Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CoinMode on July 20, 2014, 06:08:32 AM

Title: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 20, 2014, 06:08:32 AM
If there is one place in the world that doesn't have money and can't get access to the world through banking oppression, it is the Gaza strip. Would it be feasible to set up a bitcoin exchange in Gaza to help them rebuild after the USA-funded, err, I mean, Israeli attack? This is just so sickening I feel we must do something, and the entire world  has just now flipped their opinion. Protests in many major cities support Gaza. Celebrities are joining the cause for peace by the dozen, and the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack is trending a lot with 20k tweets per hour.

Can we set up a center there to help fund a humanitarian rebuilding effort? If you keep the people desperate and helpless, this "war" could go on forever.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: AliceWonder on July 20, 2014, 06:27:07 AM
bitcoin isn't the solution, it is too easy for Israel to interrupt internet service and without internet, bitcoin won't work.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: BusyBeaverHP on July 20, 2014, 06:46:19 AM
bitcoin isn't the solution, it is too easy for Israel to interrupt internet service and without internet, bitcoin won't work.
Unless you take blockchain to the radio waves:

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Kayex on July 20, 2014, 07:08:07 AM
Bitcoin isn't worth having a center in Gaza in this point in time.
Similar to what the user above me said, it's just simply not the answer.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gjgjg on July 20, 2014, 08:16:00 AM
I'm also becoming more sickened by the day with this, if there were a charity that accepted BTC then why not, but so few are allowed into Gaza. The Red Cross are allowed to check on Palestinian prisoners, but theyre not even allowed to report on their condition or they won't be allowed back in.

Anyway, one way to do it is to boycott Israeli products, which is working very well:

Interesting to see Duetche Bank boycotting an Israeli bank; really brave - especially for a German bank! (I have a few German friends who say it's very hard for them to talk about Israeli crimes because, well, 'they' were doing something similar to Jews not so long ago... but I digress).

Also, a very easy and quick way to boycott Israeli products is to check the barcode of anything you buy, if it's got 729 as the first 3 digits it's from Israel. If they don't get $ from exported goods, they can't buy weapons from the US and they can't give the Palestinians cancer (among other things they give them):

The scariest thing is the way the media treat this stuff. I mean it's almost impossible to side with Israel if you know more than 10% about what is happening or any historical context about this (assuming youre not brainwashed ofc), yet all we hear is that Israel has the right to do this and that - no mention of equal rights for the ones being bombed, no? Makes me wonder about all the conspiracy nuts and their theories...
Ugh, I'm really tired of humans. Every few years a genocide, aparthied or whatever. To the moon please.

EDIT: why not set up something to promote the boycott or give to the boycott organisations?

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: franky1 on July 20, 2014, 09:06:13 AM
If there is one place in the world that doesn't have money and can't get access to the world through banking oppression, it is the Gaza strip. Would it be feasible to set up a bitcoin exchange in Gaza to help them rebuild after the USA-funded, err, I mean, Israeli attack? This is just so sickening I feel we must do something, and the entire world  has just now flipped their opinion. Protests in many major cities support Gaza. Celebrities are joining the cause for peace by the dozen, and the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack is trending a lot with 20k tweets per hour.

Can we set up a center there to help fund a humanitarian rebuilding effort? If you keep the people desperate and helpless, this "war" could go on forever.

short summary:
i think the OP has no clue about life in gaza or he would not be asking for a money grab under the pretense that gaza has no support system

detailed waffle:
if you live in Gaza strip.. you would know that they do have money, people have jobs and yes even while news media is showing recordings of a few bombed buildings, people are still going to work.

when governments battle each other its best to use government funds to fix the problem after all bitcoins are not really useful there and any donation will just end up being converted to dollars and given to a UN humanitarian aid corporation. which is already well funded. thus wasted on their funding campaign advertising and corporate office wages.

i do love watching these media stories that like to show lots of tanks but then when you look closely, you see average joe resident smoking a cigarette doing their every day lives, or kids with their smart phones recording the tanks.

media make it sound like a whole country is being bombed and asked to evacuate when infact its only a few buildings. most of which, if known to be general residential buildings that just happen to have some strategic importance, the opposite side "roof knocks" with light yield artillery as a warning shot many minutes before actually using the heavy building busting artillery.

of course there are still casualties but it is not like the whole country is in an apocalypse zone of death. media shout that is a "massive" or "huge" loss of life, im sorry but the death toll OF A WHOLE COUNTRY is similar to the MH17 plan crash in the ukraine.

should planes be told not to fly if 300 people out of millions is "huge". i know wars and death are no laughing matter, but if people were to take away the propaganda of exaggeration and actually analyze the facts that do leak through, you too will see that people still go to work, drive their cars, go shopping. its not a world war... although America want you to believe it is.

it is not a desert country with no support system either.

watch this for instance
at the start, people driving their cars, office workers having a smoke break, yes there's a missile hitting a building. but people are not running for cover afraid of their lives. instead they run towards it. then you see that the country has an emergency team.

i wish people would stop thinking that foreign countries are like native indians. or that wars affect EVERYONE, this is not a genocide event, life still happens and people are not running around for their lives.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: franky1 on July 20, 2014, 09:10:35 AM
as for boycotting.. also boycott fox news. watch this

then ask, who really sounds like a terrorist.. my vote is American media are more terrorizing

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Mayuyu48 on July 20, 2014, 09:19:17 AM
I don't think israhell government (zionis) will accept this
they will do everything to shutdown every money transfer to Palestine
did you remember flotilla case? some ships bring some humanitarian aid to Gaza raided by israhell military
as for boycotting.. also boycott fox news. watch this

then ask, who really sounds like a terrorist.. my vote is American media are more terrorizing
american media owned by zionis, and they are real terrorist ;D

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: jonanon on July 20, 2014, 09:36:22 AM
Sadly this is likely not going to be the answer, nice idea though  :)

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gjgjg on July 20, 2014, 01:44:33 PM
short summary:
i think the OP has no clue about life in gaza or he would not be asking for a money grab under the pretense that gaza has no support system

detailed waffle:
if you live in Gaza strip.. you would know that they do have money, people have jobs and yes even while news media is showing recordings of a few bombed buildings, people are still going to work.

when governments battle each other its best to use government funds to fix the problem after all bitcoins are not really useful there and any donation will just end up being converted to dollars and given to a UN humanitarian aid corporation. which is already well funded. thus wasted on their funding campaign advertising and corporate office wages.

i do love watching these media stories that like to show lots of tanks but then when you look closely, you see average joe resident smoking a cigarette doing their every day lives, or kids with their smart phones recording the tanks.

media make it sound like a whole country is being bombed and asked to evacuate when infact its only a few buildings. most of which, if known to be general residential buildings that just happen to have some strategic importance, the opposite side "roof knocks" with light yield artillery as a warning shot many minutes before actually using the heavy building busting artillery.

of course there are still casualties but it is not like the whole country is in an apocalypse zone of death. media shout that is a "massive" or "huge" loss of life, im sorry but the death toll OF A WHOLE COUNTRY is similar to the MH17 plan crash in the ukraine.

should planes be told not to fly if 300 people out of millions is "huge". i know wars and death are no laughing matter, but if people were to take away the propaganda of exaggeration and actually analyze the facts that do leak through, you too will see that people still go to work, drive their cars, go shopping. its not a world war... although America want you to believe it is.

it is not a desert country with no support system either.

watch this for instance
at the start, people driving their cars, office workers having a smoke break, yes there's a missile hitting a building. but people are not running for cover afraid of their lives. instead they run towards it. then you see that the country has an emergency team.

i wish people would stop thinking that foreign countries are like native indians. or that wars affect EVERYONE, this is not a genocide event, life still happens and people are not running around for their lives.

"media make it sound like a whole country is being bombed and asked to evacuate when infact its only a few buildings"

OK, I'm not intending starting an argument, and I agree that the mains stream media are massively exaggerating OR UNDER-REPORTING on the situation depending on where you get your info, but to say that it's [sic] 'governments are fighting each other' and people are [sic] 'doing their everyday lives' is also misrepresenting the situation. If not then why have 10s of thousands fled the 'country' (IE Gaza) in the last days? Yes, it's not like Godzilla just arrived on the port and is causing mass panic and everyone screaming and running around like you see in the movies, but it's still bombs and shells being dropped on a small piece of land that is VERY densely populated by civilians (40% under 15 years old last I heard).
Gaza is about 30KM by 15KM, how far is 30KM from you (about 20 miles if youre still using C18 Empire measurement system, oh snap)?
Well, imagine one of the largest militarys bombing and shelling that area every day for the last week or more.
Also note that the only other piece of substantial Palestinain land is the west bank, so they are not bombing 'a whole country' its true, but its basically like bombing NYC and saying they are bombing the whole of NY state (assuming state is only about 5 times the size of the city - its actually 100s times bigger but its kinda anti New York either way, if you see what Im getting at).

I can imagine that many in Gaza are relatively relaxed about the situation (relative compared to how westeners would react if it were their local city/area), given that they have had to put up with Israeli occupation and attacks on their 'country' for decades, so I can see how people might not be going crazy but, man seriously, I would bet that everyone in Gaza are (or should) be scared that they will be bombed or shot any day at any time or that their house will be turned to rubble any day, any time... just because 'just' a few buildings get knocked down in this latest incursion, doesnt mean its not a huge deal and considering its been 40+ years of this crap...

Anyway, my point is that while many in the media do exaggerate what is happening and only showing the worst of it (ie showing the worst aspects in Gaza and or overstating how 'bad' it is in Israel), it's still completely unacceptable and horrific. The facts are that hospitals are overwhelmed and are running out of supplies. Israel controls who goes in and who comes out. The Palestinians that do manage to get out well, lets see if they are allowed to return back in after this 'operation'. The ones that stay are being bombed, and live in fear of having their home destroyed and family blown away.

Some news that does 'leak through' as you put it (that is unverified yet): an ambulance was hit by Israeli strike that killed a paramedic, aAlso, the non western media are hit as usual:
Here you can see Israeli tanks just firing over the hill side into Gaza, (I don't think there's much precision there) along with the people flooding the hospital.
MAybe all these pictures are fake or something, but if even 50% are not real, its still very bad, even if its just a few buildings here and there, no?

