Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: qberty on May 02, 2011, 04:36:38 AM

Title: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 02, 2011, 04:36:38 AM
Hi, i've developed a program that manipulates API's specifically for deepbit and slush.

Uses for this application (Windows only for now):

- Monitor mining status
- Make your own events

Now this application was designed for a global API in mind, meaning that I would like this application to expand on the available API's. For it to do so, it needs to be tested. I also need people to give me more API's they would like to monitor using this desktop application.

Here's a look.
Main Screen
Config Screen

Download 1.0 (Windows) - ( About 1.5 MB

The main OS targets for this application are Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and Android.

Depending on how popular this is, I will try my best to expand on it.

There are many bugs right now, but every function works as it was made.

I would like feedback for new API's and different layouts (current one is very minimalistic). This program actually doesn't have a refresh rate yet, but I want to know if a good amount of people would use it before I continue development on it for other platforms.

Current Bugs
- Slushs API is off
- graphic glitches

Things to do
- Add more API's not just bitcoin related. (MtGox, Mint, etc.)
- Add refresh rate
- Add events

- Make this into a GUI based miner with a smaller footprint than any existing GUI based miner.
- Bitcoin Poker (I will definitely be making this if atleast 5 people want it. 5 Player per table minimum :D)

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: OVerLoRDI on May 02, 2011, 06:52:57 AM
I'm getting a way wrong numbers for my confirmed and unconfirmed reward.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: Shades on May 02, 2011, 07:02:14 AM
Looks promising. Just did a test with my deepbit API. All the values are correct. Some overstepping while expanding the settings window is visible though.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: slush on May 02, 2011, 12:49:23 PM
Are sources available? I'm suspicious in tools like this, we already had virus in closed source tool for  Bitcoin wallet backups which sent wallet.dat over Internet.  Also, this is first post of tool author on this forum...

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 02, 2011, 12:51:22 PM
Are sources available? I'm suspicious in tools like this, we already had virus which sent wallet.dat over Internet in closed source tool for  Bitcoin wallet backups.  Also, this is first post of tool author on this forum...

No source, no install.

Hell, it doesn't even have to be a virus; the program itself could send the wallet.dat somewhere.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: xenon481 on May 02, 2011, 12:58:52 PM
Are sources available? I'm suspicious in tools like this, we already had virus which sent wallet.dat over Internet in closed source tool for  Bitcoin wallet backups.  Also, this is first post of tool author on this forum...

No source, no install.

Hell, it doesn't even have to be a virus; the program itself could send the wallet.dat somewhere.

Which we've also already had instances of in the past.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 02, 2011, 03:47:39 PM
Or worse, if you just stuck your mining pool password into an untrustworthy program; it would be trivial for it to sweep away your accumulated balance to some random address.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: [Tycho] on May 02, 2011, 06:00:43 PM
Or worse, if you just stuck your mining pool password into an untrustworthy program; it would be trivial for it to sweep away your accumulated balance to some random address.
There is no way to do something with your balance by using only API token.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: slush on May 02, 2011, 08:28:32 PM
There is no way to do something with your balance by using only API token.

But users still need to run blackbox on they computers, so I call for cautiousness...

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 03, 2011, 03:00:41 AM
Wow, I understand everyones suspicious behavior but this isn't intended to be malicious. I'm not going anywhere. As long as people want this to be updated, I can do that. I may have a couple of posts, but I have lurked here for quite a bit for help on mining tips. So not charging for a fully working program is the least I could do.

Reasons for it being closed source is so that I have a proper handle on it. It's a simple program that aids Ease of Use for anyone mining.

There isn't an install because it's not fully like one of my original applications. Not enough features to put 100% support in. All I want is feedback related to it's function to make it a better and more easy to use program.

As for those bugs, I need a minimum of 5 different API selections before that bug fixes itself (Ofcourse I could just code a workaround, but I atleast want this programs lifecycle to include 10 API layouts).

If anyone can give me any wanted API systems they would like to monitor and the layout, i'd be glad.

As for current API issues, regarding slushs API. I realize that it's a little off, but that because it's selecting the wrong nest from the slush API. These JSON API's are harder to deal with when encrypting information.

Any more constructive criticism is welcome.

PS. If your too suspicious about my software, and think I want your bitcoins lol, then don't use this program. In my opinion, I want it to be useful for miners and mabye even pool owners if they have private API's

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: pwnyboy on May 03, 2011, 03:51:56 AM
If you want to make it useful, release the source.  End of story.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 03, 2011, 04:41:58 AM
If you want to make it useful, release the source.  End of story.

That's pretty inconsiderate don't you think?

I spend time making software, and spend time testing it.

It may not be the best program, nor is it as useful as an actual miner but just because it's closed source like 90% of software on the internet does not mean that it should be shut out completely.

There's many programs that are successful and closed source because of originality and corruption issues.

If someone else wants to do what I'm doing and thinks they are capable, it defeats the purpose of using my source when they could just make it all themselves and call it their own. I for one don't strive on modifying other peoples work. Sure it takes less time to complete it, but it's not your own, nor is it as original.

Open source is out of the question until it's actually to peoples liking. Until then, stop trying to make an incomplete application open source JUST for the fact of it being open source. It being open source could help it progress, but it's my choice to start this application, if it hadn't been started by someone, everything on the planet would be on github for people to modify.

I figured it's a good decision to keep this closed source for the same fact that one person can actually learn something from their own projects. How do you gain experience if other people are solving problems for you.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 03, 2011, 04:52:30 AM
The source-code issue has nothing to do with your programming skill level or what you might learn. It has everything to do with the fact that you are an unknown quantity and have absolutely no reputation here.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 03, 2011, 05:35:12 AM
It's not upto me who uses the program. Windows 7 isn't open source but most people still use it. Same with every single Apple product. Keeping things closed source DOES improve skill by making only one person responsible of something. If they can't take that responsibility, they can open source it.

It's wrong to force someone to open source someone JUST so other people can tinker with it when it's at such an unstable state like this. It's completely un-ethical from a business standpoint, and only makes sense from nothing but a janitors standpoint.

I don't need reputation on a particular bulletin board to display my skill. If you don't like the program, don't use it. There's absolutely no need for you to voice un-related opinions that have nothing to do with the direction of the development of this program.

I created it. So, I think I have the right to decide what route it takes. If someone can do a better job, then do it. No one is forcing anyone to use my program. I'm just putting it out there. Yeah, i've only been registered on this forum for a couple days, but that has nothing related to the program besides respect and trust. That's it. None of those aspects actually take part in the development of this program, nor should it be a victim of it's own selection.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: pwnyboy on May 03, 2011, 06:44:44 AM
I think you're confused on the meaning of "open source".  Quite simply, it means that you've released your source code into the public domain, presumably with some kind of license (i.e. the public can use it to make derivative works or a commercial product, or the public cannot, etc).  Open-sourcing your product doesn't mean that you have to take code contributions from anyone else.

As was previously stated, the reason people would like you to open your code up is because you're an "unknown quantity".  I wasn't trying to be rude, just stating my opinion based on experience that uptake of your software will be considerably less with closed source *because* you're unknown on these forums.  And for goodness sake, stop comparing your product to the likes of Apple or Microsoft - these are multi-national multi-billion dollar enterprises.

