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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: umair127 on August 20, 2014, 02:43:50 PM

Title: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: umair127 on August 20, 2014, 02:43:50 PM
State Division of Human Rights....only in NY.  Couple has every right to say 'no' in accordance with their beliefs.

Government to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine

Should the government be able to coerce a family farm into hosting a same-sex wedding?

In a free society, the answer is no. Family farms should be free to operate in accordance with the beliefs and values of their owners. Government shouldn’t be able to fine citizens for acting in the market according to their own—rather than the government’s—values, unless there is a compelling government interest being pursued in the least restrictive way possible.

But the New York State Division of Human Rights doesn’t see things this way. On August 8, it fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for acting on their belief that marriage is the union of a man and woman and thus declining to rent out their family farm for a same-sex wedding celebration. The Human Rights Commission ruled that “the nature and circumstances of the [Giffords’s] violation of the Human Rights Law also warrants a penalty.”

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Lethn on August 20, 2014, 02:57:51 PM
To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about governments interfering with these situations, I'd certainly boycott any business or company dickish enough to discriminate against people like that regardless but when it comes to government I'm not sure forcing them to do anything is really going to achieve much, since they're still going to be assholes, I'm also not convinced about whether it's a good idea as a government to support people who are actively discriminating against people either.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Wilikon on August 20, 2014, 03:32:06 PM
State Division of Human Rights....only in NY.  Couple has every right to say 'no' in accordance with their beliefs.

Government to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine

Should the government be able to coerce a family farm into hosting a same-sex wedding?

In a free society, the answer is no. Family farms should be free to operate in accordance with the beliefs and values of their owners. Government shouldn’t be able to fine citizens for acting in the market according to their own—rather than the government’s—values, unless there is a compelling government interest being pursued in the least restrictive way possible.

But the New York State Division of Human Rights doesn’t see things this way. On August 8, it fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for acting on their belief that marriage is the union of a man and woman and thus declining to rent out their family farm for a same-sex wedding celebration. The Human Rights Commission ruled that “the nature and circumstances of the [Giffords’s] violation of the Human Rights Law also warrants a penalty.”

The pink mafia does not care about gay marriage. It only cares about scaring people into submission.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Snail2 on August 20, 2014, 03:44:39 PM
Blast, those gay activists expropriated "pink maffia" as well? I liked better when it meant wife/girlfriend... :(

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: sana8410 on August 20, 2014, 03:54:15 PM
I suppose because they rent to others, they have to be equal in their treatment.  I guess they are a company rather than individuals who own a farm.  I guess that's why the gov believe they can pass down laws.  I hope with the next election these kinds of things will revert themselves.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Snail2 on August 20, 2014, 04:04:34 PM
"When Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked the Giffords to use the facility for a 2012 wedding, Mrs. Gifford, a Christian, said she could only host their reception on the farm, but not the wedding. Weddings typically are conducted on the first floor of the Giffords’ home, and Mrs. Gifford argued the lesbian wedding would “literally hit too close to home...”" (

So I think this stuff abusing religious freedom and property rights as well.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: pedrog on August 20, 2014, 05:12:21 PM
Many governments also interfered with the belief that black people and jews are subhumans and should be segregated.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: RodeoX on August 20, 2014, 05:19:09 PM
She is welcome to host only straight weddings. The issue is that she wants to have a business that won't serve gay people. How bout a an ice cream stand that is for whites only, or a hospital with a sign that says "no Muslims". 

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Wilikon on August 20, 2014, 05:20:20 PM

Yeah! "Gay" is a race now!  ;D

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: pedrog on August 20, 2014, 05:21:24 PM
She is welcome to host only straight weddings. The issue is that she wants to have a business that won't serve gay people. How bout a an ice cream stand that is for whites only, or a hospital with a sign that says "no Muslims". 

No left-handed people allowed!!

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: pedrog on August 20, 2014, 05:25:32 PM
Yeah! "Gay" is a race now!  ;D

You do realize the discrimination and persecution of jews and african people was based on christian beliefs and doctrine, right?

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Wilikon on August 20, 2014, 05:33:59 PM
Yeah! "Gay" is a race now!  ;D

You do realize the discrimination and persecution of jews and african people was based on christian beliefs and doctrine, right?

