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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Alex077 on July 21, 2014, 02:36:37 PM

Title: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Alex077 on July 21, 2014, 02:36:37 PM
 Russia sent powerful rocket launchers to the separatists who shot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, the United States claimed last night.

An American intelligence report also alleged that President Putin allowed separatist fighters to receive training inside Russia — including on the air-defence systems apparently used to bring down MH17.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Justine on July 21, 2014, 02:40:06 PM
Both sides are using misinformation to gain support on their side.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: hologram on July 21, 2014, 02:50:04 PM
Sure, so everybody will just trust the side they like...

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Ron~Popeil on July 21, 2014, 04:00:04 PM
As an American I really do not want to see the US get involved with this. This is a regional conflict and we have a horrible track record of making them worse by trying to help.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: hologram on July 21, 2014, 04:01:35 PM
I don't want to see NATO in too, not more than in middle east or Africa. I think would be better if we keep NATO solider in NATO country.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: E-valuta on July 21, 2014, 10:20:41 PM
Putin also eats infants and rapes cute cats. He is d-evil. Also: Russians love him for this, so they are all d-evils aswell. So now we can go to war against theese evil d-evils mmkay?

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Window2Wall on July 21, 2014, 11:44:55 PM
As an American I really do not want to see the US get involved with this. This is a regional conflict and we have a horrible track record of making them worse by trying to help.
If the US does not get involved then it is very possible that the conflict could spread to more places in the world.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: 247crypto on July 21, 2014, 11:49:20 PM
including on the air-defence systems apparently used to bring down MH17.

WOW. That is Hot. What system was used? Air-air missile from ukrainian SU?

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: BCwinning on July 21, 2014, 11:51:19 PM
another classic american move. Use another country as a proxy to contain a perceived threat.
Sadly this is turning into a propaganda war instead of mourning the loss of lives.
As well as allowing Israel to run free without too much media attention.
I don't believe either side. They both have an agenda.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: beetcoin on July 21, 2014, 11:55:30 PM
here is a little of what ron paul has said about the matter.

"They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without US-sponsored 'regime change,' it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened," Paul wrote.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: bitsmichel on July 22, 2014, 12:56:44 AM
Russia sent powerful rocket launchers to the separatists who shot down a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, the United States claimed last night.

An American intelligence report also alleged that President Putin allowed separatist fighters to receive training inside Russia — including on the air-defence systems apparently used to bring down MH17.

Why would Putin be interested in shooting down a passenger plane? it makes no sense. Russia recently hosted the olympic games and even turns out to be a safe haven for whistleblowers; Russia would like to keep the US rocket launchers / nukes at a distance, which is why he needs the Krim / other area near Russia border.  

Perhaps some people in Ukraine there thought it was a military bombing plane and decided to shoot it, or perhaps there was a bomb inside the plane planted by someone. I don't know if there was an agenda behind it, there is simply too much financial interest behind media for the people to know the truth. Either way the plane crashed in the ground and all people are dead.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: negafen on July 22, 2014, 01:04:45 AM
another classic american move. Use another country as a proxy to contain a perceived threat.
Sadly this is turning into a propaganda war instead of mourning the loss of lives.
As well as allowing Israel to run free without too much media attention.
I don't believe either side. They both have an agenda.

After the incident with Iraq, Libra, Georgia and Ukraine, I would be surprise if there is another country willing to trust US again.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: chopstick on July 22, 2014, 02:03:38 AM
The USA are liars through and through. But the population here is so dumbed down from all their Prozac, Xanax, and shitty reality television that they will believe anything the Bullshit Western mainstream media tells them, even when all the evidence clearly points to a false flag event.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Full Spectrum on July 22, 2014, 02:59:06 AM
So what? The US trained the Mujahideen (later many became Taliban), Iraqi Republican Guard (under Saddam and now), FARK and the KLA(in Kosovo), and numerous murderous groups in Africa and Latin America. Yet do I hear mass screams to sue the Federal Government for damages caused by 9/11? Good and bad on the geopolitical stage is irrelevant, the geopolitical stage is total nihilism.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: cryptofan5 on July 22, 2014, 03:36:59 AM
another classic american move. Use another country as a proxy to contain a perceived threat.
Sadly this is turning into a propaganda war instead of mourning the loss of lives.
As well as allowing Israel to run free without too much media attention.
I don't believe either side. They both have an agenda.

