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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on August 15, 2014, 06:18:12 PM

Title: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 15, 2014, 06:18:12 PM

...unemployed and bored thanks to robots stealing our jobs

According to a new report that looks at how continuing improvements to artificial intelligence and robotics will impact society, “robotic sex partners will become commonplace” by 2025. A large portion of the report also focuses on how AI and robotics will impact both blue- and white-collar workers, with about 50% of the polled experts stating that robots will displace more human jobs than they create by 2025.

The report, called “AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs” and published by Pew Research, is a 66-page monster [PDF]. The report basically consists of a bunch of experts waxing lyrical about what the world will look like in 2025 if robots and AI continue to advance at the same scary pace of the last few years. Almost every expert agreed that robots and AI will no longer be constrained to repetitive tasks on a production line, and will permeate “wide segments of daily life by 2025.” The experts are almost perfectly split on whether these everyday robots will be a boon or a menace to society, though — but more on that at the end of the story.

While the report is full of juicy sound bites from experts such as Vint Cerf, danah boyd, and David Clark, one quote by GigaOM Research’s Stowe Boyd caught my eye. By 2025, according to Boyd, “Robotic sex partners will be a commonplace, although the source of scorn and division, the way that critics today bemoan selfies as an indicator of all that’s wrong with the world.”

Back in 2012 — a long time ago in today’s tech climate — I wrote that we’d have realistic sexbots by around 2017. These robostitutes won’t necessarily have human-level intelligence (that’s still another 10+ years away I think), but they’ll look, move, and feel a lot like real humans. In short, they’ll probably be good enough to satisfy most sexual urges. What effect these sexbots will have on human-human relationships, and the sex and human trafficking trades, remains to be seen. At a bare minimum, a lot of sex workers will probably lose their jobs. If lovotics — the study of human-robot relationships — becomes advanced enough and people start falling in love with their sexbots (or rather partnerbots), then there could be some wide-ranging repercussions.

But, back to the bigger story: Will advanced AI and robots make the world a better place or not? Basically everyone agrees that robotics and AI are going to displace a lot of jobs over the next few years as the general-purpose robot comes of age. Even though these early general-purpose bots (such as Baxter in the video below) won’t be as fast or flexible as humans, they will be flexible enough that they can perform various menial tasks 24/7 — and cost just a few cents of electricity, rather than minimum wage. Likewise, self-driving vehicles will replace truck drivers, taxis, pizza delivery kids, and so on.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Tusk on August 15, 2014, 06:27:29 PM
Ha cyber/robo cops arresting cyber/robo hookers now that's something to look forward too  ;D

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Fray on August 15, 2014, 10:26:09 PM
I would seriously doubt that there would be a very big market for this. I think most people enjoy having sex with an actual person and would not want to do it with a machine. It is really just not possible to replace the human touch.

Granted there may be some kind of niche market for people who have really weird fantasies.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: galbros on August 15, 2014, 11:24:45 PM
Granted there may be some kind of niche market for people who have really weird fantasies.

Two words: Real Dolls.

There are a lot of lonely people out there.

Given how pornography and sex have driven so many consumer adoptions, why not robotics?

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Mike Christ on August 16, 2014, 12:10:03 AM
I doubt this will happen.  VR is a much more likely candidate for fulfillment of sexual fantasy; sexbots are inefficient, take up too much space, take a lot of resources to develop, as compared to a headset, easily customizable software, and something to put your dick in/something dick-shaped.  Most jobs which will use robotics aren't going to have robots that look like people, as people aren't necessarily the most efficient at doing certain tasks.  The ones which will, are likely going to be in the services industry, and will likely be novelties as the businesses which cut out the expense of making a presentable robot will be less expensive.

I think there will be a larger market for alternative sex down the road, assuming feminism in its modern format continues to spread, the court system remains or increases in gynocentrism, and white knights become increasingly unwilling to conform to the monetary and social demands of their partners.  Considering the porn industry is still around and strong, I see no reason to believe improvements in alternative sex won't result in an increase of sales.  If the only pro left for the man in the modern family is to have a spot to plant his hoo-haw, then I foresee this industry--in whatever form it takes--as being incredibly disruptive and I will have my popcorn ready for the ensuing governmental response (which will, as you can probably guess, result in some kind of ban in an attempt to keep men on the hamster wheel of tax farming.)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 16, 2014, 12:16:27 AM

It could be a combo of both and

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Spendulus on August 16, 2014, 12:18:02 AM

...unemployed and bored thanks to robots stealing our jobs


Whatever that thing is in that picture, it pretty scary.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: pungopete468 on August 16, 2014, 01:29:40 AM
No way that will be a reality...

That doll looks like Michael Jackson...

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Gargulan on August 16, 2014, 04:35:25 AM
The technology to replace doctor and lawyer is almost here.