By the way, I'd most certainly try your product if it were opened up.  I think it has larger and far more reaching implications than itself, which could serve the greater community.  For example, perhaps the off-spin of an API library for inclusion into other programs in the future.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 03, 2011, 11:22:57 AM
It's not upto me who uses the program. Windows 7 isn't open source but most people still use it. Same with every single Apple product. Keeping things closed source DOES improve skill by making only one person responsible of something. If they can't take that responsibility, they can open source it.

It's wrong to force someone to open source someone JUST so other people can tinker with it when it's at such an unstable state like this. It's completely un-ethical from a business standpoint, and only makes sense from nothing but a janitors standpoint.

I don't need reputation on a particular bulletin board to display my skill. If you don't like the program, don't use it. There's absolutely no need for you to voice un-related opinions that have nothing to do with the direction of the development of this program.

I created it. So, I think I have the right to decide what route it takes. If someone can do a better job, then do it. No one is forcing anyone to use my program. I'm just putting it out there. Yeah, i've only been registered on this forum for a couple days, but that has nothing related to the program besides respect and trust. That's it. None of those aspects actually take part in the development of this program, nor should it be a victim of it's own selection.

And none of this is even relevant. What part of "You are unknown and untrusted" don't you understand?

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: Anonymous on May 03, 2011, 12:34:51 PM
Ive spoken to him on irc a few times and he doesnt strike me as wanting to steal peoples wallets :)

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: slush on May 03, 2011, 02:50:42 PM
Maybe I'm paranoic, but using this type of closed sources utilities targeted to bitcoin are high-risk business for me. There is no reason to _not_ show the code, except it is doing something nasty or you're shy for your codebase.

Please don't take it personally, but:
1) You offering simple tool which does almost nothing except downloading one or two json files from the net.
2) This tool have full access to computers with (probably) thousands of bitcoins.
2) You are absolutely unknown entity for us.
3) You're refusing to show sources for no obvious reason (is there anything valuable in the sources?) and explaining that as "MS/Apple are also closed source"

Maybe you're just shy for your codebase, which I understand, but maybe you're just another script kiddie who want to 'earn' bitcoins easily. Who knows?

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 03, 2011, 04:16:34 PM
Maybe I'm paranoic, but using this type of closed sources utilities targeted to bitcoin are high-risk business for me. There is no reason to _not_ show the code, except it is doing something nasty or you're shy for your codebase.

Please don't take it personally, but:
1) You offering simple tool which does almost nothing except downloading one or two json files from the net.
2) This tool have full access to computers with (probably) thousands of bitcoins.
2) You are absolutely unknown entity for us.
3) You're refusing to show sources for no obvious reason (is there anything valuable in the sources?) and explaining that as "MS/Apple are also closed source"

Maybe you're just shy for your codebase, which I understand, but maybe you're just another script kiddie who want to 'earn' bitcoins easily. Who knows?

I know.

I don't need a reason to protect my work, even if it's as simple as laying information out in a different way.

This application does NOT need admin rights on any OS. There fore it cannot utilize any port access, or send any data. For Windows, specifically windows 7 which this program was designed for, it can do nothign but pull data TO the client program. This application might not even work on XP, and maybe vista which is even more secure in terms of permissions than win7.

I know I don't have much people to vouch for me besides noagendamarket but I am going to tell you again, I don't have any malicious intention.

If this community is going to do nothing but bash people before getting anywhere, you'll be stuck.

Okay, so say this IS a virus, or it DOES steal your wallet.dat from wherever the hell it is on your computer. Yet you still trust it enough to run it, but don't trust what it'd do. A wise choice would be to run it in a sandbox, or wrap it with a vm sandbox and then run it. It would then do absolutely no damage, or harm to the host of the sandbox. Ofcourse, why would anyone here do that? You all just want open source, and don't care for closed source.

If you didn't realize by now. Software that is open source, gets no proper support, gets a gross development cycle and has no final version when multiple people are screwing with it. Whatever your defense is for making open source software has no ideal effect on what I actually develop. It's a different ballgame and Open source clearly loses to closed source. I designed this program for the END USER. Not another developer. So that's it. Enough of this open source discussion. It's not going to happen. Use this program, or don't. I don't need a big reps support.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: pwnyboy on May 03, 2011, 11:02:18 PM
You're severely misguided, and nobody is going to use your program in a sandbox, that defeats the whole purpose.  Get real.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 03, 2011, 11:41:40 PM
You're severely misguided, and nobody is going to use your program in a sandbox, that defeats the whole purpose.  Get real.

defeats the whole purpose of what? Making it open source. Wow. Profound.

Why can't anyone just accept that I don't want it open source just to satisfy the fact that I have no rep on this forum. That's just sickening. Let's get real then. In reality, it's not like someone would care enough about this program to use its source to make it a million times better. People on this board want it to be open source, so they can trust it as the code can be easily sifted through and taken. In my opinion, if security was the ONLY issue here, between open source and close source, then sandboxing would actually BE a good idea. If noone would sandbox it, then they are not interested in it's security. So far noone has addressed exactly what i'm saying with a smart rebuttle.

All I see, is "your not relevant","you don't make sense","make it open source","you have no rep","we can't trust you". Aside from security, theres no reason to FORCE me to make this open source for the slim chance of someone wanting to modify it.

Forget it. I'll update this app because I use it myself sometimes. but this board is full of pricks.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: FooDSt4mP on May 04, 2011, 12:12:16 AM
You're severely misguided, and nobody is going to use your program in a sandbox, that defeats the whole purpose.  Get real.

defeats the whole purpose of what? Making it open source. Wow. Profound.

Why can't anyone just accept that I don't want it open source just to satisfy the fact that I have no rep on this forum. That's just sickening. Let's get real then. In reality, it's not like someone would care enough about this program to use its source to make it a million times better. People on this board want it to be open source, so they can trust it as the code can be easily sifted through and taken. In my opinion, if security was the ONLY issue here, between open source and close source, then sandboxing would actually BE a good idea. If noone would sandbox it, then they are not interested in it's security. So far noone has addressed exactly what i'm saying with a smart rebuttle.

All I see, is "your not relevant","you don't make sense","make it open source","you have no rep","we can't trust you". Aside from security, theres no reason to FORCE me to make this open source for the slim chance of someone wanting to modify it.

Forget it. I'll update this app because I use it myself sometimes. but this board is full of pricks.

Security is necessary since we are dealing with very liquid assets.  However, "sandboxing" is nontrivial in this case.  If I give you access to my mining accounts, you can redirect my payout.  I have to watch your API usage to ensure you don't do something I don't approve of.  Stripping out personal information and dumping it on github/gitorious IS trivial.  I can understand not wanting to be responsible for maintaining an open source project, but no one is asking you to do that.  However, you may just find some pull requests for features on your TODO.  Or not, but at least people can read through it and be convinced it is safe.  If it's style you're worried about, don't be.  It's practically impossible to write clean code on the first go.  Any good programmer will understand that.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 04, 2011, 01:06:28 AM

Security is necessary since we are dealing with very liquid assets.  However, "sandboxing" is nontrivial in this case.  If I give you access to my mining accounts, you can redirect my payout.  I have to watch your API usage to ensure you don't do something I don't approve of.  Stripping out personal information and dumping it on github/gitorious IS trivial.  I can understand not wanting to be responsible for maintaining an open source project, but no one is asking you to do that.  However, you may just find some pull requests for features on your TODO.  Or not, but at least people can read through it and be convinced it is safe.  If it's style you're worried about, don't be.  It's practically impossible to write clean code on the first go.  Any good programmer will understand that.

