Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Announcements => Topic started by: CryptRadio on July 27, 2014, 03:09:54 PM

Title: CryptRadio. OFFICIAL LAUNCH OCT 1st 8:00PM EST Going to be a Thriller!
Post by: CryptRadio on July 27, 2014, 03:09:54 PM Official Launch Oct 1st


After three SoftLaunch shows is ready to give all the Crypto Freaks and Crypto geeks excatly what you have been waiting for.  Join us LIVE Wed Oct 1st When our very own Lee Miner will drop a sample of all our shows as well as get rough in the Fight Club.  Call in Live via Skype, be part of our Tweet To Win contest as we make October a REAL THRILLER!!!!!!

2 Prizes of 500 I/O coins to be given away, and what kind of October would it be without a mystery......mystery Prize that is.

So Join Live at  WED OCT 1ST @ 8:00PM EST

_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________

We know that there has been an attempt at creating an online radio station for the Crypto community before, and there could very well be others out there.  But we at CryptRadio are looking to do more then just play some music and sell advertising.  Below you will find our mission statement, this is what we hope to achieve, its our belief that with the help of the over all Crypto community to help realize this mission statement, we will bring a much higher awareness to Cryptocurrency and thus a much higher value to it's use and over all acceptance.  
_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________

Mission Statement  

   At our mission is to bring a better understanding of cryptocurrency to the traditional fiat global community. We believe that through a widely accepted medium like radio (online radio) we can deliver a better understanding of a miss understood currency, and debunk the fear of doing business with it. Since the introduction of Bitcoin, crypto has been stuck in a world of online traders with very few willing to deliver goods and services in exchange for crypto. We will change that perception by focusing on tearing down the walls of mistrust, skeptasism, and ignorance that crypto is currently surrounded by to the typical consumer.  There is a world out there which is evolving, cryptocurrency will one day be how we buy our homes, pay our car insurance, and give our children allowance, its how a younger generation will make the physical boarders of business irrelevant, and will be the place where people will turn to get honest, accurate information, and listen to some great music along the way.    

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

CryptRadio Guiding Principals  updated 28/07/2014

As mentioned in our mission statement it is our hope and our goal to bring a better understanding of cryptocurrency to the broader business and general consumer.  In order to do that we feel it is important to live up to a set of criteria and principals.  Those basic principals will be.....

1) Cryptradio will be an open and free platform for the current community as well as the broader general public to express their views, thoughts and general feelings about cryptocurrency without bias either on air, or though any electronic communication.

2) Cryptradio will strive to support only those who bring value and legitimacy to the Crypto community.  We will not blindly endorse, recommend, or with any
intent advertise in favor or any one coin, coin developer, or service.    

3) Cryptradio in an effort to expand the broader use of cryptocurrency will not accept any donations, or payment for services rendered (advertising,
sponsorship funding etc) in anything but cryptocurrency.  In addition we will not pay for services rendered in anything but cryptocurrency.

4) Cryptradio will accept donations and payments in any form of cryptocurrency listed on one of our 2 approved exchanges (exchanges yet to be

5) Cryptradio DJ's and on air personalities will strive to always bring the best music and discussion to our valued listeners.

_______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

We want to impact the community is a positive way, not only by helping the general public understand our community but also help with some one the stabilization of what is going on within it currently.

A major component to our guiding principals will be that we will not under any circumstances accept donations, payments for advertising in anything but cryptocurrancy.  We will post a detailed statement of our guiding principles in the coming days, along with our planned radio shows, website, and what to expect in the days after launch, and of course a Launch Date

Crypto will change the world we just need to help spread the word.

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: altcointoday on July 27, 2014, 03:41:29 PM
Altcoin Today Promotions page would be the perfect place to highlight you inventive ideas. Who would have thought? A crypto stations! Today we are running low fee promo in-light of our newest idea, Promo Sunday. We will be running a mass of promotions on Only SUNDAY to allow those who are looking for promotion, to be promoted by a team followed by over 7k and who reaches 100k each and every day. Get in on it!
Thanks a bunch ( Tweet at me: @altcoinpromo

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 27, 2014, 05:23:14 PM
Altcoin Today Promotions page would be the perfect place to highlight you inventive ideas. Who would have thought? A crypto stations! Today we are running low fee promo in-light of our newest idea, Promo Sunday. We will be running a mass of promotions on Only SUNDAY to allow those who are looking for promotion, to be promoted by a team followed by over 7k and who reaches 100k each and every day. Get in on it!
Thanks a bunch ( Tweet at me: @altcoinpromo

once we get a date nailed down for the official launch we will look to contact you about how we can partner together.  Thanks for your interest and support!