"and asked to evacuate when infact its only a few buildings. most of which, if known to be general residential buildings that just happen to have some strategic importance, the opposite side "roof knocks" with light yield artillery as a warning shot many minutes before actually using the heavy building busting artillery. " (my emphasis)
They usually have 3 minutes to evacuate their homes before they are bombed. It's interesting that if anyone doesnt make it out of these residential building in those 3 minutes and are killed its legal in Israel because they are then deemed human shields or worse because they were in a building getting bombed...  How fast can you get out of your 6th story apartment and down all those flights of stairs assisting your injured mother and far enough away to safety (working elevators, yeah right) - 3mins enough?
Some buildings do have strategic value, but since Hamas funds and builds many civil buildings (they are basically their democratically elected government, despite their terrorist side), they are considered legit anyway - whether they had rockets firing from the roof or not.

"media shout that is a "massive" or "huge" loss of life, im sorry but the death toll OF A WHOLE COUNTRY is similar to the MH17 plan crash in the ukraine."
Wait, what? 300 people died in the plane that was shot down (probably by Russian armed groups). That was an incidental tradgy, I dont think they wanted to shoot down a civilian plane... so far 400+ people have died since Israel army started it's latest incursion on Palestinian territories (7 Israeli, 400 Palst). Maybe Im missing something of what youre saying here... but Israel attacks Palestine on purpose, the plane was almost certainly an accidental shooting, and there were less casualties...

"it is not a desert country with no support system either."
True, there are plenty supporting them, it's just that Israel gets 100s of times the level of support, I mean, the US is the largest donor of money and weapons but can't even say that Palestinians have the right to defend themselves - of course Israel has every right under the sun, but not for the poor brown people. No sir.

A simple question to ask yourself is, how many tanks and aircraft and submarines and nuclear weapons do the Palestinians have? Do the Palestinians even have a country that appears on the maps and have equal representation compared to Israel? The answer is Palestine get crumbs while Israel gets to do whatever it wants with its huge arsenal. Does Palestine control the movement of Israeli people? Does it have troops in Israel arresting people? Does it control medicine, food, water supplies of Israel? Does it prevent Israel from having its flags on maps? Not really fair to say they have support and not highlight its only a minute amount when considering the other side's assets.

"i wish people would stop thinking that foreign countries are like native indians. or that wars affect EVERYONE, this is not a genocide event, life still happens and people are not running around for their lives."

OK, I'm going to skip your Native Am comment, not sure what the hell youre getting at there (Native American genocide is not the same as other genocides?) but this is where I can see the level of knowledge you have on this, I am not an expert at all compared to some others, I used to read a lot about it but slackened off the last 10 years for various reasons, but I still know enough to say that there is strong argument that this is a slow genocide at worst, or at best, they are trying to get the Palestinians to move away/give up their land and never return.

Also to say that war doesn't affect everyone is true, I'm sure there are plenty of people in African or Amazonian tribes that aren't affected or maybe somewhere there is a nation that has no UN representation that therefore hasn't voted for or against a peace effort or two ( - whats interesting here is how many times the whole world votes for a peace process or some kind of 'end the occupation or violence' motion and at the same time the USA and Israel just veto it and it never appears in the media)...)
but the fact is that governments that WE pay taxes to - out of our pockets - and are representing us, either supports Israel by selling weapons, supporting them economically by doing business with them or culturally in some way or another, or by keeping quiet on their crimes etc etc and / or they support Palestinians by voting for peace talks or sending them aid (or in small number of cases, sending them some crappy weapons like the current rockets that are terrorizing Israeli cats: or whatever it is they do. They represent us, they are doing something.
Every country in the 'west' (and plenty beyond) has had some stake or level of involvement in this. So to say it doesnt affect us or is nothing to do with us etc is just putting your head in the sand or looking the other way. Fair enough if you dont want to know or get involved or just want to opt out, but dont say its nothing to do with you or me - with all due respect, be a grown up and take responsibility for what you can do and what you can effect, no matter how remote the situation is. You know, the difference between those that step in when they see a kid getting hit with a hammer and those that just watch and say 'its nothing to do with me'.

'It's always been like that', 'there's always fighting between Jews and Arabs', etc etc is just LAZY BS that people tell themselves to feel better and skip the hard work of educating themselves on what's happening and what they can do about it. This isn't happening on Mars, we have the internet now, we can get info around pretty quick. There are no real reasons to say this is nothing to do with you or me and there is no excuse for not knowing.

On your 'its not genocide' point, first and simplest step is to check the map of the territory since Israel was created. Just do a google image search for Palestine map or whatever, and you can see how much of the land that was Palestine before WW2, the legal 1967 boarder and where we are today. Since Israel are not fans of letting the world see how much they have annexed over the last 40 odd years, it's not easy to verify exactly, but no one disagrees that Israel is significantly over the '67 boarder, and has taken more and more every year and that the annexation has never stopped advancing (even during peace talks and even when they are giving tiny amounts of useless land back etc).

Next check what Israel says. Many in Israeli government have said publicly it's their intent is to remove Palestinians and deny them the right to a state etc, and to create a stalemate whenever Peace process is on the table so the settlements can keep on getting built.
Then look at what they do to the Palestinians, they control their medical, food and water supplies, they control their movement, they disallow them access to certain roads that are build for Jews only, they do not allow refugees to return home etc etc etc etc Israel is very much in control here, and the level of treatment of the people of their occupied territory reflects their intent and attitudes. So while its maybe not genocide, its certainly push them off the boat and let them swim for it.

When I was a kid, in South Africa the Apartheid was 'the bad thing' and people were still doing something about it in their local communities, spreading awareness etc. even before the internet. I mention that situation because many people say its the same thing happening in Palestine, but by all expert accounts on it, its actually way worse in Palestine. So even without the internet and those bad bad things happening to far far away non white people, we still felt that it was 'our' responsibility to do something, not to say 'its not my fight' and walk away.

I'll let you do your own research here on this. If you want to find out more you can, its not that hard and if I just hand it to you, it wont affect you the same way. After you have seen as much as you can handle, then try to tell me it's not that bad over there and try to tell me we in the west have nothing to do with it and we cant do anything (this is today, note, how many times have you seen that in the major western media?). While it's not much to protest, these things are taking into account by local governments and it shows them people are aware. I personally recommend boycotting ISraeli products as that hits them in the balls the most.

Final point I'm going to make on this as Im out of time and people can draw their own conclusions about what it means and why would it need to be true: Israel has stated that the Geneva conventions do not apply to the occupied territories (yes, the ones created to punish the Nazis for their actions in WW2 etc). Now really, why would that be so? Why would a simple set of rules that could never be excusable to break under any circumstances not apply to territories that Israel occupies... and worst of all, why don't we (our governments and media too) call them out on it? What excuse can you think of?


Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: pirarucu on July 20, 2014, 02:53:41 PM
Gaza oh gaza ..... we a pray for you .....

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: justusranvier on July 20, 2014, 03:04:28 PM
Sometimes I think the best thing that could happen to that part of the world is an earthquake that dropped the entire region into the Mediterranean Sea.

We've seen nearly a century of conflict between equally-guilty sides, supplied and funded by a bunch of governments around the world at the expense of their own populations because it's a good way to make some extra money for the arms exporters and I'm tired of hearing about it.

If war is the health of the state, that part of the world must be its spa.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: pirarucu on July 20, 2014, 03:10:09 PM
I has see that many more want open the charity for gaza but seems has banned and delete by mod ....

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Panthers52 on July 20, 2014, 04:30:54 PM
I don't think money is the solution to the situation in Gaza, but rather for Hammas to bring piece to the region by letting Israel live in peace.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 20, 2014, 09:59:54 PM
Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people and stop launching explosive rockets into population centers and things might get better. Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions. 

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Justin00 on July 20, 2014, 10:10:44 PM
Agree with last 2 posts.
Everyone just blames Israel..

Imagine if you live in a town on the border and you constantly get shot at with rocks.. every day 10's of rockets... every day you have to evacuate..
No one  thinks about this because Israel shoots down a lot of rockets, but if they did not their would be a huge death toll in Israel.

If they left Israel alone, Israel would not need to bomb the crap out of them.
It is litterally 10's of rockets a day... so hundreds of times a week Israelies hear the siren and have to go in their bomb shelters.. no one thinks of that..
If people just think Israel is attacking these poor Palestinians for nothing, you are delusional.

Its the same every week. Why do you think these attacks happen every few months. The rocks stop being fired into Israel.. then start back up and after a few weeks of heavy bombing INTO Israel, they finally fight back.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: koshgel on July 20, 2014, 10:30:14 PM
I'm also becoming more sickened by the day with this, if there were a charity that accepted BTC then why not, but so few are allowed into Gaza. The Red Cross are allowed to check on Palestinian prisoners, but theyre not even allowed to report on their condition or they won't be allowed back in.

Anyway, one way to do it is to boycott Israeli products, which is working very well:

Interesting to see Duetche Bank boycotting an Israeli bank; really brave - especially for a German bank! (I have a few German friends who say it's very hard for them to talk about Israeli crimes because, well, 'they' were doing something similar to Jews not so long ago... but I digress).

Also, a very easy and quick way to boycott Israeli products is to check the barcode of anything you buy, if it's got 729 as the first 3 digits it's from Israel. If they don't get $ from exported goods, they can't buy weapons from the US and they can't give the Palestinians cancer (among other things they give them):

The scariest thing is the way the media treat this stuff. I mean it's almost impossible to side with Israel if you know more than 10% about what is happening or any historical context about this (assuming youre not brainwashed ofc), yet all we hear is that Israel has the right to do this and that - no mention of equal rights for the ones being bombed, no? Makes me wonder about all the conspiracy nuts and their theories...
Ugh, I'm really tired of humans. Every few years a genocide, aparthied or whatever. To the moon please.

EDIT: why not set up something to promote the boycott or give to the boycott organisations?

