Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Robert Paulson on August 15, 2014, 07:17:49 PM

Title: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Robert Paulson on August 15, 2014, 07:17:49 PM
and bitcoin is the currency of the internet.
anyone can move to almost any geographic area and work for bitcoin without the sovereign of that geographic area ever knowing,
bitcoin renders geographic governments powerless.

by effectively limiting government power, bitcoin and the internet are the realization of the united states founding father's dream.
and are the real land of the free and the home of the brave.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: CripLib on August 15, 2014, 07:25:20 PM
It's true. I hope that (we) the Bitcoin Community understand our responsibility with this new reality and that so we are able to continue blazing this important path of real freedom to the world.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: CharHill on August 15, 2014, 07:44:15 PM
and bitcoin is the currency of the internet.
anyone can move to almost any geographic area and work for bitcoin without the sovereign of that geographic area ever knowing,
bitcoin renders geographic governments powerless.

by effectively limiting government power, bitcoin and the internet are the realization of the united states founding father's dream.
and are the real land of the free and the home of the brave.

Btc is rising now, it's true, but what is the patriotic delirium???

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Robert Paulson on August 15, 2014, 07:51:08 PM
and bitcoin is the currency of the internet.
anyone can move to almost any geographic area and work for bitcoin without the sovereign of that geographic area ever knowing,
bitcoin renders geographic governments powerless.

by effectively limiting government power, bitcoin and the internet are the realization of the united states founding father's dream.
and are the real land of the free and the home of the brave.

Btc is rising now, it's true, but what is the patriotic delirium???

there is no delirium, every freedom loving person should rejoice that we are out of the paper money system.
no longer robbed by the banks, arbitrarily redistributing purchasing power as they see fit.

it WILL be written in the history books that on the 3rd of January 2009 the nation of the Internet was born.
the date on which Satoshi liberated us from the corrupt paper monetary system, and gave us back the gift of honest money.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Beliathon on August 15, 2014, 08:03:45 PM
it WILL be written in the history books that on the 3rd of January 2009 the nation of the Internet was born.
No my friend. It's not the birth of some new nation that's happening here, it's something much better, something far more important.

It's the beginning of the end of nation-state hegemony.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: lemfuture on August 15, 2014, 08:04:55 PM
only the anonymous side of internet

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Razick on August 16, 2014, 01:41:28 AM
and bitcoin is the currency of the internet.
anyone can move to almost any geographic area and work for bitcoin without the sovereign of that geographic area ever knowing,
bitcoin renders geographic governments powerless.

by effectively limiting government power, bitcoin and the internet are the realization of the united states founding father's dream.
and are the real land of the free and the home of the brave.

But you can still be put in jail...

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: keywi on August 16, 2014, 02:11:59 AM
Interesting that you bring this up with the recent news in the US over Police brutality.  I wonder if Police brutality in the USA will make the population even MORE weary of their government overlords.  Hey... maybe we should use Bitcoin so the state can't afford to fund an army of militarized brutal police?

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: str4wm4n on August 16, 2014, 02:33:34 AM
Wirtland anyone?

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Brewins on August 16, 2014, 02:36:22 AM
Be battle is yet to begin and you claiming victory.

The governments still see Bitcoin as some kind of annoying bug, not like a real treaty, so not many anti-bitcoin moves, yet

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: commandrix on August 16, 2014, 03:05:52 AM
What we really need to do is get used to buying and selling completely with Bitcoin. Even if it means selling a lot of the stuff that has gone unused in our attic on sites like Cryptothrift. Guys, if you have a garden, double its size if possible and, when your harvest starts coming in, slip flyers into the doors of everyone in your community telling them that you're willing to sell your extra produce for Bitcoin. Only then can we start claiming that we're free from the tyranny of the government and the big banks.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: zedicus on August 16, 2014, 05:39:27 AM
and bitcoin is the currency of the internet.
anyone can move to almost any geographic area and work for bitcoin without the sovereign of that geographic area ever knowing,
bitcoin renders geographic governments powerless.

by effectively limiting government power, bitcoin and the internet are the realization of the united states founding father's dream.
and are the real land of the free and the home of the brave.
But you can still be put in jail...
You can't be just put in jail for any reason, there needs to be probably cause that you have committed a serious crime that could result in jail time. If you are held in jail without probably cause then you can file a writ of habeas corpus and will be let out of jail and can file charges against the police department.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: franky1 on August 16, 2014, 06:08:11 AM
You can't be just put in jail for any reason, there needs to be probably cause that you have committed a serious crime that could result in jail time. If you are held in jail without probably cause then you can file a writ of habeas corpus and will be let out of jail and can file charges against the police department.

you live an idealistic lifestyle that has not researched the truth.
there is a documentary called "kids for cash" heres a internet movie database to the documentary

this documentary highlights that judges were paid by prison owners to send kids to their juvenile prison for the most simplest things.
in one case a girl of 12 years old was having a basic hair pulling bitch fight with another girl. usually you would think the school would suspend them, or if the supposed 'victim' reported it to the police, the police would simply interview the girl and given her a warning. but no, she was given 4 years sentence.... 4 years for a standard middle school girl fight that happens day to day. no blood was spilled, no weapons were used.

so do you really think the court is on your side?.. start your research and you will soon learn the law is not on your side.
another example (totally different subject)
it use to be the case that you would have to with force/coercion/ threatening behavior to actually sexually assault (female/male genitalia involved) a person for it to be rape. but now you can b imprisoned just for grabbing a co-worker or any person's ass.

so goodluck next time your in a bar and innocently want to glide your hand against a girls ass as you walk by.

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: bornil267645 on August 16, 2014, 06:10:06 AM
We need to look it as a blessing and try not turn t into a curse 8) 8)

Title: Re: The internet has become its own sovereignty
Post by: Sheldor333 on August 16, 2014, 03:02:54 PM
I hope it gets more and more true every day. But something like that will face many challenges and opponents as long as there are people who see that they could profit from internet if it was not the way it is now.