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 27, 2014, 05:48:45 PM
Hey Everyone

CryptRadio will be able to be heard at

Keep Checking back for Lunch date!

We will have more posted soon, including Website, along with Shows and Hosts.  

Feed Back and Ideas are always welcome, we would love ideas of things the community would like to hear on the station. 

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: djslick on July 27, 2014, 08:15:05 PM
if you ever need a live DJ, PM me :)

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: PonyBoy on July 28, 2014, 01:30:37 AM
I'm interested in being a live DJ as well.

I thought about doing this exact concept about 6 months ago, I think I can bring alot to the table and would love to help in any way I can.

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 28, 2014, 01:54:48 AM
if you ever need a live DJ, PM me :)
hey thanks I am sure that at some point we would love to have you on.  At the moment we are finishing the testing of the stream, and in the coming week will start broadcasting some pre recorded sets and shows to test the feed's.  We will let everyone know what times to tune in for what we are calling our soft launch of CryptRaio.  Shortly after we will open up to any DJ's that are interested the chance to be on some of our live broadcasts.

Thanks again guys

Here is to tearing down the walls

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: GreatBIGbit on July 28, 2014, 03:00:17 AM
When are you guys launching? We might be interested in a sponsorship of your station.

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 28, 2014, 11:21:06 AM
When are you guys launching? We might be interested in a sponsorship of your station.
Hey Thanks for your interest!
we are going to be doing a few soft launch broadcasts is the first week of August. The soft launch broadcasts will be some pre recorded shows and music sets by some various local DJ's.  Our hope is that we will be able to do a full live launch first week of September, however things are progressing nicely and if we are able to move that time table up we will do so.  Keep checking this thread for more updates, we will soon be posting out stations guiding principals which will include info on anyone looking to sponsor, or purchase advertising.

Looking forward to everyone helping us tear down the walls.

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 28, 2014, 11:47:38 PM
Hello CryptNation!!!!

After lots of thought about our current community, and our own vision for the world of cryptocurrency, we have published Cryptradio's Guiding Principals.  As mentioned we are looking to impact the crypto community and do so in a positive way.  We feel that by creating a set of 5 commandments that we will work under this will organically transfer through to our listeners, sponsors, paid advertisers, and most important our CryptRadio team!

Stay Tuned for some soft launch dates, as well as the BIG ONE......LAUNCH DATE!!!!!!!!

tearing down wall!

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 29, 2014, 12:45:58 AM
When are you guys launching? We might be interested in a sponsorship of your station.

we expect to do a full Lunch the first week of September however we haven't nailed down an exact date.  We will however be doing aprox 3 soft launches leading up to a Sept launch.  The soft launch shows will be a series of 2 hour pre recorded shows and musical sets to give people an idea of what to expect, while at the same time we can take in feed back.

we want this to be the station people think of tuning into when every they are stuck by a screen trading, stuck in traffic wishing they were home trading, and for people who don't know much about cryptocurrency to find the info they want. 

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions - Contests/prizes
Post by: CryptRadio on July 29, 2014, 02:30:24 AM
CryptRadio Notificaion

Over the next few days CryptRadio will be doing short testing of its stream.  Sound quality while testing is underway will not be at its highest level.  Please do not take these small test as a sign of what to expect.  We will be posting some soft launch dates which will give you a taste of whats to come.

looking forward to servicing the Crypto community

break down the walls!

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on July 29, 2014, 02:48:45 AM

For those frequenting the thread and following our progress to launch you know we are working to get all our hardware, and stream working to our standards.


we are going to in the coming weeks be doing 3 soft launch shows leading up to our full launch.  We are calling out to our eager listeners to help us compile our first music set for our first soft launch which will be a WAyyyyyyyyyyyy BACK PLAY BACK!