The boycott is an excellent non-violent way to hurt Israel economically. A lot of people think it does nothing but it has a dramatic effect.

Yesh Atid party chairman Lapid warned that the increasing boycott campaigns against Israel will have devastating effects on the economy.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: NRF on July 20, 2014, 11:19:06 PM
Agree with last 2 posts.
Everyone just blames Israel..

Imagine if you live in a town on the border and you constantly get shot at with rocks.. every day 10's of rockets... every day you have to evacuate..
No one  thinks about this because Israel shoots down a lot of rockets, but if they did not their would be a huge death toll in Israel.

If they left Israel alone, Israel would not need to bomb the crap out of them.
It is litterally 10's of rockets a day... so hundreds of times a week Israelies hear the siren and have to go in their bomb shelters.. no one thinks of that..
If people just think Israel is attacking these poor Palestinians for nothing, you are delusional.

Its the same every week. Why do you think these attacks happen every few months. The rocks stop being fired into Israel.. then start back up and after a few weeks of heavy bombing INTO Israel, they finally fight back.

If only it was that simple.

Have you thought about it from the Palestinian point of view?

Approximately 65 years ago they were invaded by people from all over the world, they came and just set up camp and declared themselves a country!

The invaders then systematically pushed into their country (Palestine), splitting it into small bit's of the most un-productive land.  Wost of all, when the Palestinians went to the world in large most countries backed the invaders!

Of coarse it is not as simple as that, but there are always two sides to a story.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: DonDev on July 20, 2014, 11:31:54 PM
Im definitely going to donate to Gaza bloody israel scums ruined a perfect place called Palestine and took over as a pirate takes over ships.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: AliceWonder on July 20, 2014, 11:35:17 PM
Have you thought about it from the Palestinian point of view?

Approximately 65 years ago they were invaded by people from all over the world, they came and just set up camp and declared themselves a country!

Well if you look at the actual history, there wasn't much there when Israel settled it.

Most of the Palestinians are recent.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: NRF on July 20, 2014, 11:39:39 PM
Have you thought about it from the Palestinian point of view?

Approximately 65 years ago they were invaded by people from all over the world, they came and just set up camp and declared themselves a country!

Well if you look at the actual history, there wasn't much there when Israel settled it.

Most of the Palestinians are recent.

pfft...  There was an entire country there along with a few very large cities.. Jerusalem for example.

Millions of people lived there.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 21, 2014, 06:30:29 AM

Bitcoins are not really useful there [Gaza] and any donation will just end up being converted to dollars and given to a UN humanitarian aid corporation. which is already well funded. thus wasted on their funding campaign advertising and corporate office wages.

Please tell us how a functioning bitcoin exchange would ever give all of the dollars from BTC conversions to UN organizations. What kind of an exchange is that? Look, the whole idea is for people from all over the world to be able to give donations and perform commercial activity in BTC with Palestinians, or any impoverished people, directly without any charity or middleman taking huge cuts for corporate profit. You don't seem to understand that concept, so please stay out of the conversation if that is the case.

To everybody else, yes this is a far-fetched idea, but the very concept of a currency backed by nothing but the computing power of the internet is still complete science-fiction for all but the ten million bitcoiners out there, who make up less than 0.2% of the world's population. In the not-so-distant future, when a guided missile with a warhead turns a poor civilian's home into dust, you will be able to send them money to help rebuild instantly and freely, if you so choose. You can propose solutions or challenges for the concept, but don't, even for a second, suggest that it might be impossible. We can finally do this now that we have bitcoin, and the only real question left is who will do it first and reap the potentially huge financial and moral rewards. I was asking about feasibility, because the possibility of this idea is a definite yes with no exceptions. Gaza gets 8 hours of electricity a day, and they do have a few computers and radio transmitters in the strip.

Thanks for the input so far. Hopefully somebody more financially savvy than myself will see this and run with it.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 21, 2014, 07:12:12 AM

It is literally 10's of rockets a day... so hundreds of times a week Israelies hear the siren and have to go in their bomb shelters.. no one thinks of that..

I like how you just lied out of both sides of your mouth. Hundreds of times a week Israelis have to evacuate? That is more than one evacuation per hour. You have no idea what you are talking about at all.

1. Iron Dome can stop more than 99.7% of any kind of ballistic rocket, and a higher percentage if it is a slow homemade Palestinian rocket.

2. Palestinian rockets have no explosives on them at all. They lack even the most basic technology that would make a small homemade warhead explode on impact. Just let that sink in for a bit. How long have there been missiles that explode on impact? Maybe close to 100 years? Palestine doesn't even have one.

3. Keeping in mind #2, the damage done by any Palestinian rocket is limited entirely to the size of the rocket and how many times in bounces along the ground, because it has no blast radius at all since there is no warhead. The rockets are 6x1 feet on average. That means their normal area of impact is six square feet. Sometimes they may skid for a few more feet, but only if they hit flat concrete and nothing else. How big is the crater left by laser-guided IDF missiles?

4. The city of Jerusalem is about 64,000,000 square feet in size.

5. Palestinian rockets have absolutely zero guidance systems. They just randomly go in a general direction fired with a huge margin of error.

My bet is that nobody would get hit even without the Iron Dome. Since there has not been a single injury due to these rockets with the Dome, and Palestine has exactly zero defense against an attack of any kind, I really don't see how this is a fair fight by any stretch of the imagination. Considering Israel got all their weapons for free with my tax dollars, they are really going to start having fun once we can't print enough money to fund them anymore. Hopefully they can make a few friends in the area before then, but they might find that a little difficult, now.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gjgjg on July 21, 2014, 11:22:03 AM

It is literally 10's of rockets a day... so hundreds of times a week Israelies hear the siren and have to go in their bomb shelters.. no one thinks of that..

I like how you just lied out of both sides of your mouth. Hundreds of times a week Israelis have to evacuate? That is more than one evacuation per hour. You have no idea what you are talking about at all.

1. Iron Dome can stop more than 99.7% of any kind of ballistic rocket, and a higher percentage if it is a slow homemade Palestinian rocket.

2. Palestinian rockets have no explosives on them at all. They lack even the most basic technology that would make a small homemade warhead explode on impact. Just let that sink in for a bit. How long have there been missiles that explode on impact? Maybe close to 100 years? Palestine doesn't even have one.

3. Keeping in mind #2, the damage done by any Palestinian rocket is limited entirely to the size of the rocket and how many times in bounces along the ground, because it has no blast radius at all since there is no warhead. The rockets are 6x1 feet on average. That means their normal area of impact is six square feet. Sometimes they may skid for a few more feet, but only if they hit flat concrete and nothing else. How big is the crater left by laser-guided IDF missiles?

4. The city of Jerusalem is about 64,000,000 square feet in size.

5. Palestinian rockets have absolutely zero guidance systems. They just randomly go in a general direction fired with a huge margin of error.

My bet is that nobody would get hit even without the Iron Dome. Since there has not been a single injury due to these rockets with the Dome, and Palestine has exactly zero defense against an attack of any kind, I really don't see how this is a fair fight by any stretch of the imagination. Considering Israel got all their weapons for free with my tax dollars, they are really going to start having fun once we can't print enough money to fund them anymore. Hopefully they can make a few friends in the area before then, but they might find that a little difficult, now.

Example of Hama rocket on Israel:

Small note on your post:
"My bet is that nobody would get hit even without the Iron Dome. Since there has not been a single injury due to these rockets with the Dome, ..."

2 Israeli people have died due to rockets in a more than a week of them, where something like 1000 rockets were fired into Israel. Its not even clear if they were unlucky enough to get hit with a rocket, or maybe died from a heart attack or something (I think more people were injured / killed from road crashes that week).
Still, at that stage Israel had killed at least 200 people (mostly civilians and large amounts of kids under 15, women and elderly people of residental areas), so the disparity is clear no matter how you skew it. Israel has a completely overwhelming military advantage, they are in control, they have the responsibility to act with restraint. If you have a one arm kid kicking you with no shoes on, then you dont pound him into the ground with a nailed baseball bat. Israel/US could wipe Gaza off the map without even setting foot in there; the IDF have nukes and plenty of air power, if the Palestinians had anything substantial, Israel would have noticed a few more deaths and touted it from the rooftops on the american media by now.

Incidentally, its really encouraging to see the people of the world are becoming less ignorant of this situation year by year - these kind of protests would never have been seen even 15 years ago (although its sad to see the Paris and Turkish ones become violent), can't wait to see how the protests will look in 15 years - assuming Israel are continuing their occupation and Palestinians continue to violently oppose it:

It is literally 10's of rockets a day... so hundreds of times a week Israelies hear the siren and have to go in their bomb shelters.. no one thinks of that..

I think about that, and I sympathize I really do; Israel has the right to defend itself, BUT THEN so does Palestine does too - but the best way to assess it is: how many have fled the danger of these rockets? How many are injured and how many have died? Now compare that to the figures of the similar danger zone in Gaza. See the difference?
EQUALITY is the only way to peace, equality of rights and treatment. No more or less.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gjgjg on July 21, 2014, 12:01:13 PM
Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people and stop launching explosive rockets into population centers and things might get better. Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions.  

"Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people"
That was successfully stopped years ago, when was the last suicide attack in Israel?

"stop launching explosive rockets into population centers"
They are not explosive, they are essentially large metal tubes. They are waaaaaaaay below any modern military standards.
Here is one landing:
That's kinda why only 2 people died when they launched about 1000 of them... you'd have to be very unlucky to get hit and the rockets cant reach heavily dense populations.

"Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions. "
Well, they elected more peaceful types before, they were also more or less ignored and called terrorists by Israel/USA. Asides the few exceptions, they dont have much choice and the jihadists youre talking about dont give the people a lot of space and opportunity to come up with alternatives. Crap situation eh? And after all that they get 3 mins warning if their house is to be blown up. If they leave, they are never allowed to return either.  

Try looking into some basics man, really. I feel like a broken record posting the same basic stuff to so many people who have an opinion with NO basic info to back it up... tiring stuff.

