04:56:26 PM
Hello :)

Few days ago I finished another game. This time it was for PayzorCoin.

Check it on your own if you want :) it is free 2 play.

Hey !!!

I have a great news for all of us !!

Payzor Air Racer is RELEASED!!! Download full version now! (

and scoreboard is active @   and also when you click the link in the Main Menu of the game it will open this  ( address in the web browser! :)

Please mind when you are sending scores online! Click "Send scores" just once :) and it will work just fine! :)


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: nahtnam on August 11, 2014, 05:37:30 PM
Hello :)

Few days ago I finished another game. This time it was for PayzorCoin.

Check it on your own if you want :) it is free 2 play.

Hey !!!

I have a great news for all of us !!

Payzor Air Racer is RELEASED!!! Download full version now! (

and scoreboard is active @   and also when you click the link in the Main Menu of the game it will open this  ( address in the web browser! :)

Please mind when you are sending scores online! Click "Send scores" just once :) and it will work just fine! :)


Downloads are really slow!

Consider uploading the files to dropbox or something.

Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: roslinpl on August 11, 2014, 05:44:32 PM

Downloads are really slow!

Consider uploading the files to dropbox or something.

Hey! :)

I do not own a domain :)

And I just created a game for Payzor - it is Payzor's server.

If you like me to upload a pack for you somewhere else PM me a type of your OS. That will help me to upload only one pack for you instead of 4 of them :)


Title: Re: [TO HIRE] >>>>>> Create your own 3D GAME!!! <<<<<<
Post by: MakeBelieve on August 11, 2014, 08:38:56 PM
This is a cool service and if I can get the coin I might think of hiring you for a fun little project.