Please post your favorite oldies but goodies for our first soft launch show (date to be announced this week)


Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: Leesminer on July 29, 2014, 11:52:31 AM
I am happy to be part of this project, come on guys lets get some requests going.  Things are going great on the first 2 hour soft launch show, just want to get some musical input from some of our potential listeners!!!!

throw some requests at us..... anything from Snoop to Van halen, we wanna know what you guys wanna be listening to during our music segments.

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on July 30, 2014, 01:18:03 AM
Ever So close....exciting times

Title: Re: LAUNCHING SOON - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: Leesminer on July 31, 2014, 03:08:50 AM
What's Shake'N CryptNation.  We are going to find out the date of the first soft launch Friday Morning!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 01, 2014, 11:08:43 AM
Whats Shake'N Crypt Nation!!

We are happy to announce that our 1 or 3 soft launch dates has been announced.  see the OP for date and time.

Join the rest of Crypt Nation and tune.

- meet our first show host
- find out more about CryptRadio and our plans for the future
- kick back relax listen to some great tunes
- Find out about our first contests and how to get involved
- and more importantly lets talk Crypto!

See you all then!

please keep sending your requests for anything you want to hear or talk about on air!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CoinFire on August 02, 2014, 06:44:02 PM
Just saw that this is a thing. I'm sure you are already aware that another crypto radio station is online and broadcasting but we at Coin Fire are always looking for new things to write about.

I would love to write about CryptRadio on Coin Fire but want to wait until you are closer to actually launching as a 24/7 streaming service before doing so (sorry, lots of people have promised this and failed to deliver until

Would you guys be interested?

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 04, 2014, 08:49:21 PM
Just saw that this is a thing. I'm sure you are already aware that another crypto radio station is online and broadcasting but we at Coin Fire are always looking for new things to write about.

I would love to write about CryptRadio on Coin Fire but want to wait until you are closer to actually launching as a 24/7 streaming service before doing so (sorry, lots of people have promised this and failed to deliver until

Would you guys be interested?
Hello CoinFire, thanks for your interest and for the post.  We are aware of, we feel they bring a very high quality service for the crypto community and should be valued as such.
Where we feel CryptRadio will differ is that we will not only be talking to the Crypto community but a big focus of ours will be to start building a real bridge between the greater business world and our growing crypto currency community.  We think that our hosts and shows will bring a different style, one which is more familiar to the general radio listener. 

Feel free to PM us and if you like and we can give you some details on where we plan on moving the station, if you like we can are always happy to arrange a more formal meeting via skype.

hope you enjoy what we bring to the crypto community , we know that many have tried and many have failed, but we are committed to this project, and we accept there may be kick-ups along the way, we plan on jumping off this cliff and finding our wings on the way down!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CoinFire on August 05, 2014, 03:02:44 AM
Just saw that this is a thing. I'm sure you are already aware that another crypto radio station is online and broadcasting but we at Coin Fire are always looking for new things to write about.

I would love to write about CryptRadio on Coin Fire but want to wait until you are closer to actually launching as a 24/7 streaming service before doing so (sorry, lots of people have promised this and failed to deliver until

Would you guys be interested?
Hello CoinFire, thanks for your interest and for the post.  We are aware of, we feel they bring a very high quality service for the crypto community and should be valued as such.
Where we feel CryptRadio will differ is that we will not only be talking to the Crypto community but a big focus of ours will be to start building a real bridge between the greater business world and our growing crypto currency community.  We think that our hosts and shows will bring a different style, one which is more familiar to the general radio listener. 

Feel free to PM us and if you like and we can give you some details on where we plan on moving the station, if you like we can are always happy to arrange a more formal meeting via skype.

hope you enjoy what we bring to the crypto community , we know that many have tried and many have failed, but we are committed to this project, and we accept there may be kick-ups along the way, we plan on jumping off this cliff and finding our wings on the way down!

Excellent. I will send you a PM to get your email address. Would love to chat with you and possibly feature your station! Love to hear you guys are going to be reaching out to new users of crypto!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 06, 2014, 01:49:21 AM
Everyone can now follow CryptRadio on Twitter! (

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 06, 2014, 12:08:33 PM
Getting ready for the Aug 15th Funky Friday mix?  We are !, Sookie Sookie now!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 07, 2014, 01:50:53 AM
Hey CryptRadio Nation, we will be doing a test of our systems including our stream on Monday Aug 11th at 8:00pm EST
Our test will run for aprox 20 - 30 min to test sound quality of the stream, and make sure that all our software is working properly ahead of our first 2 hour soft launch show.  This will be your change to get a sneak peak, we would also love to hear from anyone on the sound quality.  We need your help to make this station a contributing force to our community.  

check out the Sneak Peek here (

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 08, 2014, 12:33:37 AM
We got the Lovely Laura in the studio right now recording her Newbie promo spots, and when I say Lovely I mean MMMMMMMmmmm Lovely.