Think we will all be in trouble if prostitute and hooker can be replaced by bot.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: blumangroup on August 16, 2014, 07:41:02 PM
I'd rather have hookers in people's houses than out on the street begging.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: zolace on August 16, 2014, 07:54:42 PM
Well, I guess you never know what can happen in 10 years time. I don't know if we can get a 100% perfect sex bot, but there have been some many advances in interactive sex dolls over the past few years. In 10 years they might not be available in stores, but sometime pretty close could be in someone's research or testing lab around that time

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: niothor on August 16, 2014, 08:05:39 PM
I don't need one , I don't care if they will build them or not but if they do I want to be able to purchase one with bitcoins.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all
Post by: Matze on August 16, 2014, 09:02:53 PM
I think once robots start taking so many jobs away they will start being not made anymore because people have to have jobs.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: ajareselde on August 16, 2014, 10:39:38 PM
The technology to replace doctor and lawyer is almost here.

Think we will all be in trouble if prostitute and hooker can be replaced by bot.

They make pretty realistic sex dolls even now..
dont see why replacing prostitutes with sex dolls  would be a problem.

I only wonder how they react on customs when they are scanning packages, when they see human shape in parts within a box ^^
especialy those japaneese ones, which are by far most realistic

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Puberty on August 17, 2014, 01:41:41 AM
With all the bombings and murders going on, we need more people giving their love to other people, not inanimate objects. :(

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Watoshi-Dimobuto on August 17, 2014, 01:41:53 AM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: beetcoin on August 17, 2014, 03:18:29 AM
With all the bombings and murders going on, we need more people giving their love to other people, not inanimate objects. :(

you mean there needs to be more rape? cuz i'm not down with that at all.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: DavidHume on August 17, 2014, 07:10:56 AM
With all the bombings and murders going on, we need more people giving their love to other people, not inanimate objects. :(

you mean there needs to be more rape? cuz i'm not down with that at all.

This sex doll can actually reduce rape crime if it is cheap enough.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Gargulan on August 17, 2014, 08:49:22 AM
The technology to replace doctor and lawyer is almost here.

Think we will all be in trouble if prostitute and hooker can be replaced by bot.

They make pretty realistic sex dolls even now..
dont see why replacing prostitutes with sex dolls  would be a problem.

I only wonder how they react on customs when they are scanning packages, when they see human shape in parts within a box ^^
especialy those japaneese ones, which are by far most realistic

The Japanese sex doll is still quite expensive. Think I saw a silicon sex doll costing over 100k dollars when I was researching one to replace my wife.

A third world wife only cost 6-10k.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: niothor on August 17, 2014, 09:24:42 AM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Watoshi-Dimobuto on August 17, 2014, 12:50:21 PM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties.

No matter how they do it, real women is always the original and sexbots is always the copycat trying to copy the real women.

I think the real advantage of sexbots is it will not dump you.  :)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: niothor on August 17, 2014, 12:57:16 PM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties.

No matter how they do it, real women is always the original and sexbots is always the copycat trying to copy the real women.

I think the real advantage of sexbots is it will not dump you.  :)

Even right now robots are doing a lot of things better than human. I'm not going to say they will do this also but time will tell.

Don't forget that with a robot partner you could program her to like some things you're girlfriend doesn't like ;)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 17, 2014, 06:32:51 PM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties. "Welcome to the N.H.K." is about Hikikomori. Just started watching it on netflix. Not bad.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 17, 2014, 06:34:26 PM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties.

No matter how they do it, real women is always the original and sexbots is always the copycat trying to copy the real women.

I think the real advantage of sexbots is it will not dump you.  :)

... Unless it is one of those from tied to your credit card...  ;)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: counter on August 17, 2014, 09:31:11 PM
I'm willing to bet money that this will not be the case.  Also I'm not ashamed to admit that this almost made me throw up just a little bit.  :(

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: H22o on August 18, 2014, 12:39:02 AM
I can really see very few people wanting to utilize this kind of machine. There is something about intimacy with a human that is unique that you don't know exactly what they are going to do even if they know what it is that you like. 

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: on August 18, 2014, 08:24:20 AM
It will never happen, All I see are nerds who have difficulty getting women will be using this sexbots. I'm also guessing it is adjustable to extra small. Probably guys with micro penises would also like it.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Snail2 on August 18, 2014, 10:42:35 AM
If this stuff can wash up and has a "mute" and/or "power off" button then I'm willing to replace my wife :).

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: wenben on August 18, 2014, 11:00:41 AM
No way I would prefer sexbots over real girls. If you haven't tried real girls try it, you will not look back to your sexbots.  :)

Have you tried a sexbot ? How can you be so sure about it. Probably in 100 years most of us won't be able to distinguished between the two of them.

I'm in no way promoting this kind of activity which might lead to more people turning into "Hikikomori" or "shut ins" (japan has already a huge problems with this but don't be so sure about how those will perform their duties.

No matter how they do it, real women is always the original and sexbots is always the copycat trying to copy the real women.

I think the real advantage of sexbots is it will not dump you.  :)

Even right now robots are doing a lot of things better than human. I'm not going to say they will do this also but time will tell.

Don't forget that with a robot partner you could program her to like some things you're girlfriend doesn't like ;)

Yes. Free will is a over exaggerated if you think about it.

