Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Legal => Topic started by: CorrieCubed on August 01, 2014, 11:48:48 PM

Title: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: CorrieCubed on August 01, 2014, 11:48:48 PM
The Department of Human Services here in America is an awful mess. I'm still fighting them on my Dad because they are still nailing him for child support and I am well past 18. I nor my mom ever saw anything from the state, I know because I did the bills and handled the mail from the time my dad left. Needless to say things are great between him and I now and have been for awhile, but there are problems. He got on his feet enough to open a bank account, but they drained that account, and even took the overdraft! So I got to thinking...

What I was wondering, seeking out people who can't even keep a bank account, maybe charge a nominal fee to help them set up a wallet, educate them on Bitcoin, and offer BTC/USD and USD/BTC exchanges so they could actually store money (granted at high risk) in person.

Not saying that a deadbeat dad needs to save thousands of dollars, but it's a negative to drain them so bad they can't even survive, and in my case I have to take care of my Dad because these evil, greedy people. Why not offer programs to help the father get on their feet and educate them to pay their responsibilities? /rant

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: hugs1BTC on August 02, 2014, 02:16:50 AM
The court is able to hold a deadbeat parent in jail if they do not pay the child support that they owe. Bitcoin would be able to prevent the court from garnishing assets/wages but would not be able to prevent incarceration.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: seriouscoin on August 03, 2014, 12:43:04 AM
I dont understand, how could they collect child support if the child is over 18 yrs old.

Since the OP is over 18yrs old, she doesnt receive any money from the government wellfare right?

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: r3wt on August 03, 2014, 12:53:41 AM
I dont understand, how could they collect child support if the child is over 18 yrs old.

Since the OP is over 18yrs old, she doesnt receive any money from the government wellfare right?

back childsupport. if he was behind, he still has to pay it after the child turns 18. OP, i don't buy your story about never getting the ChildSupport Checks. I pay through the state Enforcement office and my ex wife gets every damn cent i pay to them except for the yearly fees and such. i know because if i miss a payment she's the first 1 to let me know she didn't get it lol. There are laws that pretty much prevents then from doing what you've claimed. Maybe your dad wasn't paying the childsupport? i'm not judging him. Childsupports a bitch, once you get behind its hard to get back ahead, especially with court and administrative fee's it can feel like hell.

Personally, i'm paying 1 year of childsupport i shouldn't owe because my wifes lawyer typed the wrong year in the order. I can either pay the 2500 bucks for the extra year, or i can get a lawyer and a copy of the transcript of the court date, and hope thats enough for the judge to overturn it. I even provided the original document, the one i signed which clearly shows the dates altered in the final decree, and this hick ass judge just smiles and says "get a lawyer".

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: Bitcoin Hitter on August 03, 2014, 12:59:51 AM
I dont understand, how could they collect child support if the child is over 18 yrs old.

Since the OP is over 18yrs old, she doesnt receive any money from the government wellfare right?

maybe OP have a great talent to  do that . as we  know no body can do this when 18 years old
this kid have a great movement .

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: CorrieCubed on August 03, 2014, 03:46:36 AM
It's back child support. Unless they are counting food stamps, otherwise the only checks my mom ever saw were her disability ones. All the mail went through me, she was in and out of the hospital most of my teens so I handled her affairs.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: keithers on August 12, 2014, 10:06:25 PM
Did your mother ever receive welfare or cash aid?   If so the state is after your father to pay this amount back.   It will not go to you or your mother, it will go directly back to the state. 

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: jjc326 on August 16, 2014, 12:30:20 AM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: zedicus on August 16, 2014, 07:24:38 PM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: cryptoanarchist on September 05, 2014, 10:11:01 PM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: snappa4ever on September 06, 2014, 06:55:37 AM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.
I am pretty sure that all the money that a parent receives from child support should be used for the benefit of the child. A single parent should not be spending money from child support on new cloths for themselves or for jewelry for themselves.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: keithers on September 06, 2014, 11:39:45 PM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.
I am pretty sure that all the money that a parent receives from child support should be used for the benefit of the child. A single parent should not be spending money from child support on new cloths for themselves or for jewelry for themselves.

This is the way it is supposed to be, but frequently one parent pays for all the expenses for the child and is still charged child support (just based on the disparity of income levels). Often times that other parent just spends all the money on themselves.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: itsAj on September 07, 2014, 03:56:37 AM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.
I am pretty sure that all the money that a parent receives from child support should be used for the benefit of the child. A single parent should not be spending money from child support on new cloths for themselves or for jewelry for themselves.

