Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Hyena on August 09, 2014, 11:59:05 AM

Title: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Hyena on August 09, 2014, 11:59:05 AM

The interesting part was that topics referring to NSA/CIA connections were deleted from bitcointalks. Will this topic be deleted?

I know this NSA-created-bitcoin conversation is very old but the cited article introduces some pretty nasty claims:

The group added that the common program used by most cryptocurrencies to create secure keys is suspected to be back-doored by the NSA.

It noted that a recent WikiLeaks document exposed the NSA's connection with the program used by most cryptocurrencies.

The fact that bitcoin did not use the most popular program to create secure keys shows that the NSA already had full information about bitcoin, according to the group.

"While bitcoin believers portray bitcoin as a new centralised currency, the command structure of bitcoin core development is 100% centralised," CIA Project says.

Smells like FUD, don't you think?

But even if some aspects of this are true then Bitcoin indeed gains a fishy smell.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Ibian on August 09, 2014, 04:00:01 PM
Yes it is. Suspected that is. Since the beginning and it always will be. Glad we had this discussion.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Ibian on August 09, 2014, 04:20:18 PM
Not at all. Just putting it up there so people who think this is a new and innovative idea can be informed. I'm anti-trolling.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Luckylui on August 09, 2014, 04:22:23 PM
They aren't smart enough :P

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: ForgottenPassword on August 09, 2014, 04:24:23 PM

The interesting part was that topics referring to NSA/CIA connections were deleted from bitcointalks. Will this topic be deleted?

I know this NSA-created-bitcoin conversation is very old but the cited article introduces some pretty nasty claims:

The group added that the common program used by most cryptocurrencies to create secure keys is suspected to be back-doored by the NSA.

It noted that a recent WikiLeaks document exposed the NSA's connection with the program used by most cryptocurrencies.

The fact that bitcoin did not use the most popular program to create secure keys shows that the NSA already had full information about bitcoin, according to the group.

"While bitcoin believers portray bitcoin as a new centralised currency, the command structure of bitcoin core development is 100% centralised," CIA Project says.

Smells like FUD, don't you think?

But even if some aspects of this are true then Bitcoin indeed gains a fishy smell.

This is Sol Adoni:

It's an elaborate troll/FUD campaign by an annoying guy with a ton of sockpuppet accounts and websites.

He's been banned from other forums unrelated to bitcoin for doing similar things with tons of fake accounts.

Also from the whois of
Domain ID: D173493214-LROR
Creation Date: 2014-08-01

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Chalkbot on August 09, 2014, 04:37:14 PM
This is bullish. Haha.

Seriously though, in all the bull runs in the past, the only FUD left to spread was this. If we've run out of other things to talk about again....

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Xch4ng3 on August 09, 2014, 09:42:29 PM
A white paper on bitcoin was released in 2008, and it was reportedly written by Nakamoto, which roughly means "Central Intelligence" in Japanese.

Uh, according to my Google-fu... Nakamoto Name MeaningJapanese: ‘central origin’ or ‘(one who lives) in the middle’; found mostly in the Ryukyu islands.

The team added that Bitcoin Forum, a bitcoin community where Nakamoto used to communicate, usually removes posts connecting bitcoin with CIA.

It's a forum...not a democracy. The owner can remove posts as he likes, it's his forum to run the way he wants to.

Raising suspicions about his identity, Nakamoto has never left even a single personal identification clue in his numerous posts on Bitcoin Forum over the years. CIA Project alleges that this shows 'intelligence training'.

Yeah only people who have had intelligence training would want to remain anonymous. /s

In addition, Gavin Bell (aka Gavin Andresen), who is the public face of bitcoin, claims that he has been communicating with Nakamoto for many years. However, Gavin has neither met Nakamoto nor spoken with him on the phone even once.

What's their point? I do plenty of business with people I've never met or spoken to on the phone either.

The group added that the common program used by most cryptocurrencies to create secure keys is suspected to be back-doored by the NSA.

So what exactly are they going to do? Hasn't it already been proven that the algorithm used to create private keys would take billions of years to crack and if they did have a backdoor....

The fact that bitcoin did not use the most popular program to create secure keys shows that the NSA already had full information about bitcoin, according to the group.

the above contradicts what they just said. Do they mean the NSA had backdoors in the less popular programs. Unclear about this.

It noted that a recent WikiLeaks document exposed the NSA's connection with the program used by most cryptocurrencies.

Which document was this, I want to read it - anyone got a link?

