Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: DeadCoin on August 23, 2014, 07:04:41 PM

Title: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: DeadCoin on August 23, 2014, 07:04:41 PM
Wake up people already. Bubble can't last much longer, it's game over. You can sell at $500 and get any value out of it, or wait until it goes to zero. Ask yourself, would you rather own 500 dollars (backed by US military and economy) or one Bitcoin (backed by nothing but speculation and held by obscure early miners and adopters). It's so obvious but people always become blind during the mania. If cryptocurrency was ever to live, it wouldn't be bitcoin. Nations can create their own cryptocurrencies, and then your "algorithm agenda" goes down the toilet. Algorithm is basically useless, since it can easily be recreated. Price of bitcoin is nothing but speculative bubble with no fundamentals.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: dropt on August 23, 2014, 07:07:52 PM
^^^--Thread starter

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: bigasic on August 23, 2014, 07:11:59 PM

Im sorry, but that was funny... But to respond to the  op, Dont you realize that there are hundreds of millions in VC money? yes, countries can make their own alt coin, but they will have a tough time to get everyone to accept it. Bitcoin was the first and the rest imitators. Im sure Freddie mac will have their own alt coin very soon, but It wont effect the bitcoin world..

The bitcoin will be very volitile for years, I think. Wait til the infrastructure gets built up, then watch out..

Im sure im talking on deaf ears...

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: EricTyle on August 23, 2014, 07:13:03 PM
Wake up people already. Bubble can't last much longer, it's game over. You can sell at $500 and get any value out of it, or wait until it goes to zero. Ask yourself, would you rather own 500 dollars (backed by US military and economy) or one Bitcoin (backed by nothing but speculation and held by obscure early miners and adopters). It's so obvious but people always become blind during the mania. If cryptocurrency was ever to live, it wouldn't be bitcoin. Nations can create their own cryptocurrencies, and then your "algorithm agenda" goes down the toilet. Algorithm is basically useless, since it can easily be recreated. Price of bitcoin is nothing but speculative bubble with no fundamentals.

Countries have tried. They've all flopped.

AuroraCoin? CzechCrownCoin?

They're all doing so well! So much for our 'algorithm agenda'-

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Ultros on August 23, 2014, 07:16:27 PM

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Milkcookie on August 23, 2014, 07:16:36 PM
the posted pic is not funny at all it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Octavius on August 23, 2014, 07:25:31 PM
the posted pic is not funny at all it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

I agree, immature and no respect for the people.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: alexeft on August 23, 2014, 07:26:57 PM
Ignore list is my friend OP!

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Elwar on August 23, 2014, 07:29:23 PM
I started with Bitcoin 4 years ago. At that time it could be used on a handful of sites.

Now I spend more with bitcoins than I do with fiat. Pulling out my credit card when buying something online is very rare.

Price != Bitcoin

Start using it, the price is irrelevant.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: trader001 on August 23, 2014, 07:30:11 PM
the posted pic is not funny at all it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

I agree.

totally immature and no respect for the people.

Actually, I think it is the TV show trying to make fun of the kid.

Why put the kid under national spotlight?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: dropt on August 23, 2014, 07:30:40 PM
it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

I agree, which is why I didn't state it's OP's fault he's mentally deficient.  

PS:  The word 'retarded' is considered offensive these days.  Please be considerate to those less fortunate than  yourself.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: DeadCoin on August 23, 2014, 07:35:07 PM
the posted pic is not funny at all it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

I agree, immature and no respect for the people.

Don't worry. I don't have a Down syndrome, but most bitcoin investors probably do. How else would you explain buying at $1000 or $800, and expecting price to go as high as $25 000 without fundamentals? Only fundamentals I see in bitcoin are fundaMentals.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Wilhelm on August 23, 2014, 07:43:02 PM
the posted pic is not funny at all it's not the fault of the kid that he is retarded  :-\

I agree, immature and no respect for the people.

The difference between the threadstarter and the kid.

The kid was born that way and can't do anything about it.
The threadstarter chooses to be a retard.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: OgNasty on August 23, 2014, 07:47:47 PM
Ask yourself, would you rather own...backed by US military...or...backed by...adopters.

Why are you here?  Shouldn't you be out working to pay taxes and keep the war machine alive?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: esse83 on August 23, 2014, 07:51:43 PM
I started with Bitcoin 4 years ago. At that time it could be used on a handful of sites.

Now I spend more with bitcoins than I do with fiat. Pulling out my credit card when buying something online is very rare.

Price != Bitcoin

Start using it, the price is irrelevant.