Of course. and "gay" is a race now. Both can be accurate in 2014...  ;)

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: pedrog on August 20, 2014, 05:37:43 PM
Yeah! "Gay" is a race now!  ;D

You do realize the discrimination and persecution of jews and african people was based on christian beliefs and doctrine, right?

Of course. and "gay" is a race now. Both can be accurate in 2014...  ;)

It's something you have no choice in, just like the genes you have, the place you're born or religious indoctrination...

BTW, Judaism also not a "race", whatever "race" might be...

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Wilikon on August 20, 2014, 05:47:41 PM
Yeah! "Gay" is a race now!  ;D

You do realize the discrimination and persecution of jews and african people was based on christian beliefs and doctrine, right?

Of course. and "gay" is a race now. Both can be accurate in 2014...  ;)

It's something you have no choice in, just like the genes you have, the place you're born or religious indoctrination...

BTW, Judaism also not a "race", whatever "race" might be...

I never said or believed Judaism was a race. Ask Madonna or other who believed in the faith. It is easier to deny being gay or being a Jew than deny being black or asian however. I don't believe in race for humans the same way you can understand the race of dogs, pigs, cats, horses, snakes, etc...

Was the gay gene ever detected? Maybe it was and I missed that news...

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Gimpeline on August 20, 2014, 07:22:02 PM
They have found a candidate to a "gay" gene. On the other hand they have never found any candidate for a Judaism gene, so I'm not sure why you bring that up.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Abdussamad on August 20, 2014, 08:04:38 PM
She is welcome to host only straight weddings. The issue is that she wants to have a business that won't serve gay people. How bout a an ice cream stand that is for whites only, or a hospital with a sign that says "no Muslims". 

A hospital that says 'no muslims' or 'no blacks' is better than one that welcomes people in but then drugs them with contraceptives without their knowledge:

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: TheButterZone on August 20, 2014, 10:13:11 PM
If you don't want to make money, then that's punishment enough.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: jcoin200 on August 20, 2014, 10:54:16 PM
If you don't want to make money, then that's punishment enough.

Not in 0bama and Eric hold3rs vision of america. You do as the gvt dictates.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Mike Christ on August 20, 2014, 11:30:12 PM
Seems okay to me; if you play the game of coercion, it's only fair you should lose at some point.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: countryfree on August 20, 2014, 11:58:07 PM
This isn't about discrimination, it's about the right to choose the people you do business with. I'm on the seaside right now, and I see many shops with signs indicating they don't serve customers without a shirt or shoes. It's also forbidden to sell alcohol to minors, but nobody sees this as discrimination.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: jcoin200 on August 21, 2014, 12:22:07 AM
This isn't about discrimination, it's about the right to choose the people you do business with. I'm on the seaside right now, and I see many shops with signs indicating they don't serve customers without a shirt or shoes. It's also forbidden to sell alcohol to minors, but nobody sees this as discrimination.

Thats exactly correct.  But the govt cannot use that to stir up division within the people.

It's also about the erosion of your freedoms.  You no longer have the right to choose to get healthcare coverage, if they have their way you will lose your right to own a firearm, you right to free speech is being restricted everyday and your right to even have a political opinion is going away (see the CEO of Mozilla who was forced to resign for a measly $1000 contribution).

This falls into that same boat, your right to run YOUR OWN BUSINESS the way you want to, is going away.  This is a sad story for America, no matter what your stance on marriage is.

Title: Re: Gov to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine
Post by: Spendulus on August 21, 2014, 12:02:31 PM
State Division of Human Rights....only in NY.  Couple has every right to say 'no' in accordance with their beliefs.

Government to Farmers: Host Same-Sex Wedding or Pay a $13,000 Fine

Should the government be able to coerce a family farm into hosting a same-sex wedding?

In a free society, the answer is no. Family farms should be free to operate in accordance with the beliefs and values of their owners. Government shouldn’t be able to fine citizens for acting in the market according to their own—rather than the government’s—values, unless there is a compelling government interest being pursued in the least restrictive way possible.

But the New York State Division of Human Rights doesn’t see things this way. On August 8, it fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for acting on their belief that marriage is the union of a man and woman and thus declining to rent out their family farm for a same-sex wedding celebration. The Human Rights Commission ruled that “the nature and circumstances of the [Giffords’s] violation of the Human Rights Law also warrants a penalty.”

Fascist socialism of NY in action.