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: Leesminer on August 08, 2014, 02:44:31 AM
Lovely Laura is not the only one recording her promo spots.  Cant wait to drop the Lee Miner show intro for you all on our Sneak Peek Monday! 

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: Leesminer on August 08, 2014, 11:32:11 AM
We got the Lovely Laura in the studio right now recording her Newbie promo spots, and when I say Lovely I mean MMMMMMMmmmm Lovely.

BABY'S ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 08, 2014, 02:28:24 PM
SNEAK PEEK - UPDATE 08/08/2014
Hey everyone we have been getting some emails asking us to play the test Sneak Peek a few times so listeners in other time Zones can check out CryptRadio.  We need to stress that this Sneak Peak is mostly a test of our mixing and automated systems, as well as our stream and sound processing.  We are trying to make it none the less a good quality production and will by request play the test every hour on the hour for 4 hours after the initial test on Monday Aug 11th 8:00 PM EST

Thanks everyone who emailed and PM'ed us

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: niktitan132 on August 08, 2014, 05:35:06 PM
I listen to this radio sometimes,it's a good one. :)

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 10, 2014, 03:13:57 AM
Hey CryptRadio Nation

We have your Sneak Peek all lined up.  Even have our first Advertiser spot done by our very own Lovely Laura. SO check out the Sneak Peek Aug 11th leading up to our first soft launch Aug 15th.

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 11, 2014, 12:33:39 AM
WOW the response has been overwhelming from CryptNation.  You guys are doing a great job of keeping us on our toes, and our Aug 11th test now looks like it will be more of a mini show of sorts.  Here is what to expect.

you will here some of the host intros, some advertising spots, you will get lots from Lovely Laura and her New Coin launch segments, and lets not forget some great music from top 40  to way back play backs.

Again this is mostly a test but we with the feedback we have got we decided to give the Sneak Peak the production value you will come to expect from CryptRadio.

Thanks again CryptNation

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 11, 2014, 11:35:00 AM
Our Sneak Peek of CryptRadio hits the net at 8:00PM EST tune in to see what your getting into at

Title: Re: LAUNCH 1 Announced - Music, In depth discussions REQUESTS?
Post by: CryptRadio on August 11, 2014, 10:40:47 PM
Everyone in the room here at CryptRadio HQ is very excited!!!!

Who would have thought that our sound and systems test would become a Sneak Peak.  Hope everyone enjoys, we can't wait for some of your feedback.  Please remember CryptNation this is only a test of our stream and systems.  We don't expect any major issues and hope you guys like the work the team has put in to get this high production level test to you guys.  

You can all Tune here ( at 8:00PM EST TODAY Monday Aug 11th.

JOIN US AS WELL ON IRC (  Channel #CryptRadio For the duration of the Sneak Peak  Chat with Lee Miner

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 11, 2014, 11:18:53 PM
T Minus 45 min!!!

Lee Miner is now on IRC Chat

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 12, 2014, 12:02:25 AM

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 12, 2014, 12:51:48 AM
Our First Test was a success.  If you missed the Sneak peak don't worry we will have the test show on again every hour on the hour for the next 4 hours, and Lees Miner will be on IRC for the duration of the testing.  Next test in 10 min

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 12, 2014, 01:56:07 AM
Sneak Peak 3 dropping in 5 min

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 12, 2014, 02:37:55 AM
Thank you CryptNation

Our 3rd stream and system test / Sneak Peak went extremely well!  with our 4th and final upcoming in the next 20 min we wanted to take a moment to that everyone who joined us for a few min in the IRC to Chat with Lee Miner of the Lee Miner show.  Also to the guys at CoineFire and IPOminer for being so supportive along with everyone who has sent both good and critical feedback.  All feed back is welcome as we want CryptRadio to be as much our listeners labour of love as it is ours.  