This is the way it is supposed to be, but frequently one parent pays for all the expenses for the child and is still charged child support (just based on the disparity of income levels). Often times that other parent just spends all the money on themselves.
I would argue that this happens less often then you imply. It would not be extremely difficult to see what kind of spending habits the other parent has, and it should be generally know what the income level of the other parent is. If these two do not match up then the parent paying child support could say something to the court and potentially have some kind of audit of the receiving parent's spending on the child.

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: keithers on September 07, 2014, 05:35:23 AM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.
I am pretty sure that all the money that a parent receives from child support should be used for the benefit of the child. A single parent should not be spending money from child support on new cloths for themselves or for jewelry for themselves.

This is the way it is supposed to be, but frequently one parent pays for all the expenses for the child and is still charged child support (just based on the disparity of income levels). Often times that other parent just spends all the money on themselves.
I would argue that this happens less often then you imply. It would not be extremely difficult to see what kind of spending habits the other parent has, and it should be generally know what the income level of the other parent is. If these two do not match up then the parent paying child support could say something to the court and potentially have some kind of audit of the receiving parent's spending on the child.

The spending habits don't matter when it comes down to court.   All that matters is the percentage of physical custody vs. the disparity of income (at least in California).   As long as one of the parents is not doing anything illegal with the money, or endangering their child, they could be making a Range Rover payment while their child wore the same pair of clothes to school every day, and it would be almost impossible to change it. 

Believe it or not there is an ongoing case right now where a male student (who was 14 I believe at the time), had sex with his female teacher who was an adult obviously.   This constitutes statutory rape, which is a crime.   The two went their separate ways...   About 2 years ago, he received court paperwork in the mail stating that he owed over 15k in back child support.   Turns out that he got her pregnant, the woman kept the baby, and despite this child being the offspring from a crime, the state still froze his bank accounts and started garnishing his paychecks.   This child is now 5 or 6 I believe. 

Title: Re: Using Bitcoin to Doge Child Support Collection
Post by: itsAj on September 07, 2014, 04:21:40 PM
The funny thing about his thread is the use of "doge" instead of "dodge". Maybe you should try dogecoin to avoid the back child support owed!  It's a sign when you misspelled dodge!
Out of the two options, bitcoin is really better as it is easier to mix bitcoin due to it's higher use, more choices for mixers, and relatively more stable value.

With that being said, I think that anyone who tries to do anything to game the system to make it so they pay less in child support is scum. Money from child support is used for the benefit of your child. If you do not pay then you are not supporting your child and your child is suffering. Period. 

Spoken like someone who has ZERO knowledge of how the family courts are operated.
I am pretty sure that all the money that a parent receives from child support should be used for the benefit of the child. A single parent should not be spending money from child support on new cloths for themselves or for jewelry for themselves.

This is the way it is supposed to be, but frequently one parent pays for all the expenses for the child and is still charged child support (just based on the disparity of income levels). Often times that other parent just spends all the money on themselves.
I would argue that this happens less often then you imply. It would not be extremely difficult to see what kind of spending habits the other parent has, and it should be generally know what the income level of the other parent is. If these two do not match up then the parent paying child support could say something to the court and potentially have some kind of audit of the receiving parent's spending on the child.

The spending habits don't matter when it comes down to court.   All that matters is the percentage of physical custody vs. the disparity of income (at least in California).   As long as one of the parents is not doing anything illegal with the money, or endangering their child, they could be making a Range Rover payment while their child wore the same pair of clothes to school every day, and it would be almost impossible to change it. 

Believe it or not there is an ongoing case right now where a male student (who was 14 I believe at the time), had sex with his female teacher who was an adult obviously.   This constitutes statutory rape, which is a crime.   The two went their separate ways...   About 2 years ago, he received court paperwork in the mail stating that he owed over 15k in back child support.   Turns out that he got her pregnant, the woman kept the baby, and despite this child being the offspring from a crime, the state still froze his bank accounts and started garnishing his paychecks.   This child is now 5 or 6 I believe. 
A car would be an acceptable purchase to use child support for (as would a house) because the parent would be using the car or house for the benefit of the child (they would buy a bigger/safer car to carry around the child and his things or a bigger house so the child can live comfortably). I think it would be an issue when the child support is spent on things that have nothing to do with the child (as in my examples above of clothing/jewelry for the parent).

If the teacher in your example is suing for back child support then she would essentially need to admit to statutory rape in open court. If she were to admit this then she should be prosecuted and would likely be sent to jail, and have the child taken away from her so child support should not apply.