Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Electrum => Topic started by: red_plenty1 on August 01, 2014, 09:43:55 PM

Title: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: red_plenty1 on August 01, 2014, 09:43:55 PM
Well I've started using Electrum and my bitcoins in it seem to be unspendable. Whenever I go to send them anywhere I just get the message "not enough funds". Not happy. There seems to be no solution to this from having looked at the forum, I've done all sorts like rebuilding my wallet, picking a new server, installing on a completely new PC and rebuilding the wallet fro scratch, etc and the problem still persists.

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 01, 2014, 09:49:05 PM
Well I've started using Electrum and my bitcoins in it seem to be unspendable. Whenever I go to send them anywhere I just get the message "not enough funds". Not happy. There seems to be no solution to this from having looked at the forum, I've done all sorts like rebuilding my wallet, picking a new server, installing on a completely new PC and rebuilding the wallet fro scratch, etc and the problem still persists.

First of all, don't panic... Worst comes to worst you could move
the money by exporting the addresses individually.

I'm not sure what the problem is... I think this bug was reported
in the past,

 but not sure the fix.  Hopefully one of the experts
sees this shortly :)

How much is in your wallet?  You're sure its synched?
How much are you trying to spend?

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: niktitan132 on August 01, 2014, 09:50:51 PM
When electrum says "not enough founds" the founds are probably frozen.You can unfreeze them going to "receive" and right click on one of the addresses which are frozen and click unfreeze,they are in blue color.

And which electrum version are you using? Latest version is 1.9.8.

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: red_plenty1 on August 01, 2014, 09:58:07 PM
Thanks. The addresses are not frozen, they are not in blue.

A search of this forum has turned up many others in the past complaining about this very thing and the bug was supposedly a thing of the past. I am using the latest version though!

I have tried importing them into a new wallet on a new PC, hasn't worked.

No matter what sum I try to spend, doesn't work.

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: jonald_fyookball on August 01, 2014, 10:06:12 PM
Thanks. The addresses are not frozen, they are not in blue.

A search of this forum has turned up many others in the past complaining about this very thing and the bug was supposedly a thing of the past. I am using the latest version though!

I have tried importing them into a new wallet on a new PC, hasn't worked.

No matter what sum I try to spend, doesn't work.

Just hang in there...i'm sure Abdussamad or Daburra will know what to
do...i'm quite curious what is the issue.

Meanwhile, like I said, don't sweat it... if there's money in the
addresses, we will be able to get it out one way or another,
just make sure you don't lose your 12 word seed.

You didn't happen to import addresses at any point did you?

Did you try creating the transactions in command line mode?

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: red_plenty1 on August 01, 2014, 10:07:15 PM
Thanks. I have everything... it's just driving me up the wall :)

I have imported addresses on one machine. I have got it on four different PCs, same problem on all of them. On two I simply installed electrum and used my passphrase and the bitcoins show up... but are still not sendable!

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: dabura667 on August 02, 2014, 09:12:58 AM
I am not sure what kind of problem is going on. Could you tell me which version you are using? (ie. portable? install? from source? what OS? 1.9.8? etc.)

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: red_plenty1 on August 02, 2014, 02:58:30 PM
Electrum 1.98 windows installer. Windows 7 64 bit o/s.

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: Abdussamad on August 02, 2014, 07:40:42 PM
Have you been receiving lots of small amounts from faucets and the like?

What happens when you enter exclamation point (!) in the amount field on the send tab?

Title: Re: Cannot Send Bitcoins
Post by: dabura667 on August 03, 2014, 12:05:58 PM
Electrum 1.98 windows installer. Windows 7 64 bit o/s.

Go into the Console tab and type in:

>> listunspent()

and hit enter.

It should show you a bunch of groups of text. One group of text will look something like this:

        "address": "<one of your addresses>",
        "coinbase": false,
        "height": <Some #>,
        "is_pubkey": false,
        "prevout_hash": "<Some hex text here>",
        "prevout_n": <some #>,
        "scriptPubKey": "<Some more hex text here>",
        "value": "<Some number>"

Tell me, how many groups like this do you see when you run that command?

About how big are each one's "value" on average (you can ballpark it, I don't need to know your balance.)