I know what your saying, but most of these users are making it seem as if I MUST make it open source JUST to get them to use it. I don't see that as anytype of fair, compared to the others that take that same risk and still use closed source programs.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: [Tycho] on May 04, 2011, 01:52:35 AM
Security is necessary since we are dealing with very liquid assets.  However, "sandboxing" is nontrivial in this case.  If I give you access to my mining accounts, you can redirect my payout.  I have to watch your API usage to ensure you don't do something I don't approve of.
I want to repeat that you can't do anything bad to your payout via pool's JSON/JSON-RPC API. The only thing you can do is ask for instant payout, but only to YOUR own bitcoin address that can't be changed by API call.

I'm not supporting either side, just pointing to the fact that API is intended to be harmless even if someone steals your token.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 04, 2011, 02:34:48 AM
If you didn't realize by now. Software that is open source, gets no proper support, gets a gross development cycle and has no final version when multiple people are screwing with it. Whatever your defense is for making open source software has no ideal effect on what I actually develop. It's a different ballgame and Open source clearly loses to closed source. I designed this program for the END USER. Not another developer. So that's it. Enough of this open source discussion. It's not going to happen. Use this program, or don't. I don't need a big reps support.

So you wouldn't support your own program?!?!?

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: pwnyboy on May 04, 2011, 07:58:05 AM
defeats the whole purpose of what? Making it open source. Wow. Profound.

No, what I was trying to convey is that sandboxing is counterintuitive.  The purpose of running your application would be to place it on my desktop.  If I have to sandbox it in a VM, it serves no useful purpose anymore, i.e. I'd have to window it, which would be the same value to me as simply hitting the pool's status page directly from within a web browser.

Forget it. I'll update this app because I use it myself sometimes. but this board is full of pricks.

Rather than coding, you might find this more useful:

I started using it today, as the gadget source is completely readable, and Windows Gadgets are already effectively sandboxed by their inability to interact with the system in certain ways.  Best of luck with your coding if you do continue.


Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 04, 2011, 08:07:34 AM

No, what I was trying to convey is that sandboxing is counterintuitive.  The purpose of running your application would be to place it on my desktop.  If I have to sandbox it in a VM, it serves no useful purpose anymore, i.e. I'd have to window it, which would be the same value to me as simply hitting the pool's status page directly from within a web browser.

Pardon me if i'm not mistaken, but it doesn't look like you know the difference between sandboxing and vm. Let's make it a little more clear.

A vm (virtual machine) would run the app within a controlled os environment. While a sandbox wrapped application, modifies the actual executable to allow it to run within the same environment but with a controlled margin. Ever heard of portable versions of software?

Take a look ( You can HAVE the application right on your desktop, you can run it like normal, you don't give it any permission whatsoever to modify anything on the host. If that doesn't float your boat, ever heard of Sandboxie? ( What's so counterintuitive? Please research what your talking about, or ask for clarification before making your conclusion.

I could even provide pre-sandboxed versions, but again that is far from the point. Even if I gave the end user the option for it to be impossible for the application to be malicious, someone will find something to say and bash it, like for example, me not having enough rep, or being only registered for a couple days. Having said that, I do realize how new I am to this board, but I reiterate, i'm not new to the internet. I practically grew up in it.

All I asked for were some people to test it, tell me what could be better, and give me more ideas. I didn't ask someone to give me tips on how open my software should be (low-end or not).

And lol @ that desktop gadget. It's a nice piece of work. Oh boy, if gadgets were ever closed source or even encrypted for that matter, damn anyone on this board wouldn't even touch a single gadget. Even with the ones that come with windows lol. Still use Internet Explorer? well you must have at some point to get a new browser, but wait. Why would anyone use a closed source application? It could steal my wallet.dat, oh well, guess no exploring the internet for me. I might as well not even get windows because of the fact that it's closed source and I have NO idea what's going on behind the scenes, so I won't pay 300 bucks to grab a genuine copy. Instead, i'll move to Ubuntu, because that's open source, and i'm an end-user, I REALLY need full access to everything because it makes me feel more secure.

Or better yet, I should probably close my bank accounts, paypal accounts, even e-mail accounts. Holy smokes, who knows where my information goes once it leaves my computer.

PS. Is it even safe for me to use this bulletinboard system? hey, it's free right? but I can't edit it locally, or on client side. What if the database isn't even using hashs for passwords? What if it's already been modified for malicious use? /end sarcastic user of this board

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 04, 2011, 08:30:22 AM
Are you really that much of an asshole in real life?

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: pwnyboy on May 04, 2011, 10:26:30 AM
Sandboxie is interesting.  To date I've only known about other more established and perhaps better-known methods like Dosbox and FreeBSD jails.  My frame of reference for the term "sandbox" is also quite different than yours I'm sure; when I need to "sandbox" something I throw old hardware at it, completely side-stepping the software/virtualization layer all-together.  Anyway, thanks for the tip, but I still believe you're severely misguided.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 05, 2011, 01:23:50 AM
Are you really that much of an asshole in real life?

I do believe I have offended noone. Rather, everyone has offended my own opinion over there own based on the sole ease of everyone being an open source freak on this board.

I may come off as an asshole, but only to get my point across. So far, someone has yet to invalidate my opinion.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 05, 2011, 12:05:57 PM
Are you really that much of an asshole in real life?

I do believe I have offended noone. Rather, everyone has offended my own opinion over there own based on the sole ease of everyone being an open source freak on this board.

I may come off as an asshole, but only to get my point across. So far, someone has yet to invalidate my opinion.

And you have done nothing but completely ignore our legitimate concerns. Goodbye.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 05, 2011, 01:20:52 PM

And you have done nothing but completely ignore our legitimate concerns. Goodbye.

Unlike you, i've addressed everyones opinion with my own reasoning. And still noone has proven a real need to make this program open source.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: commlinx on May 05, 2011, 02:12:24 PM
This application does NOT need admin rights on any OS. There fore it cannot utilize any port access, or send any data. For Windows, specifically windows 7 which this program was designed for, it can do nothign but pull data TO the client program.
Ummm, do you know how HTTP works? To 'pull' data you need to send a request that can and usually does include other data like query strings, cookies and POST data that can be used to send other data like the contents of wallet.dat. You've pointed out that it can be sandboxed, it's a great idea for some applications and I often use virtual machines for that reason, but nobody is going to bother for the sake of something that can be easily scripted or is only a browser refresh away.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 05, 2011, 02:17:00 PM
This application does NOT need admin rights on any OS. There fore it cannot utilize any port access, or send any data. For Windows, specifically windows 7 which this program was designed for, it can do nothign but pull data TO the client program.
Ummm, do you know how HTTP works? To 'pull' data you need to send a request that can and usually does include other data like query strings, cookies and POST data that can be used to send other data like the contents of wallet.dat. You've pointed out that it can be sandboxed, it's a great idea for some applications and I often use virtual machines for that reason, but nobody is going to bother for the sake of something that can be easily scripted or is only a browser refresh away.

To reiterate, this only pulls API data from either pools. And if you need to SEND/POST any data to the web, from a NATIVE application, it requires Administration. Just try it on win7.

