Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:07:55 AM

Title: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:07:55 AM
 I'm reffering to following Article

After reading this Article something tells me, yes they defintly are behind that.

If all our money circulates around on the Blockchain simply turn if off and all our money is gone and the Government takes controll over humanity and turns us all into Slaves....

The other thing is if the CIA or the government is behind it, they for sure push it skyhigh, so is this now a good time to Invest in Bitcoin or stay far away??

And besides the evil attentions of the US Government to enslave us all and sell us as work slaves to Planet Crypto, does it matter if the government is behind it or not??

Would you guys get out of Crypto if it is a fact that the CIA or NSA or anyone of the Alphabet boys is behind it??

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: herzmeister on August 10, 2014, 11:20:30 AM
simply turn if off


Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: 1Referee on August 10, 2014, 11:26:15 AM
I'm reffering to following Article

After reading this Article something tells me, yes they defintly are behind that.

If all our money circulates around on the Blockchain simply turn if off and all our money is gone and the Government takes controll over humanity and turns us all into Slaves....

The other thing is if the CIA or the government is behind it, they for sure push it skyhigh, so is this now a good time to Invest in Bitcoin or stay far away??

And besides the evil attentions of the US Government to enslave us all and sell us as work slaves to Planet Crypto, does it matter if the government is behind it or not??

Would you guys get out of Crypto if it is a fact that the CIA or NSA or anyone of the Alphabet boys is behind it??

You have absolutely no clue how bitcoin works, I mean the technical aspects. 

And also, you don't know what you're talking about.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:36:39 AM
simply turn if off

I understand that "simply turn it off" isn't the best term to use but the point is if the Government or whoever has controll over Bitcoin they could turn it against the regular user or manipulate it to their advantage.

Im sure it has nothing to do with conspiracy theory but the world turns around money thats a fact and  the US Government is the most evil of all of them so it for sure wouldnt surprise me if they up to some shady shit.

Its the CIA aren''t they already known around the world to come up with the most evil and cruel tactics against humanity??

So if they behind Bitcoin it would be a perfect plan to steal all of peoples money, the average Joe Blow doesnt even have items worth more than a
few 1000s Dollar.

So all their "wealth" is already in some form of virtuall money, so with Bitcoin you could even get the rest of their money.

After the MO, i dont take your last cent I take your last satoshi.

If someone doesnt have a few cent, you can at least get some satoshis out of someone

i cant wait for the first news
Men killed over a few satoshis...

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:44:21 AM
Everyone around the World pretty much hates their government that aint no secret

so you think the Governmenmt wouldnt be able to come up with a plan of a decentralized form of currency on their own??

And sell it as anti banks and government and revolution tool??

All they do is sit around and think about plans on how to fuck us up and with a Currency like that.

Remember how they sold us Barrack Obama- they even gave him a peace Nobelprice  adn right after that he invaded a country.

As I said its the Government, the root of all evil so to sell the average Joe blow a new Form of Freedom that turns around and f..ks them in their a.., yes i think they are defintly capable doing so

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: ForgottenPassword on August 10, 2014, 11:47:38 AM is a fake website made by a guy named Sol Adoni who has a ton of fake accounts on this forum that he uses to plug his websites. One of them, ibitunes, is allegedly a scam too.

He's trying to sell his ebook about bitcoin being a CIA project.

More info:

That website is fake, everytime you link to it your helping him spread his FUD. He's been banned from warriorforum (a webmaster forum) for doing similar FUD campaigns with fake accounts and websites.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:48:39 AM

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: ForgottenPassword on August 10, 2014, 11:51:31 AM

I am also a fed. That guy is wrong. Bitcoin was actually created by lizard people. Once it destroys the worlds economy they will come out from under the surface of the earth and enslave us all.

Trust me I know because I work for the CIA, NSA, FBI, mtgox and the Bilderberg Group. Also Zhou Tong knows it too because they are the ones who hacked Bitcoinica, green little leet motherfuckers they are.

