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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: shogdite on July 22, 2014, 12:57:04 PM

Title: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: shogdite on July 22, 2014, 12:57:04 PM

The FBI encouraged and sometimes even paid Muslims to commit terrorist acts during numerous sting operations after the 9/11 attacks, a human rights group said in a report published Monday.

“Far from protecting Americans, including American Muslims, from the threat of terrorism, the policies documented in this report have diverted law enforcement from pursuing real threats,” said the report by Human Rights Watch.

Aided by Columbia University Law School’s Human Rights Institute, Human Rights Watch examined 27 cases from investigation through trial, interviewing 215 people, including those charged or convicted in terrorism cases, their relatives, defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

“In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act,” the report said.

In the cases reviewed, half the convictions resulted from a sting operation, and in 30 percent of those cases the undercover agent played an active role in the plot.

“Americans have been told that their government is keeping them safe by preventing and prosecuting terrorism inside the US,” said Andrea Prasow, the rights group’s deputy Washington director.

“But take a closer look and you realize that many of these people would never have committed a crime if not for law enforcement encouraging, pressuring and sometimes paying them to commit terrorist acts.”

US Attorney General Eric Holder has strongly defended the FBI undercover operations as “essential in fighting terrorism.”

“These operations are conducted with extraordinary care and precision, ensuring that law enforcement officials are accountable for the steps they take -– and that suspects are neither entrapped nor denied legal protections,” Holder said July 8 during a visit to Norway.

The HRW report, however, cites the case of four Muslim converts from Newburgh, New York who were accused of planning to blow up synagogues and attack a US military base.

A judge in that case “said the government ‘came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles,’ and had, in the process, made a terrorist out of a man ‘whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope,’” the report said.

The rights group charged that the FBI often targets vulnerable people, with mental problems or low intelligence.

It pointed to the case of Rezwan Ferdaus, who was sentenced to 17 years in prison at age 27 for wanting to attack the Pentagon and Congress with mini-drones loaded with explosives.

An FBI agent told Ferdaus’ father that his son “obviously” had mental health problems, the report said. But that didn’t stop an undercover agent from conceiving the plot in its entirety, it said.

“The US government should stop treating American Muslims as terrorists-in-waiting,” the report concluded.

Mike German, a former FBI agent now with the Brennan Center, said FBI counterterrorism excesses were a source of concern — “concerns that they both violate privacy and civil liberties, and aren’t effective in addressing real threats.”

But JM Berger, a national security expert, said law enforcement faces a dilemma: it can’t just ignore tips or reports about people talking about wanting to commit a terrorist action or seeking support for one.

“The question is how to sort out which cases merit investigation and which do not,” he said.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: umair127 on July 22, 2014, 02:30:14 PM
All to make the Bush look better than he ever could be in real life. This is a real scandal, not a made up ones like the GOP is doing to Obama.

This is tyranny.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: kittucrypt on July 22, 2014, 02:37:36 PM
I doubt the legitimacy of the report. Even if FBI "encouraged" and "plotted" such events, the individual went ahead with execution. This means that the same individual could have been easily "encouraged"/"motivated" by a non-FBI agent too.

Legit reason to put someone behind bars. Btw, undercover operations are meant to bring out criminals from their sheds. They are a common practice to bust Drug lords, Prostitution etc.

Not saying that FBI has not been opressive. I don't buy the causal relationship indicated in the argument.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Gemdealer on July 22, 2014, 02:45:33 PM
Gotta keep the people scared so they consume!!!

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: sana8410 on July 22, 2014, 02:49:52 PM
Manufacturing terror to gain support for domestic and foreign policies that we would otherwise not support, sort of like the neocon new Pearl Harbor. Thank you government.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: zolace on July 22, 2014, 03:56:55 PM
That's an American way of "proving" how effective the FBI is, and it works because in this country, if you're Muslim, you're already guilty of terrorism as suspected and nobody gives a damn about you.
I'd like to say "Muslims are the new Blacks", but that would suggest Blacks are off the racist hook, and you and I both know that would be far from the truth.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Rigon on July 22, 2014, 03:58:46 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: noviapriani on July 22, 2014, 04:22:12 PM
The US govt came up with a plot to blow up a synagogue and a US military base to make a terrorist out of a Muslim.
This sounds like an article from infowars. Crazy talk, not buying it.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: hologram on July 22, 2014, 04:26:45 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: hodap on July 22, 2014, 04:41:53 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...