Seriously, look something up about the situation. Something unbiased, like some UN resolutions (what are they proposing and how many countries vote for and against them - who votes against them), or UN reports on the conditions or weapons used by both sides. You'd be surprised by who is using human shields and who isnt for example. The history of the area, what are the 1967 boarders for example? Why doesnt Israel want the Geneva conventions apply to Gaza? What are the Geneva conventions...? Or peace treaty conditions - what were the conditions for Israel and the conditions for Palestine? Who refused what? When? What did the media say about it? Why isn't Palestinian flags in maps, who recognises Palestine as a country who doesnt, why? Or try looking into many media reports as possible, get a wide view - not just American news or something who don't even show you the protests ( before you say something like 'those sources are BS', i hardly think they faked them - also like i said, not many people report on the protests, in my town I saw more than 5K people protest, nothing in the media, pics on twitter), don't just base your answers on your gut, seek information.
Self education; I promise you will not be the same after it, I promise you that if you seek information you will not see the situation in the same way. Im not recommending any sources, you need to find them for yourself for it to have an impact on you. Try it. Its not hard to find the info and the effect is has on your brain and outlook on the world: amazing.
Im not saying I know everything, far from it, I learn more about this every day and sorry for sounding like an arrogant arse, really I hate it when this happens to me, but this topic always sets me off not because of the clear-as-day injustices but because of the ignorance surrounding it in the age of the internet too and the massive biases in the media that are clear as day - yet people still swallow it up without a second thought. Ok im off to unplug the internet to save my blood pressure.  :-X

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 21, 2014, 01:13:52 PM

They are waaaaaaaay below any modern military standards.

No, those rockets are way below the standard of medieval trebuchet and catapult. You could do a hell of a lot better lobbing boulders than using metal tubes. But then again, Gaza has no access to rock quarry or boulders because Israel has blocked off all borders for several years now.

Even the Jews hate Israel now.

That pic was in NYC.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Guido on July 21, 2014, 01:45:46 PM
start by adding your weight to boycotting this

bloody bitcoin conference in israel

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: indiguy on July 21, 2014, 01:57:23 PM

indeed media exaggerate the news, it helps them so people will actually watch the news.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 21, 2014, 02:02:50 PM

indeed media exaggerate the news, it helps them so people will actually watch the news.

Jews burning Zionist flag:

I have no fear for my many Jewish friends. Fortunately, none of my friends are living under Israeli occupation right now.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 21, 2014, 03:06:10 PM
the truth is that decentralised crypto currency if successful will erode the fiat based financial systems ability to fund wars like the war in gaza.

instead of governments printing money to fund wars they will have to seek approval from the population beforehand to pay for every single conflict... and knowing the real cost of making war, most people will be reluctant to pay.
for example.. if the Americans knew how much the Iraq war was going to cost them (I think it was something like $47,000 per person or perhaps more)... it probably would never have happened.

well that's how it would work in a world with no fiat.

wireless mesh networks and crypto currency are ideal for places like gaza which are blockaded.

if every house had solar panels and wireless transmitters then nobody would be able to shut it down no matter how many roofs they bombed.

the problem is not the technology or the funding... it is in fact the logistics of getting the infrastructure through the blockade in the first place.

and for that there is only a political solution.

I doubt crypto would get to gaza in any meaningful way anytime soon because the Hamas government is really not all that interested in civil infrastructure compared to the effort they put into smuggling rockets.

West bank on the other will probably adopt crypto sooner rather than later because its a natural fit.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 21, 2014, 03:19:29 PM
Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people and stop launching explosive rockets into population centers and things might get better. Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions.  

"Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people"
That was successfully stopped years ago, when was the last suicide attack in Israel?

"stop launching explosive rockets into population centers"
They are not explosive, they are essentially large metal tubes. They are waaaaaaaay below any modern military standards.
Here is one landing:
That's kinda why only 2 people died when they launched about 1000 of them... you'd have to be very unlucky to get hit and the rockets cant reach heavily dense populations.

"Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions. "
Well, they elected more peaceful types before, they were also more or less ignored and called terrorists by Israel/USA. Asides the few exceptions, they dont have much choice and the jihadists youre talking about dont give the people a lot of space and opportunity to come up with alternatives. Crap situation eh? And after all that they get 3 mins warning if their house is to be blown up. If they leave, they are never allowed to return either.  

Try looking into some basics man, really. I feel like a broken record posting the same basic stuff to so many people who have an opinion with NO basic info to back it up... tiring stuff.

Seriously, look something up about the situation. Something unbiased, like some UN resolutions (what are they proposing and how many countries vote for and against them - who votes against them), or UN reports on the conditions or weapons used by both sides. You'd be surprised by who is using human shields and who isnt for example. The history of the area, what are the 1967 boarders for example? Why doesnt Israel want the Geneva conventions apply to Gaza? What are the Geneva conventions...? Or peace treaty conditions - what were the conditions for Israel and the conditions for Palestine? Who refused what? When? What did the media say about it? Why isn't Palestinian flags in maps, who recognises Palestine as a country who doesnt, why? Or try looking into many media reports as possible, get a wide view - not just American news or something who don't even show you the protests ( before you say something like 'those sources are BS', i hardly think they faked them - also like i said, not many people report on the protests, in my town I saw more than 5K people protest, nothing in the media, pics on twitter), don't just base your answers on your gut, seek information.
Self education; I promise you will not be the same after it, I promise you that if you seek information you will not see the situation in the same way. Im not recommending any sources, you need to find them for yourself for it to have an impact on you. Try it. Its not hard to find the info and the effect is has on your brain and outlook on the world: amazing.
Im not saying I know everything, far from it, I learn more about this every day and sorry for sounding like an arrogant arse, really I hate it when this happens to me, but this topic always sets me off not because of the clear-as-day injustices but because of the ignorance surrounding it in the age of the internet too and the massive biases in the media that are clear as day - yet people still swallow it up without a second thought. Ok im off to unplug the internet to save my blood pressure.  :-X

Even if they aren't explosives these people are firing projectiles into populated areas. Just because they miss, or get shot down, or don't normally do damage is beside the point. These rockets are an ongoing terrorist attack.

The jihadists also kidnapped and murdered three kids recently.

I am quite educated. I am also intellectually honest. Since this is the bit coin forum I will leave it at that. We can discuss it further in the political forum but I suspect neither of us will convince the other on anything. 

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 22, 2014, 02:58:16 AM

We can discuss it further in the political forum but I suspect neither of us will convince the other on anything. 

Yes, everybody can see that you are a closed-minded fool about this issue. If a six-year-old kid with autism was slapping you on the shoulder [Gaza] a few times, then you [Israel] think that a Mike Tyson uppercut knockout is a morally acceptible response. We all know this now and you will never change your opinion on that question, like you just stated.

You obviously enjoy having a legacy that includes the the blood of millions of Jews and Muslims on your limp-wrist hands.

I prefer to find a way to help innocent civilians rebuild their homes. Thanks for not helping anybody today. At least you had a little integrity showed all of us your true character.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 22, 2014, 08:50:37 AM

The jihadists also kidnapped and murdered three kids recently.

I am quite educated. I am also intellectually honest.

you aren't being intellectually honest with yourself or anyone else if you tell only half the story.
you left out the part where Zionist extremists kidnapped and lynched an innocent Palestinian boy in an act of cold blooded vengeance.

yes the jihadists are very bad people but to not see the very bad people that exist within Israels Zionist community is simply living in blissful ignorance.
there's no doubt in my mind that if they had found 3 Palestinian boys they would have lynched all 3. there was even a rabi calling for the foreskins of 300 Palestinians in revenge for the attacks on those jewish kids.

this is the problem with these extremist ideologies festering and growing within the communities on both sides.

here is some more education on the topic.
the voice of reason from a peace activist who is the son of an isreali general and grandson of one of the founders of isreal.

a very frank and candid discussion that restores some of my faith in humanity.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gjgjg on July 23, 2014, 10:25:04 AM
Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people and stop launching explosive rockets into population centers and things might get better. Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions.  

"Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people"
That was successfully stopped years ago, when was the last suicide attack in Israel?

"stop launching explosive rockets into population centers"
They are not explosive, they are essentially large metal tubes. They are waaaaaaaay below any modern military standards.
Here is one landing:
That's kinda why only 2 people died when they launched about 1000 of them... you'd have to be very unlucky to get hit and the rockets cant reach heavily dense populations.

"Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions. "
Well, they elected more peaceful types before, they were also more or less ignored and called terrorists by Israel/USA. Asides the few exceptions, they dont have much choice and the jihadists youre talking about dont give the people a lot of space and opportunity to come up with alternatives. Crap situation eh? And after all that they get 3 mins warning if their house is to be blown up. If they leave, they are never allowed to return either.  

Try looking into some basics man, really. I feel like a broken record posting the same basic stuff to so many people who have an opinion with NO basic info to back it up... tiring stuff.

Seriously, look something up about the situation. Something unbiased, like some UN resolutions (what are they proposing and how many countries vote for and against them - who votes against them), or UN reports on the conditions or weapons used by both sides. You'd be surprised by who is using human shields and who isnt for example. The history of the area, what are the 1967 boarders for example? Why doesnt Israel want the Geneva conventions apply to Gaza? What are the Geneva conventions...? Or peace treaty conditions - what were the conditions for Israel and the conditions for Palestine? Who refused what? When? What did the media say about it? Why isn't Palestinian flags in maps, who recognises Palestine as a country who doesnt, why? Or try looking into many media reports as possible, get a wide view - not just American news or something who don't even show you the protests ( before you say something like 'those sources are BS', i hardly think they faked them - also like i said, not many people report on the protests, in my town I saw more than 5K people protest, nothing in the media, pics on twitter), don't just base your answers on your gut, seek information.
Self education; I promise you will not be the same after it, I promise you that if you seek information you will not see the situation in the same way. Im not recommending any sources, you need to find them for yourself for it to have an impact on you. Try it. Its not hard to find the info and the effect is has on your brain and outlook on the world: amazing.
Im not saying I know everything, far from it, I learn more about this every day and sorry for sounding like an arrogant arse, really I hate it when this happens to me, but this topic always sets me off not because of the clear-as-day injustices but because of the ignorance surrounding it in the age of the internet too and the massive biases in the media that are clear as day - yet people still swallow it up without a second thought. Ok im off to unplug the internet to save my blood pressure.  :-X

Even if they aren't explosives these people are firing projectiles into populated areas. Just because they miss, or get shot down, or don't normally do damage is beside the point. These rockets are an ongoing terrorist attack.

