Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: DavidTheDog on August 21, 2014, 06:59:15 PM

Title: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: DavidTheDog on August 21, 2014, 06:59:15 PM
After my data got corrupted, I rubbed everything out and then  I used v0.9.2.1 to re-synchronize from scratch. It took a long time but it did it and this was completed on 4 August. I ran the software on 16th August and all was OK, and the database was brought up to date.

On 20th August I ran it again. It said it was synchronizing but nothing happened for a few hours after which I went to EXIT. Then it showed a window  "Exception St9bad_alloc  ... Runaway exception".  I closed this window and then another window appeared "MinGW Runtime Assertion ...Assertion failed"   

I tried again today 21st and the same thing happened.

What to do, please ?

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: bitsta on August 21, 2014, 08:08:45 PM
After my data got corrupted, I rubbed everything out and then  I used v0.9.2.1 to re-synchronize from scratch. It took a long time but it did it and this was completed on 4 August. I ran the software on 16th August and all was OK, and the database was brought up to date.

On 20th August I ran it again. It said it was synchronizing but nothing happened for a few hours after which I went to EXIT. Then it showed a window  "Exception St9bad_alloc  ... Runaway exception".  I closed this window and then another window appeared "MinGW Runtime Assertion ...Assertion failed"  

I tried again today 21st and the same thing happened.

What to do, please ?

so you have used your old wallet.dat file on a qt??

p.s. you can simply export your private key(s) to a synced wallet.
(in the wallet-console type "dumpprivkey <yourBTC-ADDR>")


Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: DavidTheDog on August 22, 2014, 09:49:44 AM
Yes. Following instructions from the forum, after I had re-synchronized using Of course, Wallet.dat was then empty.I replaced Wallet.dat with the old Wallet.dat which I had saved. (04 August).

After bringing up to date on 16th Aug, everything seemed OK. The wallet showed what it should do, the synchronization took about 20 minutes. No problems as far as I could see.

Something changed after this. I cannot now synchronize and it is throwing the errors described.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: Dare on August 22, 2014, 06:12:09 PM
Have you tried starting bitcoin-qt with the "-reindex" or "-rescan" parameters? It sounds like something may be corrupted in some way, though it's difficult for me to tell what. Try reloading the backup of your wallet again and/or running a reindex to rebuild the chainstate (it should take a while, be patient) to see if it helps.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: rkinnin on August 22, 2014, 11:35:36 PM
After my data got corrupted, I rubbed everything out and then  I used v0.9.2.1 to re-synchronize from scratch. It took a long time but it did it and this was completed on 4 August. I ran the software on 16th August and all was OK, and the database was brought up to date.

On 20th August I ran it again. It said it was synchronizing but nothing happened for a few hours after which I went to EXIT. Then it showed a window  "Exception St9bad_alloc  ... Runaway exception".  I closed this window and then another window appeared "MinGW Runtime Assertion ...Assertion failed"   

I tried again today 21st and the same thing happened.

What to do, please ?

This happened to me this past Sunday.  On Wed into Thursday I decided to "-reindex" which took forever. 

It seemed to have fixed itself after that though.

All my miners went "south" at the same time my Bitcoin-qt crashed too.  I wonder if there was any correlation?

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: DavidTheDog on August 23, 2014, 11:18:56 AM
OK, I'll try it.

How do you call up this -reindex option ?

Do you run the thing from the command prompt bitcoin-qt.exe-reindex ?

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: BookLover on August 23, 2014, 05:41:22 PM
Just right click on your bitcoin-qt shortcut, select "properties", then add " -reindex" (without the quotes) to the end of the target line.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: Dare on August 23, 2014, 08:32:45 PM
OK, I'll try it.

How do you call up this -reindex option ?

Do you run the thing from the command prompt bitcoin-qt.exe-reindex ?

Yes, running "bitcoin-qt.exe -reindex" from the command line should work. Modifying a shortcut would as well, but you only want to do the reindex once, not every time you start it.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: BookLover on August 23, 2014, 09:26:14 PM
OK, I'll try it.

How do you call up this -reindex option ?

Do you run the thing from the command prompt bitcoin-qt.exe-reindex ?

Yes, running "bitcoin-qt.exe -reindex" from the command line should work. Modifying a shortcut would as well, but you only want to do the reindex once, not every time you start it.
  You can remove the -reindex after you start it, so it's really just personal preference to which you  use.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: DavidTheDog on August 24, 2014, 01:26:38 PM
OK I did this. At 11:10 it was seven days behind. At 14:20 it was eight days behind !

Although I have a couple of hundred dollars in a wallet, this caper is now abandoned.

Title: Re: BTC-qt seems to have stopped working
Post by: Dare on August 26, 2014, 11:12:42 PM
OK I did this. At 11:10 it was seven days behind. At 14:20 it was eight days behind !

Although I have a couple of hundred dollars in a wallet, this caper is now abandoned.

That's normal during a reindex (assuming you started it after 11:10), since it recreates the entire chainstate and transaction history from the beginning of the blockchain. If it was already reindexing and regressed back through the chain, something is probably corrupted and you should redownload the blockchain completely (and possibly reinstall Bitcoin-Qt as well).