Leave the country if they are not happy in US and Europe.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: hologram on July 22, 2014, 04:52:01 PM
Leave the country if they are not happy in US and Europe.

Some people need to come here in France to see what happen when justice is permissive with them. I have great Arab friend but i has never buy their victimization and hypocrisy when they talk about politics.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Lethn on July 22, 2014, 05:28:51 PM
It's amazing how passive some of you are in regards to this kind of behaviour from governments regardless of whether the source is true or not, it speaks volumes about your political ideologies and your view of right and wrong.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: spazzdla on July 22, 2014, 05:34:29 PM
No one cares...

The average person in a first world courty is stupid and lazy beyond what you could ever imagine.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: crazyALT47 on July 22, 2014, 05:59:33 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...
i think it is more that the FBI is trying to figure out who is willing to terrorize America

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: hologram on July 22, 2014, 06:02:45 PM
No one cares...
The average person in a first world courty is stupid and lazy beyond what you could ever imagine.

Everybody care of government but there is more important issues in most first world country...

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Chef Ramsay on July 22, 2014, 06:28:16 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...
i think it is more that the FBI is trying to figure out who is willing to terrorize America
I'd like to believe that is the case and I can trust the government to do what's right to protect the population from terror attacks but on the other hand, it's not right to entrap people who may be just vocal jihadists and giving them the opportunity to gin up into full fledged terrorist killers either. That said, there's truly something wrong w/ you if you're willing to do such things whether helped along the way or not. Since govt has become so big and intrusive as time has gone by while corruption has become the norm w/ most politicians, it only leads me to believe that my best interests don't jive w/ theirs. Hence, I must always error on the side of individual rights rather than deferring to government powers or explanations for certain activities.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: stevegreer on July 22, 2014, 07:09:31 PM
All to make the Bush look better than he ever could be in real life. This is a real scandal, not a made up ones like the GOP is doing to Obama.

This is tyranny.

What "made up scandals" are you referring to? So you're well prepared to automatically slam Bush over some article posted on a "news" website (one that I personally have never heard of before today) and call this a real scandal while at the same time completely ignoring the actual scandals from the Obama administration, which have been reported by legitimate news sources, by calling them "made up?"

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: BCEmporium on July 22, 2014, 07:14:33 PM
Not only about Muslims, but US cops seams to have shady tactics. Maybe because jails are private and need inmates for profit...
Just waste a few minutes of your life to see such a BS reality TV show as "Bait car".

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: TRYpolar on July 22, 2014, 11:10:41 PM
All to make the Bush look better than he ever could be in real life. This is a real scandal, not a made up ones like the GOP is doing to Obama.

This is tyranny.
There have not been any made up scandals with president Obama. He has simply chosen to ignore the scandals and has attempted to cover them up.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Starscream on July 23, 2014, 12:14:25 PM
Isn't it the same as the various jail bait tactics?

i.e. some police woman entices a guy under the pretense that she's underaged or a prostitute (wherever that's illegal)?

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: bitsmichel on July 23, 2014, 03:13:11 PM
There have not been any made up scandals with president Obama. He has simply chosen to ignore the scandals and has attempted to cover them up.
Many scandals have been come along, but he choses his words in such a way that all of them seem irrelevant.

Not only about Muslims, but US cops seams to have shady tactics. Maybe because jails are private and need inmates for profit...
Just waste a few minutes of your life to see such a BS reality TV show as "Bait car".

If there are no prisoners there are not profits.  2.260.000 people in the US are behind bars.
The number of prisoners is more than the total population of some countries, one has to wonder if imprisonment is the solution.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Honeypot on July 23, 2014, 03:15:23 PM

muslims don't need helping in fucking themselves over. typical asinine garbage that passes for wisdom these days.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Honeypot on July 23, 2014, 03:16:07 PM
There have not been any made up scandals with president Obama. He has simply chosen to ignore the scandals and has attempted to cover them up.
Many scandals have been come along, but he choses his words in such a way that all of them seem irrelevant.

Not only about Muslims, but US cops seams to have shady tactics. Maybe because jails are private and need inmates for profit...
Just waste a few minutes of your life to see such a BS reality TV show as "Bait car".

If there are no prisoners there are not profits.  2.260.000 people in the US are behind bars.
The number of prisoners is more than the total population of some countries, one has to wonder if imprisonment is the solution.