The jihadists also kidnapped and murdered three kids recently.

I am quite educated. I am also intellectually honest. Since this is the bit coin forum I will leave it at that. We can discuss it further in the political forum but I suspect neither of us will convince the other on anything.  

"These rockets are an ongoing terrorist attack."
Agreed, I wish they would stop. They are not helping Israel nor Hamas and least of all the people of Palestine.

"The jihadists also kidnapped and murdered three kids recently."
Yes, there were Israeli kids killed and Palestinians kids in revenge shortly after. Not the first titfortat event instigated by one side or the other.
As I posted elsewhere, there seems to be very little info on these initial teenager killings that sparked the revenge attack and the military escalation. I would love to see some independent info/reports on the details of this, as it wouldn't be the first time a trigger event has been surrounded in lies and misinfo/misunderstanding and there seems to be little info on it out there.
It's basically irrelevant now anyway, as things have gone too far past this to simply bring the killers to court and put them in jail as you would in any civilized society.

"I am quite educated. I am also intellectually honest. Since this is the bit coin forum I will leave it at that. We can discuss it further in the political forum but I suspect neither of us will convince the other on anything."  
I would very much welcome further discussion as I honestly want nothing more than to be convinced that Israel is acting reasonably and responsibly and are not repeatedly committing war crimes now and for the last 50 years (as almost all speakers so far at the UN have said this morning - except the Israeli and USA representatives of course).
That when Israel hits hospitals and ambulances, UN facilities and workers, journalists, denies NGOs entry, denies Palestinian people movement, free flow of food, water medicine, not to mention independence and the rights it affords itself... that Israel is it is doing the best it can and trying to adhere to international law.

I honestly wish this were the case. If I could be shown something or heard something in discussion to be convinced of this I would sleep better knowing that this is not one of the largest crimes of our age and the last 4-5 decades and not feel the need to do something, even if it's just to support awareness through the internet and write this stuff. I still give Israel the benefit of the doubt, and I am open and wanting to be convinced but considering everything I've seen not just with this situation - but with how things were/are and how they played out in so many other conflicts and wars and occupations in history, I will be difficult to convince - but i sincerely wish to be.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: CoinMode on July 23, 2014, 06:38:46 PM
This thread got really derailed with a lot of anger. Sorry that I sort of let it get out of control when it could have been a much more productive conversation. We are all aware of the disgusting war crimes being commuted by Israel right now. There is no debating that situation. We should leave it up to the judge and jury to decide their fate.

If anybody would like to go back to the original proposal of how to get a bitcoin exchange into Gaza, or other similarly war torn corners of the world, then please discuss. Otherwise, there is no point in continuing.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: cdog on July 23, 2014, 07:47:02 PM
Sometimes I think the best thing that could happen to that part of the world is an earthquake that dropped the entire region into the Mediterranean Sea.

We've seen nearly a century of conflict between equally-guilty sides, supplied and funded by a bunch of governments around the world at the expense of their own populations because it's a good way to make some extra money for the arms exporters and I'm tired of hearing about it.

If war is the health of the state, that part of the world must be its spa.

I think, with this post, you have moved to the very top of the list of my favorite posters on here.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: beetcoin on July 23, 2014, 08:33:35 PM
bitcoin isn't the solution, it is too easy for Israel to interrupt internet service and without internet, bitcoin won't work.

was gonna say this. israel has that region in their pocket. shut down ISP, control water supply, whatever. they have all the assets.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Meuh6879 on July 23, 2014, 09:09:31 PM
Gaza (Gaz.A and Gaz.B) is a war zone (and always declared as ...)
Internet is not reliable in this territory.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Lauda on July 23, 2014, 09:18:26 PM
I'm pretty sure that the issues at hand need to be resolved first before one should try and establish this.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: DodoB on July 23, 2014, 09:23:23 PM
Stop blowing up buses filled with ordinary people and stop launching explosive rockets into population centers and things might get better. Oh and stop electing committed jihadists to political leadership positions.  

"stop launching explosive rockets into population centers"
They are not explosive, they are essentially large metal tubes. They are waaaaaaaay below any modern military standards.
Here is one landing:
That's kinda why only 2 people died when they launched about 1000 of them... you'd have to be very unlucky to get hit and the rockets cant reach heavily dense populations.

Actualy,fajr 5 is a pretty decent rocket.
The low casualty rate is thanks to Iron Dome,they can indeed reach heavily populated areas such as Tel Aviv,2nd biggest city in Israel.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 23, 2014, 10:46:14 PM

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: The Bitcoin Co-op on July 24, 2014, 12:45:14 AM
We're not gonna donate money for a Bitcoin center that's just going to get exploded by Israel not long after construction.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: zyj3000 on July 25, 2014, 02:05:14 PM
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

view this, then you will realise there's no chance for them to build any infrastructure there, if they build anything, israeli will bomb them back to the stoneage

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 25, 2014, 02:25:14 PM
I feel like most of the people here don't understand much about this conflict that has been going on for quite some time.

TERRORISTS which are backed by governments keep launching rockets from Missile trucks/launchers that are made in Russia and other countries who wish for Israel to die off completely.

Let us not forget who started this. All of the small penis sized pathetic liar propaganda leaders of the armies of Egypt, Syria, and other Muslim joke of the century countries(who kill women for the dumbest reasons ever) tried attacking Israel decades ago. Israel crushed these pathetic wanna be caliphate moron Muslims in the Six Day War. Guess what happens when you talk shit you pathetic fascist Muslims who support terrorists? You get hit fucking hit. The old saying "talk shit get hit". The Muslim countries at best are a joke and a disgrace to humanity.

For those who say ohh this country should have control of Israel, or oh hey this group should have it. Guess what, get some forces together and take it from Israel if you are so tough. Don't hide behind the U.N. and whine about how the jews just cause every conflict in the world right? Always the JEWS FAULT rofl... Couldn't be that the Jews didn't have a home land and no other country would take them, that right there makes them the victim to begin with(as they usually have been). Lets see, Nazis really did a number on Jews, where else would they go? I don't see any new crusades happening for these so called "tolerant peaceful" Muslims to whine about how they get getting exterminated. The whole middle east is just a big pissing match with a bunch of pussy intolerant crazed Muslim leaders who are trying to make a caliphate bigger(it already exists google Muslim caliphate).

Am I gonna feel bad for Canadians if they start launching rockets into our country non stop and we invade them and kill their people? No I am not. Life is unfair. All is love and war.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: zyj3000 on July 25, 2014, 02:49:41 PM
wake up people, zionists are the real terrorists, listen to the honest israeli instead of trusting everything you read in the mainstream media. saying hamas is a terrorist group is like saying bitcoin is a ponzi scheme

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: gelar24 on July 25, 2014, 03:18:38 PM
I strongly support if it exists.

I really want to donate some bitcoin to those most in need.

hopefully materialize

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 25, 2014, 03:41:40 PM
What many don't realise is that Bitcoin and other decentralized technologies like Bit Torrent and Tor were designed to take power away from corrupt corporations and corrupt governments and give more power to individuals no matter where they are in the world. Social media is another example of such disruptive technologies.

Ironically what will lead to the downfall of regimes like Isreal, Syria is these kinds of disruptive technologies.. some of these technologies are made popular by Jewish people like Mark Zuckerberg and Charlie Shrem.

Anyone who supports oppressive governments like Isreal and also supports disruptive technologies is shooting themselves in the foot and doing the world a Favour..

So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you for continuing to read these forums, supporting crypto and helping to dismantle these oppressive regimes.

Gaza will be freed soon enough.. the next step is to free Isreal... and lets hope we can do it peacefully before those crazy extremist jihadists take over.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 25, 2014, 05:58:13 PM
wake up people, zionists are the real terrorists, listen to the honest israeli instead of trusting everything you read in the mainstream media. saying hamas is a terrorist group is like saying bitcoin is a ponzi scheme

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

I am surprised you are even alive. At some point you might be too stupid to be able to breathe. I feel like that is coming soon.

L2 history bro!

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 25, 2014, 06:00:40 PM
What many don't realise is that Bitcoin and other decentralized technologies like Bit Torrent and Tor were designed to take power away from corrupt corporations and corrupt governments and give more power to individuals no matter where they are in the world. Social media is another example of such disruptive technologies.

Ironically what will lead to the downfall of regimes like Isreal, Syria is these kinds of disruptive technologies.. some of these technologies are made popular by Jewish people like Mark Zuckerberg and Charlie Shrem.

Anyone who supports oppressive governments like Isreal and also supports disruptive technologies is shooting themselves in the foot and doing the world a Favour..

So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you for continuing to read these forums, supporting crypto and helping to dismantle these oppressive regimes.

Gaza will be freed soon enough.. the next step is to free Isreal... and lets hope we can do it peacefully before those crazy extremist jihadists take over.

Pray tell how Israel is oppressing Gaza and other countries. You realize those other countries banded together to attack Israel right? Those other countries all LOST. It is called the Six Day War. Guess what happens when you lose a war? Some of your shit gets taken(like with almost any other war that ever happened anywhere ever). Don't pity the Muslims for losing a war they started rofl. Like I litterally can't even right now.

Is like everyone on here stupid or just stupid when it comes to history? Maybe I should make a poll.

A: Are you stupid?

B: Or are you just stupid?

Pick one please.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 25, 2014, 06:01:44 PM
An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel

view this, then you will realise there's no chance for them to build any infrastructure there, if they build anything, israeli will bomb them back to the stoneage

Maybe your heros Hamas should stop killing civialians and hiding in Schools and hospitals while firing rockets at Israel.

LOL. You got some FUD you spreading eh!