The fact that noone would bother is just my point exactly. So I don't know what the fuss is about making this open source. It's a simple program that just does things faster than opening a browser window and loading a whole webpage or sifting through an API page.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: commlinx on May 05, 2011, 02:37:37 PM
This application does NOT need admin rights on any OS. There fore it cannot utilize any port access, or send any data. For Windows, specifically windows 7 which this program was designed for, it can do nothign but pull data TO the client program.
Ummm, do you know how HTTP works? To 'pull' data you need to send a request that can and usually does include other data like query strings, cookies and POST data that can be used to send other data like the contents of wallet.dat. You've pointed out that it can be sandboxed, it's a great idea for some applications and I often use virtual machines for that reason, but nobody is going to bother for the sake of something that can be easily scripted or is only a browser refresh away.

To reiterate, this only pulls API data from either pools. And if you need to SEND/POST any data to the web, from a NATIVE application, it requires Administration. Just try it on win7.

The fact that noone would bother is just my point exactly. So I don't know what the fuss is about making this open source. It's a simple program that just does things faster than opening a browser window and loading a whole webpage or sifting through an API page.
Just tried it with wget on a Windows 7 machine without admin and without installing (just copied and ran from a command line) and when I requested a random page like xxxyyyyzzz was able to see the failed request on the server, which is the equivalent of transmitting data. Other than Windows firewall messages I've never seen any native apps I've written using the winsock API need administrative privileges.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 05, 2011, 02:44:16 PM
This application does NOT need admin rights on any OS. There fore it cannot utilize any port access, or send any data. For Windows, specifically windows 7 which this program was designed for, it can do nothign but pull data TO the client program.
Ummm, do you know how HTTP works? To 'pull' data you need to send a request that can and usually does include other data like query strings, cookies and POST data that can be used to send other data like the contents of wallet.dat. You've pointed out that it can be sandboxed, it's a great idea for some applications and I often use virtual machines for that reason, but nobody is going to bother for the sake of something that can be easily scripted or is only a browser refresh away.

To reiterate, this only pulls API data from either pools. And if you need to SEND/POST any data to the web, from a NATIVE application, it requires Administration. Just try it on win7.

The fact that noone would bother is just my point exactly. So I don't know what the fuss is about making this open source. It's a simple program that just does things faster than opening a browser window and loading a whole webpage or sifting through an API page.
Just tried it with wget on a Windows 7 machine without admin and without installing (just copied and ran from a command line) and when I requested a random page like xxxyyyyzzz was able to see the failed request on the server, which is the equivalent of transmitting data. Other than Windows firewall messages I've never seen any native apps I've written using the winsock API need administrative privileges.

If you actually decompiled my application you would know it doesn't use winsock as a normal connection to pull the API. It's a custom SSL approach that encrypts the connection and passes it to winsock AFTER it's been generated, then uses winsock to pass it back. Sort of like a boomerang effect but without a big time delay that windows socket procedures are used too.

I know it doesn't make sense to encrypt the connection for a simple API call, but I like to go that extra mile so nothing is too feesable. Ofcourse, any http analyzer could still see the get/port in plain text, but most software don't run off of ring0 like some debugger/analyzers do.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 05, 2011, 02:50:33 PM
You're severely misguided, and nobody is going to use your program in a sandbox, that defeats the whole purpose.  Get real.

defeats the whole purpose of what? Making it open source. Wow. Profound.

Why can't anyone just accept that I don't want it open source just to satisfy the fact that I have no rep on this forum. That's just sickening. Let's get real then. In reality, it's not like someone would care enough about this program to use its source to make it a million times better. People on this board want it to be open source, so they can trust it as the code can be easily sifted through and taken. In my opinion, if security was the ONLY issue here, between open source and close source, then sandboxing would actually BE a good idea. If noone would sandbox it, then they are not interested in it's security. So far noone has addressed exactly what i'm saying with a smart rebuttle.

All I see, is "your not relevant","you don't make sense","make it open source","you have no rep","we can't trust you". Aside from security, theres no reason to FORCE me to make this open source for the slim chance of someone wanting to modify it.

Forget it. I'll update this app because I use it myself sometimes. but this board is full of pricks.

You have no reason to keep it closed. Open sourcing costs you nothing. You are offering something someone already thought of. Your assumption that there's a slim chance people might want to edit is the thankfully dying professional elitism of the unique coder. And you are trying to drop a utility in a community bent on changing the world.

We want experts not professional elitists.
We want amateurs not armchair generals.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Enjoy the Streisand effect. It can be a bit rough.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: commlinx on May 05, 2011, 03:02:05 PM
I'm about to head off (late here) and I'm not trying to be an asshat, and I don't think anyone else is in the thread is either. I've written public domain and open source stuff as well as closed source so I don't hold that against you. It's just for such a simple tool it introduces a risk. We could all spend ages on it decompiling, or check what it 'normally' sends by HTTP and run in a sandbox even with a wallet to make sure it didn't steal it. But how would anyone know there wasn't some obfuscated code that wouldn't activate when it found a 10,000BTC wallet?

Don't take these comments personally, you're most probably a well meaning nice guy trying to make a contribution but given the fairly small convenience of the tool (which is quite neat) I don't think you'll find a lot of people wanting to take any risks.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 05, 2011, 04:37:28 PM
I'm not telling anyone to take risks nor endanger their wallet. I specifically said, if you don't trust this, don't use it. It's a simple rule.

I have every right to close source software I make just like anyone else. Everyone here, is just way too paranoid to realize they all use closed source software. People use WinRAR almost every day. It does a simple task of compressing a file JUST like WinAce and WinZIP which already come with windows. WinRAR has smaller functions that are widespread. Now tell me an open source program that kept it's same support team for over 2 years, plus made enough income to actually make it worth the time minus any donations.

Open source software, is for paranoid users. Any skilled programmer, can write their own program exactly like any existing program without the need to use templates from an available open source program. If a developer wanted to do better with a program, they would restart from scratch, instead of learn a different programmers perspective on the same problems. It's way too pointless, and everyone that supports open source is completely paranoid and weird beyond that fact.

Sure there are some successful open source software like Linux, and mods like Ubuntu and wordpress and all that jazz. Theres a reason why a person would use a closed source program compared to a open source program. I'd never use wordpress as a blogging system, people get exploited almost everyday. I'd never use something free like phpbb, less support, less functions, less popularity in the long run. In restrospect, vBulletin would take the cake as most popular board system, not for being free like SMF or phpbb but because it's closed source (at retail), it's massive support, and it's explosion of community involvement.

For open source I just cannot see a REAL use for it to pay off the time you spend on it. Making a closed source program FREE, already has it's own ups and downs, but open source is just like feeding kids different templates to mooch off of. Now i'm not being selfish, because I AM entitled to my own work, I don't mind sharing it. I would gladly make anything I write open source if I wasn't so bent on proving that there's no real change for the end-user, rather only other developers would make use of the fact that it's open source.

But that's where things are different. I'm not making programs for programmers. I'm making programs for users. Users, that don't want to bother with code, with complicated tasks, with monotonous details. Users, that don't care whether or not it's open source, they base their choice of software on quality. Not how it is open source. It's just not practical in the real world. Paranoia also is nothing but a mental block. It ends nowhere. Just like open source.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: slush on May 05, 2011, 06:30:05 PM
I'm not telling anyone to take risks nor endanger their wallet. I specifically said, if you don't trust this, don't use it. It's a simple rule.

And we're telling you that if you show the code (which is no-loss for you), you will have much more users and potential donations, too.

Everyone here, is just way too paranoid to realize they all use closed source software. People use WinRAR almost every day.