Actually world wide at least 9 out of 10 people get away clean with crime. What US is doing is not allowing that to happen in such a scale.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: BCEmporium on July 23, 2014, 03:28:55 PM
Actually world wide at least 9 out of 10 people get away clean with crime. What US is doing is not allowing that to happen in such a scale.

Define crime...

Carrying an open bottle is a crime?!  ::)

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: bitsmichel on July 23, 2014, 03:31:26 PM
There have not been any made up scandals with president Obama. He has simply chosen to ignore the scandals and has attempted to cover them up.
Many scandals have been come along, but he choses his words in such a way that all of them seem irrelevant.

Not only about Muslims, but US cops seams to have shady tactics. Maybe because jails are private and need inmates for profit...
Just waste a few minutes of your life to see such a BS reality TV show as "Bait car".

If there are no prisoners there are not profits.  2.260.000 people in the US are behind bars.
The number of prisoners is more than the total population of some countries, one has to wonder if imprisonment is the solution.

Actually world wide at least 9 out of 10 people get away clean with crime. What US is doing is not allowing that to happen in such a scale.

Crime still happens in the government level - one can do a lot of crime in that area and get away with it. For example, any random person trying to run a mass surveillance program would obviously face charges - but within the government, it's legal to use the data for any purpose.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Honeypot on July 23, 2014, 04:49:50 PM
Define pressure. Is it pressure when someone else can't adjust somewhere and is 'forced' to be a criminal?

Cheeky cunts always find an excuse for their ignorance behind the facade of morality.

If FBI is flushing out rag head fools to commit crime, all the better that their true nature is forced to reveal itself.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: BCEmporium on July 23, 2014, 04:59:14 PM
Anybody can be forced to be a criminal, it just depends on what you consider crime.
If you consider to breath a crime, then everyone would simply face the choice between be a criminal or die.

US is a typical case of wackjobs in office trying to harvest the most of the population they can to imprisonment to provide profit to the jail owners or share holders. Law goes as astray as that if you have more than 6 dildos at Texas you are a "dangerous dildo dealer", and therefore a criminal.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Tusk on July 23, 2014, 05:22:13 PM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...


Leave the country if they are not happy in US and Europe.

Sure its much more convenient to divide and destabilise the developing world to extract their resources, but when some blow back occurs and you hear any criticism from those who have managed to escape the swamp of hatred the west has left in its wake, exile them back to the madness the West created ???

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Honeypot on July 24, 2014, 04:22:16 AM
It is amazing to see muslim Americans serve decades long sentences for plots they are enticed into. And see walking free the bundy ranch people, who targeted government agents with sniper rifiles; and radio broadcasters who actively encourage assassinating the sitting US President.
I know the world is not fair, but it hurts to see the wide disparity of treatment based solely on ethnic background.

Muslim victimization again...


Leave the country if they are not happy in US and Europe.

Sure its much more convenient to divide and destabilise the developing world to extract their resources, but when some blow back occurs and you hear any criticism from those who have managed to escape the swamp of hatred the west has left in its wake, exile them back to the madness the West created ???

Typical muslim bitch attitude. Moan squeal and bitch at the west or anyone they think their mouths will work on, but nary a squeak towards the chinese or big strong foreign dictators who are burning down mosques in xinjiang, confiscating and burning koran because they are not state sanctioned, and officially committing occupation invasion and cultral and ethnic slow genocide of uyghrs.

NOT A SINGLE PEEP OR RALLY like they see against israel or the west. Maybe their shit skin genetics remembers being raped and gang fucked by mongol hoards all those years earlier and dares not open its cheeky rag head mouth for the fear of reprisals.

You muslims are all pussies. Class A cowards haha.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: TheButterZone on July 24, 2014, 04:29:45 AM
If the FBI went undercover after sane, law-abiding Muslims, the Muslims would have been fully justified in shooting the undercovers in self-defense. As an agent, you don't give a gun to those who will turn it on you. Though, I'm sure if they made a mistake, their summarily executing the sane, law-abiding Muslims for self-defense would have been rubber stamped as "justified".

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: Gemdealer on July 24, 2014, 12:36:57 PM
Manufacturing terror to gain support for domestic and foreign policies that we would otherwise not support, sort of like the neocon new Pearl Harbor. Thank you government.

It is terrible things like this happen. All about the money.

Title: Re: FBI pressured Muslims into committing terrorist acts, then arrested them
Post by: hodap on July 25, 2014, 04:58:58 AM

muslims don't need helping in fucking themselves over. typical asinine garbage that passes for wisdom these days.

Right. Just ignore them and don't let them in the country.