From everyone at CryptRadio Thank you for listening to our Sneak Peak we hope you enjoyed it, and looking forward to our first soft launch Friday Aug 15th starting with the Lee Miner show, with some guest spots by the Lovely Laura, and perhaps even Archer will show up to throw some fist-a-cups with Lee.

Thanks again Everyone

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: forzendiablo on August 12, 2014, 03:03:05 AM
will we get SIS promotion there?

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 12, 2014, 11:09:45 AM
will we get SIS promotion there?
Sorry for the delay in responding.  You will have to forgive me I am not familiar with SIS  what is an SIS promotion?

Title: Re: (((SNEAK PEEK))) Today! Monday Aug 11th 8:00PM EST
Post by: Leesminer on August 12, 2014, 11:28:24 AM
Had a great time listening to the CryptRadio Sneak Peak.  Thanks to Coinfire and those who took time out to join me on IRC while CryptRadio conducted its test/Sneak Peek.  Don't forget that Friday Aug 15th we will be doing our first softlaunch.  hope you all tune in.  

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 13, 2014, 02:00:45 AM
Yesterday the entertainment industry lost one of the most fantastic actors our generation has ever had the pleasure of seeing.  Robin Williams will forever be in our hearts.  His hard work and passion for helping unknown actors find a place in an industry which is so hard to break into was astounding, we at CryptRadio feel it would be our way of paying respect and saying thank you to an amazing inspiration by putting together a small musical thank you which will be played on our Friday Aug 15th Launch.  RIP Robin Williams

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: GreatBIGbit on August 13, 2014, 12:15:03 PM
Any updates for potential advertisers? We'd love to run some banners and on-air advertisements. Did you get your site online yet?

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 14, 2014, 01:18:16 AM
Any updates for potential advertisers? We'd love to run some banners and on-air advertisements. Did you get your site online yet?
We welcome anyone that would like to advertise currently On Air with CryptRadio, we do have some pools and launch calenders being advertised and plugged.  One of our pool advertisers did have their add run during Mondays Sneak Peek Show.  Currently our focus has been on getting the station online, and we admit we wont focus as much on the official site which we hope to have up by mid next month.  Check out our first of three softlaunches Friday Aug 15th at 8:00PM EST if you like what you hear and would like to talk about some advertising we would be happy to have your support, and would return in kind.

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 14, 2014, 11:10:55 AM
Everyone here is getting ready for our first softlaunch show Friday Aug 15th at 8:00PM EST  Tune in to the first Funky Friday. you can hear CryptRadio's first softlaunch show at  (

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 15, 2014, 12:36:31 AM
Join us tomorrow when CryptRadio has its first 2 hour softlaunch show! (

The wait is over, join us for our first 2 hours launch show Friday Aug 15th at 8:00PM EST It's Funky Friday ladies and gents, and aside from playing some great new, and old funky tunes, join Lee Miner who will talk about the idea behind CryptRadio and how you can get involved in helping us bring more value to Crypto Currency!

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 15, 2014, 11:24:11 AM
Join us today for our first Softlaunch at (

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: Leesminer on August 15, 2014, 07:48:56 PM
On a side note tomorrow is Lovely Laura's birthday. You will hear her on the show tonight. Show some love and wish her HBD on here!

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 15, 2014, 11:21:34 PM
Join Lee Miner on IRC right now  channel #CryptRadio

Title: Re: - LAUNCH - Join CR and Lee Miner Friday Aug 15th
Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 12:02:36 AM
WE ARE LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! tune in now

Title: Re: - WE ARE ON AIR!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 12:40:14 AM
You guys will love the next set!, but talking at you in 3 min enjoy CryptNation

Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 01:49:22 AM
PARTY TIME!! first softlaunch went off smooth some minor stream issues will be fixed.  THANK YOU EVERYONE who took the time to tune in, Check back for the date of the 2nd soft launch when we will announce some listener contest!

Post by: jjc326 on August 16, 2014, 03:34:25 AM
Cryptradio I saw you mention that lunamine had bought some advertisement with you.  Do you have any contact info at all?  How did they pay for their air time for instance?  Any personal e-mail address?  Thanks, we're trying to dox him.

