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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: zolace on August 16, 2014, 12:42:59 PM

Title: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: zolace on August 16, 2014, 12:42:59 PM
I'd rather sell my organs after I die so my estate can get a fuckton of money and send my body to space so the sun can cremate me. I don't want to donate my liver to some alcoholic for free.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Mr Tea on August 16, 2014, 12:46:29 PM
Then don't donate them and die a cunt. You can't sell them because im guessing it's amoral, not that you probably care about that. I also doubt you'd be able to sell your organs to get enough money to have a space burial.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Rigon on August 16, 2014, 12:50:48 PM
I'd rather sell my organs after I die so my estate can get a fuckton of money and send my body to space so the sun can cremate me. I don't want to donate my liver to some alcoholic for free.
Sell a kidney while your alive. Just obviously dont reveal your selling it, but you can "donate" it after the person sends you a payment no?

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on August 16, 2014, 03:26:38 PM
I'd rather sell my organs after I die so my estate can get a fuckton of money and send my body to space so the sun can cremate me. I don't want to donate my liver to some alcoholic for free.

i can't donate organs or give blood, cause i shared an intravenous needle one time.  toob ad, my liver is pretty good (only drink 3-5 a day)

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: CozyLife on August 16, 2014, 05:25:37 PM
It's sad that you can't, in theory, but keep in mind that the murder rate might go up if someone buys your organs to receive them after you die. You die of a seemly natural cause or get lured into some car crash, no one thinks twice, and low and behold, the person whom you sold your organs to now has their purchase for whatever organ transplant they or a loved one needs.

This world is full of cruel people, so while it might sound like a good idea, it could be blood money, with you winding up being the one who dies.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: johnd7 on August 16, 2014, 05:33:08 PM
organ donation great idea, saves real lifes, you need to find out it with local authorities.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: BADecker on August 16, 2014, 05:38:05 PM
This is one of the most important topics in the world. It is the topic of PRIVATE PROPERTY. Everybody should be allowed, worldwide, to do with his/her own property anything that he/she wants. Unfortunately, there are people who want to control other people and make slaves of them. Often, they won't even let other people HAVE and OWN private property.

This topic is simply another way that the slave-makers are using to gradually take control of other people... and even the whole world.


Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Gleb Gamow on August 16, 2014, 08:18:02 PM
It's sad that you can't, in theory, but keep in mind that the murder rate might go up if someone buys your organs to receive them after you die. You die of a seemly natural cause or get lured into some car crash, no one thinks twice, and low and behold, the person whom you sold your organs to now has their purchase for whatever organ transplant they or a loved one needs.

This world is full of cruel people, so while it might sound like a good idea, it could be blood money, with you winding up being the one who dies.

Murder by accident for kidney donation: Accident occurs at dusk. Examination at crime scene takes place. Body is finally moved to morgue where it sits until...wait for it...person who wants kidney comes forward and declares that the procedure must take place ASAP while body parts are still donorable. See any red flags?

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Brewins on August 16, 2014, 09:11:49 PM
This is why they can it organ donation, not organ trading. They make it to stop people from killing themselves by selling blood, or other things based on the premisse people are idiot and will do idiot things if you let them.

BTW: In Iran you can sell your Kidney when you are alive, it is regulated by the state.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: koshgel on August 16, 2014, 09:36:40 PM
That's a pretty selfish request but who cares at that point. You're dead. Sale or no sale it's not gonna benefit you.

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on August 17, 2014, 08:35:25 PM
Organ donation is gross, and doesn't extend life by that much.  Plus it turns you into Frankenstein

Title: Re: How come I can be an organ donor, but I can't sell my organ once I die
Post by: Bitsaurus on August 17, 2014, 09:42:57 PM
Organ donation is gross, and doesn't extend life by that much.  Plus it turns you into Frankenstein

What are you talking about?  For people with genetic disorders it may not extend their lives that much but for people who have structural problems with an organ like a bad heart valve that can't be repaired once they get transplanted they can live almost like normal.