Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 02:23:20 AM

Title: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 02:23:20 AM
With block chain info gradually getting larger and larger, especially now that i hold more than just bit coin i was curious if there was a way to make the QT wallets store their info in a different location.

I have a nice RAID hard drive that i would like them all to run off, its there any way to stop the application from putting their config info someplace other than the application support folder.

I use most of my wallets on my mac, some i keep in windows also on my mac but through parallels.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: TimS on July 20, 2014, 02:29:51 AM
Yes, add a -datadir= parameter to the shortcut you use to start QT. has an example. I'd expect most altcoins have the same option.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 02:44:55 AM
Thanks for the super quick reply, good article. now i just have to figure out how to do what it says. i get most of it but not all.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 03:06:50 AM
I was able to get this working on the windows ones, any idea on how to do it on the mac apps?

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: grue on July 20, 2014, 04:21:04 AM
you can do it on mac without using the -datadir option by using a symbolic link. in a terminal, type in:
ln -s ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/ /new/location
then run bitcoin as normal.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 05:57:19 AM
Thank you.... How would i undo this if i needed to?

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 20, 2014, 06:10:59 AM
you can do it on mac without using the -datadir option by using a symbolic link. in a terminal, type in:
ln -s ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/ /new/location
then run bitcoin as normal.

Tried getting this to work on a few alt coins, no luck, not sure if I'm typing it into terminal wrong or something. i type it in the way you have it with the new location and terminal just moves to the next line. no confirmation or anything, but no effect, the QT acts as if the data is in the application support folder.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: RedDiamond on July 22, 2014, 06:53:43 AM
you can do it on mac without using the -datadir option by using a symbolic link. in a terminal, type in:
ln -s ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/ /new/location
then run bitcoin as normal.

Tried getting this to work on a few alt coins, no luck, not sure if I'm typing it into terminal wrong or something. i type it in the way you have it with the new location and terminal just moves to the next line. no confirmation or anything, but no effect, the QT acts as if the data is in the application support folder.

Did you move the Bitcoin directory into new location before creating the link? Like this:

mv ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/ /new/location
ln -s /new/location/Bitcoin ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin

It is ok that you not get any confirmation after typing the command. It means that no error occured.

Title: Re: Question about moving Wallet Block chain info
Post by: catoboli on July 23, 2014, 11:31:34 PM
So i think i must be doing something wrong because even moving the file through terminal didn't work should the command look like this

mv ~/Library/Application Support/Potcoin/ /Volumes/AJ's External/Crypto Data

the whole terminal looks like this

Last login: Wed Jul 23 19:13:48 on ttys000
ajs-imac:~ AJ$ mv ~/Library/Application Support/Potcoin/ /Volumes/AJ's External/Crypto Data

i have actually been able to get bit coin to work but that is because the first time i ran the QT it asked where i wanted the data location and i chose my external so thats working fine its getting all my other ones on to my external that don't ask.