Post by: forzendiablo on August 16, 2014, 04:31:59 AM
Cryptradio I saw you mention that lunamine had bought some advertisement with you.  Do you have any contact info at all?  How did they pay for their air time for instance?  Any personal e-mail address?  Thanks, we're trying to dox him.

lunamine is scam man

Post by: gweedo on August 16, 2014, 04:38:37 AM
Why are you guys using a WMA format to broadcast? Why not mp3? I can't listen.

Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 01:49:15 PM
Cryptradio I saw you mention that lunamine had bought some advertisement with you.  Do you have any contact info at all?  How did they pay for their air time for instance?  Any personal e-mail address?  Thanks, we're trying to dox him.

lunamine is scam man

Hey there, we didn't do any adds that I know of for Lunamine,  our add was for  I don't think they are related, unless you know somthing we don't.

Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 01:50:38 PM
Why are you guys using a WMA format to broadcast? Why not mp3? I can't listen.

We are sorry to those using OSX, we are working on broadcasting in multiple formats, we will make it a point to try and get mp3 broadcasting up for the second softlaunch show.  Thanks for your feed back!

Post by: CryptRadio on August 16, 2014, 01:54:28 PM
Cryptradio I saw you mention that lunamine had bought some advertisement with you.  Do you have any contact info at all?  How did they pay for their air time for instance?  Any personal e-mail address?  Thanks, we're trying to dox him.

Hey we didn't do any adds for Lunamine, at least not to my knowledge.  Our two adds/plugs were for IPOMiner and Altcoin Herald.  Most of our adds are paid for by BTC and LTC, but we plan on accepting about 50-100 other crypto currencies.

Thanks for tuning in

Title: Re: - Check in for our 2nd softlaunch date!
Post by: CryptRadio on August 18, 2014, 01:45:35 AM
Like the Sign says, time to "Rock Out, With your Cock Out!", CryptRadio Is excited to announce our Second Softlaunch show will be Sunday Aug 24th at 9:00Pm EST

Join Lee Miner for some of the best of classic to new rock, as well we will revile our first CryptRadio Contest to win yourself some cold hard Crypto!

we want our listeners to get involved, send Lee miner an email with the best thing you ever bout with Crypto to or you can PM or leave it on the thread, we will read and talk about them on air perhaps there something out there you never knew you could by with Crypto!

Looking forward to rocking out with you CryptNation

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: Leesminer on August 18, 2014, 08:46:07 PM
Very excited about our second soft launch we are close to giving you our listeners the ablity to call in to the Show and be part of the disscusshion, looking forward to talking with you CryptNation!

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 21, 2014, 11:49:39 AM
So much going on here at CryptRadio getting ready for Sundays 2nd softalunch.  Join Lee miner live at 9:00PM est for some great music and Crypto talk.  We have been working on a few ways to allow you our listeners to call in and talk to us live on air.  So if your interested in joining us on air Sunday Skype will be your megaphone to the cryptowold.  We will be posting shortly the Skype Profile you can all add to get involved and interactive on the Lee Miner show this Sunday!

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 21, 2014, 11:35:05 PM
You can now join the discussions LIVE!

You will be able to join us live during our interactive listener segments 
If you have Skype add us and be part of the discussions, be heard by the community!

Add Crypt Radio on Skype and join us on Sunday for our first listener interactive segment

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 23, 2014, 03:15:21 AM

We are happy and excited to announce that we have just launched our website.  While still largely under construction most of the important stuff about upcoming shows is there and will be updated regularly.  We also have a contest starting soon the details on how you can be involved will be posted on the site after the Lee Miner Show Sunday Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST.  Keep checking in for updates and more info CryptNation

Oh and yes it is a .ca because we are Canadian and proud eh!

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: Leesminer on August 23, 2014, 04:59:26 AM
Hope you all enjoy the site, its a work in progress, but will be your hub to find out whats going on at

Title: Re: - Rock Out with your COCK OUT Aug 24th at 9:00PM EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 23, 2014, 09:26:53 PM (

Online Air RIGHT NOW doing final testing for the next 2 hours.  Listen to some TUNES while you TRADE!

Title: Re: - Going Live at 8:00PM for some hot Tunes Fight Club @ 9:00
Post by: CryptRadio on August 24, 2014, 11:41:48 PM
Tune in to at 8:00 for some hot tracks before our first live Fight Club show with Lee Miner !!!!  Dont forget to add us to Skype so you can call in to the fight club!