If the price is $0, still irrelevant? How can you use it then. So price not irrelevant? Claiming that the purchasing power of bitcoin is meaningless is a silly statement.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: cookmac on August 23, 2014, 07:53:25 PM
Bitcoin clearly isn't dead. Man speculation sub gets worse and worse.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Wilhelm on August 23, 2014, 07:53:48 PM
I started with Bitcoin 4 years ago. At that time it could be used on a handful of sites.

Now I spend more with bitcoins than I do with fiat. Pulling out my credit card when buying something online is very rare.

Price != Bitcoin

Start using it, the price is irrelevant.

If the price is $0, still irrelevant? How can you use it then. So price not irrelevant? Claiming that the purchasing power of bitcoin is meaningless is a silly statement.

If the price is $0 it can also mean that the dollar is dead.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: mrmousebtc on August 23, 2014, 08:19:32 PM
The falliiing followers are increasing but I'm with my howl religion I won't sell my precious bitcoins, ever.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Ibian on August 23, 2014, 08:32:30 PM
Some of these trolls have got to be paid shills. Tinfoil 8-ball says attempts to spread panic and lower the price for the purpose of cheap accumulation.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: on August 23, 2014, 08:39:54 PM
It is an interesting question, what actually is the motivation to register here and start a thread like this?

Who is behind these accounts and what are they attempting to do?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Odalv on August 23, 2014, 09:10:45 PM

To da elephant :-)

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: grappa_barricata on August 23, 2014, 09:16:00 PM
I started with Bitcoin 4 years ago. At that time it could be used on a handful of sites.

Now I spend more with bitcoins than I do with fiat. Pulling out my credit card when buying something online is very rare.

Price != Bitcoin

Start using it, the price is irrelevant.

So true, people are waiting for their get-rich moment and are missing their get-free one.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Robert Paulson on August 23, 2014, 09:30:24 PM
Wake up people already. Bubble can't last much longer, it's game over. You can sell at $500 and get any value out of it, or wait until it goes to zero. Ask yourself, would you rather own 500 dollars (backed by US military and economy) or one Bitcoin (backed by nothing but speculation and held by obscure early miners and adopters).

you mean the USD backed by 17.7 trillion USD of debt?
i wonder how much of the military will be operational when the paychecks stop coming (or when the soldiers won't be able to buy anything with it due to inflation).
the US economy? you mean the same economy who crashed twice in the last 14 years and is being artificially propped up by QE printing and loans from China and Japan?

yeah, i'll take the unprintable bitcoin anyday.
the USD is dead, abandon the titanic and get on the bitcoin lifeboat.
if not bitcoin at least get on the precious metals lifeboat.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: galbros on August 23, 2014, 09:42:12 PM
I have to agree with Robert, the US military strength is today built on a house of debt and so is inherently unsustainable in its present form.  Couple that with a barely functioning political system and I don't see how that ends well for the USA, though obviously, it will take 20 years or so to really fall apart.

Anyway, that makes me not so down on cryptic early adaptors.  

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: chairforce1 on August 23, 2014, 10:02:34 PM
Wake up people already.

I think you need to wake up buddy. The CEO of bitcoin died in February. It's disgusting how grossly misinformed the general populous is.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Odalv on August 23, 2014, 11:03:42 PM
a) Network total (NT): 220,000,000 Ghash/s
b) best(or one of best) ASIC miner(AM)
  - 3,000 Ghash/s 
  - price $5,400
  - 0.57 watt/Ghash

1.) If we want to build same network with ASICs  then we need 
  NT/AM = 220,000,000 [Ghash/s] / 3,000[Ghash/s] = 70,000 ASIC miners

2.) It will cost  70,000[miners] * $5,400 [USD/miner] = $378 000 000 USD to build this network.

3.) This network consumes  220,000,000[Ghash/s] * 0.6[watt/Ghash/s] = 132,000,000 [watt] = 132,000 kW.
  - if electricity price is $0.25 kW/h then daily mining costs 132,000[kW] * $0.25[kW/h] * 24[h] = $792,000 USD/DAY (we daily spend on electricity)
  - and if we mine 4,000 BTC daily then electricity for mining ONE bitcoin costs:  $792,000[USD] / 4,000BTC = $198 USD/BTC (only electicity)

4) one ASIC will mine AM/NT * 3,6000[BTC/DAY] = 3,000[Ghash/s] / 220,000,000[Ghash/s] * 3,600 [BTC/DAY] = 0.05 BTC/DAY.
  - initial cost  of asic $5,400 (10 BTC)  =>  10BTC/0.05[BTC/DAY] = 200 DAYs 

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Odalv on August 23, 2014, 11:16:13 PM
Bitcoin is not dead ! To mine one it will costs you only $200 USD/BTC (of electricity) if you have best ASIC miner. But you have to pay your initial investment of $5,400 USD. And you are limited to mine only 0.05 BTC/DAY