(Don't believe anything you read on the internet unless they have proof and evidence. Words on a website mean nothing. Snowden didn't have words, he had proof.)

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Gervais on August 10, 2014, 11:53:27 AM
Not this bullshit again. That site is run by a fudster,

That did make me laugh.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 11:58:39 AM
yes but still my question is

if it is a fact that the Government runs the Show with Bitcoin, would you get out of it or not??

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: ForgottenPassword on August 10, 2014, 12:03:52 PM
yes but still my question is

if it is a fact that the Government runs the Show with Bitcoin, would you get out of it or not??

The internet was originally developed by the US government for military purposes. Better stop using it.

Bitcoin is open source, even if they did create it they wouldn't be able to do anything bad to it. It's a mute point though because there is nothing to suggest that they did. Al Qaeda could've made it, you could've made it ANYONE could've made it, even lizard people who live under the surface of the earth. All are equally as plausible as a government creating it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: hlynur on August 10, 2014, 12:06:58 PM
before posting an article here better check its sources first... ::)
where are the links to mentioned wikileaks documents?

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: ForgottenPassword on August 10, 2014, 12:09:28 PM
before posting an article here better check its sources first... ::)
where are the links to mentioned wikileaks documents?

Those? they are on the official wikileaks website -

(they don't exist. The author of that article is really confused as to how bitcoin works. He will probably fake them, the guy even faked his doctorate.)

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: RappingSniper on August 10, 2014, 12:18:41 PM
Bitcoiner's portray it as decentralised not centralised. And the whole article is FUD

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Drendas on August 10, 2014, 12:53:49 PM
What a surprise. Mr "Cypress" is a retarded conspiracy theorist.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Dabs on August 10, 2014, 02:29:03 PM
Let's pretend for a moment that the CIA/NSA actually created Bitcoin.

Well, the US NAVY did create TOR.

Bitcoin has some interesting properties:

1. It is open source.
2. There are thousands of nodes in private hands.
3. There are gigahashes and terahashes of mining power.
4. You can be a completely anonymous user.

All by itself, bitcoin (the network and the protocol and the coins) is just awesome. The problem lies in the link to fiat, either with exchanges or some local trader.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: HarmonLi on August 10, 2014, 02:31:31 PM
Let's pretend for a moment that the CIA/NSA actually created Bitcoin.

Well, the US NAVY did create TOR.

Bitcoin has some interesting properties:

1. It is open source.
2. There are thousands of nodes in private hands.
3. There are gigahashes and terahashes of mining power.
4. You can be a completely anonymous user.

All by itself, bitcoin (the network and the protocol and the coins) is just awesome. The problem lies in the link to fiat, either with exchanges or some local trader.

So are you implying that they maybe created both those things with known holes in them so people who are planning to do illegal stuff rely on them and can be surveilled by those agencies even better? Ha, that totally sounds like a conspiracy theory :D Nah, I don't really believe that!

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: AlaricI on August 10, 2014, 02:50:19 PM
CIA Project - What a horrid website. Why did I click that?

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Kipsy89 on August 10, 2014, 03:20:02 PM
Naaaah, I don't think this was the plan of some agency or something! People, don't be so paranoid. People always suspect some secret agency to be behind everything! Why is this so? People really are obsessed with this! Man, this has to stop!

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: btcusury on August 10, 2014, 03:35:16 PM
As I said its the Government, the root of all evil

No, the root is not "the Government". It's that we hallucinate that we have an obligation to obey "authority". There is no "the Government", only people who believe they have the right to rule by force.

so to sell the average Joe blow a new Form of Freedom that turns around and f..ks them in their a.., yes i think they are defintly capable doing so

Satoshi hasn't sold "the average Joe blow" anything mysterious. It's an open source, mathematically driven system; there is no single point of failure. Decentralization is the antithesis to centralized authority (placing trust in people who call themselves government).

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Clegg on August 10, 2014, 03:44:52 PM
Well it could be, but I really doubt it. Are they even smart enough to do something like this?