You can program the bot to "like" what ever you did and whoever you are.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: niothor on August 18, 2014, 11:53:24 AM
I can really see very few people wanting to utilize this kind of machine. There is something about intimacy with a human that is unique that you don't know exactly what they are going to do even if they know what it is that you like.  

You criticize the product before being completed.
Reminds me of people who though flight was impossible or useless.

There are plenty of people going to cheap prostitutes  and about that kind intimacy , if that pleasures them , then the bots will match it up.

It will never happen, All I see are nerds who have difficulty getting women will be using this sexbots. I'm also guessing it is adjustable to extra small. Probably guys with micro penises would also like it.

Rule number one is never say never.
Numbers from Japan.
According to government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori with an average age of 31
The terms is used for shut-ins.

700k  possible customers if enough for a industry to start and maybe boom with improvements added later on. "Welcome to the N.H.K." is about Hikikomori. Just started watching it on netflix. Not bad.

I saw the series a few years ago , good start but not so much after a few episodes.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 18, 2014, 03:47:12 PM
I can really see very few people wanting to utilize this kind of machine. There is something about intimacy with a human that is unique that you don't know exactly what they are going to do even if they know what it is that you like.  

You criticize the product before being completed.
Reminds me of people who though flight was impossible or useless.

There are plenty of people going to cheap prostitutes  and about that kind intimacy , if that pleasures them , then the bots will match it up.

It will never happen, All I see are nerds who have difficulty getting women will be using this sexbots. I'm also guessing it is adjustable to extra small. Probably guys with micro penises would also like it.

Rule number one is never say never.
Numbers from Japan.
According to government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori with an average age of 31
The terms is used for shut-ins.

700k  possible customers if enough for a industry to start and maybe boom with improvements added later on. "Welcome to the N.H.K." is about Hikikomori. Just started watching it on netflix. Not bad.

I saw the series a few years ago , good start but not so much after a few episodes.

You've just killed the vibe. Thank you  :-\ Nah! I'll keep watching it...  :D

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: niothor on August 18, 2014, 04:06:31 PM

You've just killed the vibe. Thank you  :-\ Nah! I'll keep watching it...  :D

Sorry for that but that was a personal opinion.
Most people in the reviews said that the second part (it has two seasons) was better but hey...
I'm watching those more for the laughs not waiting for a real story to unfold .

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: jersey19957 on August 18, 2014, 07:18:22 PM
I wish I looked like a male model so I wouldnt even need to have money to get laid with hotties. Fucking unfair!  :'(
Only pathetic beta males will be looking into this kind of shit  ::)

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: on August 18, 2014, 10:36:41 PM
I can really see very few people wanting to utilize this kind of machine. There is something about intimacy with a human that is unique that you don't know exactly what they are going to do even if they know what it is that you like.  

You criticize the product before being completed.
Reminds me of people who though flight was impossible or useless.

There are plenty of people going to cheap prostitutes  and about that kind intimacy , if that pleasures them , then the bots will match it up.

It will never happen, All I see are nerds who have difficulty getting women will be using this sexbots. I'm also guessing it is adjustable to extra small. Probably guys with micro penises would also like it.

Rule number one is never say never.
Numbers from Japan.
According to government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori with an average age of 31
The terms is used for shut-ins.

700k  possible customers if enough for a industry to start and maybe boom with improvements added later on. "Welcome to the N.H.K." is about Hikikomori. Just started watching it on netflix. Not bad.

I saw the series a few years ago , good start but not so much after a few episodes.

Japanese has a very different mindset than the rest of the world. They are also sadistic, maybe they prefer sexbots over real girls so that can they beat it to the pulp no problem.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Wilikon on August 19, 2014, 01:06:36 AM

You've just killed the vibe. Thank you  :-\ Nah! I'll keep watching it...  :D

Sorry for that but that was a personal opinion.
Most people in the reviews said that the second part (it has two seasons) was better but hey...
I'm watching those more for the laughs not waiting for a real story to unfold .

Puru Puru Pururin (

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Timetwister on September 02, 2014, 05:06:42 PM
Another luddite? Please study economics. Serious economics, Austrian Economics. Start with this:

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: peeveepee on September 02, 2014, 05:26:05 PM
I can really see very few people wanting to utilize this kind of machine. There is something about intimacy with a human that is unique that you don't know exactly what they are going to do even if they know what it is that you like. 

Fact is many people spend their day surfing porn.

The sex bot can target this group of people and simulate intimacy with them.

Title: Re: By 2025, ‘sexbots will be commonplace’ – which is just fine, as we’ll all be...
Post by: Fabrizio89 on September 03, 2014, 09:03:39 AM
We may very well have decent sex robots in 2019, even now there are some robots who can move as sinuously as a human, problems are weight and of course price of components. We already have silicone dolls which are so lifelike it's unbelievable, but they cost more than 3000$. Given I worked with people that are in the robotics field, I agree 2025 will most likely be the period when these will be common place, but we already are close to the uncanny valley.

According to government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori with an average age of 31
It's not only Japan who has this problem, in my country, Italy there are so many unemployed young men and women between 18 and 30 that aren't even looking for a job and because of this they are afraid of social interactions or they feel that they don't belong out there. This phenomenon will be much large than you expect.