If you are against Israel, you are against America.
You are probably a Democrat as well and you are supporting a terrorist organization. So kindly piss off and never speak on forums again please.

k thx baiiiiiiiii

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 25, 2014, 06:13:15 PM
What many don't realise is that Bitcoin and other decentralized technologies like Bit Torrent and Tor were designed to take power away from corrupt corporations and corrupt governments and give more power to individuals no matter where they are in the world. Social media is another example of such disruptive technologies.

Ironically what will lead to the downfall of regimes like Isreal, Syria is these kinds of disruptive technologies.. some of these technologies are made popular by Jewish people like Mark Zuckerberg and Charlie Shrem.

Anyone who supports oppressive governments like Isreal and also supports disruptive technologies is shooting themselves in the foot and doing the world a Favour..

So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you for continuing to read these forums, supporting crypto and helping to dismantle these oppressive regimes.

Gaza will be freed soon enough.. the next step is to free Isreal... and lets hope we can do it peacefully before those crazy extremist jihadists take over.

Pray tell how Israel is oppressing Gaza and other countries. You realize those other countries banded together to attack Israel right? Those other countries all LOST. It is called the Six Day War. Guess what happens when you lose a war? Some of your shit gets taken(like with almost any other war that ever happened anywhere ever). Don't pity the Muslims for losing a war they started rofl. Like I litterally can't even right now.

Is like everyone on here stupid or just stupid when it comes to history? Maybe I should make a poll.

A: Are you stupid?

B: Or are you just stupid?

Pick one please.

Thank you for proving my point that Pro Isreal supporters are too stupid to realise that they undermine their own government by supporting bitcoin and other disruptive technologies.  I guess this is what happens when cousins marry.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Minecache on July 25, 2014, 06:49:09 PM
Please read The Generals Son.

This shatters all Israeli lies, propaganda, and their supposed claim to the land of King David 3000 years ago.

They have no more right to this than you or I have to owning 21 million bit coins.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 25, 2014, 08:19:49 PM
What many don't realise is that Bitcoin and other decentralized technologies like Bit Torrent and Tor were designed to take power away from corrupt corporations and corrupt governments and give more power to individuals no matter where they are in the world. Social media is another example of such disruptive technologies.

Ironically what will lead to the downfall of regimes like Isreal, Syria is these kinds of disruptive technologies.. some of these technologies are made popular by Jewish people like Mark Zuckerberg and Charlie Shrem.

Anyone who supports oppressive governments like Isreal and also supports disruptive technologies is shooting themselves in the foot and doing the world a Favour..

So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you for continuing to read these forums, supporting crypto and helping to dismantle these oppressive regimes.

Gaza will be freed soon enough.. the next step is to free Isreal... and lets hope we can do it peacefully before those crazy extremist jihadists take over.

Pray tell how Israel is oppressing Gaza and other countries. You realize those other countries banded together to attack Israel right? Those other countries all LOST. It is called the Six Day War. Guess what happens when you lose a war? Some of your shit gets taken(like with almost any other war that ever happened anywhere ever). Don't pity the Muslims for losing a war they started rofl. Like I litterally can't even right now.

Is like everyone on here stupid or just stupid when it comes to history? Maybe I should make a poll.

A: Are you stupid?

B: Or are you just stupid?

Pick one please.

Thank you for proving my point that Pro Isreal supporters are too stupid to realise that they undermine their own government by supporting bitcoin and other disruptive technologies.  I guess this is what happens when cousins marry.

Thank you for proving that you aren't going on historical factual data and are just being emotional and cultural for your argument. I don't deal in opinions and fluff, I deal in absolutes, FACTS. Israel just tries to exist and you and your pathetic Muslims who beat women, kill children all the time, stone people to death, not to mention many Muslim countries still have BLACK SLAVES they make do things for them. So pray tell who is more civilized, certainly not the SLAVE OWNING Muslims who keep women down, and keep their own people in a constant state of being poor.

You got some nerve to spout of some bs opinion when the truth can be learned so easily. Screw off slave supporter.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 25, 2014, 08:23:52 PM
let me tell you a little secret, no one has a right to any land.
its just a question of who has the guns to take over the land and hold it.
israel took the land from the british who took it from the muslims who took it from the romans who took it from the greeks who took it from the persians and so on.

Israel won its land in a war fair and square, just like the USA was founded by conquering America from the indians, anyone who says israel occupies land is a hypocrite, all modern countries took their land by war from someone else.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Dimelord on July 25, 2014, 08:24:36 PM
If there is one place in the world that doesn't have money and can't get access to the world through banking oppression, it is the Gaza strip. Would it be feasible to set up a bitcoin exchange in Gaza to help them rebuild after the USA-funded, err, I mean, Israeli attack? This is just so sickening I feel we must do something, and the entire world  has just now flipped their opinion. Protests in many major cities support Gaza. Celebrities are joining the cause for peace by the dozen, and the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack is trending a lot with 20k tweets per hour.

Can we set up a center there to help fund a humanitarian rebuilding effort? If you keep the people desperate and helpless, this "war" could go on forever.

short summary:
i think the OP has no clue about life in gaza or he would not be asking for a money grab under the pretense that gaza has no support system

detailed waffle:
if you live in Gaza strip.. you would know that they do have money, people have jobs and yes even while news media is showing recordings of a few bombed buildings, people are still going to work.

when governments battle each other its best to use government funds to fix the problem after all bitcoins are not really useful there and any donation will just end up being converted to dollars and given to a UN humanitarian aid corporation. which is already well funded. thus wasted on their funding campaign advertising and corporate office wages.

i do love watching these media stories that like to show lots of tanks but then when you look closely, you see average joe resident smoking a cigarette doing their every day lives, or kids with their smart phones recording the tanks.

media make it sound like a whole country is being bombed and asked to evacuate when infact its only a few buildings. most of which, if known to be general residential buildings that just happen to have some strategic importance, the opposite side "roof knocks" with light yield artillery as a warning shot many minutes before actually using the heavy building busting artillery.

of course there are still casualties but it is not like the whole country is in an apocalypse zone of death. media shout that is a "massive" or "huge" loss of life, im sorry but the death toll OF A WHOLE COUNTRY is similar to the MH17 plan crash in the ukraine.

should planes be told not to fly if 300 people out of millions is "huge". i know wars and death are no laughing matter, but if people were to take away the propaganda of exaggeration and actually analyze the facts that do leak through, you too will see that people still go to work, drive their cars, go shopping. its not a world war... although America want you to believe it is.

it is not a desert country with no support system either.

watch this for instance
at the start, people driving their cars, office workers having a smoke break, yes there's a missile hitting a building. but people are not running for cover afraid of their lives. instead they run towards it. then you see that the country has an emergency team.

i wish people would stop thinking that foreign countries are like native indians. or that wars affect EVERYONE, this is not a genocide event, life still happens and people are not running around for their lives.

Thank you! Someone else who sees the truth!

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Dimelord on July 25, 2014, 08:24:59 PM
let me tell you a little secret, no one has a right to any land.
its just a question of who has the guns to take over the land and hold it.
israel took the land from the british who took it from the muslims who took it from the romans who took it from the greeks who took it from the persians and so on.

Israel won its land in a war fair and square, just like the USA was founded by conquering America from the indians, anyone who says israel occupies land is a hypocrite, all modern countries took their land by war from someone else.
+1  :)

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: zyj3000 on July 25, 2014, 09:09:51 PM
Hamas is not the problem, 7 decades of Israeli brutality and oppression is! CrossTalk: Gaza Under Siege via @youtube

When will Israel stop the massacre. When people stop calling Hamas a terror organization and treat it like the legitimate resistance that it is. The choice for Gazans is not war or peace. It is whether to be killed by Israel while fighting or to surrender and then be killed.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 25, 2014, 09:34:15 PM
Hamas is not the problem, 7 decades of Israeli brutality and oppression is! CrossTalk: Gaza Under Siege via @youtube

When will Israel stop the massacre. When people stop calling Hamas a terror organization and treat it like the legitimate resistance that it is. The choice for Gazans is not war or peace. It is whether to be killed by Israel while fighting or to surrender and then be killed.

Hamas are a bunch of idiots fighting a war they know they can not win against a superior army.
they should surrender already and stop the suffering of the Palestinian people.

if Israel wanted to kill all the Palestinians it would have done it already, it doesn't need hamas to surrender, you're talking about a country with fighter jets tanks and nukes.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Minecache on July 25, 2014, 09:55:24 PM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 25, 2014, 09:57:13 PM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

all countries are terrorist states.
all countries took their land by force from someone else.
the Palestinians need to either be strong like the israelis and win their land back or surrender already accept the situation and move on with their lives.
going on a suicide war once every 2-3 years is not helping them.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Minecache on July 25, 2014, 10:23:52 PM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

all countries are terrorist states.
all countries took their land by force from someone else.
the Palestinians need to either be strong like the israelis and win their land back or surrender already accept the situation and move on with their lives.
going on a suicide war once every 2-3 years is not helping them.

I asked you to kindly read the book and educate yourself to the many many crimes of Israel in its greed for land. All clearly and concisely documented by the son of a Zionist. If you don't have the time nor money to education yourself then at least listen to his words. Israel is the terrorist state. Israel is committing war crimes. And Israel has created the largest open air concentration camp in the world. As a fellow Jew I know that there is nothing to be proud of here. And one day you will realise it.

An Israeli Generals Son speaks out against the crimes if his 'country' against the Palestinians...

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 25, 2014, 10:30:27 PM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

all countries are terrorist states.
all countries took their land by force from someone else.
the Palestinians need to either be strong like the israelis and win their land back or surrender already accept the situation and move on with their lives.
going on a suicide war once every 2-3 years is not helping them.

I asked you to kindly read the book and educate yourself to the many many crimes of Israel in its greed for land. All clearly and concisely documented by the son of a Zionist. If you don't have the time nor money to education yourself then at least listen to his words. Israel is the terrorist state. Israel is committing war crimes. And Israel has created the largest open air concentration camp in the world. As a fellow Jew I know that there is nothing to be proud of here. And one day you will realise it.