"While bitcoin believers portray bitcoin as a new decentralised currency, the command structure of bitcoin core development is 100% centralised," CIA Project says.

Maybe in terms of The Bitcoin Foundation but AFAIK the project is still open source, anyone can review it.


Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Oldminer on August 09, 2014, 09:47:59 PM
Of course its origins are in government. This became obvious to me back in 2011.

Oh, and I had to quote this from that article - "In addition, Gavin Bell (aka Gavin Andresen), who is the public face of bitcoin, claims that he has been communicating with Nakamoto for many years." Made me LOL hard  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: GangkisKhan on August 09, 2014, 09:53:36 PM
Project of this scale has to come from the top government department.

Who would care about fast transaction time where most of the world population don't do international trade.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: fish731 on August 09, 2014, 11:23:26 PM

The team added that Bitcoin Forum, a bitcoin community where Nakamoto used to communicate, usually removes posts connecting bitcoin with CIA.

So why has this thread and every post on it not been deleted?

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: bigasic on August 09, 2014, 11:26:02 PM
And you probably dont think we landed on the moon... Trust me, this is not a NSA or CIA project...

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Wilhelm on August 09, 2014, 11:46:23 PM
They can't even solve the Kryptos so why would they be able to crack bitcoin?  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: byronbb on August 09, 2014, 11:51:18 PM
They have realized the Fed is a blight on the heart of 'Merica but can't undermine the Fed/Goldman/MS troika without spilling the apple-cart. Gotta go stealth-mode. Three cheers for the 3-letter agencies!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: shields on August 10, 2014, 12:30:17 AM
Project of this scale has to come from the top government department.

Who would care about fast transaction time where most of the world population don't do international trade.

It can seem like that, but Satoshi really stood on the shoulders of giants, the idea of proof of work, the cryptography - it already existed, his genius was how he put it all together. It was possible for one man, especially when you consider the crazy stuff geniuses  in the past did - Isaac Newton had no maths schooling and arguably discovered calculus on his own as the basis for his future work.  George Bool invented Boolean logic, the foundation maths for computers long before electronics.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Melds on August 10, 2014, 12:43:20 AM
Sounds really stupid. Why would they do this? What would they gain from it? How would they know a crypto currency would get this big?

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: negafen on August 10, 2014, 01:19:34 AM
Project of this scale has to come from the top government department.

Who would care about fast transaction time where most of the world population don't do international trade.

It can seem like that, but Satoshi really stood on the shoulders of giants, the idea of proof of work, the cryptography - it already existed, his genius was how he put it all together. It was possible for one man, especially when you consider the crazy stuff geniuses  in the past did - Isaac Newton had no maths schooling and arguably discovered calculus on his own as the basis for his future work.  George Bool invented Boolean logic, the foundation maths for computers long before electronics.

Most likely a group project with lots of personal from different background involved.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Newbie1022 on August 10, 2014, 01:42:03 AM

The interesting part was that topics referring to NSA/CIA connections were deleted from bitcointalks. Will this topic be deleted?

I know this NSA-created-bitcoin conversation is very old but the cited article introduces some pretty nasty claims:

The group added that the common program used by most cryptocurrencies to create secure keys is suspected to be back-doored by the NSA.

It noted that a recent WikiLeaks document exposed the NSA's connection with the program used by most cryptocurrencies.

The fact that bitcoin did not use the most popular program to create secure keys shows that the NSA already had full information about bitcoin, according to the group.

"While bitcoin believers portray bitcoin as a new centralised currency, the command structure of bitcoin core development is 100% centralised," CIA Project says.

Smells like FUD, don't you think?

But even if some aspects of this are true then Bitcoin indeed gains a fishy smell.

I believe there is some -- not absolute -- truth to this. What is the primary global economic issue that the Washington consensus was worried about the past two decades? Currency controls! How are these currency controls implemented? By restricting capital flight by forcing businesses to transact in the domestic currency. What does Bitcoin undermine? This very phenomenon. In a nutshell, the neoliberal consensus' view on monetary is very much free market/libertarian oriented. So, does this at least make some sense facially? Sure.

That said, like many projects created by the CIA, this one has taken on a life of its own and now has characteristics wholly independent from its original purpose. The infrastructure that has sprouted up around Bitcoin including the exchanges, blockchain, and the tech savvy user base makes this potential original source largely irrelevant. A good comparison is another CIA project... the internet. The CIA played a hand in it... it was a disruptive technology... it took on a life of its own.

