Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: patricktim on August 16, 2014, 03:37:49 AM

Title: [2014-08-16] Bitcoin Bulls Get a Buying Opp; Bitcoin Anarchists Declare Their In
Post by: patricktim on August 16, 2014, 03:37:49 AM

Bitcoin’s price fell under $500 on Friday for the first time since May, trading as low as $483, according to CoinDesk. The volume, at more than 13,000 bitcoins traded, is still higher than it’s been in recent months, but it’s down from the 25,000-range it had been in earlier this week. The coins traded as low as $360 in April, so they’re still a ways away from that level. But this is still a very thin, very volatile market. We hear plenty of bitcoin bulls talk about “buying opportunities,” a common bit of market hyperbole. Well, they may be getting one now, unless it turns into a different bit of market hyperbole – the “falling knife.”