There is almost 0% chance that WinRAR contains code stealing bitcoins. On the oposite, simple tool for Bitcoin made by unknown developer has very high probability that is malicious (as we already had those issues). The chance is even higher when the developer refuse to open his code, althought there is probably nothing magical inside which should be kept private (like special intelectual property about how to download json data and display them in window with custom skin).

I think that I wrote enough and other people can decide if they want to use your app and take the risk or not, so this discussion is over for me.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 05, 2011, 07:21:38 PM
Open source software, is for paranoid users. Any skilled programmer, can write their own program exactly like any existing program without the need to use templates from an available open source program. If a developer wanted to do better with a program, they would restart from scratch, instead of learn a different programmers perspective on the same problems. It's way too pointless, and everyone that supports open source is completely paranoid and weird beyond that fact.

Open source builds community. I'm getting more and more motivated to spend a good deal of time putting together a decent alternative given your relentless elitism.

For open source I just cannot see a REAL use for it to pay off the time you spend on it. Making a closed source program FREE, already has it's own ups and downs, but open source is just like feeding kids different templates to mooch off of. Now i'm not being selfish, because I AM entitled to my own work, I don't mind sharing it. I would gladly make anything I write open source if I wasn't so bent on proving that there's no real change for the end-user, rather only other developers would make use of the fact that it's open source.

People also care about the culture that their time and money goes. Social stocks and fair trade blow away your argument.

But that's where things are different. I'm not making programs for programmers. I'm making programs for users. Users, that don't want to bother with code, with complicated tasks, with monotonous details. Users, that don't care whether or not it's open source, they base their choice of software on quality. Not how it is open source. It's just not practical in the real world. Paranoia also is nothing but a mental block. It ends nowhere. Just like open source.

Who the hell are you to divide people into categories of programmer and user? Give users documentation and get out of the way of programmers.

Open source created the Internet. Open source is about create it again.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 06, 2011, 12:18:15 AM
You definitely misunderstood the purpose of my opinion.

Whatever, it's clear all of you are stuck on this open world idea because your scared. Quite frankly I don't care what your reason is for me to make it open source. I don't agree, and I won't do it.

It's not going to happen. So either leave this thread while keeping your sanity intact or stay here and keep ranting about open source and it's benefits to someone that refuses to listen. Keep my software closed source has worked for me in the past, and it shall in the future.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: FooDSt4mP on May 06, 2011, 01:06:30 AM

For open source I just cannot see a REAL use for it to pay off the time you spend on it. Making a closed source program FREE, already has it's own ups and downs, but open source is just like feeding kids different templates to mooch off of. Now i'm not being selfish, because I AM entitled to my own work, I don't mind sharing it. I would gladly make anything I write open source if I wasn't so bent on proving that there's no real change for the end-user, rather only other developers would make use of the fact that it's open source.

First, I don't care what you do.  I'm not using this and I have no interest in using it, nor developing it.  That said, "feeding kids different templates to mooch off of" or "sharing" is the only way we can ever progress technologically.  Every major new innovation is built on the shoulders of giants.  And small innovations are built on smaller tools, like the one you have written.  I understand that at times the "open world idea" can be a product of fear.  But don't fall for the fallacy that open source is not pragmatically useful simply because it is attractive to certain types of ideologues.  It sounds as if your fear is that "other developers would make use of the fact that it's open source."  So you're afraid someone will make it better and you will lose control of the project?  Therefore, you want to keep it closed so you can possibly sell it in the future?  If that's the case, just admit it's greed and they'll shut up.  And one day, they will make peace with the existence of greed in and around them.  A friend once told me "there's a time and a place for everything." Do what you want with your software, but don't bash open source.  It only feeds the fire precisely because some many people do find it tremendously useful.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 06, 2011, 01:45:43 AM
You definitely misunderstood the purpose of my opinion.

This obtuse sentence has to be an accident.

Whatever, it's clear all of you are stuck on this open world idea because your scared.

Eh, no. You're the one stuck on it.

Quite frankly I don't care what your reason is for me to make it open source. I don't agree, and I won't do it.

He's got a booboo. Troll much?

Keep my software closed source has worked for me in the past, and it shall in the future.

Worked in what way? It ran faster? It never called your mother? You are experiencing a contextual clusterfuck.

What does open source prevent?

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 08, 2011, 06:21:31 PM
Closed source makes money. Doesn't intrigue corruption, and it's more profitable in many other ways.

I'm stuck on this bullshit because noone on this board would leave my thread alone about open source. I could careless about it.

Infact, i've gotten more downloads of this program in particular from users other than this forum board. So it that's a small display margin for how corrupting you fools are. You strive to complain and defend your own opinions when i'm not even here to listen to it. I'm here to provide a program to the people who use it. If none of you realized by now, atleast 10 people downloaded it from this board. Aside from the pricks who are arguing, some people on this board didn't care that it was open source. And 10 downloads can provide enough feedback for something as small as this. So closed source IS working for me. If you want to do it open sourced, then by all means. But don't try to infuse your opinion into mine by invalidating my own experience.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 09, 2011, 11:09:49 PM
Closed source makes money.

So does open source. Why money when you could have bitcoins?

Doesn't intrigue corruption,

This is vague and paranoid. You clearly don't know how computers work. Nobody can force their code on you.

and it's more profitable in many other ways.

You don't read the news much.

I'm stuck on this bullshit because noone on this board would leave my thread alone about open source. I could careless about it.

Infact, i've gotten more downloads of this program in particular from users other than this forum board. So it that's a small display margin for how corrupting you fools are. You strive to complain and defend your own opinions when i'm not even here to listen to it. I'm here to provide a program to the people who use it. If none of you realized by now, atleast 10 people downloaded it from this board. Aside from the pricks who are arguing, some people on this board didn't care that it was open source. And 10 downloads can provide enough feedback for something as small as this. So closed source IS working for me. If you want to do it open sourced, then by all means. But don't try to infuse your opinion into mine by invalidating my own experience.

Kings must have subjects.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 12, 2011, 04:24:55 AM
Updated the download link. Some people couldn't download the first version.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: mjsbuddha on May 12, 2011, 04:37:18 AM
welcome to the bitcoin community qberty. the place is populated by paranoid anarchists so here you're presumed guilty until proven innocent.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: warweed on May 12, 2011, 04:37:45 AM
If you guys are sooooooooo worried set your payout threshold higher and send the btc to a address and monitor your network traffic for anything suspicious on top of that monitor system file changes to see if there are keylogging like software ect and if your super paranoid just send to another instance of bitcoin disconnect that machine from the tubes and test quit being paranoid lol gawd

You blindly download closed source software daily Most of you

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: warweed on May 12, 2011, 04:53:38 AM
And slush / tycho all due respect all of us were new at sometime and even senior members can be shady

But would you open source your pools ? No I
 Sure you wouldn't why because if you did A people could find bugs and exploit costing you money everyone would have there own pools and ultimatly all your hardwork would be worthless

What if the op wants after testing and proven working to charge a small  fee for his work ... He couldn't could he because it would be open source

I understand concerns but as tycho suggested there isn't much can be done with the API itself the concern would be more key logger based or possibly round robinging the miners to his own private pool Thou even if that were the case it sure wouldn't be very long before it was discovered

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: slush on May 12, 2011, 07:06:19 AM
But would you open source your pools ?

There is a huge difference - closed source pool cannot access your computer. As you're sending every small bit of earned bitcoins to your wallet from the pool, there is no chance how I can steal your coins.