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Its About Sharing on August 10, 2014, 04:22:59 PM
Did the CIA also hire a bad programmer to do the code? Did they find one who excelled in economics and writing white papers?
I guess it is possible but I just don't find it likely. I do wonder if Satoshi is more than one person.

Will be interesting to see if he ever starts sending his coins to "causes" in need once the price is up there. (After all, he can't easily spend them.)

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 04:30:19 PM
well an obligation - try to go against the Government and you end up sitting in a cage

its not a halluzination this fucking government the Alphabet Boys are for eal and spying on you and controlling you 24 hours a day 365 days of the year.
They know all about us, so they for sure know we fed up with them sickos so they just feed us a new revolutionizing tool against their "bad banks"
you know Im sayin.

Whenever there is some new Form of "freedom" out there its not in the best interesst of most people involved.

Look back in History

Hitler promised that work will set you free - Arbeit macht frei- those were his words, now look were this freedom got us- we working like slaves now

Obama said he will bring us Peace and what not, god damnit this dude has his fingers on WW3, ready to push the button.

So now here come Bitcoin a revolutinized way to decentralize currency and free us from Banks and the Rothschilds the Bushs and the rest of the Jewish Illuminati dudes.

So looking in the past and listening to them liars in Washington and the governments around the world, it wouldnt surprise me at all that Bitcoin is a set up.

And i can look at the source code- its easy to put some backdoors in it if you know what you doing,

and seriously who is this Satoshi Nakamoto???

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 10, 2014, 04:36:36 PM
and this satoshi character  for sure has learned programming somewhere or is associated with some people that told him that

im also sure way back than even if it was jsut himself creating that for sure he talked to some people about that before 2009 and some people you never see again and noone even came out saying he was talking to me about "bitcoin" in 2007 and than i never heard of this fellow again.

Its just not possible in my eyes for 1 person to come up with something like that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: hlynur on August 10, 2014, 04:37:40 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 05:02:45 PM
Let's pretend for a moment that the CIA/NSA actually created Bitcoin.

Well, the US NAVY did create TOR.

Bitcoin has some interesting properties:

1. It is open source.
2. There are thousands of nodes in private hands.
3. There are gigahashes and terahashes of mining power.
4. You can be a completely anonymous user.

All by itself, bitcoin (the network and the protocol and the coins) is just awesome. The problem lies in the link to fiat, either with exchanges or some local trader.
TOR was created by the Navy with the intention of being used by the government. It needed other people to run and use it in order for the government to be able to use it securely. TOR is not perfect, however neither is any other "method" of privacy.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: 1986 on August 10, 2014, 05:06:26 PM
I have no proof but I very much doubt the CIA had anythign to do with it.

Monkey Island. Classic.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on August 10, 2014, 05:46:12 PM
Bitcoin isn't a cia invention. Satoshi was probably just a geek (or group of geeks) who created something brilliant.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: hlynur on August 10, 2014, 10:52:57 PM
 excuse my sarcasm, but comparing working conditions of today with those in concentration camps in nazi-germany is a bit far-fetched imo.  
unfortunately that still depends where you're living on this planet  :-\

As always with a technological shift - no matter what source it comes from - every society has legacy problems which influence conditions of adaption and future sentiment of the masses will determine if and how these will evolve.
our monetary system has a long history and therefore a lot of centralised influence to transfer the current status quo into the digital era.
if you don't want to be a spoonfed lethargic "slave" consuming what he/she gets praised by massmedia everyday...
well, thanks to the internet you have much more options today than ever before in human history to educate yourself, choose wisely what you support/consume with your hard-earned money and spread your knowledge.

Same thing goes with blockchain technology...if it would be implemented as financial ledger on a neutral breeding ground voilą there is your solution for a free and transparent utopia without banks and cronyism.
(never underestimate the aftermath when human nature had a go at it though   ;))
The established distributed powers try to shape, control and restrain its public benefit in their interest until it's finally adapted by the masses.
Important thing is this uneven process will provide new opportunities for those who make the effort to take the route less travelled by.

