Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: bitcoinex on August 07, 2010, 01:30:11 AM

Title: request: -server -no-detach (or -nogui) option
Post by: bitcoinex on August 07, 2010, 01:30:11 AM
This option can be useful when you start the server from inittab with respawn option, to be sure that server works, even if a bug or OOM killer from kernel will force server to crash.

Just to ensure continuity of customer service

Title: Re: request: -server -no-detach (or -nogui) option
Post by: throughput on August 09, 2010, 01:22:32 PM
Double that!

Let the sysadmin decide whether to detach the process or not.
man nohup
will save you a lot of code!

Title: Re: request: -server -no-detach (or -nogui) option
Post by: d1337r on August 10, 2010, 06:56:23 AM
There is bitcoind, the headless client, which can be used as a server. Or you mean "make something like 'if bitcoind crashes, restart it automatically?'"?

Title: Re: request: -server -no-detach (or -nogui) option
Post by: throughput on August 10, 2010, 08:54:54 AM
There is bitcoind, the headless client, which can be used as a server. Or you mean "make something like 'if bitcoind crashes, restart it automatically?'"?

He asks for a option for a bitcoind to not fork upon execution and not try to daemonize itself. Believe that or not, daemonizing feature is external to almost any application on UNIX.
Applications that always daemonize require ugly hacks, like that described here to run them in more manageable way, than just manually from a command line.

Use case: restart bitcoind instantly as soon as it or the whole system crashes (and reboots).