Usually I'm not paranoid (I'm using Windows, Skype etc), but realistic, because there was malicious software stealing wallets before some time already.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 12, 2011, 09:56:12 PM
And slush / tycho all due respect all of us were new at sometime and even senior members can be shady

I would go GNU because my value is community and it eats opportunity like nothing else.

Now watch this drive.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 12, 2011, 10:19:26 PM

I'm designing the worlds first bitcoin powered poker system. Let's hope noone beats me to it. And I'm going to seriously laugh at who ever says to open source THAT.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AtlasONo on May 13, 2011, 12:52:51 AM
Don't waste your time.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 13, 2011, 03:01:01 AM
Too late. move along.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 13, 2011, 08:04:03 AM
Given that you refuse to even acknowledge the nature of the issue, I have no choice but to conclude that you most likely have malicious intentions.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 13, 2011, 09:11:03 AM
Too late. move along.

You're too late.

Take any open source poker software add a bitcoin backend and you're done.

But worse you actually want to go into a business that just rammed up the chute by the US government and risk the whole enterprise to attack.

Fuck you, sir.
Fuck you very much with a hockey stick.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: dikidera on May 13, 2011, 10:58:34 AM
If someone is so bent on the intent that this program has malicious code, then you guys know where to find Olly. Learn assembly and start exploring the code. Specifically for strings like wallet.dat.

When you don't find the malicious code, then come back and of course apologize to the developer.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 13, 2011, 01:51:33 PM
If someone is so bent on the intent that this program has malicious code, then you guys know where to find Olly. Learn assembly and start exploring the code. Specifically for strings like wallet.dat.

When you don't find the malicious code, then come back and of course apologize to the developer.

You guys really have trouble with the concept of culture.

Culture trumps profit. Developer? LOL. Anyone with a little guts and free time is a developer. It's not a special ahievement here, because we all do it. He isn't one Ayn Rand among drooling acolytes. For all you know we are an army of Ayn Rands.

"Apologize to the developer". Children, say "Thank you" to the nice electrician who turned on the power for your PS3s. "Someday you'll grow up to be like him. Now eat yer vegetables."

Please take your patronizing, condescending, elitist notions elsewhere. We're doing work here.

He's an opportunist who doesn't appreciate where this currency is going. And some of the uses people will be applying it to are a priority that is absolutely incompatible with his customer / vendor, server / client bias.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: commlinx on May 13, 2011, 02:10:31 PM
If someone is so bent on the intent that this program has malicious code, then you guys know where to find Olly. Learn assembly and start exploring the code. Specifically for strings like wallet.dat.

When you don't find the malicious code, then come back and of course apologize to the developer.
I'm not sure if you're being serious, but assuming it was obfuscated even to a simple degree it would likely take weeks to disassemble and follow through the code to a degree you could be sure of what it does. Personally if I particularly wanted the functions I'd rather spend a day and write my own version. There's already a Javascript based Windows gadget floating around that's very easy to verify.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 13, 2011, 03:29:06 PM
If someone is so bent on the intent that this program has malicious code, then you guys know where to find Olly. Learn assembly and start exploring the code. Specifically for strings like wallet.dat.

When you don't find the malicious code, then come back and of course apologize to the developer.
I'm not sure if you're being serious, but assuming it was obfuscated even to a simple degree it would likely take weeks to disassemble and follow through the code to a degree you could be sure of what it does. Personally if I particularly wanted the functions I'd rather spend a day and write my own version. There's already a Javascript based Windows gadget floating around that's very easy to verify.

Take weeks? You sir need to leave this thread, you clearly don't belong if your making irrational assumptions. If you like that winGadget then use it.

The sole fact that anyone from this forum is going to bash a close source program JUST because there are open sourced programs makes you an ignorant prick by definition. I don't need anyone of you paramaniacs to even be in this thread. Your all lucky I can't stop certain people from coming in this thread because so far, only like 2-3 of you have actually defended my point versus the 20 other people who downloaded my app without complaining versus the ignorant pricks that rather claim my code as malicious.

If you REALLY think it's malicious based on the fact that I simply decide to continue to make software in closed source you all need to open your eyes. There is more closed source than open source. Now get out of my thread, I don't need you to progress what i'm doing.

//On a side note (to the people that read my posts + support my opinion, yeah, all two of you), The poker system is almost complete. I'm integrating Bitcoins,Bitpennies,Play bitcoins,Play bitpennies. Multiple converters to allow money deposits for both money and bitcoins as well as some other planned currencies. I'm also going to make a web interface so the maniacs of the internet can successfully eradicate me stealing wallet.dat's and bitcoins and all that jazz. But that's not it's main purpose. It would allow a user to configure their whole profile without having the program to run. I'm also making the worlds first reverse-connect poker system aswell, which will allow you to host your own tables (as servers on ports) + charge fees ;). Tournaments will take place within the system to allow free users with no deposit at all to make bitcoins and bitpennies. If that screams malicious then i'm probably in the wrong area of the internet.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: CydeWeys on May 13, 2011, 03:37:28 PM
I have every right to close source software I make just like anyone else. Everyone here, is just way too paranoid to realize they all use closed source software. People use WinRAR almost every day. It does a simple task of compressing a file JUST like WinAce and WinZIP which already come with windows. WinRAR has smaller functions that are widespread. Now tell me an open source program that kept it's same support team for over 2 years, plus made enough income to actually make it worth the time minus any donations.

You need to lose your illusions of grandeur.  First you compared yourself to Microsoft and Apple (hahaha), and now you've "settled" for WinRAR.  WinRAR, which has a cumulative number of hundreds of millions (if not billions) of downloads, has been around for nearly two decades, and is backed by a multi-million-dollar company.

You and Rarlab are nothing alike.  Please understand that.  I'm a Free Software guy.  I love programs with available source code because, even if I don't ever personally inspect them, others have.  But I'm not an ideologue.  I run proprietary software too, including, yes, you guessed it, WinRAR.  But WinRAR has earned a bit of trust in my regard.  And would I download a new closed source tool by Microsoft if I thought it was useful?  Yes, I would.  Would I download a new closed source tool from a complete unknown that would have the potential to completely wipe out all of my Bitcoin holdings?  No, I wouldn't.

FFS guy, you are not Microsoft, you are not Apple, you are not Rarlab, you are just some random guy on the Internet releasing software in an area with a high potential for risk and with an already existing history of fraud.  You haven't earned anyone's trust.  And yet you don't understand at all why people might want to see the source so they can make an evaluation for themselves of the software?  Get over yourself.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 13, 2011, 04:24:28 PM
Take weeks? You sir need to leave this thread, you clearly don't belong if your making irrational assumptions. If you like that winGadget then use it.

Your ability to imitate every blowhard that ever lived is astounding.

The sole fact that anyone from this forum is going to bash a close source program JUST because there are open sourced programs makes you an ignorant prick by definition.

LOL. You need to stop taking shit personally. It prevents you from listening and perhaps learning something.

Culture trumps features. There's plenty of you opportunists looking to drink the blood of this community. You can call us culturally conservative if you like.

I don't need anyone of you paramaniacs to even be in this thread. Your all lucky I can't stop certain people from coming in this thread because so far, only like 2-3 of you have actually defended my point versus the 20 other people who downloaded my app without complaining versus the ignorant pricks that rather claim my code as malicious.

No one claimed it was. They simply said we have a filter against abusers and we'll happily go elsewhere.