Would you have said internet is work of the devil during the 90s because its source is a project by ARPA of US Department of Defense?
Although it allows the state of a transparent citizen when using certain hardware/services, the web also provides access to more tools than ever to prevent this from happening.

technology is neutral and humanity will always add the two sides of a's everyone's personal decision what you make of it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: coinableS on August 10, 2014, 11:16:31 PM
The CIA wishes they created it...

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: 00null on August 10, 2014, 11:43:53 PM
yes but still my question is

if it is a fact that the Government runs the Show with Bitcoin, would you get out of it or not??

As soon as you own some coins and are running a full node you did become one of those that "run the Show".
So the questions is: should we get out as soon as you are doing this? :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: gjgjg on August 11, 2014, 01:27:36 AM
if it is, so what? thought we established already it doesnt matter who created it

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Mobius on August 11, 2014, 04:36:03 AM
Bitcoin isn't a cia invention. Satoshi was probably just a geek (or group of geeks) who created something brilliant.
This is most likely the case. I would personally doubt that satoshi was even a group of people as his writing style generally did not ever change. The CIA and the US government would really have nothing to gain by creating Bitcoin and have likely and will likely lose tax revenue as a result of it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: austriabitcoin on August 11, 2014, 05:46:24 AM
This is most likely the case. I would personally doubt that satoshi was even a group of people as his writing style generally did not ever change. The CIA and the US government would really have nothing to gain by creating Bitcoin and have likely and will likely lose tax revenue as a result of it.[/qoute]

if all our money is digitalised its easier for the government to controll us.

As I said the average Joe Blow doesnt own much marterial things that are actually worth more than a few 1000 Dollar if even that. Most possesions of the average Joe Blow is a Car a flat screen and Playstation, so all things that loose on value over time, so actually worthless things.

And the most money is either in online banking or on Credit Cards, so if "they" come up with a way were it's possible to controll peoples funds with 1 single instrument, let's call it Bitcoin, it would make it way easier for "them" to "turn it off" and so gain complete controll over humanity. cause after all money is the only thing that gives most people self esteem and confidence, so take that and you got a whole bunch of willingless people which makes it easier to controll.

And as I said money and Controll is all the Governments want, it doesnt take a genius to figure that out.

Take their money and you can controll them, thats what the government has to gain, controll and money

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: xdominating on August 11, 2014, 06:15:35 AM

i think your resources from the fake sites. a lot of the information isn't right reported on there.

for my advice, we don't easily accept the information that has not been recognized of the truth.

I hope this post doesn't stop us to earn bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: yatsey87 on August 11, 2014, 06:33:25 AM

i think your resources from the fake sites. a lot of the information isn't right reported on there.

for my advice, we don't easily accept the information that has not been recognized of the truth.

I hope this post doesn't stop us to earn bitcoin.

It is a fake site run by a well known troll here who likes to spread fud and promote his crappy businesses and ebook rubbish.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: MultipliedCombo on August 11, 2014, 07:36:54 AM

i think your resources from the fake sites. a lot of the information isn't right reported on there.

for my advice, we don't easily accept the information that has not been recognized of the truth.

I hope this post doesn't stop us to earn bitcoin.

It is a fake site run by a well known troll here who likes to spread fud and promote his crappy businesses and ebook rubbish.

This sums everything up perfectly. I'm just going to go and forget the I ever came across this post.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: tss on August 11, 2014, 08:34:49 AM
yes monkey

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Spearmint on August 11, 2014, 10:29:04 AM
i find that complete bollocks, sorry mate

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Dabs on August 12, 2014, 12:53:09 AM
So are you implying that they maybe created both those things with known holes in them so people who are planning to do illegal stuff rely on them and can be surveilled by those agencies even better? Ha, that totally sounds like a conspiracy theory :D Nah, I don't really believe that!

I am not implying anything, just stating the facts. No conspiracy theory here, as to me, like you, it does not make sense.