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: simon28 on August 23, 2014, 11:33:55 PM
Bitcoin is not dead ! To mine one it will costs you only $200 USD/BTC (of electricity) if you have best ASIC miner. But you have to pay your initial investment of $5,400 USD. And you are limited to mine only 0.05 BTC/DAY

Where did you get those figures from?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Odalv on August 23, 2014, 11:41:23 PM
Where did you get those figures from?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Ibian on August 23, 2014, 11:46:45 PM
Bitcoin is not dead ! To mine one it will costs you only $200 USD/BTC (of electricity) if you have best ASIC miner. But you have to pay your initial investment of $5,400 USD. And you are limited to mine only 0.05 BTC/DAY

Where did you get those figures from?
Wow. Read the damn thread. Or at least the last few posts.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: bigasic on August 24, 2014, 12:17:49 AM

Is that real? If it is, WOW! Being its the op's first post, he's gotta be someone that wants it to dump so he can buy back in since he panic sold. Im sure there are tons of them here, trying to spread panic. But, if you look at the volume, its very thin, so it wont take much to bring us back.. This is just another bump in the road..

Edit: Just looked it up.. that picture is false.. it was a satire for a tv show...

Now, this is real.. Its from the french version, but the question was "what rotates around the earth Moon, sun, Venus, mars?" He chose the sun, as he asked the audience and the audience chose it as well, probably because he was too stupid to know the right answer, lol..

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: falllling on August 24, 2014, 03:07:18 AM
Wake up people already. Bubble can't last much longer, it's game over. You can sell at $500 and get any value out of it, or wait until it goes to zero. Ask yourself, would you rather own 500 dollars (backed by US military and economy) or one Bitcoin (backed by nothing but speculation and held by obscure early miners and adopters). It's so obvious but people always become blind during the mania. If cryptocurrency was ever to live, it wouldn't be bitcoin. Nations can create their own cryptocurrencies, and then your "algorithm agenda" goes down the toilet. Algorithm is basically useless, since it can easily be recreated. Price of bitcoin is nothing but speculative bubble with no fundamentals.

agreed, bitcoin is going to nowhere but down! drop your hope and sell to cut loose now!

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: btcxyzzz on August 24, 2014, 08:48:27 AM
Wow, what a utter complete bullshit topic. OP, you're in for the prize. 1st prize among all the retarded trolls I saw here, so far.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: simon28 on August 24, 2014, 10:21:10 AM

I mean where did you get the figures from for the post quoted below?

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Ayers on August 24, 2014, 03:01:45 PM
Bitcoin is not dead ! To mine one it will costs you only $200 USD/BTC (of electricity) if you have best ASIC miner. But you have to pay your initial investment of $5,400 USD. And you are limited to mine only 0.05 BTC/DAY

this depend what it's your cost of electricity, i don't think is profitable at all right now, for some country with high cost of it

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: giveBTCpls on August 24, 2014, 03:28:56 PM
If a lot of people stop mining, it means those that do continue mining will get a bigger slice of the pie. Some guys seem to not get it. It's all mathematically studied to not fail or enter dead end territories. Satoshi was a legit genius. Enjoy your 2050 FIAT crash and BTC at ridiculous all time highs.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Coinfan on August 24, 2014, 07:36:41 PM
This drop has nothing to do with fundamentals. The fundamentals (users, miners, Ghash/s, merchants) were never as good as they are now.

This drop is technical. We went a lot up, too much for the fundamentals, now we are going down and, as always, we are going down much more than what we should taking in account the fundamentals.

But the market is crazy, we just have to take advantage of that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: seventhgear on August 24, 2014, 07:50:59 PM
In my opinion the downtrend will break within some weeks, the good news will affect the price sooner or later...

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: ElectricMucus on August 24, 2014, 08:10:18 PM
Some of these trolls have got to be paid shills. Tinfoil 8-ball says attempts to spread panic and lower the price for the purpose of cheap accumulation.
Just bored enough to make fun about Internet Funnymoney.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: botany on August 25, 2014, 12:49:13 AM
Some of these trolls have got to be paid shills. Tinfoil 8-ball says attempts to spread panic and lower the price for the purpose of cheap accumulation.

Believing that posts here would impact prices sufficiently? Not so smart.  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: isov on August 25, 2014, 12:56:46 AM
Just bought some more couple days ago! Got some around 460$, probably an ok deal.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: Coinfan on August 25, 2014, 02:54:09 AM
Bitcoin can be called many things, but it's no "funnymoney", not even easy money.

Those that were liquidated and lost everything or are now losing 50% on their investment know that very well.

And the ones that are on profit also know it's no "funnymoney". A few are millionaires.

Title: Re: Bitcoin is dead
Post by: carla17 on August 25, 2014, 06:27:58 AM
I don't think so ;)