We are not driven by entertainment, distractions, ignorance of our environment. We care more about our culture than we do about petty product features. We will use less featured software if it promotes our culture. Deal with it. Stop assuming you deserve anything. All the time you or anyone spends on a product is nothing more than a bet, a bet that people give a shit about your product. Because if they don't give a shit, you bet that they might like it is irrelevant and wasted.

There is more closed source than open source. Now get out of my thread, I don't need you to progress what i'm doing.

And there's more Bonzo Buddy shit than there is productive software. I don't use it.

And the thread exists in our forum. You're a guest just like the rest of us douchebag.

The poker system is almost complete.

Translation: "Den I pick up some escort ladies in Vegas. Pahrtee down, Mon!"

I'm integrating Bitcoins,Bitpennies,Play bitcoins,Play bitpennies.

You're trading numbers between files. Genius. /sarcasm

Multiple converters to allow money deposits for both money and bitcoins as well as some other planned currencies.

Without a culture behind them, they're a flash in the pan. We move faster than you do.
Come to think of it the more you tell us, the less source code we need, but go on. Your trolling days are over.

I'm also going to make a web interface so the maniacs of the internet can successfully eradicate me stealing wallet.dat's and bitcoins and all that jazz. But that's not it's main purpose. It would allow a user to configure their whole profile without having the program to run.

What again? You can write HTML? LOL. Guys bring this guy your virgin daughters to sacrifice on his e-altar. He's got teh HTMLs!

I'm also making the worlds first reverse-connect poker system aswell, which will allow you to host your own tables (as servers on ports) + charge fees ;). Tournaments will take place within the system to allow free users with no deposit at all to make bitcoins and bitpennies. If that screams malicious then i'm probably in the wrong area of the internet.

First, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 13, 2011, 04:26:23 PM
Now he wants to do poker tables? Run for your lives!

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 13, 2011, 04:27:14 PM
I have every right to close source software I make just like anyone else. Everyone here, is just way too paranoid to realize they all use closed source software. People use WinRAR almost every day. It does a simple task of compressing a file JUST like WinAce and WinZIP which already come with windows. WinRAR has smaller functions that are widespread. Now tell me an open source program that kept it's same support team for over 2 years, plus made enough income to actually make it worth the time minus any donations.

You need to lose your illusions of grandeur.  First you compared yourself to Microsoft and Apple (hahaha), and now you've "settled" for WinRAR.  WinRAR, which has a cumulative number of hundreds of millions (if not billions) of downloads, has been around for nearly two decades, and is backed by a multi-million-dollar company.

You and Rarlab are nothing alike.  Please understand that.  I'm a Free Software guy.  I love programs with available source code because, even if I don't ever personally inspect them, others have.  But I'm not an ideologue.  I run proprietary software too, including, yes, you guessed it, WinRAR.  But WinRAR has earned a bit of trust in my regard.  And would I download a new closed source tool by Microsoft if I thought it was useful?  Yes, I would.  Would I download a new closed source tool from a complete unknown that would have the potential to completely wipe out all of my Bitcoin holdings?  No, I wouldn't.

FFS guy, you are not Microsoft, you are not Apple, you are not Rarlab, you are just some random guy on the Internet releasing software in an area with a high potential for risk and with an already existing history of fraud.  You haven't earned anyone's trust.  And yet you don't understand at all why people might want to see the source so they can make an evaluation for themselves of the software?  Get over yourself.

You see there's smart enthusiasts. And than there are blind run-off-the-mill pricks like you. I'm not comparing ME to microsoft or apple or anyone else. I'm comparing the software rights if you payed ANY attention to any of this thread instead of just reading a post you could reply most efficiently to with your slim knowledge of simple acrovision.

The friggin idea of having closed source is my argument. I'm comparing my software to winrar because they are both closed source. What do you think winrar was automatically insanely more popular than winzip as SOON as it came out? Your pretty blind if all you base your downloading on is popular companies that make useful software. I know MANY software that smashes certain programs made by big companies and is made by a small developer, or just a guy that wants something done for themselves and spread it out. Do you think if a prick like you were around when the devs of WinRAR were just start out there would even be any commercial WinRAR product? I thought not. The basic idea of a developer starting somewhere is where you lack your obvious reasoning. The plain fact that you think i'm comparing myself, ME, one person, to commercial companies makes you look completely stupid. There is absolutely NO hint at that if you read all of my posts in this thread.

Furthermore, rarlabs started from the ground up. You probably weren't even alive since then by looking at your perspective of speech. I was, i knew the difficult process winrar had to go through to just get accepted because of people like you. If you want to act tough, do it elsewhere. Get out of my thread.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 13, 2011, 04:29:17 PM
Take weeks? You sir need to leave this thread, you clearly don't belong if your making irrational assumptions. If you like that winGadget then use it.

Your ability to imitate every blowhard that ever lived is astounding.

The sole fact that anyone from this forum is going to bash a close source program JUST because there are open sourced programs makes you an ignorant prick by definition.

LOL. You need to stop taking shit personally. It prevents you from listening and perhaps learning something.

Culture trumps features. There's plenty of you opportunists looking to drink the blood of this community. You can call us culturally conservative if you like.

I don't need anyone of you paramaniacs to even be in this thread. Your all lucky I can't stop certain people from coming in this thread because so far, only like 2-3 of you have actually defended my point versus the 20 other people who downloaded my app without complaining versus the ignorant pricks that rather claim my code as malicious.

No one claimed it was. They simply said we have a filter against abusers and we'll happily go elsewhere.

We are not driven by entertainment, distractions, ignorance of our environment. We care more about our culture than we do about petty product features. We will use less featured software if it promotes our culture. Deal with it. Stop assuming you deserve anything. All the time you or anyone spends on a product is nothing more than a bet, a bet that people give a shit about your product. Because if they don't give a shit, you bet that they might like it is irrelevant and wasted.

There is more closed source than open source. Now get out of my thread, I don't need you to progress what i'm doing.

And there's more Bonzo Buddy shit than there is productive software. I don't use it.

And the thread exists in our forum. You're a guest just like the rest of us douchebag.

The poker system is almost complete.

Translation: "Den I pick up some escort ladies in Vegas. Pahrtee down, Mon!"

I'm integrating Bitcoins,Bitpennies,Play bitcoins,Play bitpennies.

You're trading numbers between files. Genius. /sarcasm

Multiple converters to allow money deposits for both money and bitcoins as well as some other planned currencies.

Without a culture behind them, they're a flash in the pan. We move faster than you do.
Come to think of it the more you tell us, the less source code we need, but go on. Your trolling days are over.

I'm also going to make a web interface so the maniacs of the internet can successfully eradicate me stealing wallet.dat's and bitcoins and all that jazz. But that's not it's main purpose. It would allow a user to configure their whole profile without having the program to run.

What again? You can write HTML? LOL. Guys bring this guy your virgin daughters to sacrifice on his e-altar. He's got teh HTMLs!

I'm also making the worlds first reverse-connect poker system aswell, which will allow you to host your own tables (as servers on ports) + charge fees ;). Tournaments will take place within the system to allow free users with no deposit at all to make bitcoins and bitpennies. If that screams malicious then i'm probably in the wrong area of the internet.

First, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Wow, I can see that you analyze things individually without actually taking into account my overall point. The only people being malicious right now, is YOU, in my thread. gtfo.

btw. your completely misguided beyond repair. You might need to leave the internet and read a book.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 13, 2011, 05:19:31 PM
Wow, I can see that you analyze things individually without actually taking into account my overall point. The only people being malicious right now, is YOU, in my thread. gtfo.

btw. your completely misguided beyond repair. You might need to leave the internet and read a book.

