Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 08, 2011, 11:35:22 AM

Title: Group buying bitcoins.
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2011, 11:35:22 AM
I had a thought that if you have a fixed cost way of transferring money overseas you could pool with other people to make the individual cost lower.

For instance at check2btc (one of my sites -full disclosure) ( -

The fixed costs are conversion fees and sending the bank checks. Instead of one person paying $20 you could have 10 people who pay $2.

This would need something like a groupon where if you get enough people to sign up for a deal they get a massive discount.

Would group buying like this be a valuable service for bitcoins?

Example-wire transfers. If 20 people send 1 wire transfer to mt gox they would each only have to pay a $5 receiving fee there.

Groupbtc ftw.

If we have an agent in each country who collects money at their bank and does 1 wire transfer when there are enough deposits it would be a unique service. If the agent gets shut down another would pop up. The agents would probably need to pay some form of bond or have a high wot rating.