After the incident with Iraq, Libra, Georgia and Ukraine, I would be surprise if there is another country willing to trust US again.

I agree. Just the way they jumped to accuse Russia before any investigation was conducted makes it look suspicious. There are reports in major newspapers that Russia has presented their intelligence about apparent Ukraine army and aircrafts' involvement in this affair and challenged the US to present their so called evidence.

Lets see what they say.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on July 22, 2014, 05:01:15 AM
Both sides are using misinformation to gain support on their side.

Honestly I can't really trust American media these days, can't really be certain on the Russian side too but between the two I will side with Russia until real proof not American intelligence proves otherwise (Wikileaks NSA Iraq Iran Libya the list goes on)
Both have been known for misinformation the Americans tend to use it incredibly often though so on the side of we need a third party to verify the truth.
^_^ Also who saw Kerry refer to this as Apartheid (If I recall correctly the USA was all for Apartheid in South Africa)

Plus the accusation happened so quickly I call BS the USA is supporting Ukraine for oil pipelines to weaken Russian power in Europe.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: hologram on July 22, 2014, 01:20:00 PM
here is a little of what ron paul has said about the matter.

"They will not report that the crisis in Ukraine started late last year, when EU and US-supported protesters plotted the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Without US-sponsored 'regime change,' it is unlikely that hundreds would have been killed in the unrest that followed. Nor would the Malaysian Airlines crash have happened," Paul wrote.

Ron is a free marketer who don't understand there was a protest cause a president refused a trade agreement he promised... He is blind on foreign politics. He also describe him as "non-interventionist" but he seem to be fine with Russia interventionism...

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: valvalis on July 22, 2014, 01:36:17 PM
I really do not want US to get involved. They will only make it worse. I can not understand why they always feel like a hero?

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 22, 2014, 02:12:32 PM
US intelligence report.... Oh I see. They have proven very trust worthy earlier also. A perfect example is the case of suddenly discovering nukes and other weapons of mass destruction with the Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein. (Those weapons mysteriously disappeared once the US invaded Iraq. Saddam should have hidden them beneath his presidential palace).

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: DavidHume on July 22, 2014, 02:18:03 PM
US intelligence report.... Oh I see. They have proven very trust worthy earlier also. A perfect example is the case of suddenly discovering nukes and other weapons of mass destruction with the Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein. (Those weapons mysteriously disappeared once the US invaded Iraq. Saddam should have hidden them beneath his presidential palace).

When it come to espionage, post WWII US intelligence is a joke comparing to Russian KGB and Chinese spy.

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: hologram on July 22, 2014, 02:45:01 PM
KGB don't apply, KGB was USSR and USSR wasn't Russia. In today Russia there is no trace of communism in political institution ;D

Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: Spendulus on July 22, 2014, 02:59:07 PM
KGB don't apply, KGB was USSR and USSR wasn't Russia. In today Russia there is no trace of communism in political institution ;D
Is it true Russia has hired US IRS as consultants to help in the coverup about the airliner?


Title: Re: Damning US intelligence puts Russia in the dock
Post by: tee-rex on July 22, 2014, 03:14:25 PM
another classic american move. Use another country as a proxy to contain a perceived threat.
Sadly this is turning into a propaganda war instead of mourning the loss of lives.
As well as allowing Israel to run free without too much media attention.
I don't believe either side. They both have an agenda.

After the incident with Iraq, Libra, Georgia and Ukraine, I would be surprise if there is another country willing to trust US again.

I agree. Just the way they jumped to accuse Russia before any investigation was conducted makes it look suspicious. There are reports in major newspapers that Russia has presented their intelligence about apparent Ukraine army and aircrafts' involvement in this affair and challenged the US to present their so called evidence.

If they don't show the photos taken by the U.S. top secret reconnaissance satellite that was over Ukraine at the moment the plane crashed, then Russia will show these photos itself. :D