An Israeli Generals Son speaks out against the crimes if his 'country' against the Palestinians...

so what, every country commits endless crimes, starting from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki going all the way back to the crusades,
israel isn't special.
you wanna complain that its unfair that countries commit crimes? too bad, life isn't fair.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: hdbuck on July 25, 2014, 10:50:12 PM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

all countries are terrorist states.
all countries took their land by force from someone else.
the Palestinians need to either be strong like the israelis and win their land back or surrender already accept the situation and move on with their lives.
going on a suicide war once every 2-3 years is not helping them.

I asked you to kindly read the book and educate yourself to the many many crimes of Israel in its greed for land. All clearly and concisely documented by the son of a Zionist. If you don't have the time nor money to education yourself then at least listen to his words. Israel is the terrorist state. Israel is committing war crimes. And Israel has created the largest open air concentration camp in the world. As a fellow Jew I know that there is nothing to be proud of here. And one day you will realise it.

An Israeli Generals Son speaks out against the crimes if his 'country' against the Palestinians...

so what, every country commits endless crimes, starting from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki going all the way back to the crusades,
israel isn't special.
you wanna complain that its unfair that countries commit crimes? too bad, life isn't fair.

lol such violence. wow.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: justusranvier on July 25, 2014, 11:19:46 PM
so what, every country commits endless crimes, starting from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki going all the way back to the crusades,
israel isn't special.
you wanna complain that its unfair that countries commit crimes? too bad, life isn't fair.
I'd call this statement infantile, but that would be an insult to infants.

You're literally justifying the behaviour of a nation-state with excuses so flimsy that we don't even let toddlers use them.

"Why did you do that?"
"All the other kids were doing it too!"
"That doesn't matter."

No wonder everything's so fucked up in the world - people grow up into adults and all of a sudden start holding themselves less accountable for their behavior than they were when they were five years old.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 25, 2014, 11:36:31 PM
so what, every country commits endless crimes, starting from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki going all the way back to the crusades,
israel isn't special.
you wanna complain that its unfair that countries commit crimes? too bad, life isn't fair.
I'd call this statement infantile, but that would be an insult to infants.

You're literally justifying the behaviour of a nation-state with excuses so flimsy that we don't even let toddlers use them.

"Why did you do that?"
"All the other kids were doing it too!"
"That doesn't matter."

No wonder everything's so fucked up in the world - people grow up into adults and all of a sudden start holding themselves less accountable for their behavior than they were when they were five years old.

I'm not justifying anything.
I'm saying that all countries have committed crimes for the last 3000 years and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone thinks or says,
saying that israel does that as well gives us no new information as it logically follows from it being a country.

specifically in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict im saying that the palestinian leadership is either stupid or doesn't care about its own people.
pragmatically speaking they can not beat israel in a military conflict.
they are needlessly getting their own people killed by attempting to fight an enemy which is much stronger than them.
they would be much better off accepting defeat and taking what little land they still hold, if they disarm they could with high probability negotiate peace with israel and build a small country.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: zyj3000 on July 26, 2014, 02:50:47 AM
The choice for Gazans is not war or peace. It is whether to be killed by Israel while fighting or to surrender and then be killed.

they simply cannot surrender, if they surrender they will be killed. what happened to Yasser Arafat when he propose pease with the israeli?

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 03:29:52 AM
Israel is the only terrorist state here. Read the book, written by one of your own, I recommended then begin to form an educated opinion free of your counties usual hate filled propaganda.

all countries are terrorist states.
all countries took their land by force from someone else.
the Palestinians need to either be strong like the israelis and win their land back or surrender already accept the situation and move on with their lives.
going on a suicide war once every 2-3 years is not helping them.

I asked you to kindly read the book and educate yourself to the many many crimes of Israel in its greed for land. All clearly and concisely documented by the son of a Zionist. If you don't have the time nor money to education yourself then at least listen to his words. Israel is the terrorist state. Israel is committing war crimes. And Israel has created the largest open air concentration camp in the world. As a fellow Jew I know that there is nothing to be proud of here. And one day you will realise it.

An Israeli Generals Son speaks out against the crimes if his 'country' against the Palestinians...

Thank you for speaking out..
in some ways, both of you are right.

its true that most countries were created from an invasion of some kind or another.
what most Pro Isreal people neglect to mention is that:

1) the Geneva convention signed in 1949 by almost every country on earth strictly prohibits this kind for practice.
 saddam hussein tried to do this to Kuwait and look what happened.

2) any country in the modern age that has found relative peace with their native populations has given equal rights and full citizenship to all its people regardless of race, colour religion or creed. Isreali government policy is to continue to deny the rights of these people who were born on that land. People love to argue that this is all the fault of Hamas.. but the truth is that Non Jews in Isreal are denied full rights and Palestinians in the west bank (not controlled by Hamas and not firing rockets at is real) are denied even basic human rights.

This is not an issue about stopping the terrorism.. terrorism will always exist as long as people are brutally oppressed and you cannot stop terrorists by blowing up their entire families anyway.. it only creates more terrorists.. the IRA in northern Ireland only stopped bombing when the British government changed its policy in northern Ireland.

Everything that Isreal does is to further their policy of denying basic rights to the Palestinain people. Freedom of association, Freedom to live in peace, freedom to trade with its neighbours, freedom to vote for who they want, freedom of speech, freedom to own their own land, freedom to develop their own land, freedom to build adequate health end education services, freedom to walk down their own streets without being harassed and shot at.

Isreal wants to stop Hamas but they do not even realise they they created Hamas. before the Oslo accords there was no Hamas.
If the Isrealis negotiated and made real peace with the Palestinian authority and gave Palestinians the rights they deserve, as all human beings do, there simply would be no Hamas.

If you want to argue that all countries were created from violence then fine, but do not deny the fact that all peaceful countries only achieved peace by giving equal rights to every person born on their land regardless of race, colour or creed.

Isreal does not represent, protect or fight for all Jews.. they only Represent and protect Zionists which make about half of all Jews.
Hamas does not represent, protect or fight Palestinians.. they only represent less than 1/3 of all Palestinians who hold such extremist views.

Isreali government and Hamas are two sides of the same Right Wing Nationalist coin. Two sides that will never see the other side because they are too busy looking in the mirror and telling themselves how righteous they are.

If you really want peace then you need to discard that coin.
This is why I support all Jews, Israelis and all Palestinians who reject this senseless violence.

I am not an anti-Semitist or pro Jihadist.. I am simply a human being who believes in peace because I grew up in a peaceful country where Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and Christians live side by side and are given equal rights..

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 03:47:40 AM
The choice for Gazans is not war or peace. It is whether to be killed by Israel while fighting or to surrender and then be killed.

they simply cannot surrender, if they surrender they will be killed. what happened to Yasser Arafat when he propose pease with the israeli?

that's not entirely true... the most powerful weapon that Palestinians have is non violent resistance.
and this is happening in Isreal, In Gaza and in the west bank.. (and all over the world)
yes I agree that many of them will die in the process..
but just like in south Africa, it is the only way they will win.. there are prisoners in Isreal making hunger strikes.. there are people peacefully marching in Isreal and the west bank. the emancipation movement is gaining strength but its is not covered by the media because the media likes to film death and explosions.

if you want to join in then keep talking to Isrealis, Jews and Palestinians. Keep supporting the people who do the countless courageous non violent acts that go unreported.

Turn off the mainstream media which is controlled by self interested lobbyists and learn for yourself what is really going on.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 04:04:35 AM

I'm not justifying anything.
I'm saying that all countries have committed crimes for the last 3000 years and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone thinks or says,
saying that israel does that as well gives us no new information as it logically follows from it being a country.

specifically in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict im saying that the palestinian leadership is either stupid or doesn't care about its own people.

Yes Hamas has no hope of beating Isreal militarily but would it surprise you to know that Hamas is not the Palestinian leadership?
they only govern half of the occupied peoples.. and that is only 1/3 of the so called "Arabs" that live on the land of Palestine/Isreal.

we are not powerless to stop this nonsense even if we are not inside Isreal/Palestine.

if you live in a westernised country you can boycott companies that support Isreal and you can vote against political parties that support Isreal.
of course by all means boycott companies and parties that support Hamas too if you can find any.

if you live anywhere in the world you can continue to use disruptive technologies like social media and bitcoin.
everything you do can help to change the world...

will Isreal back down when faced with international pressure?
probably not.
will the Isreali government be forced out of office if their economy sinks.
pretty much guaranteed.

did you see how angry the Isreali government got when the world stopped flights to tel aviv?
the rhetoric is "you cannot give in to terror"
the truth is "you are hurting our economy and we will be forced out of office.. please come back"

The Isreali economy needs world trade to survive... and they claim they don't need help from anyone.

as long as Isreal Blockades Gaza I will continue to advocate for everyone to blockade Israel through boycotts and sanctions.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: sbux on July 26, 2014, 05:02:11 AM
Should this go to politics section?

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 26, 2014, 10:17:20 AM

I'm not justifying anything.
I'm saying that all countries have committed crimes for the last 3000 years and will continue to do so regardless of what anyone thinks or says,
saying that israel does that as well gives us no new information as it logically follows from it being a country.

specifically in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict im saying that the palestinian leadership is either stupid or doesn't care about its own people.