TOR was created by the Navy with the intention of being used by the government. It needed other people to run and use it in order for the government to be able to use it securely. TOR is not perfect, however neither is any other "method" of privacy.

Well, that makes sense. TOR is not perfect, but prior to the existence of TOR people already knew how to be private. There is now another layer added.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Soros Shorts on August 12, 2014, 01:13:08 AM
yes but still my question is

if it is a fact that the Government runs the Show with Bitcoin, would you get out of it or not??
Define "runs the show", in detail please.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: heybigboy1 on August 12, 2014, 02:38:27 AM
No way, it was created by Illuminati. They are trying to take over the world with that

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: merockstar on August 12, 2014, 02:50:19 AM
If all our money circulates around on the Blockchain simply turn if off and all our money is gone and the Government takes controll over humanity and turns us all into Slaves....

they can't really turn it off. they could forcibly gain control of one of the mining pools/build a bunch of ASICS and do a 51% attack but everyone could just switch to an alt-coin that's designed to be more 51% attack resistant

also they wouldn't wanna bring it down yet because...

The other thing is if the CIA or the government is behind it, they for sure push it skyhigh, so is this now a good time to Invest in Bitcoin or stay far away??

if ross ulbricht gets convicted, they now have 100,000 btc to offload. they aren't gonna wanna offload it at ten dollars a bitcoin...

And besides the evil attentions intentions of the US Government to enslave us all and sell us as work slaves to Planet Crypto,

we're already enslaved. you can't call it intent if they've successfully carried out the plan.

does it matter if the government is behind it or not??

no because...

Would you guys get out of Crypto if it is a fact that the CIA or NSA or anyone of the Alphabet boys is behind it??

alternatives like BitShares ( exist.

I will shit my pants if that larimer guy turns out to be CIA.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: matt4054 on August 12, 2014, 02:54:33 AM
Everyone around the World pretty much hates their government that aint no secret


Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Dabs on August 12, 2014, 01:38:46 PM

if ross ulbricht gets convicted, they now have 100,000 btc to offload. they aren't gonna wanna offload it at ten dollars a bitcoin...

Would you guys get out of Crypto if it is a fact that the CIA or NSA or anyone of the Alphabet boys is behind it??

Hmmmm.... that's probably more reason to get into it.

1. I'm still anonymous.
2. I'm going to get rich.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: BitcoinAccepted on August 12, 2014, 02:28:09 PM
Can someone please 'turn off' Bitcoin for me.

Its plugged into the 4 way socket by the TV.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: Mobius on August 12, 2014, 11:12:35 PM
TOR was created by the Navy with the intention of being used by the government. It needed other people to run and use it in order for the government to be able to use it securely. TOR is not perfect, however neither is any other "method" of privacy.
Well, that makes sense. TOR is not perfect, but prior to the existence of TOR people already knew how to be private. There is now another layer added.
I think that prior to TOR it was very difficult if not impossible to have privacy from a large attacker on the internet. As of when TOR was created the internet was still very new, and a lot of the privacy services did not exist then. You also had many less options to connect to the internet; you were not able to connect via public wifi, at most public places, in a hotel or even via cell phone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin a project by the CIA???
Post by: freedombit on August 13, 2014, 07:27:55 AM
I would not put this past the CIA, NSA, or DOD. What is the greatest threat to the USA today?

The USA is a superpower that's had nuclear bombs more more than half a century.
We really started printing money in the 80's forward, increasing our debt along the way.
Suddenly, in the 1990's this thing called the Internet comes along and connects the entire world.
Now, we have people all over the world learning exactly how these dollars come into existence, and they are questioning why they spend their time chasing the dollars (along with every other world currency).

On the flip side of the Pacific, you have more than 2 billion people suddenly realizing that they can buy things, and they are going to do so by releasing dollars into the market.

Possibly Bitcoin could have been created as a defensive mechanism to prevent world economy from changing too quickly which would not be good for anyone.