So, I guess if you need a creation myth sort of like a religious zealot then this is a big deal. If you don't need a creation myth then this is a non-story. Bitcoin is exactly the same as it was two minutes ago. The NSA might be tracking transactions (say for terrorist purposes), but I doubt they give a hell otherwise (even for certain illicit purposes... see how long the Silkroad game carried on). Moreover, the NSA is not going to steal or destroy all of your coins because they'd be incurring the wrath of a million hackers. It's just a non-story to me.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: rogerwilco on August 10, 2014, 06:43:03 AM
And you probably dont think we landed on the moon... Trust me, this is not a NSA or CIA project...

Was that me and you, Tommy? ( We landed on the moon?

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: An amorous cow-herder on August 10, 2014, 07:56:58 AM
Sounds really stupid. Why would they do this? What would they gain from it? How would they know a crypto currency would get this big?
Why stupid? Tor was also founded by DARPA and the Navy. Geez even the internet was created under the original name ARPANET by the department of defense.

What would they gain from it?
All the trouble the US goes though to get the SWIFT-treaty with the EU, and the block chain?
You get handed all transactions ever done on a silver platter. Sure, its pseudonymous. Unless you have access to the records of all exchanges, and well, those kinds anti-laundering regulations are already in effect. Would be amusing to know who actually runs those mixing pools. But basicly the block chain is pretty much a wet dream for any surveilance state.

How would they know a crypto currency would get this big?
Market cap has grown by  ~$60 per dollar invested in exchanges, in other words probably not more than like $200M has ever flown into bitcoin. Even if all of that had come from the fed it would have been peanuts. And well, the NSA has been working on the concept for a long time after all (

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: freedomno1 on August 10, 2014, 08:11:36 AM
You've been trolled.

Yep trolled.

Although it would be fun to say that the NSA and CIA are saying Bitcoin was their project to scare new users away from using it  ;D
Kid if they saw it coming then that would be a surprising thing.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: BombaUcigasa on August 10, 2014, 10:10:21 AM
Smells like FUD, don't you think?
Yes, the MI6 is spreading misinformation. They created bitcoin to regain control over their empire and reach the glory of older days before the americans took over. Their plan worked and they now control at least 7% of the world's future wealth.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: maker88 on August 10, 2014, 11:01:31 AM

The NSA might be tracking transactions (say for terrorist purposes), but I doubt they give a hell otherwise (even for certain illicit purposes... see how long the Silkroad game carried on).

you're implying the 'silk road game' ended lol. it carries on to this day.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 09:42:03 PM
This has been said many times, but it is worth saying again: This is nothing more then FUD

I am not sure why, but for some reason there seams to be a lot of threads on this subject that have popped up recently. The US government would really have nothing to gain by creating Bitcoin as described by the OP.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: gtraah on August 11, 2014, 02:19:58 AM
What are you talking about?? One was deleted by the OP because there were like 4 topics on the Front forum talking about shitty troll shit.. and you just posted it back to the front page. Why? Why should there be more than one thread on teh 1st page talking about the same thing. And to make it even worse its a fukn troll article..

I hope this bullshit troll shit does get deleted!!!! Oh wait then maybe people will think the CIA deleted it ..PFFFT LOL give me a break, sik of hearing the same old BS.. its not funny anymore its now crossed the annoying frustrating border

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: jaberwock on August 11, 2014, 02:37:16 AM
If it was a CIA/NSA project they wouldn't allow Gox to happens, also we would see more from the governments that are opposite to the USA, like China.

Plus the politicals wouldn't act like they have no idea what bitcoin is, and anti-Bitcoin laws wouldn't be discussed, plus USA would be the first country to fully embrace Bitcoin.

So I gues it is not.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: taylortyler on August 11, 2014, 04:10:25 AM
I bet if we created four more threads on the topic we could get to the bottom of the matter.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: Mobius on August 11, 2014, 04:31:23 AM
If it was a CIA/NSA project they wouldn't allow Gox to happens, also we would see more from the governments that are opposite to the USA, like China.
I would say that Gox was independent of anything else bitcoin related. I don't think that Gox is proof that bitcoin was not created by the NSA/CIA. I still highly doubt that either of them built/created bitcoin however.

Title: Re: Bitcoin suspected to be NSA or CIA Project
Post by: will_see on August 11, 2014, 04:58:50 AM
Of course it could be the truth but will know it for sure in 50 years only