I was about to gtfo until you called it your thread. Already we have people trying to hack this board. Whether it's fair or not that lowered your profile. Your use of my on a large board you're trolling just lowered it further.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: CydeWeys on May 13, 2011, 05:24:30 PM
Furthermore, rarlabs started from the ground up. You probably weren't even alive since then by looking at your perspective of speech. I was, i knew the difficult process winrar had to go through to just get accepted because of people like you. If you want to act tough, do it elsewhere. Get out of my thread.

What, do you want to see a birth certificate to prove that I was around then?  Will the short-form certificate suffice, or are you going to go all birther on me and demand a long-form copy?   ::)

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 13, 2011, 09:19:02 PM
Furthermore, rarlabs started from the ground up. You probably weren't even alive since then by looking at your perspective of speech. I was, i knew the difficult process winrar had to go through to just get accepted because of people like you. If you want to act tough, do it elsewhere. Get out of my thread.

What, do you want to see a birth certificate to prove that I was around then?  Will the short-form certificate suffice, or are you going to go all birther on me and demand a long-form copy?   ::)

Your claim isn't worth the time.

It's MY thread because I created it. And without me, there would be no thread of this name and value. Sure, the hosting company owns the space it's put on, but as it hasn't been deleted yet, it seems that ownership is still legitimate. To anyone owning a thread it's a valid reason that the thread they made is theirs.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 14, 2011, 12:24:03 AM
It's MY thread because I created it. And without me, there would be no thread of this name and value. Sure, the hosting company owns the space it's put on, but as it hasn't been deleted yet, it seems that ownership is still legitimate. To anyone owning a thread it's a valid reason that the thread they made is theirs.

The name? no. The value? you really have trouble with that word, first. Your thread is not valuable as you think it is.

As for this my thing... The hosting company doesn't run the forum, the owners of the forum do.

You are a guest here like anyone else.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AtlasONo on May 14, 2011, 12:29:50 AM
Selling new threads for 5BTC each, polls available in limited quantities for an additional 2BTC.

The nice thing about all the other API monitors is that I can go in and change anything I want in order to suit my needs(for instance I would change the background,the spacing and the blurry text in your program).

I would have given your closed software a try anyway if you didn't come off so needlessly defensive.  ::)

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on May 14, 2011, 01:03:47 AM
Furthermore, rarlabs started from the ground up. You probably weren't even alive since then by looking at your perspective of speech. I was, i knew the difficult process winrar had to go through to just get accepted because of people like you. If you want to act tough, do it elsewhere. Get out of my thread.

What, do you want to see a birth certificate to prove that I was around then?  Will the short-form certificate suffice, or are you going to go all birther on me and demand a long-form copy?   ::)

Your claim isn't worth the time.

It's MY thread because I created it. And without me, there would be no thread of this name and value. Sure, the hosting company owns the space it's put on, but as it hasn't been deleted yet, it seems that ownership is still legitimate. To anyone owning a thread it's a valid reason that the thread they made is theirs.


No source = nobody is going to trust you. You have no reputation here.
Further discussion is pointless.

We had enough scammers on this forum already. A lot of money got stolen...

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: error on May 14, 2011, 03:34:05 AM

No source = nobody is going to trust you. You have no reputation here.
Further discussion is pointless.

We had enough scammers on this forum already. A lot of money got stolen...

You're talking to a brick wall. His ego is apparently more important to him than whether anybody actually trusts him. (And that's giving him the benefit of the doubt!)

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: Nythain on May 14, 2011, 04:38:42 AM
I'm just gonna throw this out there, but writing a closed source app that DOES have access to ones wallet, the Poker app, is epic fail. Web pages are risky enough in that regard, but a full blown local app with wallet access by design (i can only assume wallet access, otherwise how is one going to get bitcoins into their "account" or whatever the poker client uses for betting) is never gonna fly. Especially when this product is released by someone who has so adamantly fought against earning community trust by opening up the code of his first bitcoin related app for viewing.

No one has asked you to change your license, you can in fact open source something and still retain all control over the source if you pick the right license. All we want (and i was pretty quiet until i heard about the poker app) is the ability to inspect the code, so we know its safe. Its dealing with our money. Would you install a third party application to your computer that dealt with your bank account? If so, you need to get off the internet. NAO

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 14, 2011, 06:28:54 PM

There once was a bit in a bucket
A golden hen if you could pluck it
The miner surmised
Its eggs were well prized
If combined with a coin from Nantucket

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 14, 2011, 09:44:37 PM
Your right. I couldn't care less what you guys think about the status of my program being closed or open source. It's closed. And it's not against ANY rules. So get out. Without a hosting company, this whole site as well as forum cannot exist where it is. And if someone manages to get it off of a hosting company, an ISP would manage it on the internet.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: ShadowOfHarbringer on May 15, 2011, 08:14:13 PM

There once was a bit in a bucket
A golden hen if you could pluck it
The miner surmised
Its eggs were well prized
If combined with a coin from Nantucket

I think will just leave this here:

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: mjsbuddha on May 15, 2011, 08:52:43 PM
op made the classic mistake of feeding the trolls.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: CydeWeys on May 15, 2011, 10:57:02 PM
Hey Qberty, this guy shows how it's done: (

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: ape on May 15, 2011, 11:21:05 PM
This thread is awesome.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: qberty on May 16, 2011, 12:53:36 AM
op made the classic mistake of feeding the trolls.

I just realized that.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on May 16, 2011, 07:36:12 AM
This thread is awesome.

It makes /b/ blush at this point.

OP actually dismissed the forum owner as a participating party - all that exists is his thread and the hosting company.

This my last reply. A 12 year old wouldn't dream of thinking that way about the resources he uses.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: namley on June 08, 2011, 12:10:57 AM
Lol, this thread made my day.

On a side note, open source wouldn't make a difference anyway. He's obviously got a higher aptitude for programming. Most small OS projects such as that with intent to be malicious. Especially with little routine as, transfer of wallet.dat. Remove such code from source and release it anyway?

I can see a difference if it was trivial, but something as simple as a wallet.dat transfer or client side transfer initiations could be easily removed.

I don't care, I don't have BitCoin wallet on a computer that I use anyway.
I liked the UI, its not ugly. Kuddos on the app.

Title: Re: massAPI (deepbit & slush)
Post by: AntiVigilante on June 08, 2011, 01:04:57 AM
Lol, this thread made my day.

On a side note, open source wouldn't make a difference anyway. He's obviously got a higher aptitude for programming. Most small OS projects such as that with intent to be malicious. Especially with little routine as, transfer of wallet.dat. Remove such code from source and release it anyway?

I can see a difference if it was trivial, but something as simple as a wallet.dat transfer or client side transfer initiations could be easily removed.

I don't care, I don't have BitCoin wallet on a computer that I use anyway.
I liked the UI, its not ugly. Kuddos on the app.

This shit again? How about not send wallet.dat but add false transactions? How about simply that there's a huge amount of demand for serious community building and reinventing the wheel when we want to adapt is a waste of effort? And no we don't want to bow down and lick the software producer's feet to get a few crumbs. I don't ask the guy who sold me eggs for permission to mix the eggs with flour and make a cake.

We build here. We want hammers we own for our own needs. I pay you go away.

Closed source is incompatible with the viral nature of bitcoin.