Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: vite on July 26, 2014, 04:13:51 PM

Title: Electrum Walletnotify
Post by: vite on July 26, 2014, 04:13:51 PM
Is there a wallet notify feature for electurm?
Or are there plans to implement it for electrum cli?

Title: Re: Electrum Walletnotify
Post by: dabura667 on July 27, 2014, 07:44:53 AM
No, currently all queries for Electrum are pull-based.

you must query the Electrum server for information, it will not push-notify you.

Title: Re: Electrum Walletnotify
Post by: fireduck on July 27, 2014, 11:49:17 PM
If you want notifications in general and are willing to expose your master public key I have a thing:

You can have those SNS notifications go to whatever you like.  I'm not sure this helps for whatever you have in mind.