Title: Re: - Logo Search Contest!
Post by: CryptRadio on August 25, 2014, 03:52:03 AM
Thanks to everyone that joined us for the first fully LIVE show!  We did also announce the start date of our first contest.  The CryptRaio logo search.  If you missed the broadcast, check where we will post all the details of how you can enter the contest!

We also added a chat box to the site

Title: Re: - MONDAY NIGHT MIXDOWN LIVE today 8:00PM est
Post by: CryptRadio on August 25, 2014, 10:48:02 PM

The Monday Mixdown giving you a reason to at least try to like Monday's.  No worrying if the Crypto market is down, forget about the 9 - 5. Just sit back and enjoy some of the hottest house, and slip into the day dream that tomorrow is actually Friday!  Our gift to you CryptNation!

Join Us Live at 8:00PM est at (

Title: Re: - MONDAY NIGHT MIXDOWN LIVE today 8:00PM est
Post by: CryptRadio on August 27, 2014, 01:45:11 AM
We have updated and added Media and video's.  Whats one of your favorite bitcoin or crypto related vid's ???

Title: Re: - One FREE month web and ON AIR advertising!
Post by: CryptRadio on August 27, 2014, 11:43:56 AM
One month FREE Advertising on Web and ON AIR!!! PM us or check out our website for more details.  

Title: Re: - One FREE month web and ON AIR advertising!
Post by: CryptRadio on August 28, 2014, 02:12:06 AM
Join us LIVE at 8:00pm Monday Sept 1st for the Fight Club.  To call in to the show please add us to Skype Crypt Radio.  More details on Call in and give your thoughts and opinions on air to the world.

Title: Re: - Free Advertising - Join us LIVE Monday Sept 1st 8:00pm EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 29, 2014, 02:46:51 AM
You can now vote for the CryptRadio Video of the week,  Just go to and register your vote!

Title: Re: - Free Advertising - Join us LIVE Monday Sept 1st 8:00pm EST
Post by: CryptRadio on August 31, 2014, 12:46:23 AM
Join us LIVE Monday Sept 1st at 8:00 PM EST and win yourself 1000 I/O Coins.  For more Details please go to and click on contests!

Title: Re: WIN 1k I/O Coins Join us LIVE Monday Sept 1st 8:00pm EST
Post by: CryptRadio on September 01, 2014, 10:49:43 PM
Going Live in just over an hour.  Make sure you tune in, and add Crypt Radio to Skype.  Our third caller to the show will win 1000 IO coins
so tune in at

Title: Re: - Soon posting our 5 day a week LIVE broadcast schedule!
Post by: CryptRadio on September 04, 2014, 02:40:38 AM
Please check out, we will soon be posting our 5 day a week LIVE broadcast schedule !

If you are a DJ, singer, or in a band please contact US at

If you are a coin Dev, or part of a Dev team please contact us as well at

If you are a business who offers goods or services in exchange for Crypto or are a business who is thinking of accepting Crypto currency as a form of paymenr LET US HELP, we will help you get set up to accept the currency or currencies of your choice then advertise for you FREE! Contact us at

Title: Re: - Soon posting our 5 day a week LIVE broadcast schedule!
Post by: CryptRadio on September 04, 2014, 11:18:21 PM
Join us live for TODAY for Throw back Thursday 8:00pm EST.  Take a walk down music memory lane!!!

Title: Re: CryptRadio. OFFICIAL LAUNCH OCT 1st 8:00PM EST Going to be a Thriller!
Post by: CryptRadio on September 29, 2014, 11:43:35 PM Official Launch Oct 1st


After three SoftLaunch shows is ready to give all the Crypto Freaks and Crypto geeks excatly what you have been waiting for.  Join us LIVE Wed Oct 1st When our very own Lee Miner will drop a sample of all our shows as well as get rough in the Fight Club.  Call in Live via Skype, be part of our Tweet To Win contest as we make October a REAL THRILLER!!!!!!

2 Prizes of 500 I/O coins to be given away, and what kind of October would it be without a mystery......mystery Prize that is.

So Join Live at  WED OCT 1ST @ 8:00PM EST


Title: Re: CryptRadio. OFFICIAL LAUNCH OCT 1st 8:00PM EST Going to be a Thriller!
Post by: kingscrown on October 10, 2014, 01:55:34 AM
can EXCL get a mention? :)