Yes Hamas has no hope of beating Isreal militarily but would it surprise you to know that Hamas is not the Palestinian leadership?
they only govern half of the occupied peoples.. and that is only 1/3 of the so called "Arabs" that live on the land of Palestine/Isreal.

we are not powerless to stop this nonsense even if we are not inside Isreal/Palestine.

if you live in a westernised country you can boycott companies that support Isreal and you can vote against political parties that support Isreal.
of course by all means boycott companies and parties that support Hamas too if you can find any.

if you live anywhere in the world you can continue to use disruptive technologies like social media and bitcoin.
everything you do can help to change the world...

will Isreal back down when faced with international pressure?
probably not.
will the Isreali government be forced out of office if their economy sinks.
pretty much guaranteed.

did you see how angry the Isreali government got when the world stopped flights to tel aviv?
the rhetoric is "you cannot give in to terror"
the truth is "you are hurting our economy and we will be forced out of office.. please come back"

The Isreali economy needs world trade to survive... and they claim they don't need help from anyone.

as long as Isreal Blockades Gaza I will continue to advocate for everyone to blockade Israel through boycotts and sanctions.

you can advocate sanctions and vote all you want, it won't change a thing.
99.9% of the population couldnt care less about the conflict and will continue buying whatever products they like, be it israeli or not.
politicians in the west have zero sympathy towards any islamists and would happily let israel do their dirty work.

the palestinines are pretty much screwed no matter what, thats why any further armed resistance is futile and only gets more palestinians killed for nothing.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: freedomno1 on July 26, 2014, 10:20:05 AM
bitcoin isn't the solution, it is too easy for Israel to interrupt internet service and without internet, bitcoin won't work.

Sounds about right although I may be incorrect and Bitcoin could work if they have a mobile connection kind of tricky.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: franky1 on July 26, 2014, 10:39:21 AM
so what, every country commits endless crimes, starting from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki going all the way back to the crusades,
israel isn't special.
you wanna complain that its unfair that countries commit crimes? too bad, life isn't fair.
I'd call this statement infantile, but that would be an insult to infants.

You're literally justifying the behaviour of a nation-state with excuses so flimsy that we don't even let toddlers use them.

"Why did you do that?"
"All the other kids were doing it too!"
"That doesn't matter."

No wonder everything's so fucked up in the world - people grow up into adults and all of a sudden start holding themselves less accountable for their behavior than they were when they were five years old.

isreal and gaza war is not just 3 weeks long.. its been going on for decades. so where were you? and why werent you pleading for it to stop in 2008 (which is when the worst happened)..
the only reason people care now is because its televised..

adding more guns an ammo by sending america in wont make things better. so making america accountable for something thousands of miles away and out of jurisdiction is not going to help.

the U.N have experience in this matter as they have been involved for the last.. pfft god knows how long. it does not need american intervention.

there is alot going on in gaza that they are not telling you on the PUBLIC news

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 11:17:52 AM

you can advocate sanctions and vote all you want, it won't change a thing.
99.9% of the population couldnt care less about the conflict and will continue buying whatever products they like, be it israeli or not.
politicians in the west have zero sympathy towards any islamists and would happily let israel do their dirty work.

the palestinines are pretty much screwed no matter what, thats why any further armed resistance is futile and only gets more palestinians killed for nothing.

I guess you haven't been watching the news in the past few years..

revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Uprisings in Syria and Yemen and the list goes on and on.

all of this has come about as a direct result of disruptive technologies like social media. Crypto currencies and other disruptive technologies only add to the tools that the revolutionaries can use...

these revolutions don't start out as Islamic militant movements they start out as popular uprisings against oppressive regimes and in some cases if the regime brutally cracks down on the people they turn to open armed revolt.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: hdbuck on July 26, 2014, 11:24:52 AM

you can advocate sanctions and vote all you want, it won't change a thing.
99.9% of the population couldnt care less about the conflict and will continue buying whatever products they like, be it israeli or not.
politicians in the west have zero sympathy towards any islamists and would happily let israel do their dirty work.

the palestinines are pretty much screwed no matter what, thats why any further armed resistance is futile and only gets more palestinians killed for nothing.

I guess you haven't been watching the news in the past few years..

revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Uprisings in Syria and Yemen and the list goes on and on.

all of this has come about as a direct result of disruptive technologies like social media. Crypto currencies and other disruptive technologies only add to the tools that the revolutionaries can use...

these revolutions don't start out as Islamic militant movements they start out as popular uprisings against oppressive regimes and in some cases if the regime brutally cracks down on the people they turn to open armed revolt.

Lol nope these so called revolutions where directly fomented by occident & for israel cuz you know, they wouldnt like arabs to unite.. Divide and conquer as they say..

Enough with that democracy BS plz

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 26, 2014, 11:36:28 AM

you can advocate sanctions and vote all you want, it won't change a thing.
99.9% of the population couldnt care less about the conflict and will continue buying whatever products they like, be it israeli or not.
politicians in the west have zero sympathy towards any islamists and would happily let israel do their dirty work.

the palestinines are pretty much screwed no matter what, thats why any further armed resistance is futile and only gets more palestinians killed for nothing.

I guess you haven't been watching the news in the past few years..

revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Uprisings in Syria and Yemen and the list goes on and on.

all of this has come about as a direct result of disruptive technologies like social media. Crypto currencies and other disruptive technologies only add to the tools that the revolutionaries can use...

these revolutions don't start out as Islamic militant movements they start out as popular uprisings against oppressive regimes and in some cases if the regime brutally cracks down on the people they turn to open armed revolt.

but the Palestinians are already revolting, how is facebook going to change anything at this point.
is Mark Zuckerberg going to give a division of tanks to the Palestinians so that they don't get slaughtered?

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 11:37:55 AM
isreal and gaza war is not just 3 weeks long.. its been going on for decades. so where were you? and why werent you pleading for it to stop in 2008

I agree with you there.. the world didn't do enough back in 2008 and they didn't do enough to help the revolution in Syria to become a peaceful one. now look at the mess the middle east is in.

I think media control had a lot to do with people not speaking out back then... now that media control is broken and there are countless more grass roots media outlets and bloggers covering the news form all angles, the game has changed completely.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 11:47:29 AM

but the Palestinians are already revolting, how is facebook going to change anything at this point.
is Mark Zuckerberg going to give a division of tanks to the Palestinians so that they don't get slaughtered?

of course not.. militarily Hamas will never win... I'm pretty sure they know this too.
The Israelis are right when they say Hamas is trying to score propaganda points.. the problem is that Isreal is the one giving them all the propaganda material they need.

I just really wish more Palestinians would embrace non violent resistance.
I know its easy for me to say that from my armchair living in safety but really that's the only way they can win their freedom.

with that being said... my advice is to not just look at Gaza... things are happening in the west bank and inside Isreal too.
the news is focussing on Gaza only because people are dying there... but the real battle .. the political revolution is being fought all over Isreal/Palestine and globally.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Robert Paulson on July 26, 2014, 12:07:23 PM

but the Palestinians are already revolting, how is facebook going to change anything at this point.
is Mark Zuckerberg going to give a division of tanks to the Palestinians so that they don't get slaughtered?

of course not.. militarily Hamas will never win... I'm pretty sure they know this too.
The Israelis are right when they say Hamas is trying to score propaganda points.. the problem is that Isreal is the one giving them all the propaganda material they need.

I just really wish more Palestinians would embrace non violent resistance.
I know its easy for me to say that from my armchair living in safety but really that's the only way they can win their freedom.

with that being said... my advice is to not just look at Gaza... things are happening in the west bank and inside Isreal too.
the news is focussing on Gaza only because people are dying there... but the real battle .. the political revolution is being fought all over Isreal/Palestine and globally.

what political revolution? i don't see any political revolution coming from inside Israel, Netanyahu has the full support of almost everyone in the knesset to continue the operation.
the only resistance is from a very small minority of arab and left wing parties which have little to no electoral power.
people don't usually oppose wars in which they are beating the other side so badly.
meanwhile more and more Palestinians are being slaughtered, by the time any so called political revolution will happen Gaza will have long capitulated if only because there will be no one left alive.

the israeli's have already won, the palestinians must cut their loses and surrender unconditionally or face potential genocide.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Minecache on July 26, 2014, 12:43:06 PM
Oh how ironic for a Zionist apologist to freely use the word Genocide, admitting by default the atrocities carried out to the Palestinian people in his name. Genocide is a war crime.

"Genocide is considered one of the most severe crimes against humanity. It means the deliberate attempt to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

The term was coined in 1943 by the Jewish-Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin who combined the Greek word 'genos' (race or tribe) with the Latin word 'cide' (to kill).

After witnessing the horrors of the Holocaust - in which every member of his family except his brother and himself was killed - Dr Lemkin campaigned to have genocide recognised as a crime under international law.
His efforts led to the adoption of the UN Convention on Genocide in December 1948, which came into force in January 1951."

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: Alphi on July 26, 2014, 01:01:49 PM

what political revolution? i don't see any political revolution coming from inside Israel, Netanyahu has the full support of almost everyone in the knesset to continue the operation.
the only resistance is from a very small minority of arab and left wing parties which have little to no electoral power.
people don't usually oppose wars in which they are beating the other side so badly.
meanwhile more and more Palestinians are being slaughtered, by the time any so called political revolution will happen Gaza will have long capitulated if only because there will be no one left alive.

the israeli's have already won, the palestinians must cut their loses and surrender unconditionally or face potential genocide.

I know its tough to watch but the truth is that nobody will intervene militarily...
we saw what happened in Germany in the 1930s and this is no different...
shops and business being smashed, people being killed in protests, racial slurs and violence..
Jewish settlers have become the brown shirts of the modern age...

the world cannot do anything to help the countless lives that have already been lost in the name of Zionism and Islamic fundamentalism.
but we can try our best to stop people on both sides from becoming further radicalised.
we can make a difference because we can see what is happening with more clarity than ever before.

revolution will come.. I refuse to believe that everyone in isreal is a Radical Zionist just as I refuse to believe that Everyone in Palestine is an Islamic extremist. they are the minority and its up to the majority to stand up and get rid of these assholes before they become the majority.

for what its worth.. America had a similar problem during the bush era and it didn't take long for people to realise how much all this warmongering was hurting their economy.. so they stopped it. granted isreal is more right wing than america but it can still happen...
either the right wing warmongers will get kicked out of politics or they will start a much bigger war. and many more innocent Jews and Arabs will die.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: hdbuck on July 26, 2014, 03:40:05 PM
the israeli's have already won, the palestinians must cut their loses and surrender unconditionally or face potential genocide.

wait wuut?!
GTFO you brainwashed heartless (J)SS prick.

Title: Re: GAZA - Why not have a bitcoin center?
Post by: slaveforanunnak1 on July 26, 2014, 09:12:14 PM
i'll just leave this here